Desolation (Earth Evolution Series Book 1)

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Desolation (Earth Evolution Series Book 1) Page 9

by K. D. Jones

  “Yeah, my sister used to have a doll named Darla. My baby was so small, that’s what she reminded me of, the baby doll.” Tears trailed down her cheeks.

  Liam took her into his arms and held her until she stopped crying. He didn’t say anything, he just caressed her and kept her warm. God, she loved this man. When she was more composed, she pulled back to look up at him.

  “Sorry I ruined the mood.”

  He gave her body a long lingering look. “You did not ruin my mood.” He gently moved her hand and placed it around his thick, hard shaft.

  “Oh.” She looked down at his fully aroused cock.

  “Yes, oh.” He shifted his hips, moving them back and forth, pumping himself against her hand.

  She gripped him a little tighter. He growled in pleasure and moved himself closer for her to reach.

  “Just like that, amahala. Don’t stop.”

  “I won’t.” She kissed his neck, licking and nibbling. He tasted so good. She knew she would never get enough of him. She was addicted to him now.

  Chapter 12

  The pounding on his door made him growl. Liam didn’t even bother to cover himself as he swung his legs off the bed and stormed to the door. He almost pulled the thing off its hinges. “What?”

  Jared stood on the other side of the door. “You need to come to my office now.”

  “Fine.” He closed the door and went back to grab a pair of uniform pants. He slid them on, then crossed the room to Maggie and leaned down to give her a kiss.

  “What’s going on?” Maggie asked drowsily.

  “Nothing. Jared needs to see me for a few minutes.”

  She half-sat up on her elbows. “I can be ready in five minutes.”

  “No, you stay here and get lots of sleep. I plan to keep you busy for a good, long while.” He kissed her forehead and stared down at her drowsy face. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Every instinct in him demanded he return to her arms. But he had to push those thoughts aside for now. He finished getting dressed and left his bedroom, closing the door quietly.

  His father and Jared were both waiting for him in Jared’s office. “What was so important that you dragged me from my asawani?”

  His father frowned. “You mated her already?”

  “Of course he did. I could hear him mating her all night long. You missed it because you didn’t come home until just now.”

  Liam growled at Jared. “You don’t talk about my mating Maggie ever. Mind your own business.”

  “This is not what we are here to discuss. Jared, tell your brother what you discovered.” His father used his authoritative voice, which was always hard to argue with.

  Jared pulled up something on his computer tablet. “I ran a DNA test and put it through the database we received from the humans. I found a match.”

  “I don’t know what that means,” Liam said impatiently.

  His father sat down and motioned for him to do the same. Liam reluctantly took a seat. Jared explained further.

  “It means that she has family who are alive and living in the dome. In fact, they live in dome fifty-seven, in the same city Maggie has been living in for five years.”

  “Well, that’s good news. She might appreciate meeting some family members.” He saw the look his father and Jared exchanged. “What haven’t you told me?”

  “Why did she not tell you her full name when you first met her?” his father asked.

  Liam shrugged. “From my short visit down in the subway system, none of the tribe members referred to one another using full or last names. They only called one another by their first names. After five years, it would become natural to them. What does her name have to do with anything?”

  His father nodded at Jared to continue. “Her full name is Margaret May James. Her father is Colonel David James, the leader of dome fifty-seven.”



  Maggie had expected Liam to be right back, so she remained in the bed naked, hoping they could explore one another more. When he still hadn’t returned after two hours, she decided to take that long bath she had wanted. When he still wasn’t back after that, she decided to get dressed.

  She found more long dresses in the closet. No pants at all. “Come on!” She had never liked dresses, having always been more of a tomboy. Her sister was the girly girl, with the pretty dresses and cute hair bows. She looked through Liam’s clothes instead and found a pair of pants and a white shirt. They were too big for her, but she rolled the waist down to where it wouldn’t fall down her hips. Then she rolled the legs up. She wore the shirt loose. It was all far too big, but she still felt less self-conscious in this outfit than she had in the dress.

