Broken: A Devil's Spawn MC Novel

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Broken: A Devil's Spawn MC Novel Page 5

by Natasha Thomas

  Our age difference hadn’t really bothered me until I hit high school. Knowing he was off with women, drinking, doing God knows what else while I was stuck at home studying and completing assignments rankled. Actually that’s wrong, it sucked ass, but apparently I’m supposed to attempt to be a lady according to mom, so I try not to speak the words really floating through my mind often. But even when I was a nerdy freshman in high school Glock made time for me, for us to do stuff together, so that softened the blow, somewhat.

  Now before I go any further, I know what you’re thinking; seventeen was the same age my dad broke my mom, Kendall’s heart there looks like there’s a pattern here, and to some degree you’d be right, but not quite. Glock never promised me anything through his actions, his words. He never led me on to believe we’d be any more than we were right then; friends. My dad might not have said as much to my mom in so many words, but his actions screamed he’d been in love with her for years, Glock wasn’t like that; he isn’t anything like my dad.

  Blinking rapidly and cocking his head Glock squints through the sun at me.

  “Boys annoying you yet, Princess?”

  Stall and delay tactics another sure sign he feels uncomfortable with what he’s got to say. Nodding I reply,

  “Yeah, but that’s adolescents for you.” Elbowing him I demand playfully, “Out with it big man, I know you want to talk, so talk.”

  Letting out a chuckle Glock elbows me back, crossing his legs at the ankles.

  “I do, want to talk that is. I’ve got something to tell you, and I didn’t want to announce it in front of everyone else, I wanted you to know first.” My heart thuds dangerously in my chest threatening to burst out, and run away at a moment’s notice. As if he senses my unease, Glock grips my hand in his much larger one and holds on for dear life. “Just hear me out, yeah?”

  I know it’s not something I can answer, or I can promise right now. In all truthfulness I just want him to spit it out, so I bite out,

  “Talk, Glock, just talk.”

  Huffing he does just that.

  “You know that new chick, Savannah, worked over at Rough Shod for a bit?” I do know Savannah, a little too well for my liking.

  Savannah Brighton is a gorgeous twenty-six year old, voluptuous red head, and she knows it too. She lasted working at Rough Shod for a hot minute before she decided it was too low brow for the likes of her, and now she mans the front desk at the only gym in town. Which I have to say sucks for me seeing as I love working out, and that means I have to see her skanky ass every time I walk through the doors.

  Now I don’t often rush to judgement, if ever, but in Savannah’s case there’s nothing for it; she is a skank. The one thing she has going for is that she knows it, and she doesn’t apologies for it, she owns it. I’m not surprised she caught Glock’s eye either, he likes pretty things, and she is also that; insanely pretty. But her downfall is that she’s a stuck up, pretentious princess that expects the world, and every man in it to fall at her feet.

  I’m all for shaking what your momma gave you, but she takes that saying to a whole new level. Savannah openly flirts with married men, gives longer than necessary, and very thorough (if you get my meaning) tours she shouldn’t be giving, and she is excessively hands-on with anyone who happens to have a dick. None of that would have been any of my business if not for the simple fact she has seen fit to openly, but not publically inform me, ‘I’m nothing but a frumpy child who has no business chasing around after a man that’s all man like Glock’. And yes, those were her exact words, classy right?

  I’ve never been one for confrontation, unless you happen to be a ten or twelve-year-old boy, and then you’re fair game, but Savannah pushed my buttons on the wrong day catching me at my worst. Some insults were thrown back and forth, I may have pulled some of her ratty hair extensions out, and my dad may or may not have had to collect me from the local police station for threatening to key her car. Not that I’m actually admitting I ever said I would, but between you and me, hell yes I did, she would have deserved all that and worse.

  Long story short, yes I know Savannah, but thankfully knowledge of my less than stellar performance hasn’t reached Glock yet.

  “Sure I know her, why?”

