The Hunter's Apprentice

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The Hunter's Apprentice Page 12

by Stentson, Mark

  The wolf prepared itself to attack again but to its surprise it was Aerys would did so. He dashed towards it more quickly than he had thought he was able to and in an instant he found himself in front of the werewolf. He struck with all his force but the werewolf again was quicker and it jumped to the side and counterattacked. Aerys reacted instantly and trust his sword with incredible speed. The wolf rolled down but it could not avoid the sword totally. It backed away with a deep cut over its neck. It stumbled a bit but soon returned angrier than ever. It howled loudly and attacked. Aerys tried to block it but he was too slow. The claws met his flesh and he stumbled down in pain. He rolled to his left as the wolf tried to bite him and he stumbled up. He was bleeding as much as the werewolf and he could feel his forces abandoning him. He was badly injured. The claws of the werewolf were truly piercing and they had done a lot of damage.

  He backed towards the chasm and the werewolf followed him slowly. It was certain of its victory now. Aerys watched it approach with deep concern. He knew that it was his last chance. He had to finish it now. If the fight continued, he would lose eventually for he did not have the same stamina as the werewolf. From the corner of his eye, he noticed Emily though. She was trying to approach cautiously. She made a sign.

  The wolf attacked. Aerys gave all he had and parried the attack. He turned and pushed the werewolf towards the chasm. He put in all his forces as he pushed. The wolf growled but it did not move. It had a direct opportunity to finish Aerys. The latter had lowered his defense trying to push it towards the edge. The wolf opened its large mouth and Aerys saw the frightening fangs closely. The foul smell that came out of it was unbearable. He let go and pulled back. The wolf attacked immediately and launched itself upon the now defenseless Aerys.

  But it never touched him. Emily came crashing against it and it was sent flying over the chasm. It fell down with a desperate howl and they heard its howl lessened until it eventually died out. Aerys and Emily fell together on the ground.


  -How did you do that?, Aerys asked her surprised. You sent it so far.

  She smiled.

  -I was lucky I guess, she said getting up. It slipped on the muddy ground and it was pushed further than it should have been.

  -But still, said Aerys getting up too. You managed to push it down the chasm. That’s no small feat. Even I was unable to move it further than an inch.

  She waved her hand evasively.

  -Never mind that. We have more urgent matter son our hands, she said. We should take care of your injuries.

  Aerys shook his head and pointed towards the hunter.

  -Take a look at him first.

  He watched as she knelt by the hunter and examined his injuries. Fortunately they were superficial and he had only been knocked down. Emily opened the hunter’s bag and had a look inside despite Aerys protests. He knew that the hunter would not be too happy about it.

  -It’s for his good, said Emily as she rummaged inside. A smile appeared on her face as she took out a small box. She opened it and found inside countless of herbs.

  -That’s what I was searching for, she said as she took out a long yellowish herb. She squeezed it gently and a strong odor emanated from it.

  -What is it? Aerys asked as he watched her putting it just under the hunter’s noise.

  -It is a Yiod leaf, she explained. It is renowned for its strong odor as you can smell. It helps in these kinds of situations.

  And true enough, the hunter began to move. He opened his eyes and looked at the two of them with a puzzled expression on his face. He sat down and looked around.

  -Tell me, he said turning towards Aerys.

  The latter obeyed and narrated what happened after he was knocked out. The hunter listened attentively and when Aerys finished, he looked at Emily with deep interest.

  -You are an intriguing young girl, he said getting up. Well…in any case, I guess I should thank both of you.

  Aerys looked at him surprised.

  -That’s the first time I hear you thanking someone, he noted with a smile.

  -Well, that’s not going to happen anytime soon. So cast that stupid smile off your face and come here. Your injuries seem pretty serious. That werewolf did not miss you.

  Aerys approached and he removed his shirt at the hunter’ request. He cried as he did so for the cloth had glued itself to his injuries and he had to pull it off. The hunter immediately took out rolls of bandages and he asked Emily to start a fire.

  -Why are you lighting a fire?, asked Aerys troubled. He saw the hunter take out a long knife from the bag and put it near the burning fire.

  -Don’t tell me you are afraid now, laughed the hunter as he beckoned him forward. It’s just to prevent infections lad. So come here and stay still.

  Aerys backed instead. He had no intention of letting him put that burning knife on him.

  -Come on lad, said the hunter annoyed. We don’t have time for this.

  But Aerys kept his distance. Despite the pain, he was determined not to let the hunter cauterize his injuries. That would hurt a lot.

  -I may have another solution, said Emily then smiling. Wait for me. I won’t be long, she added as she ran off in the woods.

  She came back with a handful of white flowers in her hands and she beckoned Aerys to come and sit near her.

  -What is that?, asked Aerys as he sat down.

  -Its Lamia’s flowers, said the hunter. I see that you have a sound knowledge of healing young girl. Where have you learn all this?

