Broken: A Devil's Spawn MC Novel

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Broken: A Devil's Spawn MC Novel Page 1

by Natasha Thomas


  A Devil’s Spawn Novel By – Natasha Thomas

  Copyright © 2015 by Natasha Thomas

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

  without the express written permission of the publisher

  except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  eBook Published and any subsequent printing done and developed in Australia

  First Released, June 20th, 2015

  Natasha Thomas

  Sydney, Australia

  [email protected]


  To Cindy...

  Sometimes a chance at true happiness is all we get. Grasp it with both hands, hang on tight, and allow yourself to get swept along for the ride. It might not end in joy, or beauty, or love, but the journey itself was the blessing in disguise. My deepest, most heartfelt wish for you my beautiful friend, is that you experience every journey to the fullest. I’ll be there at the end of your travels to hold your hand when you need support. Hug you when you need comfort. Share in your happiness and pain when you need a shoulder to lean on. When you’ve found your happy ending…I intend on being there to see that too…because you will get there in the end. Keep your head high, your shoulders straight, and remember, no matter what, you are cherished. You are strong. And you are loved.

  eBook copyright ©2015

  Natasha Thomas

  All rights reserved

  By purchasing this eBook it allows you one legal copy for your own personal reading, on your computer, tablet, or other device capable of viewing eBooks. After purchasing, you do not have the rights to; resell, print, distribute, or transfer this book, in part, or whole to any other person via any method currently known, or yet to be conceived, or developed in the future. It may also, not be uploaded, in part or whole, to any file sharing programs, websites, or social media outlets. Being resold, given, or transferred to any other person is in direct violation of the Australian, and U.S. Copyright Laws.


  This book is a work of fiction, and is written to be taken as such.

  Characters, names, road names, motorcycle clubs, places, businesses, towns, events, and incidents are a product of the author’s own thoughts, and imagination. As such, any resemblance to persons living, or dead, actual events, or incidents, past, present, or future, is purely coincidental, and is not in any way intended to offend, upset, or disturb person/s reading its content.

  This book is intended for mature audiences aged 18 and over. It contains content that may be viewed as disturbing for some readers, graphic sexual scenes and references, coarse language, and violence.


  Firstly, and as always, I would like to thank my wonderfully supportive husband. Your endless encouragement, and belief in me inspires and uplifts me. Without it there are times I would have given up, but your patience and love saw me through in the end.

  To my children who sadly continue to miss out on their mother when she cloisters herself away furiously typing for hours, leaving you to fend for yourself. I’m eternally grateful you haven’t set fire to the house, poisoned the dog or yourselves, and you haven’t sent your dad insane. Remember...I love you, and even when you think I may have turned into a vampire with the hours I keep, I’m still your mother, and I know when it’s quiet something’s gone horribly wrong.

  Monica Langley Holloway, you continue to outdo yourself with my stunning covers and the inspiration you give me every single day. You’re irreplaceable, and I treasure the chats we have at 3am, and beyond. Thank you for everything you do above and beyond the call of duty, I’m truly honored you’re still working with me after becoming better acquainted with my craziness.

  To some beautiful ladies that deserve not only a thank you, but a big, old kiss for their patience and perseverance even when I’m a pain in the ass giving them very little time to read and review my chapter. Mary Leigh, Melissa, Laura, and Jennifer, you ladies have again helped me to bring to life my characters, and have offered support and suggestions that keep me wanting to write long past the end. You beautiful women have no idea how much your honesty, feedback, and emails have helped to develop and continue the storyline for this book, so thank you from the bottom of my heart and beyond.

  And lastly…I need to make an extra special mention when it comes to one of my very best friends in the whole world…Cindy. You have no idea how much it means that you’re on the other of the phone no matter when I need you, or just need to vent. Over the years you’ve become a part of my family, but more than that, a part of my heart. It’s not often a person comes into your life that you know with certainty will be there long after most of the others leave, but you my friend, are one of those rare few. Your beauty, your strength, and your courage are inspirational. I love you for who you will become, but above all else, I love you for just being you.

  Table of Contents































































  What’s Next…



  “If people could read my mind…I’d get punched in the face a lot.”