  Unfortunately, she really couldn’t wear any of Liam’s boots. She had no choice but to wear the little sandals that had been come with the dresses. She looked in the mirror and laughed. “Well, I won’t be winning any fashion prizes.” She turned at the sound of the door opening. At the confused look on Liam’s face, she laughed again.

  “I know I look ridiculous.” She smiled at him.

  “Why are you wearing my clothes?”

  “I don’t really like dresses. Never have. Maybe on special occasions, but not every day.”

  “We have company, so you might want to change.” He didn’t sound happy about it.

  “I’m comfortable. I don’t care what people think of me. If my appearance embarrasses you, I can just stay here.” She bit her bottom lip. She shouldn’t have to change who she was just to please him. But a part of her wanted to do just that, please him. The dress was a small thing. Why not just give in?

  He had her in his arms in a heartbeat. “You do not embarrass me. I like you just the way you are. If you are comfortable, then that is all that matters.” He kissed her gently, then took her hand. “Come.”

  Maggie followed him out of the bedroom and down the hall. She looked around and noticed four more doors off the same hallway. They probably belonged to his brothers and father. She was nervous about meeting his family. What would they think of her? Maybe she should have worn the dress. Oh well, it was too late now.

  His father and brothers were waiting for them in the main living room. There were three large couches arranged in a sort of u-shape. A wide metal coffee table was in the middle. When she entered the room, the other three men stood up.

  Liam pulled her up next to him, wrapping an arm around her. “Maggie, I would like to introduce you to my father, Commander Devlon Estro. You already met my older brother Mediko Jared Estro. This is my younger brother Lt. Kyle Estro.”

  Maggie wasn’t sure if she should shake their hands or not, so she just smiled at each one. “It’s nice to meet all of you.”

  “Sit, Maggie.” Liam ushered her to a spot on one of the couches. Commander Estro sat on a couch by himself while the other two brothers sat on the third couch but on opposite ends. Maggie couldn’t help but notice the distance they kept between them.

  Maggie looked at the older brother. “I want to thank you again for saving my life.”

  Jared’s cheeks turned a darker shade. “That is my duty.”

  “We owe you a thanks for helping Liam escape,” their father said.

  “It was my fault he was captured. He was chasing me and while he answering my questions, Ben snuck up behind him and hit him in the back of the head.” She turned to Liam. “How’s your head?”

  Liam squeezed her hand. “It is completely healed now. You were brave to do what you did.”

  She suddenly felt like they must think all her people were ruthless and evil. She hastened to reassure them. “Ben and his tribe are not with my tribe. They are more like rebels. They don’t like to follow rules and have no respect for life.”

  “What are tribes?” Jared asked.

  “It’s a small group of people living in a type of community together. We share in the work and look out for one another. Ben, though … he is very selfish and he never fit in.”

is in your … tribe?” Devlon asked.

  Maggie shook her head. “No, he was kicked out years ago for … causing trouble. He formed his own little tribe. The tribes trade between one another, though, so he still comes around. Everyone in the tribe scouts and scavenges to find supplies and brings them back to be shared. My friend Corey and I had just started exploring top side when we discovered that Ben was stealing from the trucks that were delivering supplies to the dome.”

  “Ah. That’s who’s been messing with the trucks. Did your tribe also take from the trucks?” Devlon asked.

  “No. We had only just come topside to try to find a new entrance to the subway. Part of the tunnel we live in is blocked. We went topside to look for a new route. Corey and I found it and had just brought our tribe up the day that I met Liam. I didn’t know who he was and ran. He chased me and caught me. We were distracted when Ben came up and knocked Liam unconscious. Ben wanted to take him away immediately, but my tribe leader, Jerry, stepped in and demanded that we take Liam to our tribe location. After questioning Liam, Jerry decided he would set Liam free. But I overheard Ben say that he was going to take Liam while everyone was sleeping in order to trade him for weapons. He also said that he would kill Liam if he didn’t get what he wanted. I knew I had to get Liam out of there.”

