Broken: A Devil's Spawn MC Novel

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Broken: A Devil's Spawn MC Novel Page 15

by Natasha Thomas

  “Ah, she’s great when she gets all proper like this isn’t she.”

  Slinging my arm around Kendall’s shoulders I murmur my agreement.

  “If it wasn’t so wrong for me to say it out loud I’d say it turns me on to hear her go all uppity on some poor unsuspecting fools’ ass.”

  “Mmhmm,” she mumbles adding a wink that tells me she’s not pissed, nor disgusted by my comment. Good, because she’s going to be hearing a lot more of it in the very near future.

  “Bets on she ends up taking him to his knees in the next ten minutes,” I prod.

  This is something Kendall and I’ve been doing for years, betting on how long it would take Lex to emasculate someone who talked down to her, disrespected her, or just plain pissed her off, so I’m not surprised when Kendall says,

  “You’re on, but put me down for less than five.”

  Chuckling I reply,

  “You got it.”

  Just in the nick of time, Kendall and I turn back to see Pike take a menacing step toward Lex, and Lex reach out and grab the guys’ junk.

  “I recommend you think very carefully before you make your next move. You see those three men over there,” she says nodding toward Reaper, Cage, and Tank. “Well those men taught me sixty-eight ways to make a man beg me for mercy. Would you like to know what number sixty-nine is?”

  From beside me I hear a squeak just as I grunt out a laugh and mutter,

  “Oh shit.”

  From over here I can tell Pike’s eyes are watering, and he’s nodding his head rapidly thinking that’ll get him out of the death grip Lex’s got on his balls. If this was any other situation I’d be pissed her hand is anywhere close to another mans’ junk, but because I know exactly what’s coming next, I don’t see it as anything but fucking hilarious.

  Twisting hard enough that Pike lets out his own high pitch squeak Lex informs him of his demise.

  “I think it’s easier if I show you.”

  Reaper and Tank let out a round of raucous laughter, Cage and Steel joining in not long after, and as Lex goes in for the kill I hear Pipe yell out,

  “You show him darlin’.”

  Twisting her wrist one hundred and eighty degrees, in turn meaning Pike’s balls have gone with it cause Pike to double over in agony. While he’s bent at the waist, Lex uses the elbow of the same arm, swinging it around until it connects with his nose sending an arc of blood flying across the newly cleaned tiled floor, a bone shattering crunch echoing through the showroom, and sends Pike crashing to the floor.

  Not to be deterred from defending her own honor, once Pike’s on the floor in the fetal position cupping his poor abused balls with one hand, and his most likely broken nose with the other, Lex uses her boot clad foot on his ribs to roll him over onto his back. The fucking idiot looks like a dead cockroach. Legs pulled up to his abdomen, and his arms still holding himself makes him look like a little kid, not the fully grown man he’s supposed to be.

  When Lex is sure she’s got his attention, which she does by digging the toe of her pointy boot into his ribs a few times, she says sweetly,

  “Now that we’ve cleared that up, go clean yourself up. You can see Candice and she’ll give you a spare shirt, and then I expect you to direct those cars like I asked you to nicely in the first place. Do you think you could do that for me?”

  Jesus, she’s fucking scary when she’s like this. Scary hot, but scary nonetheless. Nodding Pike takes a few deep breaths before replying. I’d feel sorry for him at the pain those breaths cause him if he hadn’t brought it all on himself.

  “Y-yes. I get it, and I’m sorry.”

  Bending down, a foot or so away but close enough, Lex pats his cheek.

  “Good boy.”

  With that a round of laughter goes up around the room, along with clapping from almost everyone. Disengaging my arm from Kendall’s shoulders I start in Lex’s direction when I hear,

  “You own me fifty, Glock, and I hope like hell you know what you’re doing,” from Kendall.

  Shooting a wink over my shoulder at her I’m at Lex’s side in five more long strides. When I reach her, I grab her into my arms and turn her into my chest saying,

  “Now’s as good a time as any, Princess,” just as I smash my lips to hers.