  - Rotten e-Cards

  One year ago…

  I never anticipated feeling the way I do now watching Lex close the door in my face. I knew there’d be a time I’d have to say goodbye to the way our friendship was, but never in a million years did I see it playing out this way. I thought we’d be closing this chapter because we were starting a relationship the way I’ve been wanting to for longer than I can remember. The way I’ve wanted to since I really noticed Alexis became a woman.

  This is why I’ve kept my distance, why I didn’t make a move on her before now, and it’s why I refused to tell her how I really feel about her. It might make me a pussy, but if you had the roadblocks I’ve got in your way you’d be fucking second guessing yourself too.

  Being friends with s
omeone, best friends, and having that love mature into something more than platonic love isn’t easy. It’s even harder when you think about taking your relationship further only to be faced with her dad, grandfather’s, and most of the men you know, who are among your friends and brothers, who would like to do nothing more than rip your fucking head off for even considering it.

  Up until now I haven’t made it known Lexi is what I want, who I crave, the woman that was put on this Earth for me. I mean, you’d have to be blind and stupid not to know, it’s fucking obvious really. And I’m not saying my brothers are blind or stupid, but they haven’t called my on their suspicions, and they’ve never mentioned the relationship between us.

  So after waiting forever, lying to everyone I know, including Lex, and being frustrated, bordering on fucking angry 24/7 I’m willing to risk the ass kicking I’m bound to get from the men in her life. More than risk it, I’d welcome it if it means I can have Lex the way I want her. Fuck that, I’ll stand by and let them beat the shit out of me if at the end of it Lex will be the one to nurse me back to health.

  To give you some prospective on the hell I’ve been living in…here it is. I’ve spent the last two years recognizing the love I feel for Lex isn’t the same as that I’d have for a friend. It’s nothing like the love I feel for Tilly who’s been the closest thing to a sister to me. This is altogether different. I’ve spent two long ass years pretending I don’t want to spend the rest of my life with this woman. That I don’t want to put my ring on her finger and mark her as mine. That I don’t want to have children with her as many as she’ll give me. Two years convincing my body to wait until she’s ready for something serious. Until she’s ready for me and all the ways in which I want her. And I’ve spent two years waiting for the chance to make a move that will change the course of our future together. One that will probably have me needing multiple dental visits.

  Don’t think I don’t know lusting after a sixteen-year-old is wrong, fuck, I know it is. I may not have acted on it, but that doesn’t make it any less wrong for me to feel that way about her. If anyone had the first clue I was thinking about Lex that way when she was sixteen they would’ve fucking gutted me in an instant. To be honest, I felt like gutting myself more than once, but seeing as I could do fuck all about it, I learnt how to keep my distance from her when other people weren’t around.

  If I could’ve controlled my reaction to her I would’ve. Shit, if I could control my reaction to her now I would. Not because I don’t want her, but because she would be better off with a man her age, someone she could grow old with, a man that’s safe, a man without a history like mine. But the thought of her with any man other than me has me seeing red, so that’s not an option, for her or me.

  Watching her date those preppy fucking high school jocks, and college age assholes is and was almost enough to tip me over the edge. But it wasn’t until I saw her invite a guy to pick her up at her apartment, something she’s never been stupid enough to do before, that she pushed me too far. A man like me can only take so much before he breaks, and that one thoughtless act from her well and truly broke me.

  Lex is smart enough to know better than to have strange guys around and not just because of how I’d react to it. I mean, for fucks sake, she’s a woman living alone in an apartment close to the center of town, and she actually asked that douchebag to come pick her up? The mind boggles. She doesn’t know shit about him, he could be a fucking stalker for Christ’s sake. Anything could have happened to her if I wasn’t around to stop it. Lex should be thanking me for getting rid of him, not kicking me the fuck out.

  I can’t say I’m sorry I scared the pussy off, which is probably part of the reason why Lex is so pissed at me, but did she honestly believe I’d let some cocky asshole like him take out a woman like her? If she was in her right mind and thinking straight Lex would agree with me, and I know her dad would be gratefully for my intervention.

  But it’s not only this guy, and me scaring him off she’s angry about. For reasons unknown to me, unknown to everyone, Lex wants to make her own mistakes. She wants to make decisions that for all I know might end up hurting her in the long run. Why Lex is under the assumption that anyone would let that happen, especially me is fucking unbelievable. She’s the princess of Devil’s Spawn, the glue that holds us together. There’s no way her uncles, granddad’s, father, or me would let her be hurt in any way, and that includes her fucking up and hurting herself. I’ve been through enough to know there’s no need for her to suffer like that, it’s just getting her to see it that way that’s proving more than a little difficult.

