Hot Pink Heels (The Street Series)

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Hot Pink Heels (The Street Series) Page 19

by Adrienne Dawn

  “Let’s see what we’ve got here,” Billy chuckled. The sound made Clarissa feel sick, but it was nothing compared to the sound of her arm snapping when he twisted harder.

  She heard someone screaming, but she didn’t recognize her own voice. Her vision dimmed as the pain radiated up her arm. She tried to bend over so she could throw up, but Billy refused to let her move. “Now, maybe you’re going to start by telling me what’s really going on here,” he said through clenched teeth.

  She focused on the mole on his forehead, trying to stay alert enough to find a way out of this mess. Billy grabbed her by her upper arms, her right arm hanging limply against the brick. “Start talking, bitch,” he hissed, shaking her hard enough to smack her head against the brick.

  “Okay, okay,” Clarissa cried. Her mind was fuzzy and she tried to work out details that would keep Amanda and Whitney safe, but she couldn’t remember exactly what they were. “I’m not a hooker.” Her throat was sore and raspy.

  “News flash! I guessed that the second you stepped out of that car,” Billy laughed derisively. “You were too classy for this part of town. But maybe you’ve got some money, huh? Your boyfriend with the Ferrari, maybe he’s got some money?”

  The flash of metal drew her eyes downward and she saw the blade flick out of Billy’s pocketknife. She wasn’t going to handle this well. She was more of a coward than she’d thought she was, and she just hoped that both Amanda and Whitney were finally safe, because this didn’t look good for her.

  Billy trailed the tip of the knife from the sweaty hollow at the base of her throat to her navel before looking at her face. She knew she was pale and it must have been just what Billy wanted, because he laughed and pressed the blade closer to her skin. She gasped, and a fleeting thought crossed her mind as she realized Amanda must’ve lived with this fear every single day.

  “I don’t have any money, and he’s not my boyfriend,” she insisted, closing her eyes and turning her head to the side when he brought the knife up close for her to see. “I swear!” Clarissa yelled it out, squeezing her eyes shut in fear.

  “Well, something has to be done, because you’ve cost me one of my best girls,” Billy said, almost amiably. “I was already down a girl because Carla’s no replacement for Mandy.” He saw Clarissa’s eyes change at the mention of Amanda’s nickname.

  “Ah…” Billy grinned wickedly. “So this is all about Mandy. Sweet Mandy, boy she was a fine piece of ass. I bet you’ll give her a run for her money, but we’ll see about that in a little bit.” He sneered as Clarissa began to buck and fight.

  Her eyes widened as she saw two huge men appear on Billy’s right and left. “You see, Mandy screwed me over, just like her roommate did, and now I’m gonna use the same knife on you that I used to gut the other bitch. It’s a shame I can’t have one more go at Mandy for old time’s sake, but you’ll have to do.”

  Her arm was on fire but she kept fighting, realizing it didn’t matter to her what the right move was at this point. She wasn’t going down without a fight.

  Chapter 28

  Amanda had managed to move the chair an amazing six inches so far. Disgusted, she looked at Whitney across the room. She was doing the same thing, but she’d made more progress, probably because Amanda was trying not to dislodge the phone from her lap.

  “Those guys are a real piece of work,” Whitney hollered across the room. “I’m not even getting paid to be tied up and that really pisses me off.”

  “I know, I’m sorry, but they really do have good intentions,” Amanda said. She believed her own words, but she still intended to give Jackson a piece of her mind about those intentions as soon as she could plow her fist into his stomach again.

  “Whit?” Amanda waited for her friend to answer.

  Sighing, Whitney responded. “Yeah?”

  “I’m sorry I let you think I’d run off on you, or that I was dead or something,” Amanda said. “I just had to get out—it was time.”

  Whitney didn’t answer her right away, but finally she said something so quiet Amanda could barely hear her. “I don’t blame you. I would've done the same thing,” she almost whispered.

