The Hunter's Apprentice

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The Hunter's Apprentice Page 7

by Stentson, Mark

  -A portal, explained the hunter letting his bag down. It’s the entrance to the Zorg’s lair. When we walk through it, we will be propelled far away in a random Zorg’s lair. If we are lucky we might find one which has not yet been defeated.

  -So, the Zorg’s lair is not here really.

  The hunter nodded.

  -It is a complex magic. This is just like a door. When you cross it, you can be transported in any Zorg’s lair that there is in the whole known world. Sometimes, you can be sent in an empty one which a hunter had already defeated and then you have to come out again and try again until you get lucky.

  Aerys could not see what there was lucky in finding a lair where a Zorg would be waiting but he kept that reflection for himself. He followed the hunter towards the entrance. It was blurry and the hunter grabbed his hand.

  -Don’t let go of my hand if you don’t want to land in a completely different lair.

  Aerys nodded and readied himself. The hunter walked through the portal and his body disappeared. Aerys felt a pull on his hand and he entered after him anxiously. He fell. Everything was dark around him and he felt like he was falling in an endless pit. He felt the hunter’s hand tightening and then it was over. His feet touched the floor and he found himself in a well lit cave. He saw that the floor was covered with great amount of gold and treasures which shone brightly. However something else caught his eye.

  He shuddered as he noticed an immense form sitting on a throne at the center of the cave. There was a roar and the form stood up. Aerys heart froze. He had never seen something like this. It was huge and its body was covered with black scales. It had large wings on its back and horns on its forehead. Was that a Zorg? It resembled the demons sketches that Aerys had seen in Master’s Elric books. The hunter patted him on the shoulder and walked forward.

  -Find the artifact lad, he whispered as he walked towards the Zorg who roared loudly and a dark sword appeared in its right hand. The fight started immediately. Aerys watched as the hunter attracted the Zorg away from him.

  The cave trembled as the fight grew in intensity. Aerys watched in apprehension as they clashed again and again. He could see that both the fighters were on par. No one was on top and the battle raged on with no one taking the advantage. However something troubled him. He had the impression that the Zorg was slowly getting stronger. It was almost imperceptible but he definitely noticed it. Its speed was increasing and the power of its hits was getting stronger and stronger.

  He forced himself to look away and focused on the search of the artifact. The whole place was literally covered by dozens of swords stuck in the ground. How was he to find the real one amongst them? He walked amongst them. They were all similar. He knew that he could not waste any more time and so he grabbed the first sword he saw and pulled it out of the ground. He immediately knew that he had done a mistake. The sword disappeared in his hand and a big spider the size of his hand appeared by magic in front of him.

  Aerys shivered. He hated spiders and the size of this one was anything but natural. He tried to frighten it but it did not go away. Instead it launched itself against him. It climbed on him and Aerys stumbled down shuddering. He kicked it off him and quickly scrambled up. He took out the little sword the hunter had given him and when the spider attacked again, he cut it in a single strike. He backed a bit breathlessly. The spider lay dead on the ground and he kicked it away.

  There was then a deafening sound and he heard the hunter shout loudly at him.

  -Hurry damn it…hurry lad, he shouted as he parried a devastating strike by the Zorg. The shock of the two blades caused a shock wave that resounded in the whole cave and the ground trembled worryingly.

  Aerys turned towards the swords and gathered his courage. If other spiders were to appear each time he took a wrong sword out, he would just have to kill them. He walked towards the next sword and took it out. It disappeared again and another spider appeared but this time much to Aerys horror, the spider was twice as big as the previous one. He tried to keep his calm despite his fear. The spider attacked as the previous one and he dodged to the side and cut it. It was not a mortal wound though and he had to strike again to kill it.

  He was breathing heavily and he was already covered in sweat. He grabbed the next sword and pulled it off again. The spider was half his size. He attacked it without thinking but this time, his adversary was stronger. It dodged his attack as it moved quickly to the side and launched a counter attack. Luckily Aerys had now mastered the defensive stance that the hunter had taught him and he blocked the attack and he cut the spider’s head off.

