Hunters of the Gods_Protecting Their Heir

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Hunters of the Gods_Protecting Their Heir Page 10

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Hands landed on her shoulders. She pulled away from Galvan.

  “We’ll find him. The alarms have been signaled. There’s a syringe on the bed.”

  It was information overload. Someone took her baby. Drugged him while she was in the other room with her mates. She never left him for long periods of time. This place wasn’t safe. No place was. She failed him. She fell to the floor and gripped the railing.

  “I failed him. Why wasn’t he protected? Who did this? Who?”

  “You didn’t fail him. It’s pretty obvious there are enemies among us. We’ll find out who took him, and we’ll find him.”

  She stared out at the open grass and land. Her baby boy stolen from her. He was probably scared out of his mind, and she was right down the hallway. Had he called for help? Had he cried, begging for his mamma to protect him? She sobbed uncontrollably. She didn’t hear a word the men were saying. Didn’t react to the cry from Selania as she ran into the room. When the woman bent down and hugged her, she felt numb and hollow. She gripped the railing tighter, and her mind sought out answers.

  I’ll find you, Brock. I will find you, and whoever took you will die.

  * * * *

  “We got him, but there is security everywhere. Plus all these prisoners the Saint pack and Keuric pack released are now helping them.”

  “Get him to me. I’ve got plans to leave the country, but first, in order to not have the Saint pack and Keuric packs on my tail, I’ve made a deal with someone else for the pup. He’s willing to pay a pretty penny for the kid. Get him to this address. It’s only fifteen minutes from your location,” Coupa told Burlap, one of his men.

  “On my way.” He ended the call.

  Coupa smirked, and then looked at Koa Polta, his brother.

  “Was that revenge enough for you, Koa? To take the one son of Galvan Keuric, the only Alpha heir to the pack?”

  “No, it isn’t. I want the woman, too. Why couldn’t he get to her?”

  “Seems she was occupied in the mating process with her men.”

  Koa growled low. “I saw her first. I waited patiently and spoke with her several times, but she was so caught up in still loving Galvan. It was obvious. She turned down other men who asked her out. I waited too long. I should have made my move at the field,” Koa said to him.

  “You didn’t though. She held back her son from joining the team despite your push. It worked for you, that Brock knew Burlap as a friend of yours, the coach.”

  “But it didn’t get my hands on her. You saw her, and I am telling you that she is special.”

  “So what is your plan of action? Do you seriously think that her mates are going to leave Alyssa unattended? There are bigger things going on around here. It’s a power struggle of sorts, and each battle lost by the rest of us puts more power in the hands of our greatest enemy. He will get his way. He will be the number one ruler, the king Alpha of all packs. It’s happening, and no matter how hard Keuric pack, Saint pack, or whoever fights and resists, their demise is coming,” Coupa said.

  “I will follow whomever the right leader is, but I will do so with Alyssa by my side, or at minimum, tied to my bed, kneeling at my feet, and with control over Brock to do as I say. I need men. Warriors. Grant me them as a show of support, brother, before you run away and hide.”

  “It is not running away, it’s regrouping, reformulating a plan of action, and more than likely joining one of the other forces against Keuric and Saint packs.”

  “Call it whatever you want. Get me those men. I take action within the next few hours.”

  * * * *


  Alyssa turned around, and her sister Alexandra was there. She grabbed onto her, and they hugged tight. Nothing was said at first, and then she heard the words and wasn’t sure if they were said out loud or inside of her head.

  “He is alive and sleeping. I can feel him.”

  “I feel him, too, but I’m not getting a location, or anything to go by,” Alexandra replied. Alyssa pulled back and her eyes widened. “Another ability we share,” Alex said to her, and she nodded.

  “This happened for a reason. I don’t understand why the gods would do this to me, to us, when Galvan was finally returned to me, and Brock didn’t even get to meet him. I don’t understand it.”

  “There is a war going on across this land. A much larger picture then just our packs, I think. My feeling, what I believe is happening, is the process of weaning out who is good, and who is evil. Whoever took him, you know. Brock would have screamed his head off.”

  “They drugged him.”

  “Not initially. You know your son better than anyone. He is brighter than most, and he is an Alpha. What I have felt, and what I’m sure you would have felt too if not for all the chaos around you, and all the emotions of Galvan’s return, and saving his mother’s life, is that Brock has powers, too. When he can, he’ll contact you.”

  She squinted at her sister. “How?”

  Alexandra caressed her sister’s hair. “Like you and I just did.”

  Alyssa felt a series of thoughts go through her head as Alexandra held her hand. She then looked at the men. Her mates, her sister’s mates, and her mates’ fathers and mother. The images filled her head. A battle on ground, weres fighting rogues, a battle of sorts and a dark figure, a man, a wolf, one who she felt she knew, but also felt the evil within him. She couldn’t get an image. As hard as she tried, she just couldn’t. She heard her men asking what was wrong and if she was okay and then her sister silencing them and squeezing her hand. Alyssa saw herself walking by water. By a lake and a field. The little white wooden bridge that overlooked the stream and the fields around them. The rec center and building. A black van. She heard the message from the gods. There were twelve men inside of the home right now that were not loyal to the Keuric pack. She looked at Puello. “Twelve men, in the house right now, that are not loyal to your pack. Find them, before they begin to kill your guards,’” she said to them.

