Romance: The Campus Player: A College Romance

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Romance: The Campus Player: A College Romance Page 103

by Caroline Lake

  The sexual tension melted in to butterflies in my heart as I fell in to his embrace. I was hoping this feeling would last forever, but when I set foot on to the deck of the ship the moment was wiped away and replaced with a feeling of fear.

  “I know those sails.” I said, as soon as my eyes fell upon the fleet.

  Why was this happening to me? As soon as I started to get happy again, those sails had to sail over the horizon. Images of how I once used to wait at my window watching for these sails. Old emotions of how these sails used to bring me feelings of joy. Why is it that every time I was happy, Benjamin had to come in to my life and ruin it?!

  “Who is it, my lady?” Captain Fox asked curiously.

  “It is my ex-fiancé.” I said bitterly. “Come to ruin my life once again.”

  As soon as Dimitrius heard who was sailing our way he jumped in to action. His voice boomed across the deck, commanding his crew to prepare for combat. He hurried his way to the helm and grabbed the wheel.

  “Loosen the sails!” He shouted out.

  Almost instantly the sails unfolded as the crew jerked on the ropes. I stumbled my way up the stairs as a large gust of wind caught the main mast.

  “How are you planning to do combat with all of those ships?!” I cried out to him.

  “This ship is nearly indestructible. The metal plating protects us on the side! This ship is a floating city! It can take down two ships at once.”

  “This is no ordinary fleet, Dimitrius. Benjamin’s fleet is the largest fleet in Sunhaven. There is no way you can face it on your own.”

  Captain Fox looked at me intensely for a moment, almost with a look that said don’t tell me how to captain my ship. Then, something crossed his mind and his eyes softened.

  “You’re right.” He said. “You know the fleet better than I do. What do you recommend?”

  It felt good to know that pride wasn’t an issue with this man. He was intense, a fighter, and passionate as well, but he was also reasonable and kind hearted. He truly did love her, and now she could accept that with no fear in her heart.

  “You are going to need backup, and we are going to need to lead them in to close quarters if you have any chance of beating them.”

  “I know where we can go.” Benjamin said coming up the stairs.

  Apparently he had been listening close by the entire time.

  “Speak, man!” Dimitrius said, intensely. “The more time you waist, the closer they get!”

  “We can go to Delharia.”

  I looked at Dimitrius to see what his reaction was for this name had no meaning to me.

  “Devil’s Isle?!” He immediately spat. “We would be putting ourselves in more danger there than if we faced them head on!”

  “Not if we sail in from the South.” Benjamin stated. “We have a good day and a half head start on them and our ship is fast.”

  “Your ship is definitely fast.” I stated. “I felt it kick off earlier when the main sail was dropped. If you drop all of them, you may be able to separate the distance to two days.”

  Dimitrius was considering this, but still wasn’t fully convinced.

  “What do you propose we do once we have made it to Delharia.”

  “If we sail in from the south, I have a friend on the island who can help us reach the fort in safety. If we could convince them to use their cannons, we could drop the ship off on the north side of the island and lead those bastards straight in to a trap.”

  I had to admit, the plan sounded good to me. I wouldn’t mind sinking that cheating bastards fleet.

  “What do you think?” Dimitrius asked.

  It took me a moment to realize he was asking me. I must admit, I was flattered that he would ask my opinion.

  “No matter what, I am not going back with him. I think it is a good plan. It could definitely work. I know Benjamin has extreme tunnel vision when it comes to strategy. That is why he is a merchant and not a war hero, but his ships are strong. The more fire power, the better.”

  “Alright… Delharia it is then. I’m warning you now Benjamin… if any of the crew die, it is on you. Remember that.”

  “Yes, sir.” He said, trying to hide the fact that this put an extreme amount of pressure on him.

  “Tell me about this friend of yours.” Fox said as he took the wheel in his hands.

  “It is a long tale. Maybe I will tell you some other time.”

  “Drop the main sails!”

