Home > Other > BYRON CHANCE:THE DARKLY EROTIC LIFE OF A DHAMPIR: A Full Moon Series Companion novel > Page 2

by P. Mattern

  Byron felt himself flushing slightly.

  “Does it show?” he asked.

  “Sure”, the girl named Raven answered smoothly, ”You’re clean. You don’t stink. Your clothes are clean too and you don’t look hungry. Dead giveaways. “She looked into his eyes with her own thickly fringed brown eyes and added.”And today is your lucky day because you met me.”

  After that pronouncement Byron felt the girls small sneakered foot slide lightly up his leg to his inner thigh. She kept it there, moving it lightly back and forth between his legs,first on one side and then on the other. Her gaze never left his face as she lightly introduced the toe of her sneaker in between his legs and gently moved it up and down the zipper of his fly. Byron could feel himself rising in excitement .

  He shifted his position so that he was leaning further back on the seat with his legs spread further apart to allow her better access.

  “Harder”,he said, never breaking his gaze from her face.

  She didn’t make a reply but intensified the rubbing action. Just as Byron felt he was coming a waitress abruptly plopped two steaming platters of food along with two colas onto the narrow table.

  “Enjoy!” she said, ignoring Raven but smirking at Byron.

  Byron sat up in his seat, ”Looks good. Thank you, Raven.”

  “You’re welcome.” Raven replied, playing along” I feel as if I’ve gotten to know you a little better,Byron. Bon appétit!”

  After wolfing down their food the pair exited the diner. The wind had picked up,and noticing that Raven had no gloves, Byron took her small hand and placed it inside his coat pocket along with his. For some reason this felt completely familiar and natural. Raven looked up at him curiously as they walked along.

  “It’s strange-I feel as though I’ve known you a long time Byron, even though we just met.”she said.

  Byron concurred, nodding in agreement.”I feel it too. Where are we going now? To your place?”

  It was Raven’s turn to nod,”Yeah. Not much further now.”

  They walked in companionable silence for a few more minutes, then Raven abruptly pulled him up a few steps into an old brownstone.

  Once inside the hallway smelled like dust with a layer of some sort of incense or spices. He could also smell furniture polish on the banister leading upstairs. The building had been divided into three generously sized apartments, and Raven pulled him after her to the third floor landing. There was a potted fern on the stairwell next to a window, and Raven scrabbled in her pants pockets ,retrieving a key and let them inside.

  The inside of the apartment was decorated in shocking contrast to the hallway outside,or even the unremarkable building it was housed in. Byron wordlessly took in the tasteful décor-leather furniture, some of it expensive looking and studded with brass around the periphery, most of it in a dark burgundy. On a huge ottoman a white Persian cat with a rhinestone collar gazed up at him impassively. A huge flatscreen took up most of one wall and built in bookcases another. Byron tried to read the titles of the books-it was a veritable feast of books, and he stared at them greedily.

  A woman’s voice.”We’re in the kitchen Raven dear.”

  Raven shrugged off her jacket and took his as well hanging them on hangers in a nearby closet.”I have a guest. ”she called back.”I hope it’s okay.”

  Turning to Byron she took his hand in hers and pulled him down a short corridor into a brightly lit kitchen.

  Sitting across from each other at a table there were two middle aged adults. One was a balding man who seemed as if he might have been handsome at one point but was now somewhat paunchy and tired looking. Across from him with reading glasses and part of a newspaper in her hands was a dark haired woman who looked as though she might have had some Indian heritage. They both looked up at Byron pleasantly.

  Raven made introductions.

  “Herb and Tansy this is Byron. He’s new to the neighborhood just today. Byron this is Herb and Tansy-I’m sort of their ward.” Raven looked around the kitchen, ”Where are Kirsten and Chaz? Are they working?”

  The woman who had been introduced to Byron as Tansy nodded.

  “Yes-but they should be home soon.”She smiled at Byron, pushing a chair out from the table,”Please sit down Byron and tell us about yourself.”

