Is Mr White Mr Right?

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Is Mr White Mr Right? Page 4

by J A Fielding

  Slowly she walked down the stairs to the kitchen where her dada Eric and nan, Estelle were. Her nan had made waffles specially for her first day at work.

  “There she is,” Estelle said as Natasha made her way to the kitchen table. “The new head of corporate advertising at Nolan Schmidt Communications Solutions,” Estelle said feigning a television advert.

  “You know it,” Natasha said as she kissed her nan’s cheek. “And thanks for the waffles,” she added as she took a plate.

  “You look beautiful princess,” Eric said as he stood to kiss his daughter’s cheek. “You will knock them dead in that dress,” he added as he sat back down.

  “I am the head of corporate advertising,” Natasha said as she helped herself to some waffles. “I need to look the part,” she added taking a bite of her waffles. “This is really good, nan,” she said between bites.

  “Hey, don’t talk with your mouth full,” Estelle said pointing at Natasha using a spatula.

  “Don’t worry, she does that to me too,” Eric said as he gathered his stuff. Natasha smiled at him as she rushed to finish her breakfast. She had exactly three minutes to be on the road.

  “I better go too,” she said as she stood up.

  “But you haven’t even had juice,” Estelle protested. Natasha walked over and gave her a quick hug.

  “I will have it before I have dinner,” she said as she grabbed her bag. “But now, I have really got to go,” she added as she kissed her farther goodbye. She stopped on the way to the door and turned around. “Daddy, do you think…..” “….don’t even say it,” Eric said grabbing his car keys off the table. He had loaned her his Ford Lincoln on her last interview with NSCS. Estelle smiled. Natasha knew her nan had seen that answer coming long before she even asked the question.

  “It was worth a try,” she said as she walked out to her own mini cooper. Eric had always told Natasha that her mini cooper was classier than most. Her first two salaries had taken care of completely pimping her mini coop into one of those ‘pimp my ride’ vehicles you saw on TV. However, Natasha still thought she looked more classy in a Lincoln than a mini cooper.

  As she drove down the street, she felt herself being more relaxed as the cool breeze brushed her soft cheeks. Her heart rate was getting faster and faster as she got nearer to the NSCS offices. By the time she drove through the company parking lot, she almost felt like she was hyperventilating. “Relax, Tasha,” she told herself as she walked towards the office building. “You already got the job,” she thought as she approached the reception. A wide eyed brunette smiled at her. “You must be Angie,” Natasha said smiling.

  “I sure am and you are Natasha Black, right?” Angie asked looking at her. Natasha nodded. “Well, before you get settled in, Mr. Schmidt would like to see you in his office,” Angie said as she pointed her to Mitchell’s office. Natasha felt goose bumps on her skin as she walked down the lobby to Mitchell’s office. “Why would he possibly want to see me?” she wondered. She took a deep breath when she got to his door and knocked softly.

  “Natasha Black, the most difficult woman to find this side of California,” Mitchell said as Natasha slowly walked in. She smiled at him while still standing at the doorway. “Well, don’t just stand there, come on in,” he said standing up. She could feel his eyes looking up and down her smooth, well defined curves.

  “Nice to see you, Mr. Schmidt,” Natasha said as she took a seat.

  “Can I offer you anything?”he asked walking to his mini-bar. “I have cognac, champagne….,” he looked at her disapproving expression and smiled. “Okay, juice?” he asked.

  “Sure,” Natasha said crossing her legs. She knew he had noticed that involuntary gesture. She cursed herself for dressing up. She should have worn a pants suit. Maybe something that didn’t show too much skin.

  “To a new beginning,” Mitchell said after handing her a glass of orange juice. “I am looking forward to a very healthy professional relationship with my new head of corporate advertising,” he said. Natasha could hear the stress in his voice when he said ‘professional’. She smiled.

  “Me too,” she said as their glasses touched with a quiet clink.

  “So, why didn’t you return any of my calls?” he asked. He had a smile on his face. A sly but sexy smile.

  “What happened to the professionalism?” she asked taking a sip of her juice.