  “Never forget that with a positive attitude,

  and a great pair of tits, you can do anything!”

  -Rotten eCards

  Moaning into Glock’s mouth, I give him almost all of my weight as I lean fully into his kiss. He tastes like the coffee I made him before we left, and I can’t help but push my tongue further in to savor the taste.

  I haven’t had coffee since I found out for certain I’m pregnant, so the forbidden taste, the feel of Glock’s hard muscles, body heat, and the insistent press of his huge erection has my mind splintered into two very opposite camps. One side wants to climb him like a tree, wrap my legs around him, and demand that he carry me off somewhere private and ravage me. The other side, the one I’m going to listen to, (because with a room full of people that I’m sure are staring at us like we’re a zoo exhibit it’s the only rational choice), says end the kiss and hug him tight instead.

  I pull away from his kiss slightly, only enough to reach behind his head to the hair on the back of his neck, and pull his forehead to mine.

  “As hot as that was, I’m willing to bet my dad is seconds off exploding, Uncle Steel is toying with letting him and holding him back, and my grandpa’s are wondering what in the hell is going on, so do you think you can just hold me while we try explain all this to them.”

  The pleading tone in my voice has Glock smirking and placing a soft kiss to my forehead.

  “You never have to ask me to hold you, Princess. If I’m not already doing it, then it’s a given I want to be, that I can assure you of.”

  Turning me he tucks me into the crook of his arm. When his arms around me I feel so safe, so protected. Granted Glock is huge in comparison to me, a good foot taller, but that’s not what make me feel this way. It’s the way he scans the room, assess the threats, and make sure I’m the furthest away from anything he considers dangerous that has butterflies swarming in my belly.

  Deciding its high time for me to open my eyes and confront whatever is coming our way, I do just that. And I was right…Dad looks like he’s about to blow a gasket, and Uncle Steel is hold his bicep speaking into his ear. Whatever my Uncle is saying doesn’t seem to be calming the raging beast though, so I say,

  “Let him go, Uncle Steel it’s okay.”

  Assessing whether I’ve lost my mind by asking him to release my furious father or not, Uncle Steel complies, and both he, and Uncle Tank take large steps forward so they’re following closely in my dads’ wake. Oh, this isn’t going to go well, I muse to myself.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing? Get your fucking hands off my daughter, now.”

  Glock scoffs beside me startling me.

  “Yeah, that’s not going to happen brother,” he grunts.

  “You better be joking, Glock. And if you are I’m not fucking laughing,” my dad fumes. “Come here baby girl.” Stretching his arms out for me, this isn’t a simple gesture, he’s forcing me to make a choice. Right here in front everyone he wants me to choose between him, and the man he knows I’m in love with. That I’ve been in love with for half my life. It’s not an impossible choice though, in fact my dad just made it even easier.

  If dad had taken me aside, talked to me, not made decisions for me I might have entertained what he had to say, not for long but I would have listened. Now, that’s not an option. I would have felt slightly guilty for telling him he had no business interfering in my love life, and that I won’t lose Glock. But after this, I feel no guilt, no remorse. I’m disappointed in him. I’m sad it’s come to this, and worst of all; in this moment, in this room, in front my family and friends, I hate him.

  If you had told me a we
ek ago, a month ago, six months ago that I would one day be saying I will actually really, truly hate my dad I would have called you a liar. If you told me I would feel the overwhelming desire to curl up in Glock’s arms and have him comfort me while I mourn what feels like the loss of my dad, I’d have called you a liar then too. Not regarding the curling up in Glock’s arms, but the rest of it certainly. I’ve never felt more ashamed, embarrassed, or furious with the man I’ve looked up to my entire life.

  “No! No, no, no. Don’t do this dad please. Please don’t do this.” Cody’s hoarse pleas drag me from my own self-pity as I turn to face him.

