Mermaid Spring (Mermaid Series Book 2)

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Mermaid Spring (Mermaid Series Book 2) Page 7

by Dan Glover

  "But I don’t understand, Grandmother... the People are just like us."

  "Ah, my precious Ena, the People are nothing like us. It is our presence that lends their bodies the ability to defy time. Before we came together, they lived short brutal lives full of hardship, sickness, and death."

  "But I do not understand, Grandmother..."

  "Once, our people and human beings were sundered. We took to the waters in order to survive when the earth moved and created our Lake Baikal. When the monkey people began dumping filth into the waters we were forced to surface. We learned our bodies are poisonous to humans... should we come into contact, they will sicken and die within hours.

  "Yet a mystery arose which no one yet understands... if we remained together with the human beings we came into contact with, they acquired our ability to fight off sickness and what's more, their lives were extended just as ours are. When you grow older, sweet Ena, you too will become a guardian for the People. Without our presence, none of them can exist."

  "It doesn’t seem fair, Grandmother."

  "Fair for whom, my wondrous Ena? For us... or for them?"

  "For all of us... but Grandmother, I am part human too. Will I suffer and die someday?"

  "No one knows the answer to that question, my dearest Ena. I think not, however."

  Now, she was standing alone on a beach in old France, abandoned by the boy she loved. Ena knew she was the stronger swimmer and if she put her mind to it she would arrive home minutes ahead of Alpin even with his wicked head start. But her wits were muddled over feelings she couldn't quite fathom. Though they made love for the first time Alpin acted as if nothing happens between them running into the ocean as if to hurry away from her as quickly as he might.

  "Wait Alpin..."

  Her word of hesitancy came too late for he was already gone like the smoke from an autumn fire consuming leaves dry and withered. As he raced into the sea she waited there on the beach hoping he'd look back to see her tears yet ready to hide them if he did.

  "I'm pregnant, mother."

  She tested the words just to hear what they sounded like. She understood that was what she'd been created for, her whole purpose in life. No one had to tell her. She sensed it instinctively.

  A rustle in the weeds overlooking the beach alarmed her to her precarious position. The sound translated into an image of movement though she couldn't discern what was causing it.

  "It's the breeze."

  She spoke the words aloud though there was no one to hear. Again she sent out the impulses she called ticklers that sensed her surroundings. The signals emanated from the spot just below her belly button like echolocation homing in on any heat source or movement and bouncing back for her body to read.

  Something was approaching.

  Fright sent her bounding into the surf and diving beneath the waves as soon as she was in deep waters. She sensed no emotion at all yet there was a definite sagacity lurking on the beach, watching her, with an almost ancient purpose.

  Far enough out to sea she felt safe Ena surfaced to peer back where she sat on the beach. She saw nothing. For just a moment a fear gripped her that whatever was there was in the ocean with her. Still, she could not shake the feeling of benevolence she sensed, of a deep and powerful intellect mirroring even that of the Ladies.

  Submerging once again she headed back home swimming deep and fast.

  Chapter 15—Presence

  Lingering with Lily beneath the turquoise waters reminded Lauren of knowing nothing of the world but the Lake, of growing up here, and of bearing a son.

  Watching Lily's grandchildren flourish and bear children of their own had set Lauren's mind to reminiscing on how her life might have taken different turns had Bilbla lived. Lately, however, she wondered if a mistake was made. Perhaps he escaped the jaws of the Lake monster after all.

  "I felt a presence at the beach in old Europe, Lady Lauren. It seemed so ancient, so intelligent, and completely without malice. For some reason, what I sensed reminded me of you. Are you sure all the other members of your species are dead but for you and Grandmother Lily?"

  Ena came to her the night before they left for the Lake. With her long dark hair and jet black eyes the girl reminded her of her long-lost son.

  She was more than lovely; Lauren knew right away that she was bearing a child but custom demanded she wait for the girl to first announce the great event.

