Bound to Be a Groom

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Bound to Be a Groom Page 17

by Megan Mulry

  After she finished tending to Sebastian, Anna turned to Farleigh. “May I have a word?”

  He kept rocking Pia, smoothing her hair and kissing her tenderly, comforting her in much the same way Anna had cared for Sebastian. When he looked as though he was finally satisfied that she was properly soothed, Farleigh looked up and nodded as he set Pia gently on the makeshift bed alongside Sebastian, also on her stomach with her bright-red arse tilted similarly upward.

  Anna felt hot all over. She wanted everything all at once. Sebastian’s cock. Pia’s mouth. Maybe even Farleigh’s strong hands on her breasts. But first she wanted to see Farleigh take Sebastian, rough and hard and sure.

  He joined her near the lightly blowing linen that served as the door, and she spoke quietly. “I suspect you are far more experienced than I am in this sort of thing.”

  He quirked his lips.

  “As much as it pains me to admit it,” she added quickly.

  “Thought so,” he said, crossing his arms in front of his large, muscled chest.

  “But I am not stupid. Like a kitchen, too many chefs spoil the pot. Why don’t we make this first time your turn to cook?”

  “You will submit to me?” he asked with raised eyebrows.

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” she whispered hoarsely. “Of course I shan’t submit to you, but if you were inclined to orchestrate the proceedings in a way that allowed all of us to take our pleasure, I would be amenable.”

  He smiled. “I was only checking. I’ve no interest in breaking someone from her true nature . . . Chef. I like it. Let me think.” He looked over his shoulder at the two beautiful languorous bodies, then back into Anna’s eyes. “Are you willing to let me take Sebastian while you and Pia hold him down?”

  Anna’s face must have flushed at the prospect.

  He laughed low and strong. “I’ll take that as a most definitive yes.” He finished describing what he had in mind, and Anna nodded here and there to let him know she was willing. She admired his creativity and made a mental note to allow herself the same freedom to imagine and improvise in the future. Oh, the mere idea! The future.

  A few minutes later, Farleigh and Anna approached their lovers. Seb and Pia were holding hands and breathing deeply, not quite asleep, not quite awake. Farleigh leaned down to whisper so both Sebastian and Pia could hear. “Now for your just rewards. This afternoon, Anna and I decided, we are going to let Sebastian be the center of attention.”

  Sebastian opened one eye and looked at Anna. She nodded and smiled, and he gave her a dreamy, acquiescent smile in return. He blinked slowly, trying to get his bearings, but he suspected he would be unmoored for the rest of his life.

  He watched as Anna kissed Pia on the lips. “Wake up, my darling. I need you.” Anna helped Pia stand up, then Anna held her arms wide as if Pia were her maid. Pia lovingly removed Anna’s caftan and let it fall to the ground.

  Sebastian sighed when Farleigh began kissing him more fully awake, nipping at his lips. “On your back, man.” Sebastian obeyed, turning over to face them—Farleigh to his left, Anna and Pia to his right.

  “How did I get so lucky?” Sebastian asked.

  Anna leaned down. “Because you have been a very, very good boy.” She tapped him playfully on the nose. “Now, keep in mind, Farleigh is in charge, but I still get to tell you when you can come. Inside me, all right?”

  He reached for her cheek and touched her. “Yes, darling,” he said as she took his hand and sucked his fingers into her mouth.

  Farleigh took Sebastian’s other hand and tied it firmly to one of the tent posts, then walked around to his other side and took Sebastian’s hand from Anna’s mouth and tied it to another post. Sebastian tested the resistance, then gave himself over completely to the feeling of utter freedom that he always felt when he was restrained. His bonds released him.

  “There we are,” Farleigh said, testing the tension one last time. “Now, Pia.” Farleigh let his palm rest on her still-warm arse as he spoke to her. “You and Anna are going to need to keep Sebastian very open for me. Can you do that?”

  Pia nodded, eyes wide.

  “Very good.”

  Sebastian tilted his head back and thrust his cock into the air, moaning in anticipation.

  “Not to worry, Sebastian. Anna is going to take care of your cock and Pia is going to take care of your mouth. You know where I’ll be.” Farleigh laughed low and opened another trunk. He moved a few things around then took out another porcelain jar and undid the lid.

  “Anna and Pia, pull his knees back for me, will you?”