  Byron selfconsciously slid into the seat offered him. The air was filled with the fragrance of coffee, and some sort of spice. Maybe Indian food he thought.

  “Coffee Byron?”Herb asked.

  Byron nodded. The coffee smelled good, and he noticed there was a bowl of sugar and a small pitcher of cream on the table. Raven served him a cup of coffee without being asked ,and he nervously took a sip. All three pairs of eyes were fixed on him.

  Tansy spoke first,”Byron, are you a virgin?”she asked.

  Byron felt himself blushing, even though he wasn’t sure he had heard her question correctly. And although he knew was she meant, he was alarmed at the casual way she’d posed the question-and was too shy to answer it anyway. Everything about his current situation was far outside of the scope of his experience.

  “Ignore her,”Herb told Byron ,nodding in Tansy’s direction.”But I’ve got a question I bet you could answer ,how old are you Byron?”

  “Almost 13”,Byron replied. Even though the people were strange he somehow felt at home here.”And as for the other question, the answer is yes. ”he added, turning to look at Tansy.

  Raven giggled.”I have a question for you Byron-how would you like to live here? And work for Herb and Tansy? And bunk with me?”

  Tansy smiled indulgently at Raven.”Raven is like the daughter we never had. And Byron you look quite a bit older than you are ,and your voice is very deep-I would have said at least 16-don’t you think so Herb?”

  Herb nodded in agreement.”At least. His I.D. should say 18. When is your birthday Byron?”

  With a start Byron realized a detail he’d forgotten during his traumatic exit in the morning.

  “It’s…today. Today is actually my birthday.” He said, smiling and shaking his head.

  “ Then we should celibrate!!!” Tansy said quickly. Jumping up she retrieved a bottle of wine from a rack built into the kitchen cabinetry.”I’ve been saving this. It’s Egri Bikaver-also known as bull’s blood, a Hungarian wine. You kids can have a sip and we’ll toast to Byron’s Birthday!”

  After Tansy had poured four glasses of the magenta colored liquid all present clinked their glasses together, telling Byron ‘Happy Birthday’ and ‘Best Wishes” before tilting their glasses and drinking. Byron had never tasted alcohol- he noticed that it burned his throat a little going down, but not in a bad way, and had a fruity taste that wasn’t too sweet. He also noticed that Raven was the first to drain her glass, which she did like a pro, indicating to him that she’d had alcohol before.

  After the toast Raven jumped up and tugged Byron to his feet unceremoniously.

  “We have to get you settled in,” she said, smiling invitingly.”Follow me. “

  Byron picked up his pack and nodded to Herb and Tansy as Raven pulled him down a hallway , separated from the kitchen gypsy style by a beaded curtain. The room she yanked him into was at the end of the hall, the farthest from the kitchen, and Byron was soon very appreciative of that fact.

  As soon as they cleared the doorway, Raven ripped his pack from his shoulder, threw his jacket into a corner and, working her small fingers quickly, unbuckled his belt.

  “Hey”, he said. He felt pleasantly warmed from the inside out after drinking the wine.”What are you doing there, Raven?”

  Before she answered Raven deftly slid his jean zipper down and pulled his jeans to knee level.

  “Kick them off.” she said quietly.”And don’t make any noise no matter what. It’s your birthday and tonight, Byron, I’m going to make you a man.”

  Byron glanced down stupefied at the jean material suspended between his legs, then did as she asked while watching her adroitly remove her own layers of clothing un
til she had stripped down to a matching striped bra and panty set of thin material. He could feel a pulse beginning to pound in several areas of his anatomy at once-his temples, his chest, and his groin area. She stood before him, staring down intently at the front of his briefs, which had begun to swell and expand outward.

  “Good,” he heard Raven mutter, as if to herself.”You’re so pretty I was afraid you might be gay.”

  Looking up at him she reached behind her and unhooked her flimsy bra, releasing her tip tilted breasts with orangey pink nipples. Byron felt himself stiffen in response and for a moment thought that the mere sight of her might make him come.

  “You’d better wait”, she whispered in a stage whisper.”You haven’t even seen the best part yet!”