  "I once had a son, my precious Ena. You remind me of him with your beauty and grace. Lady Lily and my son were lovers. They were attacked in the depths of the Lake by one of the dreadful monsters that came up from the deep water. She told me how he was dragged away from her.

  "We both assumed the worst. But I could never be sure of his death, beautiful Ena. A body was never recovered. Even so, if he somehow survived I thought sure he would make his way back to the Lake. He never did."

  "I'm sorry I was so easily frightened, Lady Lauren. I think if perhaps Alpin was with me I might have discovered who or what the stranger was. There was no cause for my fear other than being alone in a strange place. Forgive me, Lady Lauren, if I ask indelicate questions."

  "Not at all, dearest Ena. That was indeed a strange occurrence. Perhaps we might make a trip back to the beach where you sensed this being. I'm sure Nate and Lily will be interested in your tale too. May I share it with them during our trip?"

  "Of course you may share it, Lady Lauren. I have other news too. I'm not sure if this is the proper time to announce it, however. May we speak privately?"

  "Anything said here stays here, sweet Ena."

  "I'm pregnant, Lady Lauren."

  "I could tell the moment I saw you. Congratulations, my pretty Ena!"

  "It is Alpin's child. Yet he acts as if we are still brother and sister."

  "Have you spoken to him of this, darling Ena?"

  "No. I'm afraid of how he will react."

  "You must be brave. Alpin is a good man. He will feel nothing but joy at this marvelous news. I'm sure of that."

  Drifting with Lily deep under the surface of Lake Baikal, Ena's words echoed in Lauren's ears bringing to mind images of her long lost son. A question gnawed at her: What if she was wrong in assuming Bilbla was dead? Was it possible he survived? Perhaps he was held captive as Lily was, and only after the Great Dying managed to escape. Or maybe he lost his memory due to an injury.

  It had been so long since she had interacted with male members of her species that she had forgotten their propensity toward the moment. Thinking back, she realized none of them ever remembered much... they seemed like wild beasts in that way.

  Speculation was futile. But she knew the Lake monsters were treacherous creatures, nearly as cruel as humans. If she lived a billion years she would never learn to trust either of their presences. Twirling around Lily she lured her lover to the surface with a gentle swirl. They sat together on the patio wrapped in fluffy robes to warm in the sunshine.

  "It is so much quieter without all the People here, my lovely Lily."

  "Yes it is. Don't you miss the commotion, sweet Lauren? I know I do.'

  "No... I don't miss it at all. I feel as if we have time for ourselves for a change. It's been centuries since we were alone here like this. Ena came to talk to me just before we left on our trip. She told a strange tale. Now I'm wondering if everything I know is false."

  "Please teach me this tale too, darling Lauren."

  "As you know, she and Alpin love swimming in the sea. A few days before we left on our trip Ena visited with me. She told a story of being on a beach in old Europe. Alpin was feeling like the boy he is and left her alone after challenging her to a race back to Scotland.

  "As she was not willing to compete for reasons I will not go into, she instead lingered on the sand ensconced in deep thoughts. Momentarily she felt a presence approaching. She sensed an image moving through the high grasses that grew on the land just up from the beach.

  "Ena told me how she knew whatever it was in that grass was
ancient and extremely wise with no ill intentions. Still, being all alone in that strange place she was frightened. She dove back into the sea before she encountered what was approaching. But she described to me how something there reminded her of me. Certainly you remember my son, lovely Lily?"

  "Of course I remember him, sweet Lauren. I'll always hold him in my heart. You know that."

  "Remember how he was a great artist, a tinker much like Nate? They would be great friends. Alas, how he disappeared that day while swimming with you under the waters of Lake Baikal.

  "I still remember your words to me, sweet Lily, and your tears for my son. I didn’t believe he was dead. I thought sure he would appear one day laughing at our concern. But as time lengthened and the world grew older, I finally gave up hope.

  "Still, it is possible he made an escape from that monster. Perhaps he was so badly injured he couldn’t make his way home. You know how our men lost their memory as a rule. He may yet live. I have no way of knowing if this is so, only a mother's intuition. I very much wish to visit the beach in old Europe when we return to Orchardton. Perhaps Nate will take us there in his yacht."