  I also don’t play the dumb blonde card often. Partly because I hate the stereotype, but mostly because I save it up for times exactly like these.

  “See that’s what I wanna talk to you about, Princess.” Right now I wish he’d stop calling me that in his cajoling voice, I hate it when he does that, it makes it obvious he’s trying to placate me. Waving my hand around in the universal sign to get on with it, Glock says, “Yeah, yeah. The thing is, I asked her out, and she said yes, we went on some dates, and now I guess that means I’ve got my first girlfriend. You proud of me, being all grown up and shit?”

  What might sound like a ridiculous question to you, is a very loaded one for me. For the past three years, since I turned fourteen, I’ve been teasing Glock about his manwhore ways, his girls on rotation schedule, and his late night booty calls. While most of the time it was just that; teasing, it started to become a little more like honest to God disgust when I turned sixteen.

  I mean what grown ass man actually has a schedule of women on rotation? Not that I feel sorry for the women, I don’t, they’re aware of his roster, and want him anyway so more fool them. But what I don’t get, and I haven’t asked is why now? Why the change in program? Savannah really isn’t anything special, especially if her personality is anything to go by. So me being me, I ask,

  “Uh-huh, so all of a sudden you’ve decided to put your nasty black book away, tear down your wall calendar with sex appointments, and commit?” I know I’m being a bitch, but I could give a shit right now.

  “What the fuck, Princess? I thought you’d be happy for me,” he snaps. I saw the flash of hurt cross his face, but in my anger I don’t let it register. If I did I wouldn’t have said what I do next.

  “Happy for you, are you kidding me? I’m far from happy you’ve attached yourself to a nasty piece of two-bit trailer trash like Savannah.” Whoops, it’s out before I can take it back, and honestly I don’t want to.

  Growling low in the back of his throat Glock stands, knocking my hand away.

  “Get up Alexis, I’m taking you home.” Glock hasn’t called me Alexis since I was five, so I know I’ve gone too far but I’m hurt, so can you blame me.

  Sure, I could have done the grown up thing and apologized, but instead I nod sharply and stomp off toward his bike. Without waiting for him to help me on like he always does, I throw a leg over and settle myself on the cooling leather seat. Not far behind me, Glock pauses a minute before he straddles his Harley. Tipping my chin up, so my tear filled eyes meet his angry ones, he sucks in a breath at my obvious sadness.

  Cursing, Glock brushes the stray strands of hair that have come free of my messy bun back.

  “Shit, Princess. Fuck me, don’t cry please. I didn’t mean to upset you, I just wanted you to know first. I thought you’d be happy I wasn’t manwhoring around like you tell me I do any more.”

  Stupid, dumb, men. They’ll never get it, and Glock’s no different. I know he has no idea I’ve been in love with him for three years now, but come on, how did he think I’d react to the news? Clearly not like this. Shrugging his words off, I say,

  “Take me home now, Thomas.”

  Present day…

  That was the first time my memory of this place was tainted…I have a feeling it won’t be the last however. Albeit Skanky Savannah, (well that’s what I took to calling her), and Glock only lasted six months, and of that time most of it wasn’t smooth sailing, I still get the stink eye from her every time our paths cross. She looks at me like I’m the reason they didn’t work out, more like her vagina volunteered more than a good God fearing Christian does and that’s what ended them, but whatever. I know, nasty of me to say, but nonetheless it’s true.

  This time at least I know why we’re h
ere, or I think I do. This place is special to both of us, we spent the night after my senior prom here drinking beer and laughing our asses off, the afternoon of my graduation from high school was spent here swimming, eating cold cuts and sunbathing, and many other days before and after. It’s our place, and one I don’t think either of us will visit without the other, so what better place to say goodbye.

  Dismounting we both find our usual respective places on the rocks warmed by the midday sun and sit in silence. That’s one of the other things I love about Glock, he’s happy to sit quietly, he doesn’t feel the need to fill the void with unnecessary chatter, and meaningless words. He says what he needs to, and the rest of the time he’s content to listen or just be.