  “It is still there,” he said still looking at her. Natasha hated this. She had successfully avoided this conversation for three weeks. She leaned forward and put her glass down.

  “I want to keep things strictly business between us, Mr. Schmidt,” she said her voice suddenly becoming a bit more serious than she had expected it to.

  “Mr. Schmidt, I thought we agreed on Mitchell,” he said leaning back in his chair.

  “Alright Mitchell,” she said as he stood and walked to the door. She felt her heart skip a beat. What the hell was he about to do?

  “Donna,” he called from the door. “Hold my calls for an hour or so. I need to go over contract details with the new HCA,” he said before bolting the door. Natasha felt her heart rate rising again. Her body numbed put when she noticed that Mitchell’s office had only one window and it overlooked the Californian sky scrapers. She panicked and stood up. She quickly walked to the door and eyeballed Mitchell.

  “I need to get settled in,” she said swinging her bag over her shoulder. He smiled down at her and she felt like she would melt right there.

  “Nice shoes,” he said completely disregarding her request. She felt butterflies in her stomach as he moved closer to her. “They make you look….” He said as he got even closer. Their noses were now inches away from each other. She could actually feel his orange mint breath brushing over her skin. “Sexy,” he finally said before sliding the bag off her shoulder. She was now breathing hard and fast. She tried hard not to show it but it was a bit too obvious. Mitchell Schmidt turned her on. She wanted to move but she couldn’t. Even when she felt his hand on her waist she still couldn’t move. She was now sure. Mitchell Schmidt, her McDreamy was her kryptonite.

  “Mitchell….” “…..don’t talk,” he whispered as he put another hand on her waist. Her eyes were fixated on the floor. She was sure if she looked up she would jump his bones and kiss him.

  “You are denying what is already a done deal,” he whispered as he began backing her up. She moved back one step and then another, and then another till she felt her calves against the office couch. “You know you want me as much as I want you,” he said as he brought his lips to her neck. Her warm breath was driving her crazy. She raised her arms to push him off but instead, found herself wrapping her arms around his shoulder.

  “No, Tasha. This is your boss,” she thought as she ran her fingers through his thick hair. She felt him slowly plant a soft kiss on her neck. The soft kiss quickly turned intense as he began trailing kisses along her slender neck. She felt him pull her even closer so she could smell his well groomed skin under her nose. Her heart was beating faster as he kissed her neck, and then her chin. He worked his lips up to her own soft lips and brushed them softly. “Oh my God,” she thought as she felt his arm slip around her small waist. She put an arm on his chest and tried pushing him off.

  “If you manage to push me away, I will let you go and never bother you again,” he said softly. Natasha could still feel his arm around her waist but she could not move. She knew she wanted to push him off or did she? She closed her eyes and sighed. She wanted him. She knew she did.

  “Mitch….” “… it and I walk,” he interrupted again slowly kissing her. She looked into his dark eyes and realized that she still had one hand on his head. “I thought so,” he said as he bent down to kiss her. She gasped for breath as she felt his soft lips slowly massage hers.

  She suddenly decided to give in to her body’s desire and wrapped her arms around him, kissing him hard and with urgency. Her heart was pounding harder and harder as she felt his hands slowly caress her.
She was sure she wanted to pull back but all she found herself doing was holding him close as she felt her nipples get hard, pressing against her dress.

  He let his hand go low to where her hem was and then slowly lift the dress, peeling it away from her smooth skin. This was going to far. She had to stop. She pulled away and looked at his warm eyes. Something in them dazzled her. Something in them got her blood rushing.

  She surprised herself as she took a seat on the couch and looked at him invitingly. She lifted her head and undid the bun her hair was in before shaking her hair loose. Mitchell smiled and slowly began to loosen his tie. She knew she was making him get hotter by the second and for some reason, she was loving it.

  He took a seat next to her and brought his face to hers but he never allowed himself to go low. She looked up at him and smiled. He wanted to see if she could take control. She slowly grabbed his tie and pulled him down, her lips slowly meeting his. She felt his hand slowly go up her dress and slowly caress her thighs making her pussy hot and moist. Her eyes were closed when she felt him undo the zipper behind her back. She heard him breathe a low smooth wow when her breasts became exposed to him.