  He backed away from the corpse both mentally and physically drained. He could not continue like this. The spiders would only get bigger and bigger and he would soon not be able to cope anymore. He then thought of something and felt a tingle of excitement. He turned towards where the Zorg was fighting with the hunter. It had grown darker and bigger now. The hunter was on the defensive. Aerys knew that they did not have much time. He examined the Zorg’s sword. It was dark and blunt but its features were splendid. There was a dragon calved on the hilt and a thin golden line that ran across the middle of the blade.

  He ran towards the swords and scanned the whole place in search of a similar sword. He had no time. He had to find it quickly. He heard the hunter cry in pain behind him but he dared not turn. He just hoped that he could resist a bit longer. His heart was nearly trying to tear out of his chest. He tried to calm down but failed. He walked desperately amongst the swords…a dragon shaped hilt…a golden line along its blade. He could not find it and the pressure increased. Where was it? Was it not the solution? Panicking, he wondered if he had to take all the swords out. But then his eyes saw it; the dragon hilt sword. It was there, hidden in the darkness. He rushed forward and grabbed it. He took it out and it came out without disappearing this time. He had succeeded. He smiled foolishly and held it up. It shone brightly and turned red. He felt a sudden warmth in his hand as if the artifact welcomed its new master.

  But then there was a roar as Aerys turned he saw the hunter sent crashing on the cave’s wall. He fell heavily but he stood up immediately much to Aerys surprised without any sign of injury. He looked towards him and saw the artifact in his hands. A smile appeared on his face but it quickly disappeared when the Zorgs roared loudly again but this time it did not target the hunter. It had noticed the artifact too and he rushed towards Aerys who stood unable to move as he watched the fearsome creature approach. He was paralyzed.

  It covered the distance in an instant and stood before Aerys. It lifted its sword and struck. Aerys did not even have the time to close his eyes as the Zorg’s attack was unbelievably quick. The blade initiated its descent but it did not made contact with Aerys. The latter was pushed roughly to the side and there was a deafening sound as Drake’s blade connected with it. He launched a series of quick attacks which repelled the Zorg and he finally managed to hit it. The Zorg had no reaction when the Drake’s sword penetrated its flesh just above where its heart must have been.

  Its body flared with a red glow and it grew in size. Aerys watched with incredulous eyes in front of such a spectacle. How were they supposed to kill this monster if he was not affected by even an artifact? He did not have any time to think about it for Drake rushed towards him and pushed him towards the exit.

  -Go, he yelled. I will retain him. Go.

  Aerys paused unsure. Would the hunter be alright fighting alone? He wanted to escape but he did not want to let the hunter fight this creature alone and die for him. Even if he was afraid, he shook his head.

  -I’m not letting you here alone, he replied.

  Drake smiled but then he shoved him away roughly.

  -Go, he replied. I won’t die here. Trust me.

  Aerys hesitated. He had faith in the hunter. After all was he not the strongest one alive. He nodded finally and headed for the exit half heartedly. He heard the roar of the Zorg and other waves of force as the swords clashed again and again. He did n
ot turn back for he dreaded what he might see. The exit appeared then and he dived through it. He fell down on the soft grass. The cold wind welcomed him back in the northern region. He crawled away from the portal and waited anxiously. Would the hunter succeed? The wait was unbearable. Each second seemed like an eternity. Half of him wanted to stay where he was while the other half wanted to return inside. The Zorg terrified him but he knew that it would be cowardly to abandon his master.

  He took a deep breath and prepared himself to re enter the Zorg’s lair. He approached it carefully and took a step forward. He then felt a sudden pain as someone stumble against him and he fell down again. He looked up and saw the hunter as the latter turned and in a single swing cut the crystal which broke and turned into smoke. The portal disappeared instantly.

