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Jacie and the Alien Bodyguard (Intergalactic Brides 6)

Page 8

by Jessica Coulter Smith

  “You don’t seem surprised,” the doctor said.

  “My cousin has Down Syndrome, so I’m familiar with it.” She wet her lips. “There aren’t going to be children like my daughter here, are there?”

  “No. To date, there have been no children with birth defects.”

  Anger surged through her. “Don’t talk about my daughter like that!”

  “I apologize. It wasn’t my intention to upset you. If you have any questions, you can contact me anytime. I’ve been doing some research on the dis… I mean, on Down Syndrome, and if there’s anything you wish to know that I haven’t discovered yet, I’ll do my best to learn more. I want to be as prepared as possible for the birth of your children.”

  “Thank you, Vyrex.”

  The screen went black and Cosmir placed a hand on her shoulder. “You realize that with one of your children being… special, you’re probably not going to find a mate. I don’t know what it is that your daughter has, but I’m guessing it’s going to make it difficult to find her a mate.”

  “She’ll never have one,” Jacie said. “Not unless there’s a male out there who will accept her, and accept that she will always be different and unable to attend to all wifely duties. She could be a friend to him, but nothing more. From what I’ve gathered, your males are all anxious to have children. My daughter will never have children of her own, but thanks to modern medicine, at least she has a chance to live a long, full life now. At one time, babies with Down Syndrome didn’t live past childhood.”

  “With a special child in the home, you’re going to need a bodyguard a lot longer than the council had first assumed. Either that or a mate, and as I’ve said, it’s going to be impossible for you to find a mate. You could always give the girl up for adoption,” Cosmir suggested.

  Jacie gasped in outrage, balled up her fist, and punched him as hard as she could. With a scream, she clutched her throbbing hand and watched as her knuckles turned purple and swelled up.

  The front door flew open and Barimere rushed inside, his gaze taking in the scene and he must have come to the conclusion that Cosmir had hurt her, because before she could utter a word, Barimere launched himself at Cosmir and the two tumbled to the ground.

  She watched, slack jawed, as Barimere tried to beat the hell out of Cosmir. Jacie finally snapped out of it and tried to stop the fight.

  “Barimere! Stop it! He didn’t hurt me.”

  Barimere paused. “I heard you scream and you’re clutching your arm.”

  “I’m holding my hand because I think I broke it when I punched Cosmir in the face.”

  His eyebrows rose and he looked at Cosmir then back at Jacie before rising to his feet. “You punched him?”

  “He said I should put my daughter up for adoption because no male will ever want me with a ‘special’ child. So I hit him.”

  Barimere growled and turned to face Cosmir. Jacie opened her mouth to stop him, but he pulled his fist back and nailed Cosmir right in the jaw. The skin immediately began to bruise, and Jacie had to admit she fell a little in love with Barimere in that moment. No one had ever hit someone on her behalf before, and it was rather sexy.

  “You’re too stupid to take care of Jacie,” Barimere said. “Pack your shit and leave.”

  Cosmir’s jaw tightened and his eyes narrowed. “You don’t have the authority to dismiss me.”

  “He might not, but I do,” Jacie said. “I want you to leave. You may be a nice guy, Cosmir, but you have no compassion. You wanted me to toss my daughter aside like unwanted trash. She’s a person, a living, breathing being, and just because she won’t look or act like everyone else on your world doesn’t mean she’s defective.”

  “Fine. I never unpacked so I’ll just get my things and leave.” Cosmir shot a narrow-eyed glare at Barimere before storming out of the room.

  Barimere moved closer and reached for her hand. He winced when he saw the damage and swung her up into his arms. She gave a squeak of protest, but settled against him, as if she belonged there.

  “I can walk, you know. It’s my hand that I hurt, not my feet.”

  His gaze cut her way. “I’m carrying you to the doctor. It isn’t far enough to take the Vitra. I don’t want you walking while you’re in pain.”