  Amanda resumed her slow trek across the room while Whitney continued her jerky method as they worked together in relative silence.

  Minutes later, Whitney spoke again. “So, tell me about that guy,” she said. “Grey eyes? Things look pretty serious between the two of you. What did he do, set you up somewhere posh to be at his beck and call?”

  Amanda couldn’t tell if Whitney sounded jealous or angry, or maybe a little of both. “No, we’re worlds apart,” Amanda sighed. “He says he’s in love with me, but I think it’s just a healthy case of lust.” She laughed to prove her point, but inside she knew the truth.

  Jackson would never want to be with someone as messed up as she was, with the abortion he’d disapproved of and the parade of men she had to compare to him for the rest of their lives. No, there was no place in his world for her, and she was already committed to leaving her old world. Maybe she’d even go back home.

  She almost giggled as she thought about her life back in Podunk City. She’d been so desperate to get out and make something of herself; to live a life of adventure. Well, here it was, and Amanda realized she’d give anything to be able to sit at home on the front porch with her mom, just enjoying coffee and conversation.

  The two big brutes stood there laughing as Billy terrorized her with the knife, watching as she gasped and screamed. He was enjoying this all too much and he leaned forward to whisper the ugly things he would do to her before he killed her, followed by a detailed explanation of how he’d disposed of Charity’s body.

  Clarissa shivered, which had Billy laughing and waving the knife in front of her face. His hands had already violated her in several places, but she knew the worst was yet to come. When I am afraid, I will trust in you. Her childhood favorite, the verse she’d memorized so long ago came back to her in her fear.

  Although she was still terrified, thoughts of the verse and God’s protection helped Clarissa relax in the face of evil, for that’s surely who this man was. Four pairs of eyes whipped to the opening of the alley as they heard tires squealing. The two huge men stepped in front of Billy as three shadows blocked the light from the street, sealing off the alley.

  Squinting, Clarissa could barely make out their faces. Jackson. And Harry! And Jason too! She was so afraid for them, but she was also wise enough to know they were her only chance out of this situation. Amanda and Whitney must still be in the cars or back at the warehouse.

  Her struggles renewed, but Billy stopped her with the sharp point of his knife at her throat. It pierced her skin and a small trickle of blood oozed from the cut. Jackson leaped forward at her whimper, but Jason was faster. Once again, his skills in combat gave him a leg up in the situation.

  Jason moved almost silently as Harry and Jackson rushed straight at the three men and Clarissa. Jackson and Harry didn’t know it, but they were providing the distraction Jason needed to slip past the other men’s guards. He heard rather than saw the crack of fist meeting face, but didn’t stop to see who was going down.

  He was on the two larger men almost before they saw him coming, and he slid to the ground, taking one out with a leg sweep while hitting one as hard as he could below the belt. The first man landed on his back and struggled to get up, but the second man bent over and promptly threw up.

  Billy had the knife pressing closer to Clarissa’s throat. “One more step, guys, that’s all it will take for my hand to slip and her jugular to open,” Billy said calmly. Jason had already moved nimbly behind Billy, positioning himself just out of sight.

  Jackson reacted just as Jason expected, his eyes darting away from Clarissa to land on him. The look caused Billy to look away from the other two men for a split second, but he never knew what hit him.

  Jason yelled, “Drop, Rissa!” before ramming his shoulder into Billy’s back with all his strength. Clarissa obeyed
without thought, and she noticed suddenly that Billy was on the ground, his mouth gasping for air.

  Jason was on top of him, but it wasn’t necessary. Jackson had already returned one of the other two men to the ground and Harry was just dealing with the third man. Clarissa shrieked when she saw the knife embedded just under Billy’s ribcage.

  When Jason had hit him, Billy’s arm had doubled up in front of him. It caused him to drop the knife, but Jason had moved so quickly the knife had been trapped between the wall and Billy’s stomach.