  The chorus of, “dropping the main sails!” echoed across the deck. As the breeze caught the giant sails, the ship kicked forward. Captain Fox spun the wheel and the ship began to turn sharply as the crew pulled up and down on the rigging. As the sails dropped and folded it allowed the ship to spin sharper than most, using the momentum of the already moving ship to balance itself out. I must admit, it was a very fascinating technique, especially with such a large ship. Within a matter of seconds, the large boat was turned around and sailing toward Delharia.

  “I believe we have some time.” Fox said.

  Benjamin rolled his eyes. Benjamin told us that Delharia is where he would often times disappear to in order to resupply. He had been stranded there a long time ago, lost in the jungle, fighting daily to survive against the terrifying creatures. The way he explained the noises they made in the night, gave me goosebumps. Once Benjamin had convinced Dimitrius that the man was trust worthy, I noticed him relax a bit. It was interesting to watch how much the safety of his crew meant to him. It melted my heart so much I had to kiss him gently. Unfortunately for us, we never made it to Delharia. We never got to meet Benjamin’s friend and we never got to use their cannons to sink Jonathan’s fleet.

  About a day in to the journey a storm popped out of nowhere and through our ship off course. Jonathan had been far enough away that he was able to recalculate, which allowed him to sail directly in to the path of our ship. Within half a day’s time, he and his fleet had caught up to us.

  “It was a good plan, Benjamin.” I said to him, noticing the look of disappointment on his face.

  “Aye, it could have been.” He watched as the ships approached us.

  I walked up beside Dimitrius and wrapped my arms around his waist. I laid my head on his shoulder and watched as Jonathan’s fleet began to surround us.

  “Don’t be scared.” Dimitrius said to me. “We will overcome this. Even if we don’t make it out alive, our love will follow us in to the afterlife. Don’t be afraid, my love.”

  I couldn’t help but be afraid. I didn’t want to think about the afterlife. I wasn’t ready to die here. Not now! Not after I had found the one I had been hoping for my entire life. I squeezed him harder as a tear fell from my eye.

  “I love you.” I said.

  “I love you too.” He replied. “Prepare for battle!”

  Chapter 7

  The air cracked in half as the mortars fired on the approaching ship. Almost as soon as our mortar fire died out the return fire began.

  “Keep the sails moving!” Dimitrius cried out as he steered the ship.

  The wind gusts were strong due to the dying storm cell, and this allowed Dimitrius’s ship to weave in and out smoothly with the wind. Even though the ship was large, Dimitrius had learned how to handle it. The ship rocked with every cannon ball that struck it. Wood cracked and splintered as mortars penetrated the deck of the ship. Crewmen screamed as their bodies flew over the sides of the ship and in to the ocean below.

  “Can you steer this thing?” Dimitrius asked me.

  It took a moment to register that he was offering me the wheel, but once I knew he was my heart leapt with excitement. It was already beating so fast due to the adrenaline rush of the battle, I thought I was going to have a heart attack. This was my moment. I nodded my head shyly. Dimitrius grabbed me around my waist and pulled me over to the wheel. Before relinquishing control, he pulled me in close and kissed me. I looked deep in to his eyes as he pulled away, and he looked back in to mine. We both knew this could be the last mom
ent we would see each other alive. No! Neither of us would let that happen. Our love would drive us to survive. After the moment was over Dimitri rushed to the deck of the ship, just as the crew from Jonathan’s first three ships were boarding. The battle ensued. The clanging of metal off of metal echoed around the deck, often times masked by the pursuing boom of cannon fire. The ship rocked, making it hard to control, but she was fast. Most of the time we were ahead of the ships; barely ahead, but even having the slightest advantage was worth it. I could feel the ship move every time cannon fire hit the back. The floor vibrated underneath of my feet as the metal balls bounced off of the metal hull of our ship. I heard men scream and watched blood and body parts fly. Hearing about the stories, could have never prepared me for the carnage that was a sea battle. Jonathan’s men were being slaughtered by Dimitrius’ crew. The men were too uniform to fight the wild, savage pirates. For every one of Dimitrius’ crew that fell, four of Jonathan’s had already been lost. No matter what, I continued to steer the ship. As cannon fire began to pound through the metal of the rear hull, I felt the ship beginning to drag. There was no way we were going to be able to continue this way forever. I could tell the men were tired, and more of Jonathan’s crew was beginning to board by sailing their rowboats up to the side and climbing on to the ship. This would last until the fleet had worn us down. We needed a new course of action. As I was thinking, Dimitrius climbed the stairs and appeared beside me, stabbing an approaching enemy as he did.