  Okay, maybe she loved him more than just a little bit. He was so damn perfect for her, if only he could see that. But he’d returned for her, hadn’t he? She didn’t know what had brought him to her new home, but whatever the case, he’d shown up in time to save her. Not that she needed saving from Cosmir. He was a bit of an asshole, but she’d been doing just fine on her own. Except for the broken hand.

  Vyrex looked surprised to see them when they reached the clinic and she sat silently on the table while Barimere explained about her hand. Vyrex grimaced when he saw it and led her over to the chair for a scan. It was determined that she had, indeed, broken it on Cosmir’s hard jaw. They didn’t use casts the way humans did when there was a broken bone -- or in Jacie’s case, several broken bones. A laser mended the bones and then her hand was wrapped in a tight bandage.

  “Leave it wrapped for at least one full day, and then you should be able to remove the bandage. It might take two or three days before you can use it without pain. You’re going to need more help than usual until it’s healed completely.”

  “I’ll help her,” Barimere said.

  He was staying? She’d hoped he might, but she hadn’t been certain. There didn’t seem to be any baggage with him, so he apparently hadn’t intended to stay when he’d come to her house.

  After they left the clinic, Barimere walked beside her all the way to her house, and then told her to get in the Vitra. She gave him a curious look, but he didn’t explain where they were going. It didn’t take long for them to reach the outskirts of town and the most gorgeous home Jacie had ever seen. It was much smaller than her home in the middle of the city, but it was charming.

  “Is this your home?” she asked.

  “Yes. If you’ll wait here a moment, I’ll pack a bag. I can get the rest of my things later. I’ll hire someone to pack the entire house so I can get it listed for sale.” He rubbed a hand against the back of his neck. “I should have asked… do you mind if I move into your home? I don’t trust anyone else to watch over you. Obviously, my people aren’t going to be as accepting of your daughter as I’d hoped. I don’t want another Cosmir incident.”

  “I don’t think he’s a bad man,” Jacie said. “He just doesn’t understand that you can love someone who isn’t perfect. Your society prides itself on creating perfect people, and my daughter is going to be a reminder that sometimes that mold is broken. She’s going to be beautiful and sweet, but not everyone is going to see her that way.”

  “I’ll do whatever I can to make sure your daughter is accepted on my world, Jacie. I want your little family to feel safe and wanted.”

  She held her breath and looked up at him. “And are we? Wanted?”

  There was a flash of something in his eyes then he masked it. “I can’t give you what you want, Jacie. But I can be there for the kids and you. I’ll stay with you as long as you want me to.”

  “If you’re going to live with me indefinitely, why won’t you claim me as your mate? Would it really be so horrible to spend the rest of your life with me? Or do you not want the responsibility of my daughter? It’s one thing to guard her, but another to have to love her. I understand if it’s too much to ask.”

  Barimere stormed over to her, wrapped an arm around her waist, and jerked her against his body. Before she could utter a word of protest, he slammed his mouth down on hers. The kiss was forceful and demanding, sending a shiver down her spine. The kiss went from intense to slow, yet thorough. Jacie’s toes curled and her hands gripped his biceps, needing something to hold onto.

  “Never doubt that I want you.” He growled. “I want you too damn much.”

  “Then take me,” she said breathlessly. “I’m yours, Barimere. I have been since the first time
you kissed me. You won’t break me if we make love.”

  “You need food first. I’m not making that mistake a second time.”

  Jacie licked her lips. “Then make me a snack. I’m not hungry right now so I won’t eat much. Maybe a piece of fruit?”

  Barimere led her inside his home and fetched her a piece of fruit. It was sweet and juicy, even if the dark blue color did give her pause. When she was finished, Barimere threw away the pit at the center and led her into his bedroom. She gave him a questioning look when she saw an extra pillow on the bed, and his cheeks turned a dusky purple.

  “It’s your pillow from the tower. I… It…” He seemed at a loss for words.