  Quickly she stripped off her bikini underwear, exposing a dark thatch of pubic hair. Reaching out toward him she plucked his briefs first outward and then downward hurriedly.

  “I like it from behind,” she said quietly,”But because it’s your first time you can start on top.”

  Without ceremony she fell back diagonally across the bed, pulled her knees up and opened them. The visceral display Byron saw at that moment caused a wave of frenzied sexuality to radiate out from his core. Her vagina looked like an opening flower, with darkly pink wet petals framing a mysterious crevice. Her pronounced clitoris peeked out from a public mound of dark curly hair like a insouciant fleshy jewel. As he watched, his eyes flicking back and forth from her face to her beckoning ,perfect cunt,he saw a pearly looking droplet of moisture form below her clit and travel down the center of her display. Before he had time to think anything at all he was on top of her, pressing himself into the verdant garden of her sex. He must have groaned , because she reached up quickly and pressed her small hand over his mouth. She was making noises also, but hers were in the back of her throat, and sounded like low, guttural moans that matched every stroke of his penis. His frantic movements caused him to come quickly, too quickly. She pressed a finger to her lips and used her abandoned panties to wipe herself off, then him, before pulling him forward to enter her again.

  This time he was able to exercise more control. He was overwhelmed with the sensation of her hot wetness surrounding him from tip to shaft, sticky with her abundant juices. Looking down at her face, he saw her panting, eyes open, and felt her legs tighten around his waist. He was grateful for her wanting to give him pleasure, and it made him feel determined to give pleasure back to her.

  “Come baby,” he heard himself say,”Come for me Raven.”

  As if on cue he felt her internal wetness contract around him spasmodically as her back arched and she moaned. Gently he pressed his hand over her mouth (after all she hadn’t wanted them to make any noise) as he thrust quickly into her to facilitate his own orgasm.

  He would have liked to stay the way they were afterwards ,spooning as he nuzzled the back of her neck, which smelled of wind and lily of the valley, but too soon she jumped up and began dressing, throwing him his own clothing.

  “Bathroom’s down the hall”, she said. “I’ll go after you.”

  That is how Byron lost his virginity, and he would always remember Raven fondly as his first .

  Life at Herb and Tansy’s wasn’t perfect, but Byron thought it was. He met Kristen, a Nordic blonde that was pretty and thin and coltish but very sophisticated for her age-she carried an ID that said she was 18 but Byron suspected that she was at least two years younger. Byron also met Chaz, a dark haired boy with piercing black eyes that looked a scant two years older than Byron himself. And Byron also found out exactly what ‘working’ meant in his new environment.

  It didn’t really bother Byron too much that Herb and Tansy made their living peddling the flesh of their young charges, because even though they kept 75% of the earnings, they provided free rent and food and took care of medical bills. Kristen was a favorite with middle aged gentlemen, and for safety reasons Herb frequently shadowed her when she went on her ‘dates’ ,unless the patron was someone that they were familiar with. Chaz was apparently the young person that attracted the largest clientele. Tansy’s old fashioned phone with it’s many buttons and call waiting features rang off the hook most days, keeping her busy booking his appointments. It took Byron awhile to realize that Chaz’s clients were, like Kristen’s ,primarily older men.

  So it didn’t come as a shock to him when one day Herb and Tansy sat him down and offered him the same opportunities. They explained that they wanted Byron to be ‘nice’ to the dates they booked for him, but that they didn’t expect him to do anything that he didn’t want to. The idea that he could make money by having sex was mind blowing to Byron.

  His one worry was Raven, how she would feel about his becoming part of the ‘family business ‘. But when he told her about Herb and Tansy’s offer she was happy for him.

  “You can make SO much money, Byron Chance.” She said, looking up at him with admiration.”And I will always be your first. No one can take that away from either of us.”

  Holding Raven against him Byron felt the first stirrings of young love. He truthfully adored Raven who accepted him completely and was energetic and amusing to be around. He couldn’t imagine being with anyone else, and wouldn’t have much lag time to imagine things, because Herb and Tansy put him to work the very next day.

