Beastly Pleasures Erotica Story Bundle (Featuring Ten Blazing Hot Monster Stories)

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Beastly Pleasures Erotica Story Bundle (Featuring Ten Blazing Hot Monster Stories) Page 10

by Christie Sims

  “What are you becoming?” She dared to stammer out this question before even realizing that she had actually spoken out loud but once she realized that she had, her eyes widened in horror. Again Dan’s head turned, only this time it turned to the other side as he examined her face as though searching for the correct answer to give her. The answer never came however, because as he stood before her with his neck craned to one side, Claire witnessed the one human form of Dan beginning to change in to something much less human like. As the change began Claire was assaulted by the sounds of tearing fabric, material forced open by the stretching and shaping of large almost goat like hind limbs that now supported Dan. The skin that sheathed them was a deep pink, almost purple and wrinkled and between the two thighs hung a large throbbing cock with a gleaming red head. As she looked upward, Claire saw an elongated face that bore the same wrinkles that marked the two hind legs and two nubs of horns that were planted directly over the two sole less eyes that continued to stare at her. She couldn't look away. The was something about those eyes that dragged her in, those eyes that were once white and gleamed with red that now shone gold with hints of redness as dark as fresh blood. She wanted so badly to turn away. He sneered at her and his large nostrils flared.

  Dan stepped forward, at first a little unsteady on his new hind legs, but his eyes focused on her pussy, his prize. Claire could see his cock growing as he stepped closer and she knew what he wanted from her. She knew that there was no getting out without giving him what he wanted. She lowered herself to the floor, the cold ground hard against her bare ass. She kept her eyes on him as she leaned back against the wall, watching him approach her and slowly she spread her legs for him. She watched his eyes glint, a sparkle of something mischievous and in seconds she knew just what it was because the creature dropped to all fours and bounded toward her, his thick cock bobbing as he ran. As she watched him, mesmerized by the bouncing of his member, she could feel her own excitement grow until he met her with his tongue. There was no gentle tease as Dan’s tongue touched her, rather his slender serpent like tongue slid deep inside her instantaneously and she could not help but cry out in pleasure.

  “Oh God!” Dan’s eyes flicked up to meet her gaze as his tongue snaked deeper inside her, deeper than any man’s tongue had ever gone before. She could feel him tantalizing her, stroking every inch of her delicious pink pussy. He smiled against her and with his tongue still inside her he spoke.

  “Your God can't save you now.” As he spoke his tongue flicked deeper inside her and made her cry out against him. Never had she imagined that she would give in to such a creature but the flickering of his tongue, the way he moved inside her and touched her with that mouth. The way he dared her to dance on the side of the devil with that glint in his eye. He closed his lips around her pussy lips and sucked her, letting his tongue undulate over her clitoris, massaging her and leaving her aching. He watched her for a second before pulling back, reeling his long tongue from deep inside her and then standing and leaning over her. His eyes glinted as he watched her and Claire swore for a moment that she could see Dan inside those eyes, but no sooner had she seen him than he was gone once again and she was looking back in to the eyes of a demon. The creature growled, a deep and demonic growl as he squatted down using his powerful thighs to balance his weight. Claire could feel his breath coming fast against her skin now and in one swift movement she felt his thick red tipped cock force it's way deep into her tight pussy. She had never felt a cock so thick filling her up before and the instant and sudden stretching hurt so badly yet felt so incredibly good at the same time that it made her want to cum almost instantaneously.

  “Ahhh!” The creature locked it's eyes on her as he thrust deeper inside her, the base of his cock now grinding against her, rubbing the soft skin of her pussy as he worked himself in deeper, finding the perfect place to plant his demon seed. His fat cock head stroking every sensitive nerve fiber of her being and pushing her closer to the edge with every thrust he made in to her sweet snatch.

  “Give your pleasure to me!” The creature’s voice seemed to echo now, a deep booming voice with a growling undertone that demanded from her more than requested with force. Claire knew that she had little choice in the matter but with her perfect pussy crammed so tightly with his monstrous throbbing cock she wanted nothing more than to give in to her pleasure anyway. She felt herself becoming tighter with every thrust of his cock inside her, she heard her sweet wetness sucking him in for more and she watched as beads of sweat dripped from his tinted skin with each grunting thrust in to her.

  “Oh fuck!” She wanted to scream his name, to say more but the reality of it was that she didn't even know who she was fucking and to be honest she didn't really care because this was the biggest and most incredible dick she had ever had the pleasure of fucking. Every single thrust hit her g-spot and pulled her tighter until she was sure she was going to explode. And then it happened. Claire felt as if her entire body was being torn in two as incredible ripples of pleasure began to shoot through her, her pussy suckled desperately at his cock, begging for his demon seed to spill inside her. As Claire toppled over the edge of the precipice she felt the creature fall too, his cock began to shudder and within seconds a tidal wave of his demon seed flooded inside her, filling her pussy before it began to spill out in to a puddle on the floor. With as fast as the demon filled her, Claire couldn’t control her own orgasm, her pussy throbbed like never before, taking her to heights she had never reached as she slid around in pools of the creatures thick warm seed.