  Sebastian groaned again when each woman climbed onto the bed of cushions on either side of him and did Farleigh’s bidding while the duke walked slowly toward them.

  “Oh yes.” Farleigh dipped two fingers into the jar of ointment and set the container on the floor. Kneeling between Sebastian’s spread legs, Farleigh began rubbing the lubricant all around Sebastian’s quivering arsehole. “That’s it. You’re already opening for me, aren’t you, Seb? Grabbing even.”

  “Yes. God, yes,” he panted.

  “I found this cream in a shop in the Caribbean, Seb. I thought you’d appreciate it.” Anna and Pia watched as Farleigh inserted one, then two fingers deep into Sebastian. He writhed in delight, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he was lost in the crushing wave of pleasure. His last barely coherent thought was gratitude for the bondage at his wrists that would assure his body remained safely tethered to the earth while his spirit soared in ecstasy.

  Pia was torn; she didn’t know whether to watch Farleigh’s hand or Anna’s beautiful face, slack with open-mouthed desire. Anna loved penetrating Sebastian—she had done so in Pia’s presence any number of times, with any number of objects—but this afternoon was profoundly different. Pia thought Anna looked awestruck, as if by observing Farleigh—as he transformed Sebastian into something pliant and beautiful—Anna was finally able to appreciate the depth of her feelings for Sebastian.

  Pia, on the other hand, was dreaming of a time when Farleigh would penetrate her in that way, so methodical, so confident.

  “You like that, Pia.” Farleigh caught her eye and drew her to him with nothing more than a glance. “Would you let me finger your arse like this?” Farleigh stared at Pia’s hardening nipples as he kept up the ruthless momentum in and out of Sebastian.

  “Oh God!” Sebastian cried out.

  Pia moaned in sympathetic longing.

  “That’s only two fingers, my dear boy. I know you can take far more.” With that, Anna and Pia watched—amazed—as a third finger joined the other two in that maddeningly slow in-and-out motion.

  Once he had Sebastian writhing, screaming for more, Farleigh slowly removed his fingers. “Get me ready, Pia, while Anna soothes Sebastian for a moment.”

  Pia was stunned, unsure of what to do, so she looked to Anna. Reaching for her cheek, Anna caressed her lightly, then nodded and smiled her agreement. Pia melted into her touch, kissed her palm, then nearly dove at Farleigh’s gorgeous cock. She licked her lips and knelt down to take him. It was wider than Sebastian’s, and she reveled in the straining pull of her lips when she took him fully into the back of her throat.

  She reveled, too, in his guttural moan of satisfaction and the harsh tug when his hand coiled into her long hair, guiding her rhythm. Anna was nearby, their heads only a few inches apart, while she was taking Sebastian in the same way. Anna’s breathy moans accelerated Pia’s lust.

  Sebastian cried out again, his voice a slurring bliss of ecstasy.

  Pia was lost in the carnal pleasure of having Farleigh, but she also craved Anna’s hands on her. As if she sensed her need, Anna reached for Pia’s sensitive breasts and began fondling her while they sucked off the men.

  Farleigh’s voice was an unfamiliar growl. “Now,” he ordered. He pushed Pia’s mouth away, and she was momentarily distraught that she hadn’t pleased him. But when she stood up and looked in his eyes, she saw blissful satisfaction. “That was
lovely, Pia . . .” His voice trailed off as he leaned in to kiss her, moaning into the taste of himself when his tongue swept into her mouth.

  She reached for his strong arms, unsure of where or how to hold on to him. His strength was intoxicating, and she wanted to feel him against her, in her.

  “Come here, darling,” Anna said gently, guiding Pia away from Farleigh. Anna kissed her on the cheek. “You will have him again, sweetling. He adores you.”

  Pia looked over her shoulder at Farleigh and licked her lips again. “I adore him.” While she said the words to Anna, it was Farleigh’s eyes she held. Pia felt fearless, bold. She wanted him to know her feelings, how she had come to admire him, to yearn for him.

  Anna kissed her again. “I know you do, my sweet. We all do. Now be a lamb and settle yourself over Sebastian’s face, so he can taste you, but turn this way so I can kiss you while I fuck him.”

  Sebastian moaned in anticipation of the fresh onslaught. Pia straddled his chest, with her spread legs cradling his face. He angled his neck up to taste her, and Pia’s head fell forward in ecstasy, her palms resting on his firm abdomen to keep her balance.