  Liam took over and finished the story, talking mostly just to her. “Ben found us and shot you in the back. I did not like you being in danger like that.”

  She shrugged. “I’m a tribe scavenger. I’m in danger every day I go out seeking supplies and new routes. Its part of life.”

  “Well, now you have a new life, a safer one,” Liam told her.

  Devlon cleared his throat. “Don’t make promises, Liam. She needs to be told everything and then make a decision for herself.”

  “What do I need to be told?” Maggie looked at Liam intently. He fidgeted.

  “Miss James, we have located your family,” Jared spoke up, calling Maggie by her last name. She felt cold all over.

  “What did you call me?”

  “Your name is Margaret May James. Eldest daughter to Lt. Colonel David James of the United States Army and his wife Melissa James,” Jared said, looking into her eyes.

  “I like to be called Maggie,” she whispered. “They’re alive? My parents and my sister Rachel?”

  “Yes. They have been living not even fifty miles from the subway station you’ve been living in. They made it to the local dome shelter. Your father is the dome leader there.”

  “They were so close all this time,” Maggie commented softly. So many times over the past five years she cried over her missing family and they were right here.

  “You will get to see them again. Isn’t that wonderful news?” Devlon said.

  “Yes, wonderful.” She didn’t want to see them. She wasn’t the same girl she used to be. Too much had happened to her.

  “You see.” Devlon smiled smugly at his sons. “I told you bringing them here to reunite with her would be the right thing to do.”

  Maggie struggled to her feet. “They’re coming here?” She looked panicked.

  There was a knock at the door, causing her to turn in that direction with alarm. Liam sighed. “They’re already here. My father told your father you were alive and they negotiated to have a shuttle pick up your family and bring them here.” Liam stood up and took her in his arms as Jared went to answer the door. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. “It will be alright. I am here with you.”

  She nodded against his chest, feeling his strength surround her. As long as he was there with her, she could face anything. She stiffened her shoulders and turned to face her family. She thought she was ready until she heard a voice she had only dreamed about for years.

  “Where the hell is my daughter?”

  She took a deep breath. “Hi Dad.”

  Chapter 13

  “Margaret? Is it you?” His voice cracked a little before he straightened his shoulders and stepped further into the room. Maggie’s mother and sister followed him. A sister who was no longer little, who had turned into a beauty with long, straight blond hair and blue eyes.

  Her mother burst past her father the moment she recognized Maggie. “My girl!” She ran to her and wrapped her in her arms. Maggie realized she was now a little taller than her mother and it was awkward. She rarely hugged anyone anymore except Lily’s son Thomas. Children needed hugs and to be told they are loved often. Her mom used to say that to her father all the time when he complained that she coddled the girls.

  She patted her mom’s back gently. “It’s me, Mom. I’m okay.” Her mother finally let her go, but held onto her hand. Maggie looked over at her sister. “You’re even more beautiful than I remember.”

  “You look awful.” Rachel quickly shook her head in embarrassment and blushed. “I didn’t mean that.”

  Maggie pulled her hand free from her mother’s. “It’s okay, Rach. It’s the truth. I do look awful. You would look like this, too, if you’d had to survive like I did.” She turned her back on them and looked up at Liam, who stood right behind her. “I want to go lay down. Can you send them away?”

  “No! We just found you after we thought you were dead for so long.” Her mother tried to reach for her hand again, but Maggie moved to the other side of Liam.

  “I don’t know you any more than you know me now. We might as well be strangers. The only thing we share is our DNA.” Maggie’s voice sounded so cold even to her own ears.

  “David, do something!” Melissa yelled at her husband. Maggie couldn’t remember a time her mother ever yelled at her father. It was a little shocking to see.