  Because of how I started out, and everything life taught me, I’m not sorry for interfering, and I won’t apologies for protecting her, ever. If anything ever happened to Lex I’d be fucking lost. More than lost, I’d be fucking destroyed. Permanently broken.

  What Lex doesn’t realize yet, is she’s the sole reason I’m still alive today. If it wasn’t for her I don’t know where I’d be, but I can guarantee you it wouldn’t be here. I’d probably be holed up in a one room hovel praying for the noise, the darkness in my head to take me. I know I’d be wishing for death. Wishing for the type of peace only endless sleep could bring.

  So you see, Alexis Rose Marks saved me from my broken existence, and brought me back to life. I owe her everything. I want to give her everything…if she’d only let me.



  “How to win her love…

  Talk sweet. Don’t lie. Hold doors. Make her laugh.

  Pull her hair and smack her ass.”

  - Rotten eCards

  At the worst time of my life, a time when I didn’t know which path to take, a little girl, with gorgeous blonde curls, and big blue eyes called Alexis Rose Marks looked at me and asked if I’d be her friend. From that second, and I mean that very second on, I promised myself I’d do everything in my power to protect the little girl who stole a piece of my heart the minute I met her.

  Even though I’d been living with Vic and Sheila for three years by the time I met Lex, it was fast becoming the worst period of my life to date. Not because I didn’t love living with my sudo-parents, but because I was confused as fuck. I didn’t know what my purpose was, what I was going to do with my life, I didn’t know shit. And that was unsettling to say the least, and it added to my frustration and anger that seemed to be directed at everyone other than the little girl I’d just met.

  I wasn’t ungrateful for everything Devil’s Spawn had done for me, I was anything but, and I was especially thankful I’d run into Priest, who at the time was only a scary ass biker, dressed in leather, packing heat. After Priest found me in some back alley, I can’t even remember the name of it, in Boulder scrounging in a dumpster for food, he took me in, entrusting me to Vic and Sheila who ended up being the best things that ever happened to me, until I met Lex that is. Regardless, that period of my life was filled with uncertainty I’d never felt when I was living on the streets. I didn’t know how to repay them, what I should do to thank them for taking me in, putting up with my shit.

  Up until a few months before Priest found me I’d been in the system, just another foster kid to keep track of, another number on a cardboard file in someone’s cluttered office. I didn’t matter, as a kid that is, I was just a pay check to most of the families, which to be blunt weren’t families, they were more like detention centers for the homeless youth of America.

  Home visits were few and far between, that meant foster parents, especially the ones I’d been placed with, very rarely had to make an effort to see our needs were met. They didn’t have to make sure we were fed, or dressed in clothes that actually fit. They didn’t have to hide the bruises they inflicted, or treat us like human beings with even a hint of concern for the fact we had feelings.

  I say we, because more often than not in order to rake in more cash, the foster families I’d lived with took in more than one, “hopeless, pathetic excuse for a kid,” yeah, direct quo
te from the caring people that saw fit to open their homes, and arms long enough to make a quick buck. The one, and only kid I ended up living with for longer than a month or two was, Robbie. And as far as I know, he didn’t age out of the system half as well as I did. I haven’t heard from him for about three months, so I don’t know where he’s landed now, but the last I’d heard he was somewhere in Indiana tending bar.

  Robert Sharp, or Robbie to his friends, is a man who know how to land on his own two feet. Back in the day he used to tell me the only person I could really trust was myself, at the time I believed him, but I’ve learned different since I landed with Devil’s Spawn. Maybe his comment was based on everything we’d been through, and what he continued to live through after I ran away, but no matter what he said I’d never only trusted myself, I trusted him too.

  Robbie made his way by bartending wherever he could get work, which he never seemed to have trouble doing, working his way back and forth across the country a few times over. It doesn’t hurt he’s a good looking son of a bitch, he’s a pro at pouring drinks, and ensuring repeat business of the female variety either when it came to finding work. At thirty-two, the same age as I am, Robbie has been mistaken for that dude on Sons of Anarchy, Jax Teller more than a handful of times. At about six-two, built lean but muscled, Robbie doesn’t lack for female attention, he laps it up like a cat does milk.


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