  “I hope I never have to go to jail,

  Because I haven’t had to memorize a phone number since 2001.”

  - Rotten eCards

  I’d like to say I brought her here to reminisce or some shit like that, but didn’t. I brought her here to remind her of the good times we’ve had, the times I’ll have to cherish for here on out because there won’t be any more of them. Mainly I brought her here because I’m a selfish fucker though.

  I want her to get emotional. I want her to scream, shout, and yell about the unfairness of our situation. I want her to change her mind, tell me we can stay as we’ve always been. I know all of that is a pipe dream, a figment of my imagination, but it can’t hurt to have a little hope, because that’s about all I’ve got left.

  “You alright over there Princess, you’ve gone pretty quiet on me?” I can read Lex like a book. It doesn’t matter whether she’s trying to hide how she feels from me or not, I can see through all the superficial bullshit and straight to the real her. The one that’s as vulnerable as she is strong, smart as she is naïve, and I can easily see deep inside the woman that owns my heart.

  Looking at me with a pained expression she replies,


  “Thinking about what?” Not that I really need to ask, I’m positive she thinking the same shit I am.

  Sighing Lex runs her fingers through her hair, and crosses her legs to sit Indian style. Fucking cute. She’s always sat the same way when she wants to have a serious talk.

  “Have you ever brought anyone else up here? I mean, in all the years we’ve been coming here, all the times we’ve hung out, have you ever shared this place with anyone else?”

  Fuck me! How she thinks I could is beyond me, but far be it from me not to set her straight.

  “Never. Never have, never will.”

  “It’d be okay you know? After all this is what today is all about, isn’t it? Moving on, sharing our lives with other people, broadening our horizons, experiencing new things.”

  It’s supposed to be, our goodbye that is, but deep down I don’t want that to be what today signifies. No matter what it’s not up to me though, this shit, all of it is her decision, and while I’d like to say I’ll get over it, that I’ll come to terms with the choice she’s inevitably making for both of us I know I won’t. And I’ll be damned if I bring anyone else to our place because she’s decided we’re done. No, that’s not fair, I pushed her to this, and I made her make the choice to end what we have because I was too fucking stupid and controlling to give her room to breathe. It’s not fair to her I feel this way; angry at her, furious really, it’s not her fault I’ve finally pushed her to this.

  Sighing I bite out,

  “It wouldn’t be okay, and I think you know that. No matter what happens, don’t try and bullshit me now, Princess. You and I both know you would fucking hate me sharing this place with someone else, and I sure as shit know I’d be fucking livid if you did the same.”

  Nodding sadly she agree.

  “Your right, I would hate that, but I’d understand it. I’d understand you showing someone else the side of you I know is there buried deep under the surface crap you try and mask it with.”

  See, she sees right through me, just like I said. Pulling her close, so she’s nestled under my arm, pressed tight against me side I whisper,

  “Doesn’t matter Princess, no one’s ever gonna see me like you do.” Kissing her temple I ask, “Did you know I never thought I’d have any of this; a family, people that cared about me the way I care about them. Thought it was all bullshit, a figment of people’s imaginations, something only people in movies had.” Kissing her again because I can’t seem to help myself I inhale the sweet cherry scent of her shampoo, and close my eyes trying to memories it before I lose the opportunity. “It took a kid on a swing with golden curls, and the biggest, saddest blue eyes I’d ever seen to make me realize caring about someone else wasn’t a weakness it was a gift.”

  Turning fully into my side Lex wraps her arms around my back, holding herself to me like I’d let her go if she didn’t. Crazy girl. Doesn’t she know yet that I’d never voluntarily let her go?

  “I need to ask you to do something for me. I know you might not want to, but I need it.”

  Again, doesn’t she know by now I’d do fucking anything for her?

  “Anything, Princess, anything you want.”