  Emily squeezed them and applied them on Aerys injuries. The latter winced as she laid them on him. It was painful at first but then he felt a coldness and the pain ceased.

  -I had a good master, she said as she bandaged him.

  The hunter observed her attentively.

  -Where are you from?

  -Haldar, she replied. It in the…

  -South, finished the hunter. Yes I know. I’ve heard about this place. It is renowned.

  -For what?, asked Aerys as he put on a new shirt which he took out of his bag.

  -Vampires, said the hunter looking at Emily.

  She held his gaze and smiled.

  -Yes, Haldar is reputed for the large community of vampires that leave there but you should know that Haldar is divided in two parts and that there are humans who lived on the other side. That’s where I come from.

  The hunter observed her with his piercing gaze. Emily smiled serenely and Aerys snorted.

  -You Think she is one?, he asked amused. Why would a vampire help a hunter?

  -Many things occur without a reason lad, replied the hunter letting down his gaze. Well, we have to go now anyway. You are most welcomed to accompany us. You can then travel south from there.

  Aerys stood up.

  -I’m afraid I will have to accompany her, he said.

  -Repeat that, said the hunter shocked.

  Aerys looked away.

  -I promised her that I would help her return to her homeland if she helped us escape.

  -but she did not help us, said the hunter. We escaped on our own.

  Aerys shook his head.

  -No…she helped us despite the danger. She provided us with the blade. I promised her and I cannot go back on my word.

  -You can and you will, said the hunter angrily. In case you forgot, you are my apprentice and you are contaminated. I will not let you roam freely in the known world.

  -Come with us then, said Aerys. You know the region. It will be quicker if we have you with us.

  The hunter snorted.

  -This is not going to happen. I am a hunter lad and I cannot go on a journey like that and I am not going to let you go too. That’s out of question.

  -You will have to stop me then, said Aerys taking his sword out. He had regained some of his forces strangely. He could not tell if it was because of the herbs or because of the contamination. He knew that he had a chance against the hunter. He had still not recovered.

  -put that sword awa
y lad, retorted the hunter. Look, I know that you promised her but you cannot afford to do that. You will transform long before you arrive at Haldar. This is madness.

  -There may be a solution, said Emily then. They both turned towards her. Have you ever heard of the queen of fairies?

  The hunter smiled.

  -this is all but a legend girl. There is no such queen of fairies.

  -She is real, replied Emily. Every…one knows about her.

  -So how come no one ever seen her then?, asked the hunter amused.

  Emily shrugged.

  -Do you really think that anyone can approach her? What do you have to lose anyway?, she asked Aerys.

  -I don’t mind trying, he replied excitedly. If there was a way to cure him, he would do anything to find it. Even if that meant chasing a legendary fairy.

  -That’s a load of crap lad, said the hunter angrily. This fairy doesn’t exist.

  -How would you know?, asked Emily. Have you ever searched for her?

  The hunter hesitated.

  -No…I mean what’s the use of searching for someone who doesn’t exist.

  However Aerys had already made up his mind.

  -I will go with her and I will search for this fairy. If she exists, it will be my chance to escape my fate and if she doesn’t exist then I would have tried at least. You cannot take that away from me.

  He looked at the hunter with pleading yet determined eyes. If the hunter accepted to go with them, it would be a huge asset but if he refused, he would still go. It was his life after all. The hunter glared at him. He walked back an forth muttering to himself. Aerys waited anxiously. Would he accept? Would he refuse? If he refused, would he try and stop him? He did not want to fight him but Emily had given him a new hope. H e did not care if it was a tale or not. There was something he could chase. Something that gave him hope again.

  After some time, the hunter stopped and walked toward shim. Aerys did not move but he remained on his guard.

  -I’ve thought about it, said the hunter facing him. And I have come to a decision.

  Aerys tried to ask him what it was but he found that he could not speak. His throat was dry.

  -I cannot let you, a contaminated boy, wander alone in the known world. This is why I will accompany you.

  -Really?, said Aerys regaining his voice.

  -Really, said the hunter. However I have my conditions. I will help you in this insane quest of yours to the best of my ability. However should you fail and transform into a werewolf, I will have to eliminate you. Now will you give me your word that you will surrender when and if that time comes and not run away. Can you promise me that?

  Aerys swallowed. When they were chasing the werewolves, he had thought on the subject for long enough to realize that even if he turned into a werewolf, he would never have the courage to surrender himself. He did not want to die. However he knew that it was the best bargain he would have with the hunter and that his help could not be refused. He shook the extended hand.

  -I give you my word, he whispered reluctantly.

  And so they left the clearing and headed south towards Amestris, the capital. The hunter took the lead followed by Emily and Aerys who surprisingly had recovered completely. He was transforming and he knew that if he did not find the fairy queen anytime soon, he would transform into a monster. He was running out of time…


  Note of the author: Thank you for reading this book. I am an independent author and it would help me a lot if you rate this book and leave a comment. Thank you.




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