Digitized Online

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Digitized Online Page 7

by Richard J Thorn

Current xp: 6605

  Needed for next level: 12800

  Old Stats - New Stats - Increase

  Str 12 - 13 - +1

  Dex 16 - 17 - +1

  Con 12 - 13 - +1

  Int 9 - 10 - +1

  Chr 8 - 9 - +1

  Wis 5 - 6 - +1

  Your next stat increase will be at level 10

  - You are now stronger and will be able to carry more weight and hit harder

  - You are more dexterous and your dodge and hit chance have increased

  - You now have a higher constitution and will gain more hit points per level

  - Your intellect is now higher and you will be able to solve puzzles and traps easier

  - Your charisma has increased. Others will see you in a more favorable light and you will be able to sway others more easily when dealing with them

  - Your wisdom has gone up – if you are a mana-using class, you will now have access to a larger mana pool and will gain more mana per level

  You now have access to a new ability –

  Flaming Arrow I

  This ability, once activated, imbues your next arrow with the dot Burn I – causing 5 points of fire damage over the next 5 seconds with a 3 minute cooldown.

  Fuck yeah! I moved that sucker to my quick bar so fast that I almost activated it. I was going to have to figure out a rotation for it as obviously I didn't want to cast it at the same time as freezing arrow – they would probably cancel each other out.

  For the first time, I was starting to really feel powerful. I had more hit points – I was now up to 72 max, although at the moment I was down to 42 because of the injury. I felt faster, stronger, smarter and I could see that my bow now did more damage. Instead of the 3 to 5 damage per hit, arrows now did 4 to 6. With a crit of 12 instead of 10. Of course, now that I was level 5, I was going to be facing higher mobs. The game no longer considered me a noob. Which was both good and bad.

  I thanked the fisherman for all his help and told him that I'd be back sometime to see if he had any more quests for me. Right now, though, I needed to get myself bandaged up.

  On the way back to town, Orge poked his cute little face out of my pack and sat on my shoulder. I smiled and stroked his furry body. After a while, he jumped down and we discussed tomorrow's events.

  "I've selected our first rescue. Amy is a 24-year-old girl gamer from New York City. She was one of the first players in the game to be obliterated in the nuclear blast. Your job is to help her transition into the game, answer any questions she may have and help her start leveling."

  He stopped and turned to me. "You'll need to take the black stone to the exact same spot on the beach where you appeared. Your map should still show the location. From there, I will give you further instructions on how to use the summoning stone."

  With that, he scampered back inside my pack and disappeared until morning.

  Once back in town, I searched around until I found a healer who was able to sell me an assortment of bandages and a couple of healing potions for a modest 1 gp.

  Scanning over the items, I saw that the bandages applied a HOT that healed for 10 hp over 10 seconds and stopped all bleeding. However, they could only be applied out of combat. The potions, on the other hand, healed 10 hp instantly and could be used while fighting. I had purchased 5 bandages and 3 potions. Hopefully, that would last me through the next few fights.

  I used one of the bandages before I headed off to bed. Instead of eating a solid meal with Patch, I just polished off the rest of the salted fish, chased it down with some ale and collapsed under the sheets. Now that the room was costing me 5 sp per night, I was going to have to make sure I was bringing in a steady supply of money.

  I was both looking forward to the events of tomorrow and dreading them. Amy would literally be the first non-NPC player I had encountered in the game. How would she react to knowing that her entire world had been destroyed? I had no one to explain any of this to me until I had met Orge.

  I kept wondering about this AI. It sounded to me like she wasn't the type you wanted to cross. I shuddered to think what she might do to me if she ever found out that I was working against her. Perhaps she could cause perma-death?

  That thought sent wicked chills through my spine. I was starting to like it here, I had no desire to leave. I was becoming stronger. I was upgrading my gear. So far, with the exception of Ben, I had befriended everyone I met. I just wished there was a way that I could save these people without jeopardizing my own existence.

  But that was probably too much to ask for.