  “Yes, darlings, that’s lovely,” Anna said, standing by the side of the bed and adjusting their positions slightly until everything was apparently to her liking. Pia felt Anna’s fingers tracing Sebastian’s lips where he was kissing Pia’s pussy, then trailing her finger up and around Pia’s puckering arse. “So lovely,” Anna praised. Pia was already getting close to her release, and Anna must have sensed it. “Have a care you two,” Anna warned, “we’ve still a ways to go.”

  They both moaned, Pia having leaned forward to take Sebastian’s cock into her mouth.

  “Yes, sweet Pia. Now you can watch Farleigh enter Sebastian.”

  Pia nearly cried with the pleasure of it, the overwhelming saturation of all of her senses carrying her nearly out of her body: the taste of Sebastian, the sight of Farleigh, the feel of Anna’s light, encouraging caresses along her back.

  “Is everything in order, Farleigh?” Anna asked, as if she were his aide-de-camp.

  “Perfect,” he replied with an answering smile. Pia watched as, inches from her face, Farleigh’s strong hands spread Sebastian’s thighs even wider before he settled his knees beneath him. Pausing to take one last breath, Farleigh then slowly pushed his huge cock into Sebastian’s slick, tight hole.

  Pia now knew why Farleigh had tied Sebastian’s wrists. As she sucked him off and Farleigh penetrated him, the sweet man was beside himself. Thrashing and tugging at his restraints, head thrown back, he thrust up into Pia’s mouth and then down onto Farleigh.

  “Lovely,” Anna whispered, pulling Sebastian’s balls aside to get a better look at Farleigh’s rhythm. Pia’s face was right there, as Anna took a few more seconds to watch Farleigh’s magnificent cock stretching Sebastian to the reaches of what he could endure.

  Sebastian moaned again, nearing desperation. His vibrating mouth against her swollen sex sent sparks straight up Pia’s spine, shooting hot prickles of sensation across her tender arse and bare back.

  Anna squeezed his sac affectionately then let go. “Here I am, my love.” She turned back and slowly lifted Pia’s mouth from Sebastian’s rod. She kissed Pia tenderly. “I love you, Pia,” Anna whispered. “Arch up for me.”

  Pia lifted her eyes and saw Farleigh gazing at her while he kept up that slow, powerful pace in and out of Sebastian. Pia concentrated on Farleigh’s eyes to keep the trembling onslaught of her orgasm from crashing over her as Sebastian’s mouth worked her feverishly. While Anna circled behind him, Farleigh leaned down and kissed Pia’s lips while he was fucking Sebastian, while Sebastian was licking her. The whip of pleasure cracked through her like thunder; she felt as though she might die from the simultaneous, overpowering love of both of these men at once. She swiveled her hips, riding hard against Sebastian’s frantic mouth; she bit Farleigh’s lip and battled her tongue against his. Both of them were entirely too much, but she couldn’t get enough of either of them.

  Farleigh pulled back from her mouth for a second, breathless. All four of them were frozen in that moment.

  “Marry me, Pia.”

  Pia looked quickly from Farleigh’s swollen lips to his eyes. “Yes,” she whispered.

  Anna clapped her hands in joy and then leaned down to kiss Pia. “Congratulations, darling.” She looked from Pia to Farleigh and back again. “I hate to cut in.” She winked and slid one leg languidly over Sebastian’s hips. Pia watched as Anna rubbed the tip of his cock against her swollen clit. “Oh God, that’s good,” Anna whispered.

  Sebastian begged for Anna to take him, having momentarily abandoned his attention to Pia’s sex to gasp for air and cry out nearly incomprehensible phrases and supplications. Pia moaned in sympathetic longing as she watched Anna squeeze his cock and guide him into her. Sebastian began licking Pia again, and she cried out as he moaned into her sensitive flesh. He seemed to be lost in the exquisite triumvirate of pleasure: slamming up into Anna’s pussy, or down onto Farleigh’s cock, or lavishing his attention on Pia with his mouth.

  “Come here, Pia,” Anna whispered. “Put your fingers on my cunny, so you can feel when Sebastian comes.”

  Pia obeyed. She loved when Anna cried out as her deft fingers pleasured Anna in that familiar way, while Sebastian’s cock thrust into Anna and Farleigh’s cock thrust into Sebastian.

  Soon, Pia’s movements became disjointed and desperate, her tilted arse quivering in the moments before a release that would no longer be contained.