  With one last thrust the creature withdrew his cock from Claire’s pussy and let his last flood of cum spray all over her naked stomach. She watched with a gleam in her eye as the creature man handled his juicy red headed cock before looking at her with a mischievous grin. As she looked back at this strange looking demon that had somehow possessed Dan, she had a feeling that this wasn't the first time that this had happened to him. She also had the feeling that this wasn't going to be the last time that she made him bring her down here to do a little exploring!

  The End

  The Passage

  It wasn't that Rose didn't know that the basement door was there, it was simply that she had never been brave enough to open it before. For as long as she had lived with her grandfather the door had been nailed shut and he had forbidden it from being opened.

  “Rosemary,” he had said, “there are stories that this house could tell you that would break your heart. Some doors we leave closed for a reason.” And he always just left it at that and Rose didn't question him. Rose had never really questioned him at all.

  When she was six years old, Rose had gone to live with her grandfather, a widower, in his large stone estate. Both of her parents had been killed in a car accident and from the instant that he took her in to his care, her grandfather became her everything.

  It wasn't until he was ninety two years old that Rose finally had to submit to the pleas of his doctors and put her grandfather in to a nursing home. She had always sworn that she wouldn't but it was ultimately her fear that he would burn down the house with both of them in it that made the decision for her. Still, she made sure to visit him every day and always brought him a little something from home be it a muffin, a cookie or simply a book from his library shelf. It didn't ease her own loneliness at home, but it did seem to make him feel all the more comfortable in his new home.

  “You promise me, Rosemary…” He clasped her hand in his own trembling hands as he spoke in a rare moment of lucidity, “you respect our home, you take care of her and she will care for you.” Rose nodded with a smile, the way she did every time he gave her this speech. Her grandfather had always seen the house as a person, someone who had cared for him after her grandma died and before she had come along.

  “I will.” She squeezed his hand and pulled a blanket up over his lap before kissing his head. “Now get some rest, I will be back tomorrow and if you promise not to give your nurses a hard time over your pi
lls in the morning I’ll even sneak you in some licorice.” He smiled at her, a conspiring smile and then nodded while tapping the side of his nose with a wink.

  On the way home, Rose picked up three different bags of licorice candy. She couldn't remember which type was her grandfather’s favorite but thought that with a little of each she might have better luck at picking one he liked.

  When she pulled up to the big house, the darkness was already coming down and she kicked herself for not pushing her grandfather harder to install automated lighting systems and added it to her mental list of things to do.

  This house always seemed so much more imposing by night, the large turrets and the wrought iron fences. Rose wondered what the original owners had in mind for the place when they had originally built it, it resembled something from a 1950’s horror TV, a cross between The Exorcist and The Munsters. Rose knew nothing about the houses history though and her grandfather had always been very tight lipped about its previous owners, although she got the impression that he certainly know much more than he let on. There was no intriguing air of mystery about it though, rather, a feeling of palpable dread, something you knew that you didn't want to know and yet you couldn't help but wonder about anyway. Rose tried her best not to imagine.

  As she flicked on the hallway light, Rose saw a brief shadow fade in to the corner of the room. Shaking her head she walked through to the kitchen and put the bag of candy on the table. Even without her grandfather home, the house felt like he had never left, there was something about the place that made it feel as though it was part of him or he were part of it. Not as though the house were built for him, but as though the house were a shelter pet cast aside in a pound where, in its final moment, her grandfather had stepped in and by some miracle stayed the hand of the executioner. It was almost as though the house knew, as though there was a bond that existed between the two. Rose shook her head at the ridiculousness of her own thoughts and pulled open the refrigerator in search of dinner. She settled for a cold pork chop and applesauce to stave off the hunger and at least justify a bowl of ice cream later.

  Rose ate her feeble excuse for a dinner while standing at the kitchen counter and flipping through piles of junk mail. As she flipped through the endless coupons for toothpaste and deodorant, Rose couldn't help but feel as though she was being watched. It wasn't the type of feeling where you knew that someone was standing directly behind you, staring straight at you and boring a hole in to the back of your head, no, this was more surreptitious than that. This felt like something was clinging to the old roof rafters, hiding in the shadows, only daring to peek in her direction when she didn't have a chance of catching them.

  “I know you’re there…” She muttered out loud. She didn't, in fact, know that anyone was there, but her grandfather had always taught her to confront her fears head on. “You might think you are being quite cunning, but the fact of the matter is that I know you are there.” She took the last bite of food from her plate and placed the dinner plate and silverware carefully in to the sink before turning casually in the direction of the mysterious spy. “Suit yourself. Stay there all night if you like.” Rose flipped the switch to the light and began toward the living room before realizing that she had left her phone next to the bag of candy on the kitchen table. As she stepped back in to the kitchen to grab her phone she saw a dim light coming from underneath the basement door.

