Home > Other > BYRON CHANCE:THE DARKLY EROTIC LIFE OF A DHAMPIR: A Full Moon Series Companion novel > Page 6

by P. Mattern

  He also had a secret-he had saved over seven thousand dollars for his new life with Raven. He had gone without meals out, video games and cell phones he badly wanted in order to accumulate an escape fund.

  Although he was still ‘dating’ two older women, he was picking up so much modeling work that he thought he could look forward to only using his body for ‘legitimate’ work; modeling, tv ads and the like. He thought that might be a good thing, but for some reason he didn’t feel like celebrating that much…and he wondered why.

  It was a puzzle-why would he not feel a sense of relief about not having to plug these older and very sexually needy women?

  In the midst of pondering his feelings, he had an epiphany.. It was because he ENJOYED fucking these women. Even though their bodies were not perfect like Raven’s, each had their own mysterious beauty. Each had helped him to explore in incredible depth his OWN sexual appetites, which were voracious. Pressing his flesh into theirs was the only time that he felt a basic sense of completeness and acceptance.

  In his own way he loved them, felt attached to them, cared about them.

  He wondered if his Dhampirness had determined his sexual proclivities. He was still contemplating that question as he keyed into the building and bounded up the steps to the apartment two steps at a time.

  To his surprise the door to the apartment was ajar, and he frowned slightly. Herb and Tansy were nuts about security at the apartment, getting upset when one of their charges returned home without locking the door behind them. And then as he pushed the door open, his heart beating in his ears, he knew.

  They were gone, as was almost all of the furniture, the windows stripped of their long elegant drapes. The fine furnishings were gone, leaving indentations in the carpet in the places where they’d stood.

  A feeling of unfathomable rage began to build up inside of him, and a deep well of emotional pain also rushed to the surface of his consciousness with geyser velocity. They must have been planning this since his confrontation with them two weeks ago. He couldn’t believe that Raven would leave with them willingly.

  And then he knew. Of course she wouldn’t have-they must have drugged her or sedated her to get her to come along. But where? Byron squeezed his temples between his hands in frustration.

  And began seeing visions-a prescient gift that he had noticed but hadn’t had any real need to explore until now. He saw a heavily drugged Raven, her eyes at half mast and her mouth slack, being loaded into the back seat of a large van that looked like an Escalade hauling a moving truck. He didn’t see Chaz or Kristen anywhere around, just the couple Herb and Tansy quickly starting up the van, Tansy driving, and peeling away from the curb.

  ‘South’, -the thought came unbidden into his mind.California?

  A noise behind him broke his prescient connection , and he whipped around with rage intact ready to attack. But it was only Chaz and Kristen, and he was glad that his fangs receded before they could be seen .

  “What the FUCK?” Chaz remarked, his trademark hair hanging over one eye.

  “They LEFT?” he seemed as stunned as Byron had been.”They owe me just under a grand from last week!” he exclaimed.

  Kristen seemed to be in shock, she was speechless as he head swiveled, taking in the grim emptiness of the rooms within view.

  Suddenly she broke into a sob, and Chaz put his arm around her in a protective gesture. Nodding toward Kristen as she lay sobbing on his shoulder he said,”Kristen’s pregnant. They knew-they were supposed to take her to take her to an abortion clinic next week.”

  Chaz’s pronouncement gave Byron a sort of grim satisfaction. It made sense that Herb and Tansy had left the rest of them to fend for themselves, while holding onto their ‘pet’ Raven.

  Little did they know they would never be able to ‘enjoy’ their ‘pet’ in quite the same way. He was fairly sure his mesmerizing act was effective into perpetuity, that they would always sicken trying to sexually use Raven.

  But –maybe they had figured that out also-maybe they were planning to have Raven work the streets when they reached their new destination. That though made Byron’s stomach clench and sickened him.

  Byron turned to Chaz.

  “This place is rented until the 6th. I suggest we get sleeping bags-they might have left a few furnishings we can use. And then figure out what to do.