  “What?” Galvan asked.

  “Do it. Preston, help them,” Alexandra said to them.

  * * * *

  “She was right. There were a dozen men ready to shift and attack our soldiers. I don’t know how she knows, or what the extent of her powers are, but it saved many lives,” Jordon said to his sons.

  “We know, and considering her sister’s abilities, as well, I believe too that our fighting has just begun. That we are going to need allies, more of them, to conquer whatever or whoever is out to destroy us,” Puello said to them.


  They all turned to see Alyssa and Alexandra by the doorway.

  “It’s time,” Alyssa said to them.

  “Time for what?” Ross asked, going to her, taking her hand, and bringing it to his lips.

  “To fight, and to get my son back.”

  They were all silent.

  “Okay, this is going to be a little tricky, but I think we can pull it off. You haven’t really been in battle like Alexandra, but it’s in you. Perhaps this is your first taste of fighting for the pack, and for your mates and son. You can’t go there alone. It will be too suspicious. You can’t have one of your mates right there. That would be suspicious, as well.” Margarete joined in.

  “Wait. She isn’t going anywhere alone,” Stark stated.

  “She has to. It’s the only way to end this and to bring Brock back safe and sound. It’s her destiny and yours,” Margarete stated.

  * * * *

  “I don’t like this idea at all. We don’t know who is out there or if this is a trap.” Galvan said to Alyssa.

  “Galvan, you’ll all be nearby. With Alexandra’s assistance there’ll be no alerting the enemy of your presence.”

  “How do you even know to go there?” Stark asked.

  “The gods have shared the location with me. My grandmother will be right beside me.”

  Ross exhaled.

  “She is not a fighter. You both could be taken.” Ross stated. />
  “We will give you the signal when the time is right. You’ll know exactly what to do. Brock is my priority. This is what is meant to be,” she said to them.

  Puello pulled her into his arms, slid his hands up to her shoulders, then cupped her cheeks. “We finally found you and our son. We can’t lose you, Alyssa.”

  “You won’t lose me, us. Trust me, Puello. Trust in my abilities and in our fate.”

  Shortly after, Alyssa and Margarete arrived at the fields and park. Her vision was pretty clear, except for the enemy and who he was. With her grandmother by her side, and knowing that the men weren’t far, she focused on seeing Brock and getting him back into her arms. She was scared, yet determined. Then she looked at her grandmother.

  “I don’t want you to get hurt,” Alyssa whispered to her grandmother.

  “Me, get hurt? I know I might seem old to you, but believe me, child, I still have a lot of fight in me. There are many things at stake here. Much more to come, I’m afraid.”

  “Why must the gods do this? Drag it out? Test our loyalty? That’s what this is, isn’t it?”

  “I suppose you could look at it like that, but I do believe it’s a way of sifting through those who are loyal and pure of heart. Other realms have their battles, their wars of power, just like this. This battle has been going on for quite some time, even before your parents’ involvement. The gods were nervous, I’m certain, about your parents mating, but look what it produced. Two very beautiful, powerful, multi-shifter Fae women, who have already conquered so much. You are the mother to one son right now who is the heir to Keuric pack and a representation of the future to their growth. The enemies fear that, fear him, and fear you. Your mates, Hunters of the Gods, have the abilities, the love and strength to protect you. They will need to more than likely of what’s to come.”

  “You mean this evening? Now?”

  Her grandmother was silent. “I get the feeling that will be the case tonight and beyond. Your abilities and your sister’s have hardly been tapped. Follow your heart and your instincts. They will grow stronger with time and with acceptance. If you resist, then it could mean the demise of not only you, but of your children and of your mates.”

  “My children?”

  “Like I said, follow your heart, your gut, and the truths revealed to you when you are at peace and accepting to the powers within you. Now we have a little game to play. The sun is setting, and you are scared, worried about your son, and I am here walking with you to console you.” Her grandmother hugged her side, and then Alyssa closed her eyes and saw what she was meant to do.

  Before they reached the trail to the bridge, she stopped, pretended to wipe her eyes, and then spoke to her grandmother. “I must do this alone. I have to be on that pathway by the woods and the bridge to the water by myself.”

  “Are you certain? It isn’t the plan your mates intended. They expect me to remain by your side at all times.”

  “They aren’t the ones getting visions.”

  Her grandmother hugged her. “Remember the fight in you.”

  “I won’t make a move until Brock is within my grasp.”

  * * * *

  “What is she doing? Why is she walking toward that area alone?” Stark asked.

  “I don’t like this. I know she has some sort of powers, but how do we know it isn’t someone playing tricks on her or that it will go like she envisions?” Ross asked.

  “We don’t have much of a choice, and Alexandra warned us to stay back. That Alyssa will comply with whomever approaches her so she can get to Brock. When he is within her reach, then she’ll make a move,” Puello stated.

  “This is unnerving. Not at all how an Alpha mate is supposed to act,” Stark added.

