Beastly Pleasures Erotica Story Bundle (Featuring Ten Blazing Hot Monster Stories)

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Beastly Pleasures Erotica Story Bundle (Featuring Ten Blazing Hot Monster Stories) Page 13

by Christie Sims

  Hermane covered her eyes and turned as dust and twigs flew at her with the draft he stirred up.

  “We are both alone, not mated, I think you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen,” Kerinia spoke in the deep rumble he always used.

  “What is the problem?” Hermane actually spluttered.

  “What's the problem, Kerinia?” She echoed his question, “The problem is I'm a woman and you're a... that is, you're an...” The huntress trailed off, about to refer to the gryphon as an animal. Yet she had never felt that way about him, never seen him as a creature, he could be funny, charming, brave and kind so when she actually considered it, she had thought of him as a person in a different body.

  The huntress laid a gentle hand on his feathered shoulder, “We get on well,” she explained, “But I just don't feel that way about you.”

  “In what way do you not feel?” The gryphon asked, genuinely.

  “I'm not in love with you!” She cried in exasperation.

  The large creature tilted his head, bird-like, to look at her, “Need you be?” He asked, “We could have a great deal of fun without you being in love with me.”

  Hermane began walking away towards the forest edge and turned to call at the gryphon, “Besides which, you belch, fart like a camel, your dining habits are disgusting and your breath smells of hell!”

  “Merely trifles,” Kerinia cried across the growing distance, “I can sense you are warming to me already!” Hermane chuckled, “And you stole my deer!” she shouted as she entered the forest.

  Hermane spent the remainder of the day not managing to hunt any game, let alone the nice plump deer the gryphon had denied her. That had been odd, the huntress thought as she walked back to the village empty-handed. Kerinia had never given off any impression he wanted to be physical with anyone, let alone her.

  The thought struck her suddenly. Was he the only or last one of his kind? Was that why he slunk around the village? Was he lonely? A small lump formed in the woman's throat as she considered it.

  On arrival at her small home, Hermane felt a jolt of shocked surprise as, laid alongside the wooden wall of her hut, was a pair of plump deer, They had died from having their necks snapped and their entrails had been removed with precise care. So the meat was not poisoned, she thought.

  Later, after she had hung the carcasses, slitting their throats so the blood drained from them, Hermane lay in her simple bed, considering Kerinia. It was obvious he had delivered the deer and just as obvious he was actually serious about some kind of sex with her.

  As her eyes drifted closed, her last thoughts were of the gryphon and how she accepted him as a person in a different body.

  Even though she knew she was dreaming, Hermane was nervous and excited at the same time but had no idea why. She stood next to a pond, leaning against the bark of a willow tree who's branches dipped into the surface of the water.

  She panted in anticipation, waiting for something as the pearl white moon shone down on her naked body. Why was she nude? The huntress wondered as she looked down at her full, round breasts, her nipples had already hardened with the expectation of what was about to happen, even though she did not know what it was.

  A faint ache began in her lower abdomen and pooled between her legs as she heard deep breathing approach her from behind. Something soft ran up the back of her leg, caressing the curve of her buttocks as it worked up her body.

  Whatever it was sneaked into the crease between her ass cheeks and tickled its way up her spine, rubbing around the sides of her ribcage and skimming across the edge of her breasts in a teasing manner.

  Feathers enfolded her as she turned to brace both hands on the willow's trunk, lifting her ass and parting her pussy which ached to be used. Kerinia's beak hooked over her shoulder and she reached up to stroke the side of his feathered neck as something hot and hard probed against the entrance to her dripping sex.

  Hermane woke up sweating and disoriented, the simple covers she had had been scrunched up and thrown off her. Her abdomen ached with need and she looked down to see the dark patch of dampness which had spread from her lust.

  The huntress washed and dressed, having made a decision, and strode from her house. It only took around ten minutes to find him.

  Looking around to see if there were any of the other villagers within earshot, Hermane approached the slumbering gryphon, looking down at him. He was beautiful, but in the way a horse could be considered so.

  Sleek and heavily muscled, his hindquarters were covered in a golden, downy fur which caught the morning sun, reflecting it in highlights which took her breath away. Her eyes fell upon his cock which actually looked to be quite small, covered in furry skin and laying against the ground.

  A snore nearly made her laugh out loud, for some reason suddenly nervous she paced over to his head and unceremoniously nudged his shining beak with one foot. The gryphon's eyes snapped open and she could have sworn he smiled.

  “Hermane,” he grumbled, “Is something amiss?”

  The huntress swallowed, and when she spoke her words came in a hoarse whisper, “Is there somewhere private we can go?”

  Kerinia rolled to his feet, shook his body and lowered his wings to to the floor, “Climb aboard,” he instructed, “We can go to my castle.” His words shocked her. He had a castle? “By the way,” the gryphon added, “I love your dress.” Hermane actually blushed at these words, she had worn a diaphanous, almost see through dress for this and the filmy material clung to every curve of her body.