  Clarissa was in shock, her teeth chattering and her arm hanging at her side. Jackson was already helping her to the mouth of the alley. Harry was on his phone, telling Amanda they’d gotten Clarissa while Jason called in an anonymous 911. The two hulking giants were moaning and coming to, but Clarissa and the three men were already in the cars.

  Jackson was in the passenger’s seat of the Ferrari, cradling Clarissa gently while he held a tissue to her neck. He’d almost lost her, and the reality suddenly hit him. Jason was driving like he’d stolen the car, pushing triple digits as he headed straight for the nearby hospital. Although Clarissa was in no real danger, both men still seemed determined to break a land record for the car.

  Harry had returned to the warehouse to free Amanda and Whitney and fill them in on the happenings, as they could only hear bits and pieces of what had happened through the phone.

  He made short work of the girl’s bindings, which freed them to rain punches and slaps down on him, but soon they were smiling as he shared about Clarissa’s freedom.

  “So where is she?” Amanda asked, eyeing the door as if she expected them to come through it at any moment.

  “Well, there was a minor complication, as she was nicked in the throat and Billy had broken her arm pretty badly,” Harry began.

  “I’ll kill the son of a bitch myself,” Amanda ground out as she threw open the front doors, determined to find Billy.

  “Uh, that won’t be necessary,” Harry said, stopping her with one hand on her arm. “Billy’s dead. Jason tackled him and he was holding a knife on Clarissa at the time. The knife punctured his lung and entered his heart; it was over almost immediately.”

  “Where are they?” Amanda was frantic now. “Tell me where they are, Harry.”

  “They’re at the hospital, getting help for Clarissa,” Harry said. The three headed to the Miata as one, with Harry at the wheel.

  Just minutes later, they arrived at the hospital and were informed they would have to wait, because Clarissa’s wounds and injuries were being assessed in triage. “Jack!” Amanda beamed at him, crossing the room quickly before slugging him in the stomach.

  “Ow! Hey, what was that for?” He grabbed his stomach just before Amanda jumped up and locked her legs around his waist. She planted a kiss right on his lips, in front of Harry, Jason and even Whitney, as well as the rest of those in the waiting room.

  “You scared me to death—don’t ever tie me to a chair again, you big jerk!”

  “Wow, next time can we just skip straight to the kiss?” Jackson grinned at her weakly, his stomach aching, but his heart was light. Clarissa was going to be okay, even though her arm might require surgery to set it, and the danger was gone for Amanda and Whitney with Billy out of the way.

  “Let’s go for a little walk,” Jackson said to Amanda. He took her hand and she noticed the scabbed knuckles. “Just war wounds.” Jackson laughed lightly as Amanda traced them with her fingers.

  They came across a separate and smaller waiting room that was empty. Jackson led Amanda in and they sat on the only couch in the room. “Jack, I really need to say something,” Amanda started.

  Jackson was itching to share some things with Amanda, but he acquiesced to her request. Amanda let go of his hand so she could concentrate on what she was saying.

  “I know there’s a lot of terrible things in my past,” she said. “I’ve made very poor choices.”

  Jackson started to protest, but she held a finger over his lips. “Just listen,” she said. “I’ve never really trusted people who say they believe in God, or follow him, because it seems like they’re all just a bunch of hypocrites. My parents and my older siblings gave me great examples of living with a real relationship with God, but somewhere along the road I let other things get to me.”

  Taking a deep breath, she went on. “Someday I’d like to get it all out in the open with you, but for now, I just want you to know that I get it now,” she said. “Clarissa showed me today what it means to have an actual relationship with God, and that it’s more than just a bunch of rules to break or struggle to live up to. She showed me that it’s possible to trust God and that he will provide for me even if his ways seem kind of strange, like your ex-girlfriend saving my hooker friend.”

  They shared a laugh at that, but Amanda had more. “I made a terrible mistake when I went through with the abortion,” she said with regret. “I will pay for that mistake with every child’s smile and every baby’s cry for the rest of my life. But I finally realize that God still wants me. I do want to tell you how sorry I am about that decision, even though we weren’t close when I first told you about it. I feel like somehow it might affect both of us in the future.”