  “Margaret will be returning with us to the dome.” Her father puffed out his chest and glared at Liam and Devlon.

  “She remains here with me.” Liam told him, pushing her gently behind him, as if he was preparing to defend her from an attack.

  “She is my daughter. She comes with us!” David stepped forward, ready to fight.

  Rachel stepped between her father and Liam. “Don’t fight over her. If she wants to stay, let her. Liam can bring her with him when he comes to date me. I’m sure you’ll see plenty of her then.”

  The room became unusually quiet. “You’re dating my sister?” Maggie’s voice was filled with pain.

  Liam turned to look back at her and almost wished he hadn’t. The hurt look in her eyes was like a dagger in his heart. “I am not dating your sister. Nor will I.”

  Rachel reached for Liam, grabbing his arm. “Liam, you promised when you were done with your search missions that you would come spend time with me.”

  “My father agreed to that. I didn’t.” Liam shook her off his arm and took a step towards Maggie, but she backed away.

  “Stay away from me. All of you!” Her breathing was erratic and her face had gone pale.

  Jared rushed to her side just as she passed out. He checked her vitals. “She’s fine. Just passed out from the stress and the radiation treatments I’m giving her. Recovery is taking a lot of her energy.”

  Maggie’s mom was at her side, brushing her hair out of her face. “Radiation treatments?”

  Jared lifted Maggie up in his arms easily. “Yes. Maggie has been exposed slowly over the past five years to small increments of radiation. She will be undergoing heavy treatments over the next two weeks. She won’t be going anywhere until she completes the treatments.” He nodded at Liam before he carried Maggie off to Liam’s bedroom down the hall.

  His father, always the diplomat, was trying to smooth things over. “Let her remain here to receive her treatments. You can visit and bond again as a family. Perhaps she will be more willing to return with you after that.”

  “Fine. I will be calling to arrange to spend time with her. Melissa, Rachel, we are heading back.” Lt. Colonel James didn’t wait to see if his wife and youngest daughter followed, he simply stormed out the same way he came in.

  “That went well,” Kyle commented from the kitchen. Nobody had even see
n him come in. He sat at the table eating a bowl of soup.

  “She’s not going back with them, Father,” Liam said adamantly.

  “That should be her decision,” Devlon said.

  “She said no.”

  “She’s sick, tired, and scared. She just found out the family she thought was dead is alive and well. Then she finds out that the man she cares for is supposed to be courting her sister. She needs time to calm down and think about things rationally.”

  “I will never court Rachel.” Liam glared at his father.

  Devlon sighed. “I think that is obvious. Regardless of that, Maggie needs to be reunited with her family. That is the right thing to do. But I don’t think it will happen as long as you are together.”

  “I am not giving her up!” How could his father suggest such a thing?

  “Liam, she is clinging to you. It is obvious she cares, but she has a family that thought she was dead and she thought they were. She will not seek them out as long as you are here to act as a buffer for her. Do you not want that wound she has of having lost her loved ones to heal? Because it can now that she knows they are alive.”

  “What are you suggesting?” Liam sat on the couch, feeling helpless.

  “Finish your original mission. At least give it two weeks. Time for her to go through her treatments and time that she can spend getting to know her family again.”

  “I want her to remain here, then. They can come visit her.”

  “Agreed. I will call Lt. Colonel James back in just a little bit. He needs time to settle down too,” Devlon said, looking relieved.

  “I’ll do it. But if she needs me for anything, I am coming back for her.” Liam nodded emphatically.

  Kyle snorted. “As if anyone could stop you.”

  “They’ll die if they attempt it,” Liam said before standing up and heading down the hall.


  Liam walked into his bedroom and found Jared sitting on the side of the bed next to Maggie. His brother had laid her down and tucked a blanket over her. He was caressing her face with gentle fingers. Something in the gesture bothered Liam. He didn’t like to see another man touching Maggie.


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