  “You brought my pillow with you?”

  “It smelled like you,” he said quietly. “I realized this morning, after I’d discovered that you’d had me dismissed, that I was going to miss you a great deal. So I brought the pillow with me as a reminder of you.”

  Jacie melted a little at his words. He hadn’t told her, precisely, how he felt about her, but she was fairly confident that he loved her. She just wasn’t certain that he realized it yet. That was okay though. She could give him all the time he needed, as long as he was by her side while he figured it out.

  Barimere slowly undressed her before removing his own clothes. Jacie shivered even though the room was quite warm. Her nipples puckered under his intense gaze and she sighed as his hands caressed her. It had only been one night since they’d been intimate, but it felt like so much longer.

  She raised her hands to touch him and paused when she saw her bandaged hand.

  Barimere gently kissed her injured hand and led her over to the bed, easing her down. “Let me do all the work. I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”

  Her breasts felt heavy as he palmed them and teased her nipples. He took a rosy peak into his mouth, sucking long and hard, making her quiver and wanting to beg for more. She slid her fingers through his hair, holding him close as he lavished attention on the other breast. Barimere settled his weight over her, and Jacie wrapped her legs around him, wanting him even closer.

  He didn’t take her hint though, and trailed kisses down her rounding belly before pushing her thighs wide to make way for his shoulders. Her breath caught in her throat as he licked his lips and looked at the curls between her legs. Jacie couldn’t remember the last time a man had tasted her, and it felt like her heart was going to pound out of her chest as she anticipated what he’d do next.

  Barimere lightly caressed her before replacing his fingers with his tongue. Jacie nearly came off the bed when his tongue stroked her clit, circling and flicking the bud until she was mindless with pleasure. Barimere teased and tormented her, giving her everything she wanted and bringing her to orgasm twice before those talented fingers slid deep inside of her. He stroked and caressed her, his mouth doing incredible things that she knew she would remember for years to come.

  Jacie’s body tensed and then she was swept away on another tide of bliss as she came a third time. Who knew an alien would be so talented with his tongue? Barimere kissed her thigh, sucked her juices from his fingers, and crawled up her body. She thought he’d enter her and take her to heaven once more, but he surprised her and rolled them so that she was on top.

  “I don’t want to hurt the babies,” he said. “And this way you can do whatever feels good for you.”

  Yeah, she definitely loved him.

  Jacie placed a shaky hand on his chest, cradling her injured one close to her body. It wasn’t that she’d never been on top before, but it had been a long time. Barimere helped her by guiding his cock inside of her. She eased down on his length, taking it slowly so her body could adjust to his size. Her ass settled against his thighs and she swirled her hips in a figure-eight, drawing a moan from her sexy alien.

  She had a little trouble moving with only one hand for balance. Barimere noticed her hesitancy and lifted a hand, lacing their fingers together. It gave her the leverage she needed to ride him harder, faster. Barimere’s gaze fastened on hers, his pansy-colored eyes deepening with pleasure.

  Jacie panted for breath. Her thighs quivered, and there was a tightening in her core as she neared climax. Barimere urged her on, a sheen of sweat coating his body. Jacie felt his cock swell inside of her and she added a twist to her hips on the down stroke. It was enough to send Barimere over the edge and he came with a shout, his hot semen filling her as she found her own release.

  Spent, she collapsed onto his chest.

  Barimere rubbed a hand up and down her back and she closed her eyes, content. Jacie wanted the moment to last forever, but knew it couldn’t. Sooner or later, they would have to return to her home. And then would come the awkward moment when she asked if they were going to share a bedroom, or if he was going to go back to saying they couldn’t be together.

  Chapter Nine

  Barimere folded his arms over his chest to keep from reaching out and shaking Jacie. She was being obstinate and not listening to reason. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to share a bed with her, but just because they’d made love again didn’t mean he was going to claim her as his mate. And if they shared a room, she would expect him to claim her at some point.