  “Code, it’s okay honey, I promise everything will be okay.” I shouldn’t promise him anything, especially when I don’t know if it’s the truth. The poor kid, or should I say young man, has been through enough turmoil and upset in his life. He’s grown up far faster than he should have, and I hate he’s being put in the middle of this, but at the end of the day it shouldn’t be me considering all these things, it should be my dad. But seeing him like this, almost desperate in his begging breaks my heart, so I know even though I might not be able to keep my promise to him, it’s what he needs to hear.

  “You can work it out, Lee-lee. You and dad can talk this out. Can’t you dad. You’ll talk to her won’t you? You won’t make her leave us will you?” His fear, his terror is threaded through every word.

  Even Wheel’s who’s usually oblivious to all things emotional comes up to rest his hand on Cody’s shoulder.

  “It’ll be fine, Code man. They’ll sort it out,” he says gently.

  “She made her choice, son.” Dad says not looking at me again. I don’t know if that hurts more than the way he just forced my hand or not, but it stings. Him being able to write me off for choosing Glock stings.

  “Dad? Daddy, please don’t leave like this.” I won’t beg like Cody did, and I won’t chase after him either. He did this, not me. I won’t be responsible for his actions. But I asked once, I gave him one shot to turn around and talk to me like the adult I am, and he didn’t take it. And that hurts too. Deeply.

  He doesn’t listen. I didn’t think he would. Mom runs out after him, throwing a sad smile in my direction. That’s what breaks me. The look on my mom’s face, a mixture of wanting to comfort me, and needing to be there for my dad has me bursting into great big ugly tears.

  Without warning Glock scoops me into his huge, capable arms carrying me off to sit on the leather lounge in the reception area. Settling me in his lap, he cocoons me with his warmth whispering in my ear.

  “He’ll calm down, Princess. Your mom will talk to him and sort his shit out. Give him time, babe.”

  I want to believe him. I really do, but I don’t think that’s how this is going to play out this time. My dad can be hard-headed and stubborn on the best of days, but I’d never seen the look of dismissal he wore as a blatant mask for me to see before. Beside me the cushion depresses and I find my free hand being squeezed tightly by a visibly upset Cody.

  "You have to promise you won't leave me, Lee-lee. I can't lose you too." My poor brother. He’s lost a mom, a dad he never even had the chance to know, and now he’s being faced with his second family being inevitably torn apart by a situation he can’t control.

  Because that’s what this is about; him not being in control of something that could mean the difference between a loving, caring family unit, and one torn apart by conflict to him. What he doesn’t know is that I’d never let that happen. No matter how bad things got, I’d never put him in the position where he thought he’d be the one that had to choose. I couldn’t do that to him.

  Cody is a fixer. He has to piece things, people back together. He likes everything to be harmonious all the time, and that’s just not realistic. Most of the time people do their best to shelter him from arguments, tension, any form of confrontation because we know the stress it puts on him. The way he retreats into himself. It takes ages to get him to come out of his shell again when he closes off, and more often than not, it’s only Wheel’s or Emma that can bring him around again.

  As he’s getting older it’s becoming even harder to pull him out of his head. I don’t know where he goes when he retreats, but I have my theories. Cody has a vivid imagination, and the therapist my mom and I talked to about six months ago concurs with our assumptions that Cody has created a safe place in his head. Somewhere he can go that’s filled with happy memories, ones that settle him, calm him.

  Bringing my hand to his cheeks I say,

  “I promise, Code. Nothing will keep me away from you, Wheel’s, or Emma.” It’s all I can offer him right now, and I hope he believes me. I hope he trust me enough to know I would never lie to him about something that means so much to him.

  “So, what’ve we got here,” Priest asks.

  My grandpa might scare everyone else, but to me he’s just a big old teddy bear. Smiling at him, not moving from my spot on Glock’s lap I say,

  “Grandpa, I’d like you to meet my boyfriend, Glock.” Turning to my man I add, “Glock, I’d like you to meet one of my two grandpa’s, Priest.”