  "Of course he will take us there and I'll come too. Now I'm intrigued, my wonderful Lauren. It's doubtful a single human could have survived so it must be one of our kind. I know Ena is an adept at sensing. She would not share such a tale with you unless it was grounded in fact."

  "Remember how intense Bilbla could be, sweet Lily? Of all the people of the Lake, he was the most passionate and powerful. Since our precious Ena is his daughter their connection will be extremely potent.

  "Maybe he was trying to make contact with her. She told me she would have stayed but being alone like she was the presence she sensed frightened her."

  "Oh, I don’t blame her for being afraid, darling Lauren. I would have been frightened too. Why did Alpin leave her alone like that?"

  "I have no idea. Ena told me that he challenged her to a race back to Orchardton Hall and ran into the sea. But they just... oh, perhaps I shouldn’t be the one to say."

  "They just made love."

  "How did you know, sweet Lily?"

  "I see it written in your eyes, my darling Lauren. Now, come to me."

  Chapter 16—Loving Delilah

  It surprised Kirk when Nate requested he and Delilah accompany him on a trip to an old airport. He remembered a time before the Great Dying when his older brother took him swimming and how grown up he felt being with the older boys. It was all a ruse, however. They stripped Kirk naked and drove away laughing as they left him stranded miles from home.

  He isn’t sure why he came along on the journey to Lake Baikal. Most of the People chose to stay home with Maon and Sileas rather than making the arduous trip across the continent. Thinking about it, he preferred staying at Orchardton Hall too. But Delilah implored him to accompany her to the Lake.

  "I want to stay with the Ladies. I'll miss them if we stay here. We never talk but I like being around them anyway. Please come and go with us, Kirk. It'll be fun and not nearly as crowded as it usually is."

  It was a new experience for anyone to want him. His whole life seemed a steady stream of folk acquiescing to his presence out of a sense of morality and good will rather than a genuine desire to be with him. Delilah was different.

  He had never loved anyone. His long-dead parents barely tolerated him. Growing up he had no friends. Coming of age at Orchardton Hall was no different. Drummond was no more than an acquaintance... someone who had no one else, like him, and so the two of them formed an uneasy alliance. Kirk always knew, however, that Drummond would turn on him in an instant should the situation present itself.

  "Come and go away with us."

  He thought Drummond was joking with him at first. They both knew first hand the dire consequences of leaving Orchardton Hall for more than an hour, two at most. The symptoms of Lake Fever began manifesting almost immediately and unless they beat a path back home, pronto, Kirk was sure they'd both be dead within a short time.

  "I don’t understand, Drummond... where are you going?"

  "We're going to start our own colony. The girls are coming along. I'll let you have you pick of them."

  "But we'll die."

  "You're such an idiot, Kirk. No one is going to die. They tell us that to keep us here. Otherwise, there would be too much work and no one to do it."

  "But when we go into Kurgan we always get sick, Drummond. You know that."

  "It will pass. Once we're out of the presence of those Lake bitches, we'll recover. It's all their doing, this Lake sickness as they call it. Come along with us and you'll see."

  Kirk had never been a smart man, but he knew enough not to believe Drummond. Less than a week later, he had gone on a search and recovery mission with Nate and Lady Lily. They found Kirk and the four girls who went with him, all dead, their corpses picked clean by buzzards and insects.

  Now he was bouncing along rutted roads with Nate and Delilah on the way to an ancient airport that was doubtlessly in ruins. Kirk wasn’t sure what they were hoping to find but he was content simply to be along. He listened as Nate explained what he had in mind.

  "These trips to the Lake take so long. I'm working on a plan that involves flying instead of driving. If this airport is in fairly good repair I think we can begin using a jet that I'm rebuilding. It will take less than a day to travel here from Orchardton Hall. But we have to be certain we can land safely plus we'll need to refuel for the trip back."

  "Who taught you to fly?"