  The hunter let himself down with a moan and Aerys rushed to his side.

  -My bag, whispered the hunter. There’s…a …a vial.

  Aerys opened it quickly and looked inside. He found it immediately and took it out. He opened it carefully. There was so little left. He poured it in the hunter’s mouth hoping that it would be sufficient for him to recover. The latter graoned and closed his eyes. Aerys waited anxiously. He looked at the hunter’s body. He had been badly wounded and his clothes were covered in blood. But gradually, the cuts began to disappear much to his relief. He breathed again.

  The hunter opened his eyes seconds later and sat down.

  -That was a close call lad, he said massaging his left arm which had suffered most.

  -How did you manage to escape?, asked Aerys concerned.

  -Bit of luck, he replied calmly. I was lucky that he got so big that he could not move freely in that cave. I cut down the pillars and the cave started to fall apart. It was my only chance and I seized it.

  -I thought that hunters were capable of fighting Zorgs, said Aerys intrigued. He had witnessed the fight and the Zorg had the upper hand.

  -That’s quite true, said the hunter gravely. But if you remember what I said when we first talked about them is that they are not of the same strength. There some who are really strong and we just met one unfortunately.

  -Why unfortunately?, asked Aerys with concern.

  -Because he will come after you now lad.

  Aerys looked at him with a mingle expression of shock and terror.

  -This…creature will follow me?

  The hunter nodded gravely.

  -I’ve never met one this strong before and now we are lucky that I did not defeat it for it would have come back stronger.

  Aerys did not know what to think. Was that supposed to be good news? That Zorg did not even need to become stronger. It was strong enough as it was to kill him.

  -So…how…how long till it comes after me? He asked.

  -I don’t know lad. It can take a month or a year. It can attack right now. It all depends on how quickly it can find a way out of its lair as the portal is now destroyed.

  -Well at least I got the artifact, muttered Aerys trying to find something positive. He lifted it above him and the fading sunlight made it shine brighter than ever.

  -That’s a nice one you got, said the hunter appreciatively. A dragon hilt huh…that’s some sight.

  Aerys looked at him with surprise. It was the first ever compliment he had ever said.

  He looked away immediately.

  -Well…, he grunted uneasy. Let’s camp here for tonight. The sun is already fading and darkness will be upon us soon enough. You know what to do right?

  Aerys smiled and went to make his usual inspection. Perhaps the hunter was not as unpleasant as he showed.


  They arrived in Adlington well after sunset much to the hunter’s anger. It was a small lumberjack village and they found the inn quite easily as there was only one large road that cut through the village by the middle. There was one thing that bothered Aerys though; there was not a soul outside.

  The hunter knocked heavily on the door and they heard someone hurrying on the other side.

  -Go away, said a rough voice. We are closed.

  -It’s the first time that I see an inn closing at dawn, replied the hunter harshly. Hurry up and open this door. We are hungry.

  -No…no. Go away. It’s too late.

  They heard him going away and the hunter shouted.

  -Alright. I am leaving but I believe that you sent me a letter requesting my assistance. But maybe you don’t need me anymore.

  The effect was immediate. There was some rushing inside and they heard the tinkling of keys and the sound of locks being opened hastily. Finally the door opened and a fat bald man appeared before them and beckoned them to enter quickly.

  They entered and found themselves in a very cozy room. Aerys noticed that they were the only clients, which was quite unexpected in such a place which should have been normally filled with travelers. The innkeeper closed the door and it took some time as he closed each lock and verified them with care. Finally satisfied he led them to at a table near the fireplace which burned brightly and illuminated the whole place. There were lanterns which hung on the beams and in such a way that no place remained in darkness.

  -I am sorry for that reception but it has become a necessity in these dark times.

  He was nervous and from time to time he looked towards the door with frightened eyes.

  -It is comprehensible, admitted the hunter. But before we discuss business, please bring us something to eat and more importantly some wine.