  Once he had made sure she had a good grip on his feathers, Kerinia extended his wings and leaped into the air, driving them aloft with powerful strokes of his wings.

  Hermane felt an exhilarating freedom pour into her as they flew low over the treetops towards a destination only he knew. She had put her faith into a magical creature she was about to have sex with and the realization felt almost freeing to her.

  About an hour later, the gryphon banked off course, turning east and she could just make out a line of gray cliffs in the distance. As they drew closer, the huntress saw details begin to appear and she noticed the cliffs had been carved into buildings.

  Huge openings had been opened in the cliff face and she could make out cavernous rooms inside. Kerinia floated towards one of the entrances and she ducked low, hugging his neck as they passed inside, landing softly on the polished stone floor.

  She slid down his wing and looked around in wonder, this must be a landing area, she thought as it was virtually bare. Whatever else this place might be, it was old. Erosion had taken its toll on the stone and there were signs of decay scattered around.

  “Is this your home?” She asked.

  “It used to be,” he answered almost sadly. She shivered, with the altitude came cold, “Come through and I will make a fire.”

  The unusual pair entered the castle and Kerinia escorted his guest into a huge hall with vaulted ceilings and numerous columns, carved intricately into the shapes of gryphons, supporting the ceiling.

  Kerinia crossed to a fireplace which was large enough for Hermane to stand in and, seemingly at will, breathed life into the dehydrated wood which had been left there for hundreds of years. Hermane warmed herself next to the flames as Kerinia squatted on his haunches and watched her intently, noting how the firelight highlighted the outline of her voluptuous figure.

  Large, round breasts tipped with up-tilted nipples swooped down into a small round belly before dipping between her legs to well-rounded thighs and buttocks. Kerinia's arousal began to work through his system as he stared openly at his woman, and some of the feelings transmitted through the warming air, causing Hermane's blood to heat.

  She turned, almost shyly, and looked sidelong at the large gryphon with a red flush of passion creeping up her face. Her eyes widened as she caught sight of Kerinia' engorged cock, even bigger and more impressive than any she had ever seen.

  Realizing it was her body which had caused such massive arousal in the beast g
ave the woman a boost to her confidence and she looked directly into the gryphon's eyes.

  Spurred on by her challenging look Kerinia said, “Take off your clothes.” The impact of the command was overwhelming to Hermane and, in spite of the fact she had never been ordered to do anything by an animal before, she began disrobing immediately, audaciously caressing herself as she did so.

  Kerinia sidled his panther-like body across to her and in a most tender and gentle way, ran a feathered wingtip down her back and across the rounded cheeks of her ass, making a shiver run through the huntress at the touch.

  Kerinia opened his beak and his spiked tongue flicked out to graze across Hermane's neck and she reached out grabbing hold of the feathers around his neck as her knees buckled, “Kerinia,” she breathed as he continued to caress her neck with his tongue.

  She found the tip of his tongue had a hole or depression in it as the gryphon wrapped her breast in its warm and slick grip. Moaning in pleasure as the beast continued to lick her breast and nipple, Hermane could feel waves of pleasure shooting from her breast through to the molten core of her pussy as the gryphon took her nipple into the hole and massaged it. The huntress turned, offering Kerinia both of her breasts as his tongue worked across her body, from neck to breasts and down to her belly, teasing and caressing, kneading and gripping with little pinches.

  “I love the taste of your skin,” The large gryphon thought into her mind, “I want to find out what you taste like inside.” He ran his long tongue slowly up and down her thigh, reaching tantalizingly close to the wet slit between her legs. Hermane opened her legs slightly, watching the huge eagle head as it moved down towards her soaking cleft.

  The first tentative flick of that skilled tongue on the lips of her pussy brought a gasp from the naked woman and she leaned back, allowing him further access. The gryphon worked the folds and lips of Hermane's pussy with the mobile tip of his tongue, teasing and exiting her at the same time.

  Eventually he worked his way up her glistening slit to lap at her clit and she had to grip even harder onto the gryphon's head as her knees buckled, Hermane slid to the floor and spread her legs wide in an audacious display of sexuality.

  “Lick it,” Hermane said as the gryphon laid his long tongue between the lips of her cleft and even further into her ass crack, possessing and owning her sex.

  The gryphon pressed his tongue on top of the hot, sensitive bud of her clit, sucking at it with the hole in the tip and making the huntress twitch, jerk and moan in pleasure as her orgasm began to build.

  Hermane could barely believe the sensations coursing through her body, emanating from the point between her legs where the gryphon's tongue connected with her clit. Sensing she was close to orgasm, Kerinia increased the pressure of his tongue on her cunt and sped up the suckling.

  “Holy heaven!” Hermane felt as if she might burst if her climax did not come soon and her muscles tightened as she began to orgasm. Hermane came with a scream, the molten core of her being exploding in ecstasy as she convulsed, bucking underneath the large beast's head as he held her down with his beak.