  "I learned on my own, Delilah. I studied old manuals and watched videos. Plus they have old flight simulators in one of the airports back in Scotland. I practiced until I felt sure I could do it for real. And one day I did it."

  "Wasn't it scary going up into the air?"

  "Taking off was the easy part. The first time I went up, I wasn’t sure if I could land the plane again. So I went back and forth on the runway taking the plane up just a few feet off the ground and landing again. I did that over and over until I got the feeling for landing."

  "Would you teach me sometime?"

  "Of course I'll teach you, Delilah. Maon is my first student, however. I made him a promise to take him up when we return."

  "Sometimes I fly in my dreams."

  Kirk felt like an idiot as soon as the words were out of his mouth. He expected ridicule. His whole life was built around a mocking kind of satisfaction his stupidity seemed to bring out in others. But instead Nate agreed with him.

  "So do I, Kirk. That's what inspired me to learn to fly a plane. Maybe you'd like to come along with Delilah for flying lessons too."

  "I'd like that, Mr. Nate. Thank you."

  The cyclone fence still stood guarding the airport from marauding animals that might otherwise have trampled the walls in search of food. The gate was locked, an obvious sign the government attempted to subdue last minute travelers in an effort to stop the spread of Lake Syndrome. The padlock crumbled under one blow of Nate's big hammer.

  "Oh good... the runways look intact."

  Nate drove around the buildings surveying the outside before stopping in front of one of the large hangers. Huge doors towered above them as they walked around to the side of the building. A side door gave way with one kick.

  The darkness inside the hanger was paralyzing compared to the bright sunshine so they paused a moment to allow their eyes to adjust. Kirk noticed an airplane begin to materialize and behind it another larger one. Opened tool cabinets lined the walls as if waiting for mechanics that would never arrive. On a workbench an engine was half disassembled with tools still lying about where the mechanics must have left them.

  Nate pulled a flashlight from his pocket, clicked it on, and with Delilah following he began to reconnoiter the labyrinthine building. Kirk—finding he was alone in the dark—decided he too should begin carrying a flashlight in a pocket. He recalled his long journey through the darkened catacomb tunnel and wondered why he didn’t think of it then.r />
  Hurrying to catch up he stumbled into a low bench knocking the bark off his right shin. The pain brought tears to his eyes as he rubbed the injury the way he witnessed the Ladies doing. Surprisingly the touch of his hand brought near instant relief. Rounding a set of storage bins he reunited with Nate and Delilah who were engaged in discussion.

  "We need to search for storage tanks... if they're inside they'll better withstand the weather."

  "What kind of fuel do airplanes use, Mr. Nate?"

  "It depends on the type of plane, Delilah. A jet like this one uses jet fuel. It's a high octane type of gasoline."

  "That's what you pump into the cars we drive, right?"

  "Sort of... jet fuel is gasoline further refined into a specialized product."

  "Is this a fuel tank?"

  Kirk called out from a dim corner of the hanger where he had wandered while Nate and Delilah were talking.

  "Yes, I believe it is. Good job, Kirk... we might be able to use this fuel if it isn’t too badly contaminated from the leaks in the roof."

  Nate climbed up on a built-in ladder with a piece of stick lumber he retrieved from a pile of debris where the roof had partially given way.

  "Be careful, Mr. Nate. That ladder looks rusty."

  "Thanks Kirk. I'll watch my step. Bad luck... the top on the tank is open. It's probably full of water."

  Inserting the stick into the tank Nate pulled it out and sniffed the liquid that adhered to it. He shook his head in disgust.


  The single word dashed Kirk's hopes that he was instrumental in making a find that would contribute to the well-being of everyone. Instead, he discovered a tank full of waste water.

  "Maybe there are other tanks about, Mr. Nate. It's a big airport."

  "Yes, you're right, Kirk. We'll keep looking. Good job at spotting this tank, though. You have sharp eyes."

  Much to Kirk's surprise and delight, Delilah came to him, hugged him, and kissed him.

  Chapter 17—Kāne

  The rush of the enormous bird startled him.


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