Beastly Pleasures Erotica Story Bundle (Featuring Ten Blazing Hot Monster Stories)

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Beastly Pleasures Erotica Story Bundle (Featuring Ten Blazing Hot Monster Stories) Page 2

by Christie Sims

  He took the haunch in his, surprisingly agile, front talons and hooked the tip of his beak into the skin, ripping it cleanly from the meat beneath in one powerful stroke. Once skinned, the gryphon used the same beak to snip off sections of the red muscle from the bone, turning to deposit them in her grateful hands.

  Jenrive felt something warm inside her as this seemingly cold-hearted creature helped her prepare her meal. She got to the business of roasting the meat as soon as she had several portions in her hand, burning her fingers in eagerness to eat them when they had cooked.

  The young woman reclined before the fire and belched in contentment. A rumbling came from behind her and she wondered if it might have been laughter, “To your liking then?” His deep voice cut through the darkening cave.

  “Yes.”Jenrive replied simply, “Thank you.”

  “It is nothing.” She heard the hiss of his feathers as he shifted, gaining his feet and crossing to where she sat, “I was surprised you did not run away when I left.” The gryphon told her, “Surprised and pleased.”

  “Didn't see much point in running away,” she replied, not fully grasping what he had said, “I'm sure you could chase me down before I got quarter of a mile.” He actually nodded, a peculiarly human gesture. It was only then Jenrive registered his words. Pleased? Why pleased? The first answer seemed to be the most likely; he wanted to fuck her again.

  “Oh, by the way, your brother is safe at home.” The gryphon dropped that piece of information into her ear in an almost amused voice.

  “What?” Jenrive spluttered, sitting up, “How can you know that?” She was skeptical yet hopeful as she stared into his great, hawk-like eye.

  “I followed your trail back from where I took you yesterday and picked up his scent. Once I had that, I determined he had doubled back for your home and followed his trail to make sure.” The gryphon stretched and flapped his wings, making the fire flare up and dance, “I could see him and your mother, I suppose it must have been, working in the garden of a house not too far from the edge of that small town just east of my lands.”

  Jenrive considered this as she stared at the gryphon. Why did he even bother? She wondered, “How did you know it was him?” She asked.

  A rumble issued from the gryphon's beak and he answered, “He is a smaller copy of you.” She smiled, having heard this same comment from many others before. So he did go back home. Jenrive thought, I hope he got a beating for leading me off here.

  “Are you willing?” The gryphon asked, eying her.

  “Willing...?” The question died on her lips. Willing to get used again is what he means. She thought, but recalled the way he had made her feel earlier. “Even if I'm not, you'll just ravage me.” She told him.

  “Would you prefer it that way?” His inquiry made her splutter and he nuzzled up against her, his feathery warmth penetrating through the skin she still had wrapped around her.

  Gently reaching up with one talon he stripped the animal skin away, leaving her completely naked before his gaze. Embarrassment flared up in her and she tried to hold a hand across her small, round breasts while covering her pubis with her other.

  “Let me see you.” He commanded. Jenrive complied instantly, hating and loving at the same time how he could control her. “You fire my blood like no other ever has!” The gryphon declared, making a heat flare up inside her.

  He reached forward with his beak and stroked the sharp-tipped organ all over her naked flesh. His attention sent tingles across her flesh, up her spine and caused her nipples to harden and ache.

  Jenrive moaned as he carried on, wrapping her arms around his feathered neck and tugging gently on his plumage. She squeaked as he lifted her, supporting her ass with one foreleg as he leaped nimbly into the nest. Placing her down, he used his foot to pin her down, his talons locking around her throat and shoulders as he opened his beak, revealing a long, dark purple tongue.

  He teased her breasts and nipples with his slick, warm tongue, the heated flesh inside his beaked mouth feeling sensational against her flesh. Liquid heat began pooling in her belly as arousal shot through her and she looked down his abdomen to see the cock she wanted inside her.

  Ramrod straight and as thick as her forearm, the gryphon's cock was erect because of her. It tapered to a dull point at the tip and was the same color as the tongue which he was working down her body towards her wet pussy.

  A shock of pleasure shot through her as his hot tongue hit her clit and she called out as he began to lap at her cunt. The tip of his beak pressed into her belly, holding her still and owning her body as he pressed the tip of his tongue on top of the hardened bud of her clit.

  She could feel her body tightening as her orgasm approached and she writhed under his grip, moaning loudly as he carried on licking at her most intimate parts.

  At the peak of her delight, she came, shouting into the cave as waves of pleasure flooded her system and her cunt muscles clenched, “Ah! Gods that was good!” She cried out when she was able to speak. The gryphon said nothing as he released his grip on her and altered his position, bringing his large member closer to her.

  Jenrive shifted, lifting her legs and rolling her hips back to allow him in. She wrapped her legs around him, feeling the fur of his lower half against her calves, then grabbed his cock with one hand, guiding it to her aching pussy.

  Jenrive gasped as his thick hardness slid deeply inside her. The gryphon was a great deal gentler than before and she savored every inch of him against the strained walls of her pussy.