  Personally I plan to go South-someplace warmer. Maybe Orange County. If you guys want to go with me-fine. If not, well, good luck!”

  Byron left alone a few days later, after purchasing a vehicle and supplies he hoped would last for awhile until he could find employment. He was almost sure Herb and Tansy were in California…it was something he could feel, and he thought that once he was in the state he would probably be able to narrow their location down by virtue of his prescient powers.

  He also thought, after he had calmed himself down, that he could hone in on Raven…he felt that she was okay now-upset of course that they had tricked her. He also felt as though she might be watching out for a chance to get away from the couple.

  It was an 18 hour drive to Orange County from Seattle. Byron had a sense of adventure as he traveled along the highways.

  Mrs. W had given him a parting gift-a Patek Phillippe watch now graced his left wrist. His first impulse had been to refuse such an expensive gift. Then he’d thought of Raven, realizing that it might take some time for him to develop enough contacts to assure a steady income, and he’d acquiesced.

  He’d been genuinely fond of Mrs. W, had enjoyed being around her and inside of her. He never thought of her age, because in his arms she became a young girl again, exercising an ancient and timeless biological imperative, yielding up her body as a sacrifice to his unquenchable passions.

  He wondered how many women like her, hungry for passion in their lives, were waiting for him in Orange County.

  Well the watch would be an asset during interviews and might even attract some new female clients for all he knew.

  Byron—In His Own Words—Orange County, California

  As I got closer to my destination I thought I could sense Raven’s ‘vibe’ or energy signal getting closer and closer. One thing kept disturbing me though.

  Her signal seemed to be weakening. Or rather it was stable but weaker than I remembered. It was inexplicable to me. I had been attracted to Raven by her strong female energy-her ‘spunk’. There was something lowering her vibration somehow. I knew she wasn’t sick or dying but I couldn’t figure out what was going on with her exactly.

  I tried not to worry about it too much,”I’m coming Raven,” I said under my breath, even though no one was there to hear me.

  “Hang on-Byron is coming!”

  I caught my reflection in the sideview mirror. It was amazing how much my face and body had changed over the course of the past few months. I looked like a full grown man now. Beside me, Raven would probably look like my much younger sister. I had definitely grown several inches and my physique was that of a body builder.

  I was a little pale though. I couldn’t wait to get under the Cali sun and tan.

  It was tough to find an apartment that I could afford –I had to settle for renting a room by the week in a seedy motel. I didn’t care though. I spent most of my time running down modeling jobs and hoping to meet the right people.

  My predominant thought was to create a life that I would be proud to share with Raven. I spend my thought life replaying the moments we had shared, remembering the young love we had made out of our strong aching passion for each other. Only fucking at every opportunity provided the relief we sought.

  After 10 days I was weighing my options counting my dwindling pile of cash and feeling desperate when I got my first callback-I was to report for a local runway gig modeling swimsuits for a high end department store. The secretary said that I looked like a dead ringer for Josh Holiday, the actor that had played Sawyer in the TV series ‘Lost.’

  That’s when I met my first ‘right person.’
r />   The director of the runway job was a French woman that looked 35 but that I could sense was in her early 50’s. She had short dark hair in a pixie cut with long side swept bangs. She had triple sets of pink pearl earrings in each of her ears.

  And she was smitten with me from the moment that I set foot in her office.

  That’s why, at the end of our first runway show, and the small after party Natalie had thrown for us, I waited until everyone had left and she’d returned to her office.

  My knock was a soft one. I wasn’t sure how I’d be received, even though I didn’t think I’d misinterpreted the signals she was giving out. I didn’t know a thing about her personal life.

  But I knew she wanted me. Even on the runway I’d seen the flicker of undisguised lust in her eyes as she watched me with her slanted cat’s eyes, following every line of my body as I walked, and staring appreciatively at the crotch of the swimsuits I had been modeling.