  “What is happening?”

  He was covered in blood, out of breath and barely recognizable.

  “Their cannons are beginning to penetrate. The ship is dragging. We won’t last much longer if we continue on.”

  Dimitrius looked out over his crew, and I knew he was thinking the same thing. As a new batch of enemies filtered on to the ship, his men began to look tired. Blood was still flying. Screams were still crying. The giant pirate who had brought me on to this ship was smashing heads and ripping arms, and then all of a sudden he was dead. Two swords stabbed through his abdomen. He turned and decapitated the men before collapsing onto the deck. I watched in horror as his men began to fall, one by one. Even Benjamin. I cried. I couldn’t help it. He had become my friend, my one and only friend on this ship. Dimitrius knew it was over as he watched his men get slaughtered. As they stormed the deck he dropped his weapons and raised his hands in the air. The look on his face was one I had never seen before. It was a mixture of sadness, defeat and shock. He had always been confident that his crew and his ship would last… he had been wrong. I was still holding the wheel, as the ship moved aimlessly forward, when Johnathan’s crew pointed their rifles at me.

  “Relinquish control, or die.” The captain of the army said.

  I did as I was commanded and stepped away. Dimitri wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me in close, his other hand still in the air to show there was no hostility. Johnathan made his way through as soon as he bumbled his way on to the ship. The way he made it sound, I thought he was an advanced seaman. I could barely contain a laugh as he stumbled his way toward us. He stopped when he saw Dimitrius’ arm around my waist. He then snorted and smiled a condescending smile.

  “It is good to see you again, Helena. I have come to rescue you from this… thing.”

  “How dare you!” I said, as I lurched forward.

  Jonathan recoiled, showing his true bravery. His men aimed their guns at me again.

  “Halt!” Jonathan said, while putting a hand up. “Her father would not be pleased with me if we were to fill her with holes. Take him in to custody.”

  I tried to plead for my loves freedom, but they wouldn’t listen. They smashed him in the back of the head with a rifle and he collapsed, unconscious, onto the deck of his ship. I moved to kneel down beside him, but Jonathan’s riflemen aimed at me again. I froze where I was, tears streaming down my face. They took Dimitrius into custody and carried him away.

  “What are you going to do with him?!” I cried.

  “There is a very large sum of money out for the capture of Captain Fox here.” Jonathan looked at me. “Oh, you didn’t think I knew who he was? My dear, we knew who he was as soon as he sailed in to port. He is one of the most wanted pirates anywhere in the world! Of course, I know who he is.”

  He leaned in close to me, taking the back of my neck in his hands. His grip was weak compared to Dimitrius’ but stronger than I could fight. I struggled for a moment or two and then let him hang on, with a hatred in my heart that was making my blood boil.

  “And I am going to have him killed! I will be the one to save humanity from Captain Fox’s terror, and I will become the greatest pirate hunter the world has ever known. Aren’t you impressed?!”

  I looked at him for a moment, an uncontrollable scowl on my face. Then, I cocked back and launched my spit into his face. He recoiled for a moment, disgusted and then slapped me. I collapsed to the deck, feeling the burn on my cheek. The vision on the left side of my face was slightly blurry as I shook the pain away. Before I could control myself I launched myself at him. One of his guards stopped me before I could get to him. The butt of the gun knocked the air out of me as I collapsed to the deck again, this time gasping for air.

  “Seems as though your time with Captain Fox has turned you wild.”