  Another beautiful morning dawned and I awoke to the sounds of cheerful birds singing their hearts out just outside my window. I pulled back the curtains and let the morning sun's rays shine into the room. I didn't recall any dreams and now that I was fully healed, I felt like I could take on the AI alone and win.

  I didn't know how Orge expected us to defeat an all-powerful AI, but I'm sure he had some kind of plan cooked up.

  I quickly dressed and padded down to the dining area. Patch poked his head out of the kitchen and asked me what I wanted.

  "It's going to be a long day today, Patch. I need something that's going to get me through."

  Patch scratched his head and thought for a minute. "I've got just the thing!" He snapped his fingers. Several minutes later he came back with a piping hot plate of freshly grilled bacon, several eggs and some sausage links. It looked and smelled absolutely delicious.

  I practically inhaled the bacon I was so damn hungry. Fish was okay, but there was nothing like freshly grilled bacon. When I was finished, I flipped Patch a couple of silver pieces for his trouble.

  I stood, rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, grabbed my backpack – where no doubt Orge was hiding out - and set off back to my original starting location.

  I greeted several NPC's on the way, each and every one of them smiling and happy to see me. I liked the fact that with each quest I did, my reputation with the city grew. It wasn't just some random number, either, I could see it in their faces. Prices dropped, spirits raised and the townsfolk grew friendlier.

  As soon as we left the city, Orge popped out of my backpack and began explaining what we were going to do. He was going to hack into the program, select the player, run a few lines of code and then signal to me to activate the portal stone.

  In a way, he explained, it would be like giving birth to a new player. With us being the doctors.

  Nervously, I waited for Orge to give me the sign. He was going to flash a lightning bolt across the sky just above me. The moment I saw that, I was supposed to hold the stone in both hands and close my eyes until I heard the thud of the new player landing.

  Ten long, unbearable minutes later, a bright flash of purple and blue lightning streaked above my head. It was so close the hackles on the back of my neck stood on end. If I hadn't been expecting it, it would've scared the ever living shit out of me.

  It was go time! I stood in the exact spot he showed me, wrapped my large hands around the small stone and closed my eyes. Within moments, a pulsing warmth enveloped my body, starting from the stone and radiating outward.

  I wanted so badly to open my eyes, but Orge told me that if I did, it would break the spell. Moments dragged by and soon the wind picked up, blowing my cloak up over my head. Sand was flung into my body, stinging me. It took all the concentration I had not to lose focus.

  Then I heard the thud.

  "Oh, hello there!" The noob that had just fell to the ground said sheepishly, her stunning, porcelain face blushing a thousand shades of red.

  Chapter 5

  I just stood there, open-mouthed, staring at the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my entire life.

  "What?" She giggled. "Do I have sand on my face?"

  "Oh! No, it's just… I didn't expect someone so…" I reached out my hand to help her up.

  She giggled again, turning away. "So… What?"

  Uh, down boy. "Nothing it's just… Never mind." I shook my head, trying to
clear these emotions from my mind. My heart nearly melted as she slipped her dainty fingers into my strong hand. I pulled her to her feet and she dusted herself off.

  "Okay." She said and then turned her attention to her personal assistant. "A name? Do you want, like, my real name?" She shook her head, her long blonde hair covering her face.

  "They want your gaming name. What do you want to be called in the game?"

  "Well, let's see… I always use the name Esmeralda, but it's always taken. Can I use that?" She looked up at me with her inquisitive, blue eyes.

  I shrugged. "Why don't you try it and see."

  "Esmeralda!" She said to the invisible AI. "Race? I always like to play humans. And of course, a female." She said cheerfully. "Class? How about a mage?"

  It was a trip watching her explore her options. First, she'd make her breasts bigger, then smaller, then she settled on something halfway in between. A million bright colors flashed through the strands of her hair as she finally settled on a very deep blue. Then, she changed her eyes to match.