  The innkeeper hurried away and disappeared inside a door behind the counter. He came back a couple of minutes later with two bowls filled of delicious soup and a bottle of wine. The scent that emanated from it was delicious and Aerys started immediately. It was delicious and he emptied his bowl quickly. The innkeeper hurried to fill it again.

  The hunter asked for another wine bottle which he obtained and as he put down his spoon down in his empty bowl, he beckoned the innkeeper to sit with them.

  -Now that we have eaten, please enlighten me as to why you called me here.

  The innkeeper took a white handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped off the sweat on his forehead.

  -Well…where to start…

  -By the beginning?, suggested the hunter.

  The innkeeper nodded and wiped his forehead again while casting frightened looks again towards the door.

  -Well…It all started about a month back, he said in a shaky voice. At first we did not bother much about it as only some cattle died. But after the first death, we could no longer ignore the threat. Old Barn was found mutilated near his private enclosure where he used to feed his animals at night sometimes. It was a horrific sight really…

  He paused and took a swig of wine from the remaining bottle much the displeasure of the hunter.

  -We then thought that it would be a good idea to establish a guard at night to try to see what attacked us. But again… it turned out to be a bad idea.

  -What happened, Aerys asked curiously.

  The innkeeper looked at him indecisively weighing whether he could tell him or not.

  -You can tell him the truth, said the hunter. He is my apprentice.

  The innkeeper nodded and continued.

  -They were killed… and this time, we only found their heads. No bodies…

  Aerys shuddered and his heart started to beat quickly. Where had they gotten themselves?

  -How many were killed?, asked the hunter calmly.


  -Do you have any idea of what killed them?

  -Aye, replied the innkeeper shivering. Wolves…

  The hunter raised an eyebrow.

  -Are you sure?

  -Yes. We hear their howls every night. I…I believe they are great wolves that have descended from the mountains…

  He stopped and looked at the hunter with pleading eyes.

  -Please help us. You are our only hope. Since these events, we fear for our lives and the trade around here has decreased alarmingly and no one passes here
anymore out of fear. The whole village suffers from it. If this continues we will have no choice but leave this place where we have lived all our life.

  The hunter remained thoughtful and said nothing.

  -I will help you, he said finally but I need some more information. I have dealt with those wolves in the past but they never stayed long in one place. Their behavior is quite odd.

  He stood up and grabbed his back.

  -I will stay out tonight, he said to the innkeeper. I have to see with my own eyes what we are dealing with. Do you know of a place where I could have a good view of the whole village?

  -There’s the small church which is found on the slope of the hill. You can try there.

  -Don’t we have to ask the priest’s permission, he asked.

  The innkeeper smiled sadly.

  -I’m afraid he was killed too.

  The hunter grunted something and turned towards me.

  -You will come with me. It is time we start your training and what’s better than now?, he said with a mischievous smile.

  Aerys shivered. He did not want to go outside after what the innkeeper had said but he knew that he could not disobey. This was what he had signed for. He followed the hunter silently to the door which the innkeeper unlocked for them again.

  -I will come back in a couple of hours, said the hunter. Don’t fall asleep for I do not want to stay out all night.

  He stepped out into the night and Aerys followed him. The innkeeper wished them good luck and quickly closed the door behind them.

  -Let’s go then, said the hunter whistling softly as he followed the road which led to the hill where the church was.

  They passed through the village quickly. The air was chill and a small wind started. Aerys raised his eyes and saw that the moon was out. It was a really beautiful sight. Thanks to its light, they managed to find the little path that the innkeeper had told them about.

  The church turned out to be a simple building with a wooden cross on its front. The front door had been ripped apart and the hunter ventured inside to take a look while Aerys stayed outside. He looked all around not reassured at all. He thought of Dimes and how he would have been sleeping in his little bed had he not accepted the offer. It all seemed like a faraway dream now.


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