  Slowly, almost reverently, the gryphon began to rock his panther-like hips, dragging his cock from within her body and plunging it back in as far as he could. Almost as soon as he had begun, Jenrive felt her orgasm beginning, the veins in his cock scraping over her g-spot sending pleasure soaring throughout her body.

  Jenrive was grunting like an animal herself as the gryphon powered his cock in and out of her soaking, burning cunt. Her hands reached up and grabbed handholds of feathers, squeezing and tugging them as her orgasm made her explode around his meat column.

  Unbelievably, the gryphon managed to increase his pace, slamming himself up and into her pussy time and time again, the muscles of his cock grinding against the muscles of her pussy taking them both to heights of pleasure.

  She thrashed and screamed as her third orgasm crested a wave of pure delightful power. Jenrive felt something squirt from inside her with the crazy feelings he gave her and the gryphon pulled his cock completely from inside her allowing her ejaculation to soak the furs of his nest.

  She discovered he had been about to come himself as his hot, thick semen splashed across her belly and over her tits. The gryphon howled his pleasure while he ejaculated spurts of hot come splashing all over her body and in her face.

  The human and gryphon panted and Jenrive laughed a little.

  “What?” He panted.

  “I wasn't expecting that!” She answered, wiping the come from her cheeks.

  “Ah,” he actually sounded embarrassed, “I am sorry about that. Maybe you should go wash.”

  “You think?” Jenrive asked in a mock serious tone as she scrambled from the nest on shaking legs.

  Once she was back the gryphon dumped a bundle of cloth at her feet, her torn clothing,

  “If you dress yourself, I will return you to your family,” he told her, “If you wish it?” He phrased this as a question, allowing her to make a choice.

  “I think I've got just about all I need here.” Jenrive answered, climbing back into the nest and arranging the furs around her.

  The End

  Lost in New Jersey

  Aussie had been nodding off for the past hour of the car ride and it was only when she had finally given up fighting sleep that she had fully woken up. Liz had never been the most confidence inspiring driver and Aussie was certainly not the most confident of passengers so the past hour had been more than eventful to say the least.

  “Are you awake?” Liz looked over from
the driver’s seat.

  “Yeah.” Aussie pushed herself upright using the glovebox as leverage. “I can't get comfortable anyway.” She contemplated telling Liz that the reason that she couldn't get comfortable was because of Liz’s lack of driving skills, but not wanting to start yet another argument she simply left it at that.

  “Wanna play a game?” Liz would forever be an optimist and it wasn't that Aussie was a pessimist but when she had spent the last two days on a road trip and she had been the one doing the majority of the driving, she just wasn't up for games like eye spy.

  “Not really. Can we put the radio on instead?” Aussie didn't wait for an answer, instead she reached over and pushed the power button and started seeking through the radio stations.

  “You won't find any.” Liz said cheerily. “I searched through them all a couple of times a few miles back. Apparently we’re in the middle of nowhere and they don't have radio stations out here.”

  "Urgh, I knew I should have rented a car, at least then we would have satellite radio.” Aussie continued pushing buttons on the radio in hopes that she would find one radio station that had miraculously slipped through the dense tree canopy.

  “I don't think it's been so bad, I mean it's not like we’ve broken down or anything. Besides, we have CD’s and you can plug your iPod in?” Aussie shot a look of utter disgust over at Liz.

  “I told you, I forgot my charging cord, I can't listen to my iPod at all until I get a new one. Are you sure you didn't bring one?”

  “I don't have one.” Liz said nonchalantly as she kept her eyes fixated on the road. Aussie contemplated the ridiculousness of this statement and as she did she heard an explosive bang followed by a sputtering and a screech.

  Liz stood at the side of the road with her head buried under the hood of the car. The headlights streamed in to the darkness parting a light fog and Aussie stood leaning against the car’s front wing.

  “I guess I spoke too soon?” She looked up, her face already streaked with oil.

  “You think?” Aussie had no time or patience for stupidity and while this wasn't necessarily stupidity it was certainly aggravating and under the circumstances would do just as nicely for a reason to get angry.

  “Well, I'm not exactly sure what’s going on here.” She wiped her hands on the thighs of her jeans and bit the side of her bottom lip thoughtfully. Aussie wanted to say something along the lines of asking where she got her mechanics degree but she refrained, if only because she was distracted by the sound of an oncoming car. The engine sounded quite loud and Aussie could see the headlights breaking through the fog before the car even came in to sight. When the car finally did come in to sight it was a large black car, an older model, something Aussie could picture from a 1940’s movie, with large front wings and bulbous headlights. She waved as politely as she could, hesitantly at first, knowing full well that she could be inviting any amount of trouble in to her life, but also knowing that she could be inviting just as much by staying exactly where she was.

  "Hello…” Aussie stepped forward as the black car rolled to a stop and one of the back windows rolled down. A puff of smoke floated out in to the night air and the end of a cigarette appeared briefly in the window. “I wonder if you might help us? You see our car has broken down and we don't actually know where we are and…” The person inside the car seemed to say something but Aussie couldn't make out the words. She stepped closer. “I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that.” The person spoke again. Aussie still didn't manage to catch the whole thing but she did manage to catch the half of the statement that invited them in to the car. “Thank you that would be very nice of you. Liz, come on!” Aussie gestured as she pulled at the door handle and slid in to the back seat of the car.