  Chuckling comes from behind Priest, and I immediately know the deep laugh is grandpa Pipe. Priest doesn’t look half as amused as Pipe, but he also doesn’t look half as furious as dad either.

  “Love to say this is a surprise baby girl, but I’d be a fucking liar, yeah? Did you really need to give him an aneurism over it though?”

  Shrugging I reply,

  “Dad has known how I’ve felt for a long time now, I know you know that, it hasn’t been a well-kept secret. And he knows even better than anyone else this was a given, not a maybe.”

  “How do you figure that, little one?” He looks genuinely confused by my statement, which leads me to wondering who dad actually told about his little visit to my boyfriend.

  “I think I can answer that one,” Uncle Steel says dejectedly.

  “What the fuck do you know about it, boy?” Great. Uncle Reaper doesn’t look happy either. This day just keeps getting better and better.

  “How about we all settle the fuck down, and stop crowding them. Lexi’s had a rough day, and she doesn’t need a bunch of grumpy asses such as yourselves standing over her like vultures.” I so love Ade right now. I’d give her a big old kiss if Glock had any intention of letting me off his lap. Which mind you, does not look like it’s happening any time soon.

  “Talk, boy. Don’t make me kick your ass.”

  Sighing, Steel drops into the office chair to Glock’s left.

  “Cage paid a visit to see Glock weeks back. Took me and Nick with him. We had no fucking clue why we were there till your son,” he says pointing at Priest, “decided to get up in Glock’s shit telling him to back off from Lexi.”

  “So my boy decides to get involved in business that isn’t his, and you what? Sat there like a bitch with your thumb up your ass and let him?” Priest asks.

  “Not exactly. I told him he was being a fucking asshole, and he should stay the fuck out of it, but you know what he’s like when it comes to Lexi.” Steel isn’t shying away from this like I thought he would being my dads’ best friend, but he does look torn as to his loyalties. Screeching has Uncle Steel dropping his head into his hands muttering, “Fuck my life.”

  “William Stephen Andrews, tell me you did not just admit to helping your half-wit friend fuck with his own daughter?” Trust Aunt Lou to call it as she sees it. Before he can answer she huffs, “You are so not getting laid any time this century for this, I hope you know that. How could you?”

  Lou actually looks upset with him, which isn’t something that happens very often. In fact, I can’t remember the last time she was really, truly mad at him. For all her talk, and threats against his manhood she doesn’t hold a grudge for long. She never has. Most of the time it’s just her blowing off steam, and it works for them. She yells, tells him off, Uncle Steel listens, takes it like a champ, and they make-up. End of story. Fight over. It doesn’t appear it’s going
to be smoothed over that easily this time though.

  "Are you fucking stupid?" Reaper bellows. “How many times have I told you Cage has gotta learn how to stay the fuck out of shit that isn’t his concern. You’ve been covering for his ass for fucking years’ boy, it’s time he took care of shit himself.”

  He’s not half wrong. My dad might be mean and tough, but most of the time you’ll find Uncle Steel at his back. Whether it is just for moral support, or backup in case the situation gets extreme, he’s always there. I’ve wondered from time-to-time whether dad really isn’t as independent and fierce as he makes out. I mean, I know he and Steel grew up together, they’re best friends, and brothers, but that doesn’t stop me thinking that without Steel, dad might not be quite as cocky.

  Glock’s rough bark from beneath me makes me jump.

  “Enough! We’re not a fucking circus exhibit and we don’t need all of you talking round in circles about how this shit happened, who did what, or what’s going to happen next. It’s our business and it’s up to us to sort it, yeah?”

  “I’m thinking that’s not going to happen, brother. You know who you got involved with, and you know who her daddy is. You wanted an easy fucking mark, you picked the wrong girl,” Priest barks. The venom threaded in his tone is unmistakable, and I see this conversation, well grilling, going from bad to worse, quickly.


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