  “Do you think we’ll end up in bed together again?” she asked. “I mean, you’re going to be here for years, right?”

  “Even if something happens between us again, it doesn’t mean I should claim you as my mate.”

  She growled and stomped her foot before spinning away, except she must have lost her balance and Barimere lurched forward to keep her from falling. As her soft body pressed against his, he knew there was no denying that he would make love to her again. Possibly soon. Was he being ridiculous by keeping her at arm’s length? She made some good points. They were going to live together a long time, and he planned to be intimate with her again… would it really be so bad to take her as his mate?

  “You might find someone better,” he said, as a last effort to put some space between them.

  Jacie curled her arms around his neck. “Barimere, there’s no one better than you. I don’t want anyone else, and I never will.”

  “You can’t be sure of that.”

  A gentle smile curved her lips. “Yes, I can.”

  He nodded. “All right. If you’re certain you want to be my mate, that you won’t change your mind, I’ll petition the council to approve our mating. I don’t see any problems with it going through.”

  “You’ve made me very happy.”

  Barimere bent his head and claimed her lips in a soft kiss. He had to admit that claiming Jacie felt right. Her body molded to his and he knew she was exactly where she was supposed to be. He’d fought hard to keep his distance, but he’d failed. He had to admit, if this was failure, it tasted pretty sweet.

  “I need to find out if the council contacted Myro yet about the babies. If he doesn’t plan to claim them, then I’d like to claim them as my own,” Barimere said.

  “Why does he even have to know?”

  Barimere’s brow furrowed. “Won’t he wonder about them when he sees that you’re pregnant? You’re bound to run into him sooner or later.”

  She tightened her hold on him. “Why can’t we say they’re yours? You were on Earth at the same time, and at the same station, weren’t you? I got the impression you were one of the few males who could pull off my harebrained idea.”

  “Yes, but… won’t he know that’s not possible?”

  “We didn’t spend every waking moment together, and we never said we would be exclusive. Now that I think back on it, I’m almost certain he was seeing at least one or two other women. If the council doesn’t tell him, he never has to know the babies are his.”

  “I’d better contact the council then.”

  Jacie released him and kissed his jaw. “I’ll go unpack your things while you do that.”

  He started to tell her that she didn’t have to do that, but she’d already hurried off. Barimere wasn’t looking forward to his co
nversation with the council. Especially since he hadn’t spoken to them since running Cosmir off. All right, Jacie technically ran him out of the house, but Barimere had a hand in it.

  Larimar was the councilman he’d dealt with the most, so he called him. The councilman looked grim when he saw Barimere.

  “Care to explain why the guard I sent to watch over Jacie not only told me he’s no longer welcome there, but looks like he’s been to war and back?” Larimar asked.

  “I took exception to a comment he made about Jacie’s daughter. He suggested that she put the child up for adoption because she’ll be different from everyone else here. He didn’t see the child as being perfect and thought it would be better to get rid of her. I didn’t care too much for his opinion, and neither did Jacie since she broke her hand trying to punch him in the face.”

  The councilman’s expression darkened. “Cosmir left that part out. I’ll deal with him later. Right now, I need to find another guard for Jacie.”

  Barimere cleared his throat. “About that… I would like to petition the council to take Jacie as my mate. And… I’d like to ask that the council not contact Myro. Just let everyone believe the babies are mine. I was stationed on Earth the same time Myro was, so no one has to know they aren’t mine.”

  “I’ll discuss it with the council, but if you’re certain you want to make Jacie your mate, I’m sure they won’t have an issue with it. We’re meeting tomorrow so I’ll put in your request then. I should have an answer for you by tomorrow night.”

  “But you don’t foresee any problems with the mating?”

  Larimar smiled. “No. In fact, the council will be delighted to hear that you’ve changed your mind. We were hoping the two of you would make a match of it when we put you together. I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have watching over Jacie and the babies. The doctor informed us about one of the girls being not quite right.”


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