  The driver of the car was hidden behind a partition that was so tinted there may as well have been no one there at all. As she slipped in to the back seat of the car, Aussie found herself in the company of two gentlemen, the younger of the two who wore a cream colored suit with a matching hat and held a martini glass in one hand, and the older of the two, who wore a dark suit and appeared not to be drinking. The older of the two did, however, smoke like a chimney.

  “Thank you so much for helping us!” Liz was, as always more boisterous than the occasion called for and Aussie could see the looks of exasperation on the faces of their new friends already. “Can you imagine if we had been stuck out there all night? What if the New Jersey Devil had got us or something?” Surprisingly this comment elicited exuberant laughter from both of the men in the car, Aussie hadn't found it funny at all. Despite their laughter though, the men didn't speak they just smiled and nodded. In fact, Aussie noted, they didn't seem to speak again at all until the car came to a complete stop in front of a large stone estate.

  The door to the car opened and what Aussie only assumed was the driver of the car assisted each of them out individually.

  “The masters have asked that I set you up with a room for the night, our mechanic will be called to fix your vehicle in the morning.” The driver was quite expressionless as he spoke but all the same Liz smiled and nodded thankfully.

  “That's incredibly generous, thank you so much…” Liz had turned to thank both of the men herself only to find that they had both disappeared from view. “Oh…”

  “Come with me, it is late. Let me show you to your rooms so that you may retire.” The driver’s way of speaking was quite peculiar and while it didn't seem to faze Liz, Aussie found herself feeling as though she had been sucked in to a time warp.

  “Thank you.”

  The driver led them from the car and up a set of stone steps guarded on either side by two gothic gargoyles. Liz pointed at them ecstatically as they passed by and mouthed the words ‘so cool’ to Aussie who tried her best to ignore her.

  At the top of the steps stood a butler, dressed in all black and holding open the large wooden front door. His face was quite expressionless as he stood watching them file past as though this type of thing was an everyday occurrence. Liz smiled at him too.

  "If you wouldn't mind waiting here ma’am.” The driver looked at Aussie and nodded toward a couch that sat in the great entrance hall in front of a tall fireplace. “I will show Miss to her room and then I will return for you.” Aussie contemplated this thought for a moment and while the idea that splitting up wasn't necessarily a good idea did pop in to her head, she reevaluated her skepticism when she realized that they would, after all be spending the night here.

  “Sure.” She sat on the corner of the large couch, a small puff of dust rising as she did. The butler pretended not to notice.

  Aussie was just about to go looking for Liz when the driver appeared behind her as if out of nowhere.

  “My apologies for the delay.” Aussie found it odd that no explanation of the delay was offered but thought perhaps it was a delay of personal matters that occurred after Liz had settled in to her room so she didn't ask.

  “That’s okay. Shall we go?” The driver nodded and Aussie stood up from the couch wiping the thin layer of dust from her hand on to the thigh of her jeans.

  Aussie could already feel tiredness beginning to set in as she followed the driver up the stairs and by the time that she finally sank in to the luxurious four poster king sized bed she could barely hold her eyes open. The mattress was much softer than anything she had ever felt before and the sheets felt as if they were made of pure silk. As her head touched the pillow she could feel her eyes closing and her body beginning to slide effortlessly in to a dream. As dreams crept in, Aussie could feel snaking vines growing around her ankles, she must be in a garden’ she thought as the vines began to grow longer, taking over her wrists now too. Soon Aussie found that her ankles and wrists too were bound by the sticky green vines that had grown so rapidly around her and she could feel her heartbeat growing faster. It's just a dream, she heard her voice say from within as she struggled against the vines. It's just a dream she told herself as the vines pulled tighter and with them pull
ed her long slender legs further apart. She gasped.

  Forcing open her eyes Aussie could see darkness, was this a dream, was she still dreaming or was she awake? She tugged her arms, testing for restraints. She felt a pull as she tugged them, they were restrained, her ankles too. She waited for her eyes to adjust, to give her some idea of just where she was, waking or dreaming, alive or dead.

  “Hello?” Her voice came quietly as if a whisper was all she was capable of.

  “Be quiet little one.” A deep, gravelly voice came from a corner of the room that was shrouded in darkness. “No one can hear you anyway.” These words were followed by a small chuckle, not one meant with sinister intentions so much as one that indicated the humor in the futility of it all. “It's just you…and…me.” The voice got closer as he spoke and with the last word, Aussie could feel fingers on her ankles, brushing over the clinging vines that held her in place. Still she couldn't be sure if this was a dream or if it was real. She felt long fingernails run from her ankle up to the top of the outside of her thigh. The nails were sharp but not painful and as they neared the top of her thigh she couldn't help but draw her breath sharply inward. “Mmm, do you like that?” Aussie didn't know what to say. She didn't know what this thing wanted her to say, she could still barely see whatever it was that was touching her. Whatever it was though, it's skin had a certain warmth and coldness to it at the same time, a sensation that spread a tingling sensation wherever it touched.


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