  The gryphon gave her a few seconds to recover from her overwhelming orgasm before starting in again. This time, however, he slid the tip of his tongue up inside her vagina, shivering in anticipation at the taste of the pure femininity his tongue encountered.

  “Amazing!!” He growled in his odd voice, “Your body is so exquisitely beautiful and sexy I can't hold myself back.”

  Hermane had felt a little pain as the gryphon's thick tongue had entered the boiling core of her pussy but the sensations he gave her combined with the words and feelings he conveyed made her almost desperate for more, “Then don't hold back, take what you need.” She managed to say before gasping in pleasure as he slid the thickness of his long tongue deep inside her dripping cunt.

  The tip of his tongue found the spongy area of her G-spot and began to massage it. Hermane squeaked and grunted as these newer sensations filled her and waves of pleasure, almost painful in their intensity, smashed through her body.

  The huntress gripped the feathers on Kerinia's head, grinding her clit against his beak as he lapped faster and faster inside her pussy, tongue fucking her. Each stab of his rough, hard tongue sent an explosion through her whole body, making her jump and squeak.

  Her second orgasm crested the highest peak of pleasure she had ever experienced, almost causing her to pass out and she floated on an existential plateau of almost heavenly delight as the feelings pulsated through her.

  The huntress lay before the roaring fire, panting hard and heart pumping fast as the gryphon sat back and admired her sexual beauty.

  “You are amazing!” He complimented. Hermane gazed up at the creature through heavy lidded eyes, “Me?” She wondered, “I think it's you who's the amazing one here. I have never felt anything like that in my entire life.” Hermane managed to make her body move and crawled across towards Kerinia on hands and knees.

  She positioned herself between his furry and muscular front legs, gazing in wonder at the purple staff which dropped from his abdomen. Tentatively, she reached for his cock, not knowing quite what to do or understanding his needs. It felt hot and hard as she wrapped both hands around it and moved them down from the tip towards his stomach.

  The partial whispers of pleasure he made spurred her on and she began stroking his cock back and forth rhythmically.

  “Use your mouth.” The gryphon commanded. Hermane bent down further and licked the thick, hot shaft, savoring the velvety, silken texture and the overwhelmingly masculine taste. She ran her tongue around the end, down one side, back along the other and then took as much of it as would fit into her mouth, holding it there while flexing her tongue and enjoying the feeling of his dick inside her mouth, against her tongue.

  She could hear the pleasure pouring from him as he growled and moaned, she was fully aware of the effect this was having upon him. A low growl issued from his chest as she pulled her head back, creating a vacuum sucking on his thick cock. She thrust her head forward again, swirling her tongue around the hot shaft between her jaws causing Kerinia to grumble in ecstasy once more.

  Hermane picked up the pace of her sucking and reached down to knead his heavy balls, savoring the soft down which covered them. Kerinia began to gently thrust against her strokes, unable to resist the wild feelings coursing through him.

  “I must feel myself inside you!” She could hear a desperation in his voice which caused a thrill to run down Hermane's spine. Her heart began to pound once more and a further thrill, edged with fear, coursed through her, warming her pussy once more.

  The huntress grazed his cock gently with her teeth as she allowed his dick to fall from her mouth, noticing the muscles in his abdomen flex as she did so.

  “What you do to me is beyond words,” the gryphon said with warmth.

  “Just show me then,” She replied as she turned around on the cold stone of the castle floor and lay her torso down. The ice cold stone was tantalizingly painful on her hardened nipples. She lifted her rump as high as possible, presenting her asshole and pussy for him.

  A flash of fright shot through the huntress as the massive gryphon reared up and slammed his powerful, clawed feet on either side of her naked body. His claws extended, digging into the cracks and crevices between the ancient stones of the floor. A red hot weight bounced against her back and ass, making her jump before she realized it was his cock. Kerinia drew back, pulling the head of that cock down across her puckered asshole and positioning himself at the entrance to her aching cunt.

  Hermane felt an edge of panic, it felt way too big, but the caring murmurs coming from the massive beast helped to calm her. Holding herself still, in place, she allowed the gryphon to slowly fill her molten pussy, stretching her muscles to their very limit.

  Although it was uncomfortable to begin with, there was no pain and actually an overwhelming sense of rightness. Kerinia paused once he was fully within the tight confines of Hermane
's cunt, allowing her to adjust to the large girth of his cock, before dragging himself backwards causing a moan to escape from the huntress.

  The gryphon repeated this process slowly several times before increasing the pace at which he thrust. Hermane could not believe the powerful sensations could be this intense and realized another orgasm was building.

  Kerinia began to groan in pleasure as he thrust repeatedly into the damp wetness which was Hermane's cunt. The huntress felt herself tip over the edge, her orgasm pulling the gryphon's monstrous cock deeper within her and massaging it.

  As she came, screaming herself hoarse, the experience caused Kerinia to orgasm himself and he jerked forward shooting his thick come deep inside her. Hermane made a satisfied sound and wiggled her hips as the final jerks of his orgasm shook through her, draining every last drop of his hot spunk.


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