  Sebastian pulled his mouth away from Pia and began tearing wildly at his restraints. He cried out Anna’s name, then Farleigh’s, then Pia’s, all of them whipped together in a frenzy of ecstasy.

  And then it wasn’t frenetic at all. It was a beautiful dance, a ballet in which all four of them were one. Anna leaned her head back and arched against Farleigh’s shoulder, then reached forward to fork her fingers through Pia’s long black hair. Pia’s hands, desperate and needy, worked on Anna’s breasts, caressed her stomach, reached for her hips.

  Sebastian bucked up into Anna with wild thrusts. Farleigh added something elemental, something that lent balance and power to all of them. He grunted and pushed into Sebastian with a roughness that Sebastian obviously found deeply satisfying from the sound of his low moans, and then Farleigh reached around Anna’s body to hold Pia’s hair, as well.

  Sebastian’s desperation finally reached such a pitch that even Anna looked like she might take mercy on him. “A moment longer, Sebastian,” Anna ordered, and he keened, and Pia watched as Anna held on, pushed right to the edge of what she could bear in order to take him that much higher.

  Pia was so close, her please-please-please a counterpoint to the heaving pressure that Farleigh was now exerting through all of them, his force reverberating into all four bodies that had become one.

  “Please, Anna!” Pia screamed.

  “Yes. Now, Pia,” Anna whispered.

  When Pia flew apart, it affected them all in different ways. Pia’s fingers gripped and pinched Anna’s small breasts, which she knew would multiply the intensity of Anna’s release. Sebastian moaned desperately while Anna rode his cock through her orgasm. Farleigh roared to high heaven as he rammed into Sebastian again and again, pushing all of their orgasms higher and higher along with his.

  “Now, Sebastian,” Anna gasped.

  And dear, dear Sebastian. Pia watched Anna’s teary eyes as the man cried out a release that took him beyond the earth. His back arching beneath her, his strong arms fighting against the restraints, his head tossing and sucking the inside of her thigh desperately, all as he thrust up into Anna and then landed back down to take in Farleigh, again and again in a seemingly infinite circle of pleasure.

  Pia slid away from his face at last, wilting from the consuming pleasure. She curled up near Sebastian’s hip so she could watch as Farleigh’s cock pressed into the other man’s body.

  Anna fell forward, keeping S
ebastian’s cock tight within her while he was in the last throes of his release. Pia traced Anna’s smooth back as she rested along Sebastian’s torso and kissed him tenderly.

  While Anna kissed Sebastian, Pia leaned up to kiss Farleigh. Sebastian sobbed out his final glorious release, and Anna kissed him greedily, probably tasting their mingled scents, and she kept telling him how much she loved him, between those wet, messy kisses.

  All the while, Farleigh kept kissing Pia until Sebastian shivered and bucked when Farleigh’s cock finally slid out of him. Pia didn’t want to stop kissing Farleigh, but he pulled away gently, caressing her cheek and helping her settle back among the pillows.

  “Oh God,” Sebastian whispered, beyond any other words.

  They all lay there for a spell, kissing and melting and petting one another for what felt like hours. Farleigh undid Sebastian’s restraints and massaged the blood back into his hands. Anna stayed draped across Sebastian’s spent body, with her right hand mindlessly caressing Pia’s breast. Pia lay on her back, arms extended in that feline way of hers. Perhaps because she had been raised in a confined world of deprivation, she now relished even the simplest physical luxuries—like stretching—with an all-consuming appreciation, Farleigh thought.

  He began moving around the tent, setting things in order, when Pia spoke, “Come, darling. You’ve been apart from us for too long.” Her long arm extended elegantly, inviting him into the lovers’ fold. Sebastian and Anna were dozing next to her by that point.

  He looked up from where he was kneeling by the trunk a few feet away, and Pia must have seen that his eyes were shining.

  “What is it, love?” she asked, concern in her voice.

  He hung his head. “I don’t know,” he whispered.

  She extricated herself from Sebastian and Anna, and she smiled when the other two hummed into a deeper sleep. Walking the few feet to where he was still kneeling, a look of worry crossed her face. Did she regret agreeing to marry him, especially under such extreme circumstances? She knelt down next to him and touched his shoulder lightly with the palm of her hand. When he relaxed into her instead of flinching, she squeezed his upper arm harder. “What is it, Leigh? Anything you want is fine, you must know that. Anything. We have no rules.”


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