  Looking into her eyes I see indecision and something else. Something I can’t describe, but I feel it all the way down to my bones. Lifting her hand she strokes it over the stubble on my cheek tenderly, almost reverently before saying,

  “I need you to kiss me, not how you would kiss a friend, or a peck on the lips, I want you to really kiss me. Like you mean it. Like it’s the only thing you want to do.”

  Holy shit. My heart starts beating a million miles an hour, and I’m afraid it’s going to burst clear out of my chest. Kiss her like I mean it. Like it’s the only think I want to do. I can do that because it’s not far from the truth. While I’d like to say I want to kiss her more than I’d like to do anything else I can’t, because more than that I’d like to have Lex naked beneath me, moaning my name as I bury myself deep inside her tight, hot, wet little pussy. But kissing her comes a fucking close second, so that’s what I do.

  Lowering my head, I let my lips graze hers, softly, tenderly at first, it’s just a brush, but the fire she responds with has every one of my nerve endings standing up and taking notice, not to mention it sends every ounce of blood rushing directly south of the waistband of my jeans. Darting my tongue out I swipe it over her bottom lip, finally tasting all the sweetness that is Lex.

  She tastes like cherries, with a hint of something darker, more seductive. Fuck, she tastes like sin, like temptation all rolled up into one stunningly sexy package. A package I fully intend to unwrap. Coaxing her mouth open I growl at the intensity of her flavor. If I thought she was temptation before, now I’ve got my tongue in her mouth with hers firmly stroking mine, and her hands travelling up the length of my back touching bare skin, I was mistaken. This, this right here is heaven, and no one can convince me otherwise.

  Running my hand from the small of her back, up her delicate spine and back down again, I revel at the velvet feel of her skin. For years I’ve dreamed about how she’d feel beneath my hands, how she’d react to my hands on her, and I’m not disappointed. Lex shivers at my touch, goose bumps break out along the length of her back as I stroke her gently.

  Finding the will to make one of my hands move north, I touch my fingertips to her neck, skimming, caressing, and then finally reaching my destination I thread my hand through her thick mane of hair, angle her head, and tilt her to exactly the right position for my tongue to plunge between her lips again. This time though I don’t let her up for air. I don’t give her a chance to back off. And I sure as shit don’t give her an opportunity to pull away from me.

  Using my free hand, which is currently resting passively on her hip, I wrap it firmly around her waist pulling her flush against me. There’ not a chance she doesn’t feel how hard I am, how much I want her. Lex lets out a little whimper from the back of her throat at the contact, and immediately begins rubbing herself
against me like a cat in heat. That alone is one of the sexiest things I’ve ever felt. The way her body molds to mine, all those soft curves moving against my hard angles. I don’t want this to end, I don’t want to break our connection, but I need her naked and the only way that’s going to happen is if I pull back.

  Gathering the last of my quickly waning willpower, I disconnect our mouths and reach for the hem of her shirt.

  “You gotta tell me if you want me to stop, Princess. You gotta tell me you want this.” Fuck, I hope she does, because it’s going to be hard as hell to stop, but I will if she asks me to.

  Meeting my eyes, hers filled with lust and slightly glazed she says,

  “No. Don’t stop Thomas, please don’t stop.” Fucking aye, that’s all I needed to hear.

  Ripping her yellow tank top over her head I look down. I meant it to be a brief glance seeing as my blood is already overheating with the desire to have her writhing under me, but when I see Lex’s tiny pale pink scrap of lace pretending to be a bra I stop dead and stare. Holy shit, I knew Lex was rocking an awesome body underneath her clothes, but Jesus, I couldn’t have imagined she looked like this.

  All golden tanned skin, luscious tits spilling out of her barely there bra, and the gorgeous flush not only staining her cheeks but travelling down her chest. I want to taste her everywhere at once, sample every inch of flesh I can get my mouth on. So in order to make that happen as fast as possible I trail my fingers from her waist around to the front of her shorts, popping the button, and teasing the zip down slowly making sure to brush my knuckles against the soft skin of her toned belly.


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