  For as long as she could remember that door had stood in the corner of the kitchen, nailed shut, with no light around it, under it or over it. Tonight though there was a faint glow as though someone had switched on a light on the other side of the door. She reached out for the door handle, willing herself to open it, knowing that for as long as she could remember it had been locked. The handle moved slowly, giving way to her hand, she could feel the years of rust falling away on the other side of the door. Slowly the hinge creaked and the thick wooden door creaked open.

  Rose knew better than to take a single step down those stairs but as she stood bathed in the dim glow of that light something invited her down those stairs. The same beady eyes that had been watching her from the rafters were now watching her from the darkness below, inviting her, luring her in to the darkness. Rose knew she shouldn't go, she didn't want to go…but she couldn't help herself as she took each of the creaking wooden stairs one at a time. She had tried to face whatever it was that was dragging her down, she had tried to show it that she was not afraid but something about this thing…something about it already had its claws in her.

  There was a hiss from the darkness at the bottom of the stairs. Rose could see nothing past the single naked light bulb that hung swinging from the ceiling in the stairwell. Her eyes struggled to adjust. She wanted to face her fear once again, to be brave, to cry out, but something told her that this wasn't the right choice this time. She stayed silent and the hiss came again. This time Rose could see two beady eyes glinting through the darkness, she strained to focus on them. She could make out nothing but the two small eyes staring back at her and the damp hissing noise aimed in her direction. She stood her ground, just a step or two in to the darkness, just barely out of reach of the naked light bulb. Her eyes still strained to make out the rest of the creature in the darkness, it hissed again, only this time it seemed to hiss away from her in to a direction that seemed to be very far away. It sounded as though the creature had leaned in to a very deep hole as this time it sought attention from something else. Rose hadn't the courage to wonder what that something else might be but she soon found out when what sounded like an army of hissing creatures began to approach. Rose turned to the stairs, but no sooner had she turned, she could feel their claws against her skin. As the naked light flashed she caught sight of the red skinned creatures, their sharp red claws and long pointed tails, their pointed teeth that clenched when they laughed and their demon voices that hissed when they conspired to tear at her clothes.

  Rose stood in the border between light and dark, those red skinned creatures scratching and scraping at her pale flesh. They clambered over each other, climbing higher up her legs, their voices hissing as they chanted together something Rose couldn't understand. As the demons chanted something seemed to chant back from the hole, the passage from where the creatures had emerged. The mysterious noise got louder, it became a whooshing noise, almost deafening, knocking Rose to the floor. As she fell backwards the small demons wasted no time clambering further up her legs, tugging at the hem of her skirt. Rose felt their small sharp fingernails scratching at her skin, their teeth biting at her flesh as they crawled their way under her skirt, touching her warm thighs with their burning hot skin. Rose could feel the hard concrete of the floor beneath her, pressing against her back as a warm earthy scent came wafting through the passage carrying with it that whooshing sound that began to turn her sense of direction upside down.

  Rose stretched out her fingers, feeling the concrete beneath her fingers, spreading them out one by one, trying to hold on. She closed her eyes as she curled her fingers desperately searching for an anchor. Before she could find anything to hold her down she felt the demons fingers scratching as they climbed up her inner thighs. She couldn't help but hold her breath as she felt them pressing against her cotton panties, her sweet pussy beginning to throb with a lust that she had never known before. She felt a sweet warmth spreading from her pussy, making her whole body tingle, making her perfect nipples ache. One by one the demons tugged at her panties, the sharp ripping sounds of cotton tearing above the monotonous whoosh. Rose could feel the cool basement air against her sweet pussy now as she dripped for the creatures to give her the sweet satisfaction that she so desperately wanted. Rose could feel her breath coming in short excited bursts now as she imagined the many demons teasing her pussy, but she didn't have to imagine for long. The first of the demons reached its clawed hand up and hung on to her dripping pussy opening. It reached up with its second hand, taking hold of the other side of her pussy, pulling itself up, climbing into her tight puss
y opening and stroking her soft smooth pink flesh. Rose felt every stroke of the creature’s claws as her breath quivered, she needed more, she wanted more, but she couldn't imagine what more the other creatures could do.

  A second of the demons climbed up on her pussy lips, using her trimmed hair to lift itself higher until it was straddling her clitoris. With its legs wrapped firmly around that magic pink button, the creature leaned down and flicked out its forked and serpent like tongue. As the creatures tongue touched her sensitive clitoris, Rose felt her pleasure building, she wanted so much more and she wanted it now. She found herself reaching her hands down, placing them at the tops of her inner thighs and spreading them just as wide as she could. As she spread her thighs, Rose could hear the demons chanting a little louder as their claws dug deeper in to her skin. The pain of their sharp claws now brought a pleasure with it as she felt more of the creatures climbing over her puffed pussy lips. She felt another of the creatures climb in to her dripping pussy opening, joining the first as the two of them each claimed a side of her snatch and began licking her with their forked tongues. She could hear her own breath coming fast now as her pleasure continued to build. Rose had no idea what she was doing but as the creature on her clitoris continued to ride her, squeezing her pleasure between his legs as he lapped at her while the other two rubbed and licked the sides of her dripping snatch, she knew that there was no doubt that she would cum soon.


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