  “Ah….” She gasped when his warm hand cupped a full breast. She opened her eyes to see him marveling at her tits.

  “You are the most beautiful woman I ever saw,” he said in almost a whisper. Natasha put her hands on his face and tilted him upwards.

  “Really?” she asked cynically.

  “Oh yeah,” he said as he effortlessly undid her bra clasp. She felt a shiver run down her spine as he pulled the bra away. She could almost see his cock twitch as he looked at her breasts. Her gasps quickly turned into moans when he took one of her nipples in his mouth and began twirling his tongue around it. She felt a warm flow of liquid blot her panties as he sucked her hard while his other hand carefully brushed her other nipple.

  She held onto his bobbing head as he moved up and down her heaving chest almost as if her life depended on it. Natasha could feel Mitchell’s hand slip away from her breast down to her navel. She quickly opened her eyes to see him kissing her stomach while lifting her dress.

  “Oh my God, he is going down there….NOW????” she wondered as his lips trailed the inside of her thighs. Her pussy was now fully wet, almost staining the couch. “Mitch…..what …..,” his hand soon blocked her words as he made her suck on his index finger. He suddenly placed both hands on her waist and pulled her down on the couch before spreading her legs wide. She felt vulnerable as she lay there spread eagled in front of a fully dressed man. She watched him closely as he lifted her manicured foot and admired her heels.

  “Great woman, great taste,” he said in a low voice as he smiled at her. She smiled back as he threw the shoe on the floor. He surprised her when he lifted her foot up and kissed her well manicured toes before slowly sucking them. “Fuck, this dude is fucking kinky,” she thought as she surrendered herself to the pleasure.

  He worked his kisses up her leg and finally to her warm, wet center. “Oh fucking shit,” she thought as she felt those warm lips on her bud. He was slowly sucking and almost tugging at that beautiful bean triggering shivers, chills, orgasms. She was sure his face was now a hot, wet mess but he never stopped. It was like he didn’t want to. He lapped at her cunt as his fingers toyed at her opening. She gasped trying hard not to cry out as he worked his oral prowess on her wet, ripe pussy.

  He suddenly plunged his tongue deep inside her pussy activating a serious orgasm that ripped through her walls. She slapped a hand over her mouth as she screamed out her orgasm. He pulled away from her pussy and pulled himself up. Smiling, he took her hand away from her mouth and kissed her.

  “I want to hear you scream,” he whispered amidst kisses.

  “No….I can’t…the office….” “…….yes you can, baby, he said kissing her again. “Insulated walls,” he said looking at her. Natasha nodded as he slowly kneaded her tits softly. “I want to hear it,” he said again before going back down on her. She felt him fumble with his fingers for a while before shoving two of them inside her wetness.

  She arched her back as he quickly worked his fingers in and out of her. He was watching her get multiple orgasms and he was loving every minute of it. Her vocal chords were strained as she suddenly squealed and screamed all the while writhing on the couch. She knew he was having a hard time maintaining his finger fuck as she came. She opened her eyes to see him looking at her. His cock was already out of his pants looking angry, rigid and ready to plough her. She shivered as the last bits of her sexuality drained out of her cunt as he withdrew his fingers.

  He brought his face down and kissed her lips and then her breasts before collapsing on her. She could feel his cock pressing against her and all she wanted to do was have his beautiful hardness buried in her.

  “Mitchell, you….” “… time, I won’t stop there,” he said kissing her forehead. He didn’t want to hear what she had to say. She didn’t want this moment to end. But it was the first day of work and it was 9.30 in the freaking AM. She had to pull herself together.

  Chapter 5

  Rita looked at a pink faced Natasha and smiled. She wasn’t sure whether she was just happy or altogether proud. She had just got Natasha to spill her guts about her little office encounter with Mitchell at the office. It had been already five weeks since she started working at Nolan Schmidt Communications solutions and she had been glowing ever since the first day. But perhaps what made her more proud of Natasha more than anything was the fact that finally, her best friend was over Jay.