  The door opened inward, and she did not seem surprised to see me.

  I cleared my throat.

  “Natalie,” I began,”I-“

  She never let me finish whatever lame excuse I’d concocted for seeing her. All that was forgotten as she jumped up into my arms, our lips connecting feverishly. She was petite, her hands and feet small and dainty, but her breasts and hips rounded and voluptuous. As I held her up in my arms, I grasped a handful of her voluptuous derriere, and it felt wonderful in my hand.

  There was a long couch running one length of her office. We were still kissing and I saw her exquisite hands moving feverishly to unfasten all the buttons on her clothing, baring her skin to my sight and touch. Her nipples were pink , the nipples strainig toward me to be suckled. I bent my head and tugged on each of them in turn. Her moaning told me that she had been fantasizing about this moment for quite awhile.

  Out of my peripheral vision I saw a small white pile of silk to the left side of her desk: her panties. It was obvious that she had stepped out of them before she answered the office door, instinctively knowing I would be on the other side. As I laid her down, nude except for her skirt and high heels, I stripped off her skirt and whispered,”Leave the heels on. I want to feel them digging into my sides as you ride me.”

  Before I entered her I reached down and place her small hands on my penis, which was straining with all its impressive length and width toward her wet vulva.

  I wanted to feel the touch of those dainty fingers on my manhood, exploring the width and breadth of me, all the while knowing that I would be inside her, pleasuring her, within seconds.

  She was tighter than I expected, probably because she was small. Shining pearlescently on her belly I saw the nearly invisible stretchmarks and knew that she had at some point in her life given birth to a child or children. Before I entered her I bent my head to kiss her scars. I wanted her to feel completely accepted.

  At the first thrust she shuddered and came. I held myself back from coming by sheer force of will, although the spasms going on in her innermost places felt intoxicating wonderful around the head of my cock. It wasn’t until they subsided that I began to fuck her in earnest, letting myself revert to a primal state in which my goal was to pleasure myself in her wetness. I could hear her moaning as I thrust my penis between her legs again and again. She was so wet with her own orgasmic juices that her inner thighs were soaked as well.

  I took one of my fingers and put it in her mouth. She eagerly sucked it as if it were a miniature penis. When it was wet enough I held the right cheek of her ass in my left hand as I slipped my finger up her anus, pumping her pussy even more vigorously as I did so. She went crazy, thrusting her hips in perfect rhythm to mine and letting lose with a steam of rapidly spoken French, ending with a small decisive scream.

  Letting me know how much she liked it.

  Afterwards I stroked her hair. Her face was relaxed and she looked much younger as she drifted off into a brief nap. When I kissed her awake and said I need to go she said the only word that had been spoken in English since I had started making love to her.

  “Thank you.” She said.

  The next day I was whistling as I walked through the streets of Sana Ana, past the coffee shops and the museums. It wasn’t my first sweep of the area. I had a feeling that I might find Raven here, although it didn’t make sense to me that Herb and Tansy would chose such a conservative environment to operate in.

  But then I remembered better. The flesh trade goes on 24-7 in almost every U.S. city.

  It was the back of her neck I noticed first, as she was sitting in an al fresco café facing away from me. The back of her gently curved neck had always been poetically beautiful. Sitting across from her at a wrought iron table that had been painted white was a man that looked to be in his early thirties dressed in a business suit. As I watched he opened an elegantly thin wallet and removed several crisp bills from it, handing them to her.

  A red veil of rage descended over my eyes and before I could stop myself I was standing over the table and had smacked the wallet out of the shocked looking gentlemen’s hands. It went flying through the air, the bills he’d been handing to Raven floating down to rest on the lattice work of the table.

  The look on Raven’s face was one of shock mixed with disgust. She didn’t look happy to see me at all. She shot up out of her seat, her eyes flashing.

  “Byron!” she said in a school marmish voice,”Vincent you will have to excuse my brother Byron. We haven’t seen each other in a while I believe that he is put out with me.”