  I looked up and noticed he was crouching over me, looking in to my face with a sick smile. I used to take comfort in that smile. Now knowing who this man really was, it sickened me. How could I fall for someone so incredibly terrible? Benjamin had been right, when you look too hard for love you see what you want to see.

  “No worries! I like myself a woman with spark. You will learn to be civilized once again as soon as we are married and you are living in my mansion.” He stood up and motioned to his guards. “Put her in my cabin and guard the doors. Make sure she is unable to leave until I have a chance to speak with her.”

  He looked back at me with an evil glare. I knew what his intentions were, and they didn’t have anything to do with speaking.

  Chapter 8

  I was thrown in to the cabin of Jonathan’s ship. I tried the doors, even though I knew they would be locked. I looked around the room at all of the stuffy decorations he had collected. The layout was very much like Captain Fox’s chambers, but Jonathan’s chamber was made of a pear colored wood. He didn’t have large and extravagant windows like Dimitrius had, so the room seemed darker and more compacted. There were so many useless items that he had collected on his trips, that the room was impossible to move around in. The bed off in the corner of the cabin had a canopy and drapes that covered the entire mattress. I couldn’t help but wonder how many women he had slept with in that bed. I caught my scowl returning. I immediately began to look around for a way to escape, but there wasn’t one. I was going to have to do this the hard way; So, I tied the drapes around the bed post, sat on the edge of the bed and waited.

  The doors flew open and Jonathan entered. He stood in the door way with his arms open, looking as pompous as ever. He glanced at me sitting on the edge of the bed and raised an eyebrow. I could tell he was intrigued. He turned to his guards at the door.

  “You may leave now.”

  They did as commanded. It was night now and the moon was shining in to the room from the open doorway. He turned and slowly closed the double doors behind him, locking them tightly. He slithered his way over to me and sat down close. I could smell his body odor and it made me recoil. I tried to play it off, but he must have seen my reaction. He stood and immediately went across the room and sprayed himself with cologne. He turned on his heels and looked dead in to my eyes.

  “Oh, how I have missed you.” He said, opening his arms in a grand gesture once again.

  “What? Did Colleen get too boring for you?” I spat.

  The smile on his face immediately fell away. He looked down at the floor, slightly embarrassed.

  “I had a moment of weakness.”

  He quickly rushed over to me and bent dow
n on his knees. He took my hands in his and softened his face. I knew this trick now. I used to melt to his words, but no more.

  “Please, will you forgive me? It will never happen again! I promise. I miss you, Helena. I love you. I love you so much.”

  His eyes glistened over with tears. I looked deep in to his eyes and then I smiled.

  “Of course I will forgive you.” I said. “That is all this was about.”

  “Really?” He said, shocked.

  “Yes, of course! All I wanted was an apology.” I flashed the ring that was still on my finger. “This is yours after all.”

  He searched my face for a moment, trying to see if I was serious. Once he realized I was, he smiled. He kissed me, sloppily, and before I knew it my back was on the mattress. He was kissing my neck and making his way down my body eagerly. I pushed him off of me and rolled on top of him. I could see the excitement in his eyes. He had been wanting to take me since the day he put a ring on my finger. I began to kiss him, softly at first. Once I felt his body relax I sat up straight, pinning him to the bed with my hips. I reached on to his bedside table and grabbed the letter opener that I had noticed was sitting there. I put it to his throat and the growing bulge in his pants disappeared.

  “Move or yell and I will cut your throat.” I whispered in his ear.

  “What the hell do you think you are doing?!”

  I pressed the letter opener against his jugular and I felt his body tense.

  “I’m saving the man I love.” I whispered to him.

  I wanted him to know that I loved Dimitrius. I wanted him to know without a doubt that he had lost me. I wanted him to feel taken advantage of and worthless, just as I had. I reached over to the bed post and untied the ropes holding the curtains. I tied him to the bed by his wrists and his feet. He tried to call out once, in the middle of the whole thing, but that quickly ended when I stabbed the letter opener in to his thigh. I found a sick pleasure in hearing his squeal of pain. When I was finished, I stole the master key from his belt, covered the scene with the bed drapes and began to walk away.


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