  I stood there for a good half hour while she fiddled with her character, getting just the right proportions and size and colors. I thought she would never finish.

  "Sorry, designing my character is always my favorite part." She giggled. "Do you like my breasts?" She jiggled them in front of my face, which caused my cock to stir to life.

  "Uh... Yeah, sure. They're quite nice." I replied. I wasn't exactly sure how I was going to be able to tell her that she was dead – or rather, her real-life body was dead. But I had to admit that she was going to be a tough distraction.

  "I'll give you a few more minutes to get used to your HUD. But then we need to get started."

  She looked at me with her big blue eyes and adjusted her nearly see-through bikini top, which caused more of her ample cleavage to spill out. "Started with what?"

  I took a deep breath and sighed heavily. "Esmeralda, there is a lot that I need to tell you. Some of which you may understand, some you probably won't. But no matter what, the most important thing is that you need to level – we need to level. There's no time to waste." I hoped it was just vague enough that we could get to leveling and I could explain on the way.

  She furrowed her brows and cocked her head to the side just slightly. It reminded me of a puppy, but it was extremely cute and I found my cock tugging in my pants again.

  She started to say something, but I held out my hand. "Level now. Talk later. Agreed?"

  She nodded, but I could tell that she didn't necessarily like it. Five minutes passed as I waited patiently for her to move her spells around and understand what she was looking at.

  "Ooh, look at this spell!" She said excitedly and I looked up just in time to dodge a fire blast spell. It singed past me, taking a few of my hairs with it.

  "What on earth are you doing? You could've killed me!" I nearly fell off the rock I was sitting on.

  She laughed and giggled some more, causing me to become angrier.

  "It's not funny! I value my life too much!" I clenched my fists in rage, barely controlling my shaking.

  "Yes it is." She said calmly. "You must be a noob to this game." She looked into my eyes, her own sparkling and mischievous.

  "Yes. I'm level 5 now, so I don't consider myself that much of a noob." I took several deep breaths and tried to calm myself down.

  "I've been playing these types of games for years now. Everyone knows that until level 25 PVP is not activated. Here, watch." She pressed a button on her HUD and sent a ball of flame at my feet. This time, I didn't have enough time to react and the fire blast spell smacked right into me.

  "Hey!" I shouted. But when I looked down, nothing was burning. I even had all my hp still.

  "See? It didn't hurt you a bit."

  Maybe she should be showing me around instead.

  "Okay, but just try not to hit me with any spells." I sighed.

  She really was much more experienced than I with these types of games. She might've been a noob to this game, but she knew what she was doing and after a couple of minutes already had her rotation down pat. She had started out with a wand and between that and her fire blast spell, she mowed through everything the AI sent her way.

  It was actually fun to watch her. I accompanied her on a few quests of her own. But she didn't really need my help. Even though I tried to keep my feelings at bay, I was starting to develop a crush on her. The way she talked, the way she walked, the way her breasts swayed. It was all so hypnotizing.

  By the time night fell, she had done enough quests that she was ready to go to town. I introduced her to Patch and he was so excited to see another friendly face, he almost fell over.

  He comped everyone's meal and Esmeralda had just enough money for a night's stay. Hours later, once the food had been eaten, songs had been sung and the fire had died down, we headed up to our own rooms to get some sleep. I was hoping that I could get back to leveling tomorrow as Orge had mentioned something about getting to level 10 as soon as possible.

  It wasn't long after I drifted off to sleep, before I heard a soft knock at the door.

  "Patch? Is that you." I didn't know why he would be knocking on my door so late.

  "No…" A soft, unsure voice wafted from the other side of the door.

  My eyes shot open at the sound of her voice. "Esmeralda? What's wrong?" My heart beat fiercely in my chest as I tried to think of all the things that could possibly be wrong.

  "Nothing… I just couldn't sleep. Can I come in?" Her voice was so soft and lilting that my cock tugged involuntarily in my underwear.

  "Uh... Yeah, sure. Let me get –" I started to say, but she opened the door, slipped inside and closed it again.