  “Alyssa isn’t like other Alpha mates. She’s special, and I get the feeling the gods have granted her to us for a good reason. We’ll process it all later. Right now, let’s work on remaining undetected and with our eyes on the enemies around us,” Galvan said to them.

  “We have eyes on all of them. If this turns into a fight, I hope there aren’t any humans around,” Puello said.

  “If there are, then so be it,” Galvan said, and they watched as Alyssa approached the bridge, wiping her eyes and sniffling. She was playing up her role, and hopefully Brock’s captor bought it.

  * * * *

  Alyssa waited and looked at the field as she stood on the bridge. There were a few people walking around and bypassing her. She felt on edge wondering who it could be. Who was the enemy she was acquaintances with? She heard someone approaching from behind, but her gut told her to not react. To pretend to be lost in thought. The tears flowed. Those were real, for thoughts of her son and the fear he had at being taken and how she failed him.

  “Alyssa, is that you?”

  She turned around to see a man she recognized. Koa, one of the flag football coaches. Damn, she thought it was going to be the one who took Brock. She needed to get rid of him.

  “Oh no, what’s wrong?” he asked her, and stepped closer.

  She wiped her eyes. “Nothing. I’m sorry, I need to be alone, Koa,” she said to him. He had asked her out to lunch and to coffee several times over the year. She denied him and told him that Brock’s father was a soldier and was MIA, but she felt that he was still alive and held on to that.

  “I’d have to argue with that. You look so upset. Don’t tell me you got word on Brock’s father.”

  She shook her head, and then she got the sensation in her gut. A warning, a hint. Could it be? Could Koa have taken Brock? She narrowed her eyes at him and then covered her mouth with her hand.

  “Where is Brock? Is he here?” he asked, and she sobbed, playing it up. He pulled her into his arms, and she got the vision clearly. He had help. Burlap, one of the other coaches, took Brock and stuck him with the needle after he showed up in his room. Brock was in the back of a black van in the parking lot near the entrance. He was alive, and he was crying for her. She grabbed onto Koa tight and sobbed as he comforted her. She felt her mates’ anger, and she forced her mind to contact them. When she heard their replies, she nearly gasped.

  “Don’t be angry, and don’t react. It was Koa and Burlap who took Brock. Brock is here. He is in a van in the parking lot. Black with tinted windows. I need to get him to take me to him.”

  “How is this possible?” Puello asked through their mind link.

  “The power of mating is strong, and we are one now, Puello,” she said to them.

  “We are one, but if he grabs your ass, I promise to tear his jugular out,” Ross stated.

  “Wait in line, brother,” Galvan said.

  “We’ll all tear him to pieces,” Stark replied.

  She refocused on Koa and felt him inhale her scent. She wondered why he didn’t question where her Alphas were. He had to smell them on her and know she was mated to them.

  “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t be holding on to you like this,” she said and stepped back, but he pulled her closer.

  “You shouldn’t be alone either,” he snarled.

  “I prefer to be alone. I deserve to be alone.” She pulled from him and turned and covered her face with her hands. He placed his hands on her shoulders.

  “What do you mean? Why do you deserve to be alone?” he asked.

  “Brock is missing. Someone took him. I failed as a mother. As a mate, too. They are so angry with me. They aren’t even talking to me. They search for him now, and I left the estate. I know I shouldn’t have, but I had nowhere to turn, to look for him. I thought of here, and the field. It was stupid. I should head back.” She went to move.

  He took her hand. “Come with me. You shouldn’t be alone. I’ll help you, Alyssa. I’ll find him.”


  “I don’t know how. Just trust me. Come with me now, and I promise better things,” he said to her.

  She shook her head. She couldn’t be easy.

  “No, it won’t work. I’m stuck now, Koa.”

  “No, you
don’t need to be. They aren’t your mates if they aren’t by your side. If they didn’t protect you and Brock, then they are the ones that failed.”

  “They blamed me.”

  “No. Come with me now,” he said, taking her hand and leading her off the bridge.

  She heard the cry of a hawk above her as they walked. Cable’t.

  She could sense her men were close, and they were watching as she hesitated by the walkway that led to the parking lot.

  “I don’t think I should do this. It will only make them angrier, and Brock needs me. I need to focus on finding him, Koa. I can’t live without my son. I can’t.”

  He gripped her cheeks and pulled her close. “Trust me.” He pressed his mouth to hers. She pretended to feel something, and when he released her lips she lowered her eyes. “I knew you felt something, too. I knew it. This will work out just fine.” He pulled her along, gripped her hand and wrist firmly, and her anger grew stronger. When they got to the van, Burlap was in the front seat. Koa brought her to the side and opened the door. There was Brock.

  “I had him in safe keeping. It isn’t safe around here for him. Someone tried to take him, and I needed to be sure that you weren’t part of it.”

  “Me part of it? I’m his mother,” she said to him.

  “You will be mine, and he will belong to me, as well. Come.” He grabbed her arm, and she reacted. That fight within her. Call it magic, or maternal instincts to fight and protect, whatever it was, it was fierce as she slammed her fist and arm against Koa’s neck and head, shocking him and sending him onto his stomach over part of the inside floor of the van.


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