  She stared at Jackson, wondering what he was thinking. He grabbed her hands and squeezed. “Amanda, you have no idea how it makes me feel to hear you say those words,” Jackson said. “I meant what I said yesterday, even though I shouted it at you out of fear for your safety. I am in love with you and we’ll get through the loss of the baby together. I might have to forgive you several times before I can completely come to grips with that, but I want to be here for you, forever if you’ll let me.”

  Closing her eyes, Amanda could hardly believe her good fortune. No, that’s not what it is. It’s God. Beaming, Amanda put her hands on Jackson’s face. She wanted to see the look on his face when she told him.

  “I love you too, Jack,” she said softly. “I don’t know how this happened so quickly, a hooker and a pastor falling for each other, but I think God has a sense of humor.” Jackson pulled her in close and tucked her head under his chin. She felt him kiss the top of her head and she snuggled in closer.

  “There’s just one thing left to do,” Amanda said, the dread setting in again.

  “What’s that, babe?” Jackson was running his fingers through her hair and just enjoying the feeling of holding her in his arms without the guilt crowding in.

  “I have to call my parents.”


  Two weeks later, Amanda thought she was ready, but her nerves were setting in. Her hair was perfectly in place and she checked her makeup again for the millionth time.

  The flowers were gorgeous, and she tucked them into her arms as she headed down the sweeping staircase at Clarissa’s house.

  Clarissa was smiling as Amanda came down the stairs toward her. Clarissa’s arm was still in a sling, but the surgery had been successful and she was well on her way to recovery. She felt the small raised bump on her neck where Billy had nearly taken her life. Turning, she saw Harry, Jason and Whitney on the veranda, waiting for the party to get started.

  Clarissa checked everything, but every detail had been handled, from the caterer to the musicians to the valets at the door, ready to take coats and cars.

  Amanda took a deep breath and looked at the big clock on the wall. Almost show time. She was grateful to Clarissa for offering to have this at her beautiful home, and she looked for Jackson amidst the guests mingling in the foyer.

  She spotted Jackson across the room and sauntered up to him. “You are so beautiful, all I can think about is kissing you,” Jackson whispered into her ear. Amanda grinned back up at him.

  “Ready to get this show on the road?” She raised an eyebrow and Jackson agreed. Turning together, they walked toward the large double doors. The valets opened the doors as one, and the two of them watched the car approach.

  Nerves were jumping in her stomach, but she’d waited for t
his day for years. Now she wasn’t sure—maybe she wasn’t ready? As the dark sedan pulled to a stop, the driver opened the door and two feet were visible under it almost immediately.

  Suddenly, her nerves were gone and she was off like a shot, all but barreling straight into her daddy’s waiting arms. She sobbed for all that she’d missed but felt tears of joy at the feeling of once again being held by her father. She inhaled the scent of his cologne before releasing him only to be crushed by her mother’s hug.

  Wiping her tears away, Amanda turned to motion Jackson forward. “Mom, Dad, this is Jackson,” she said proudly. He shook their hands, but Amanda’s mother pulled him in for a hug, reminding him of his own mother. His parents were in the background; ready to meet the parents of the woman he loved.

  He stepped back to let them exchange pleasantries, but Amanda wasn’t quite ready to be separated from her parents. She was sandwiched in between them, holding her mother’s hand and her daddy’s arm, a smile beaming from her radiant face.

  The pale yellow dress was beautifully form fitting without being distasteful, but what made Jackson laugh was what he saw underneath the dress. Peeking out from under the soft folds of the long skirt were Amanda’s feet, encased in her hot pink heels. Shaking his head, he indicated her shoes, which had Amanda sending him an impish smile.

  His life promised never to be dull with Amanda by his side, and he planned to make her his bride sooner rather than later. For now, he was just happy to see her glowing with contentment in her yellow dress and those ridiculous shoes.




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