  In the semi darkness, I could see that she was completely naked. The soft curves of her large breasts were a stunning sight. What on earth was she doing?

  "Esmeralda, why are you naked?"

  She lit a lamp in the corner of the room. "Oh, I always sleep like this. Is it bothering you?" She said in the most sultriest, singsong voice I had ever heard.

  Did it bother me? I looked down at my straining cock and decided that it did not. "No, I suppose it doesn't. But it doesn't explain why you're here in the middle the night completely butt ass naked."

  She smiled and sat beside me on the bed. "I told you, I couldn't sleep."

  "So, you wanted to keep me up, too."

  She looked down at my bobbing cock as it pressed against my underwear and giggled. "It looks like you're already up."

  I think I was finally starting to see where this was headed. Before I could say another word, she leaned forward and kissed me, her large banana-shaped breasts brushing against my arm.

  I started to resist, but when I felt her luscious lips against mine, I thought better of it. I wondered how realistic these digital bodies were. So far, they were indistinguishable from real life. But I didn't know how far that extended. Could I knock her up? Was the plumbing that detailed and realistic?

  I ran my fingers through her dark blue hair. Her soft skin felt so delicious against mine. She moaned into my mouth and rubbed her hands over my crotch greedily. Her lips parted and I pressed my tongue inside.

  The sweet scent of lilac permeated the air. My cock stiffened under her touch and I found myself highly aroused by her femininity. She was so hot that if I wasn't careful I would cum too early.

  "Mmm… You're a really good kisser." She breathed hotly into my mouth as our tongues danced and explored.

  I ran my hands over her large, luscious breasts, her nipples stiffening under my light touch. The smell of her wetness overpowered the lilac scent and I could think of nothing else but taking her virginity.

  She ran her hands through my hair as I kissed her face and nibbled on her earlobes. Her hands continued to manipulate my cock through my underwear and my pre-cum was leaking.

  She giggled as she slipped her fingers inside and began lightly touching my sensitive skin.

  I groaned as the intense ple
asure raced from my cock all the way up my spine. I kissed her neck and slowly worked my way down her chest to her large, voluptuous breasts.

  "Suck them! They're yours." She purred as she tickled my balls and wrapped her fingers around my shaft.

  I left a trail of hot kisses down her throat, leading straight to her large, stiff nipple. The moment I placed my lips around it, she threw back her head and moaned.

  "Oh God! It's even better than I thought it would be. Continue, please! I promise I'll return the favor."

  I breathed hotly on her thick nipple, then took it inside my mouth and began licking and sucking it until she was writhing in pleasure underneath me. She thrashed her head around, but pressed her breasts further into my mouth.

  I tweaked her other nipple as I sucked. Then I switched and worked on that one. While I was still sucking, she dipped a finger into her steaming hot pussy and brought her dripping juices up to my nose.

  "Like it?" She giggled, then rubbed the saucy cream all over her nipples and breasts. Then she coated her lips with her feminine juices, teasing and tantalizing my senses.

  I greedily licked and drank her juices from her finger, then turned my attention to her lips, her sweet pussy taste drove me wild. I never thought a man could become so horny. I also never thought a woman could taste so good.

  "I love it!" Once I had licked off all her stringy, gooey cum from her mouth and nipples, I kissed her belly, paying special attention to her belly button. She giggled and laughed and kicked her feet as I lightly tickled her.

  Her strong, feminine scent wafted into the air, tickling my nose and amped up my sex drive to the max. Soon, the entire room was filled with her sex and I was so close I could almost taste it.

  But I wanted to savor it. Passing up her pink pearl, I began kissing and licking her thighs and legs. Apparently she was very ticklish as I had to hold her still. I rubbed her feet and kissed her toes, then moved to her other leg. I did everything in my power to avoid acknowledging her woman center.

  "Please! Please, don't tease me anymore! Kiss me down there!" She begged and moaned and pleaded for me to pleasure her.


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