  Part of me was shocked by her tone. She seemed to have acquired the accent and demeanor of a high priced call girl. With her hair twisted up into a chignon she looked sophisticate. Her face had lost it’s roundness and she had lost weight—her cheekbones were prominent and she was heavily made up.

  She looked at me as Vincent leaned down and picked up the hundred dollar bills and returned them to her, watching me warily as I continued to glare.

  “Bye,” Raven said, cool as a cucumber and giving a slight wave to her escort.

  “Call me!” she added linking her arm through mine suddenly and pulling me back up the street while I glowered.

  Once out of earshot she turned on me furiously.

  “What the HELL is wrong with you?” she demanded.

  “I’m happy to see you too!” I shot back sarcastically, “Raven what are you DOING? There are plenty of bad men in this city…and I’m here now damnit! Aren’t you the least bit glad to see me?”

  “Tell me this,” she said, openly glaring, ”Why did you report Herb and Tansy to the cops? Do you even realize how much you could have hurt me,narking on us like that? I loved you Byron! Why would you betray all of us? I cried myself to sleep every night over you, you bastard!”

  “Oh I get it!” I said heatedly,”Very clever! Tansy and Herb made me the bad guy! Raven what they told you was a lie—there was never any threat. They just decided to cut their losses and pull up stakes, using me as an excuse. They bailed on Chaz and Kristin too—Kristin got pregnant and was supposed to have an abortion. They lied about everything just to keep us apart and to keep you with them!”

  I waited for recognition to dawn in Raven’s eyes. At first she seemed unbelieving…then suddenly the fight went out of her, her next argument died on her lips, and her face fell.

  “I guess I shouldn’t have believed them,” she said slowly, looking confused.

  “And now it’s too late…too late.”

  I placed my hands on her small shoulders, giving her a gentle shake, then wrapping my arms around her.

  “It’s not too late,” I told her,”I am here now. We can do anything we want! I have money Rave baby, and I can get more. I can support us!”

  Suddenly she pulled back from me.

  “How did you find me?” she asked suspiciously, ”Hire a detective?”

  I laughed shortly.

  “Not very likely,” I told her,”Where would I have gotten that kind of money?”

  “Then how d
id you find me?” she asked,”We’re listed under different names, Herb saw to that.

  At that moment I saw an opportunity to tell her what I was. After hesitating a second or two I sat her down on one of the outdoor chairs again and sat down beside her, taking her small soft hand in mine.

  “Raven, I’m not like other guys my age—I’m not quite human. I know you’ve probably noticed a few differences along the way. Like for instance how I never miss a basket in basketball, or how I can jump down from the top of the stairs to the bottom so easily…I remember that when we first met you were over impressed by that…”

  Raven lifted her dove’s eyes to mine.

  “I remember,” she said quietly, ”Actually I thought that I saw you lift the couch up once, the ENTIRE couch, to get something that had rolled underneath it! I thought I was seeing things.

  “Well, what are you Byron? If you’re abnormal, what makes you so different?”

  “Do you know what a ‘Dhampir’ is?” I asked her.

  She shook her head. Tendrils of her hair were already escaping from her updo. She looked like a wild Victorian lady, in her suit with the cleverly designed heart shaped bodice, one that had just had frantic sex and had mussed her hair. Looking at her then I felt long repressed emotions rising in me. I realized that I loved her, would always love her, and would do anything to keep her with me and protect her.

  “Raven I AM a Dhampir—a child of a human mother and a vampire father. Vampires really do exist in the modern world, but they belong to a secret society that protects them from being discovered. Believe me they are in every social strata, blending right in with their human counterparts. We aren’t so different that we stand out. We’re just better looking, faster and stronger than most humans. The rest of our ‘talents’ we can hide so that we remain undetected. But we always recognize each other.”

  Raven looked skeptical.

  “Why don’t Dhampirs and the Vampires just take over the world then?”she asked, ”Why all the subterfuge?”


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