  “At least I don’t have to hear anything else about that jack ass,” Rita thought as Natasha handed her a bottle of water.

  “I have got to ask,” Rita said as she fumbled with the bottle. “Could McDreamy be the reason you haven’t missed a single day of work even when Aunt Irma visited?” Rita asked with a smile. Natasha shrugged as she took a long sip from her own bottle.

  “Come on, don’t even go there,” Natasha said as she led Rita to her room.

  “We both know I’m right, Tasha,” Rita said in a decisive voice.

  “Mitchell has actually been in Brazil for the last couple of weeks,” Natasha said making her way to her bed. “Some company promotion thing,” she added taking a seat on the bed.

  “So, you’ve been the good girl ever since you joined NSCS because you want him to give you his full blown daddy dick?” Rita asked, a naughty smile playing on her face. Natasha threw a cushion at her.

  “Rita!” Natasha said giggling. Rita put her hands up in defense as the cushion came flying towards her face. “You are disgusting,” Natasha said. She could already feel her cheeks flushing again. She could not deny that she had indeed gone to bed many a night wondering what it would be like to have Mitchell deep inside her. The way he had eaten her out in his office made her want more of him. It was almost as if she was enslaved to him.

  To his hands, to his lips, to his tongue and even though she was yet to have it, to his cock. She had wanted to know what his cock was like since he met him that day at the parking lot. There was an aura of sexuality around her boss and she could feel it. She was not sure what his reasons for wanting to be with her were.

  Maybe he just liked the idea of having an African American, maybe he just had to confirm the rumor that black women were great in bed. Or was it for street cred? Whatever it was, she didn’t care. She just wanted to be with him. To fuck him, to feel his warm skin against hers as they both got into a wonderful world of climax.

  “Hello, earth to Tasha, Rita asked waving her arms in front of Natasha who suddenly blinked before taking another sip from her bottle. “Still here?”She asked her pink faced friend.

  “Where else would I be?” Natasha asked leaning back. Rita ran her fingers through her thick braids.

  “I don’t know, McDreamy’s bed?” she said laughing.

  “He has a name you know,” Natasha said looking at Rita. “It’s Mitchell,” she said with feigned finality. Rita s
miled before finally laughing.

  “You are the one who said he was your very own McDreamy,” she said amidst laughter. “Shonda Rhimes should have your head on a pike for stealing her best selling product,” she added.

  “Don’t even….you know the only reason I watch Grey’s Anatomy is Derek Shepherd,” Natasha said feigning seriousness again. Rita laughed before putting her bottle on the floor.

  “Well, enough said,” Rita said suddenly becoming serious. Natasha looked at her closely. She looked like she was about to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima all over again. “There’s something I want to talk to you about,” Rita finally said. “I knew it!” Natasha thought as she held her hair up.

  “What is it? What’s going on?”Natasha asked. She hated when Rita got serious. Seeing as she never really got serious at all. This had to be major.

  “Well, I couldn’t say this earlier because I wasn’t sure,” Rita started. Natasha felt her heart rate go up a little. What was this that she had to take time to process?

  “Come on, out with it,” Natasha pressed. Rita took a deep breath and held Natasha’s hand.

  “Jay is moving back,” Rita finally said. Natasha felt like her world had just come to a stand still. “Did she just say….”

  “Did you just say that Jay is moving here? Back to the neighborhood?” Natasha asked almost in a panic. Rita nodded and squeezed her hand. “This guy is like a bad smell. You can’t get away from him,” she thought. “How do you know this? I mean, who have you been talking to?” she asked feeling the anger within her building up.

  “Miranda was bragging about it all over the nail salon last weekend…” “…Miranda? What the fuck!” Natasha interrupted as the anger finally blew over. Miranda Johnson had been her sworn enemy since middle school. Their relationship became even more stained when she went on a rumor mongering spree in an attempt to break up Jay and Natasha. For some reason, Natasha always thought that Miranda would grow out of her childish phase but it seemed that even in her twenties, she was still living in high school. Natasha took a deep breath. “So, do you know when exactly he is moving back?” she asked feeling a lot more calm than she had been a few minutes ago. Rita shook her head.


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