  Byron’s first paid client was a middle aged socialite that had grown tired of booking Chaz for her weekly sexual session. Tansy thought Byron would be a good alternative partner, as Mrs. K. enjoyed younger men with stamina that would also be obsequious, servile, and attentive.

  Tansy gave Byron cab fare and sent him to the woman’s high rise apartment. Byron was a bundle of nerves, not really knowing what to expect-but in point of fact his anticipation of the sexual unknown was actually an aphrodisiac for Byron. He hoped that he would bring his first client all the pleasure that she desired. And after nearly daily sessions with his roommate Raven he had become comfortable with his sexuality.

  To his surprise the woman that answered the door looked younger than he had anticipated and was fully dressed in office attire. He realized that he’d expected her to answer the door in a lacy negligee, and be all over him as he entered he luxuriously decorated apartment, but she kept her distance as she cooly invited him in, giving him an obvious once-over.

  “What would you care to drink Byron?” she asked. “Perrier? A carbonated soda? Mango or papaya juice? I don’t serve liquor to minors-ever.”

  Byron kept a straight face but inwardly he was smirking, because the lady was so prim about serving drinks to underage prostitutes, but from what Chaz had told him, she had no problem with fucking their brains out.

  It was a cat and mouse game. Byron wouldn’t make the first move-he somehow sensed that that would be gauche in the situation. But at the same time he felt that she was appraising him, warming to him, and might even be getting a little moist between her legs contemplating having sex with him.

  He decided to relax and see how it all played out.

  “Perrier is fine.” He answered,”Please.” Looking pointedly into the woman’s eyes.

  When she returned with his green bottle of Perrier with lime he purposely let his fingers brush lightly against hers. He sensed her visceral reaction to his touch, and also picked up on something else.

  There was yearning there, a deep longing within the woman that called to him more loudly than her attractiveness. She was dark haired and impeccably coiffed, her breasts medium but well rounded and full, as were her hips. She was short, even for a female, but her defined waist gave her an appealing curviness.

  She waited, expectantly looking at him with her catlike green eyes as he sipped his Perrier and returned her gaze pleasantly. He could smell her with an ability that transcended the sensory abilities of a human male…it was part of his dhampir-ness and provided him with more information about Mrs. K. She was perspiringly lightly and he could sense her heartbeat ramping up. Although her demeanor was calm to the point of coolnes
s, her phermones were being dispersed into the space between them like dandelion fluff-like little sexual messengers calling him to enter her.

  He took one more sip of from the chilled green bottle in his hand and then smiled as she arose from her chair and stood over him.

  “Take off your clothes Byron.” She said quietly.”All of them.”

  Byron willingly did as she asked, his own heartbeats increasing rapidly as he became aroused. He removed his clothing slowly, moving with grace and fluidity, performing what he hoped was a striptease of sorts. His shirt came off first, over his head, revealing surprisingly broad shoulders and a slim but well muscled chest, smooth and devoid of hair. He stepped out of his shoes. His belt gave a musical , metallic jangling sound as he unbuckled and removed it, and his pants made a swishing sound as they fell to the floor.

  He was wearing silk boxers that Tansy had purchased for him, and the front of them pointed at a proud forward angle as his penis stiffened and arose. Hesitating only a moment for dramatic emphasis, he slid his hands down the sides of the elastic waistband ,pulling the slick material away from his body and letting gravity take it all the way to the carpet.

  He heard the woman’s sharp intake of breath as she took in his nude body, her eyes lingering on his penis, which was stiff and seemingly straining toward her.

  Still fully clothed, she approached him, tilting her face upwards as if in invitation. Byron bent to brush his lips over hers, even as his arms encircled her. He knew that she was appreciably older than he was, perhaps even old enough to be his mother. But at that moment, when they began the mating dance, none of those considerations came into play in the least.

  She began to remove her own clothing put he pressed a staying hand over hers and took over, gently removing her jacket, skirt, and camisole.


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