Wings Of A Phranoy

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Wings Of A Phranoy Page 3

by Stacy Lee

  Chapter Three

  Sometime later Xavier returns with a set of clothes and two plates of delicious smelling but strange looking food. He also brought along a blanket which he spreads over the floor essentially making a picnic for us to eat. I hesitantly join him but he shows no sign he noticed my awkwardness. There are brightly colored squares on the plate of varying sizes, colors and textures reminding me of building blocks a child would play with. The ones that had the A-B-C’s on them and pictures of things that began with that letter. A soft chuckle pulls my gaze away from the strange cubes to meet his chin; I didn’t dare look at his eyes. He picks up a red cube and pops it into his mouth.

  “It’s only food. I promise there is nothing wrong with it, try it.” He says softly. Tentatively I pick up a bright pink, one inch square and take a small bite. My eyes grow big at the delicious flavor that bursts into my mouth. With a taste similar to a pomegranate but sweeter, it’s juicy, succulent and nothing like I expected. “See, it’s good.” He says as he pops another, deep blue this time, in his mouth.

  “You’re right. But what is it?” I ask curiously as I examine the cube. By the texture it should be grainy and dry but it is far from it.

  “Food.” He answers matter of factly making me roll my eyes. We eat in silence for a few minutes as I try several of the different colored cubes. Each color having a different fruity flavor.

  “Xavier, can you at least tell me where I am?” I ask quietly, positive he won’t answer me.

  “Sorry but I have been forbidden to do so by the Elders. I can tell you that you are not in danger from us. We would not let harm befall you even at the risk of our own lives.” I stare at him with my mouth hanging open. He keeps his eyes averted from me and I thank him mentally for giving me what I asked for, time. For the first time I take in his sharp features and rugged looks. His sandy blonde hair hangs past his shoulder in soft waves, his bare shoulders are broad, his chest muscular. When he had been standing beside me he had to be at least six foot two or three. He was very intimidating to my petite five foot.

  “But you don’t know me, why would you or anyone else put yourselves at risk for me?” I ask astounded by his words.

  “Because you will play an important role in all our lives. That’s all I can say, Samantha. Please let it go for now.” With a sigh I nod. Getting answers out of these people was exhausting. I continue picking at my food for a few minutes then search for something to drink. He hadn’t brought anything but the cubes with him. I close my eyes and wish I had a cool glass of ice water. I can practically feel it in my hand, the sides of the glass wet with condensation from the cold liquid inside. The clink of the ice as it floats in the glass. Oh what I would do for one drink of that thirst quenching water. A small gasp makes me open my eyes.

  “How?” Xavier asks staring at my hand. I look down to see the same glass I had just been imagining. Hesitantly I stick my finger in the liquid then taste it, just water. Smiling I tip the glass and down half the continents with a satisfied moan. “Samantha? How did you do that?” I shrug as I sit it down in front of me.

  “I wanted a glass of water.” I say as if that explained it. Honestly inside I was a nervous wreck, how did I do that? It was just like the doors, I wanted it to happen and it did.

  “What’s wrong with your back? You were doing that earlier to.” He asks. I pause only then realizing I was straining to scratch the tingly spot once more.

  “Just itches.” I reply with a shrug. He quirks a brow at me as the door opens behind him and Axel strides in.

  “You aren’t dressed Samantha. We need to get going in the next few minutes; it’s a long descent to the Deep. Come on Xavier, let her change.” Eyeing me suspiciously Xavier rises, picks up the blanket and remnants of our food, along with the glass of water which he wraps the blanket around hiding it, then leaves with Axel. “Be back in five minutes.” Axel throws over his shoulder as they exit.

  I grab the clothes Xavier had brought with him and hold them up. They are huge! I carefully remove the dress then pull on the pants that are ten sizes too big, tying them at the waist. I pull the shirt over my head securing the tie at the neck and arms. The slit in the front hangs almost to my navel showing more of my body than has ever been displayed. Not that I remember it but by the way I’m very uncomfortable with this I’m sure I would never display myself in this way. I tug at the dark brown material aggravated before cinching the sash around my waist. As soon as my hands drop the clothes begin to shrink, dwindling down to almost adhere to my curves perfectly. The once balloon sized pants were now snug yet comfortable, the shirt was still slightly baggy yet not overly so, the slit barely showing any skin, the sleeves were now tight at the wrists, loose going up then coming in for a snugger fit at the shoulders.

  Standing perfectly still, I wait to see if they were going to continue to the point of strangling me or if they had in fact stopped. That’s how Axel found me. Scared out of my mind and shaking.

  “What’s wrong?” He asks immediately, concern lacing his voice.

  “Are they going to suffocate me?” I whisper while never taking my eyes from the clothes. His deep laugh pulls me to him.

  “No, they won’t. Sorry, we should have warned you. They will adjust to fit any person who puts them on. A little Phranoy magic.” His eyes twinkle at my discomfort.

  “Phranoy?” I ask finally relaxing with the knowledge my clothes weren’t trying to kill me.

  “We are Phranoy but I didn’t tell you that.” He winks at me then motions me to follow him. “Pull your hair back so the wind won’t throw it in Xavier’s face.” He hands me an object similar to a ponytail holder and I quickly pull my long red hair back in a braid down my back.

  “This work?” He nods. “Why would my hair get in his face?”

  “We will be flying.” He says it matter of factly as if I should know this.

  “In a plane?” His boisterous laugh was not what I expected. He unfurls his massive violet wings behind him with a grin.

  “We don’t need planes, Sam.” A little embarrassed I nod. “How come you don’t remember your life but yet you know what a plane is?”

  “I don’t know. I know about earthly things but not in tandem with my life. Like a plane, I know what it is but have no clue if I have been on one. I know the pink cube tasted like a pomegranate but don’t know if I’ve ever ate one. Does that make sense?” I cock my head at him studying his intense look.

  “I believe so.” He stops abruptly and turns towards the blank white wall. With a small chuckle he backs up and points at it. “Can you open it?”

  “Open what?” I ask searching the nondescript wall, there isn’t any indication that there is anything behind it or that it opens in any way.

  “Trust me, there is a door here.” With a shrug I step up and lay a hand on the wall. Closing my eyes I imagine a doorway in front of me then ask silently for it to open. It does. He looks over my shoulder then shoves me through with a laugh. “Amazing.” He whispers as I try to ignore the tingling once more. I had no clue what it was but it seemed to only happen when I did something like open the door or when I made the water appear.

  Through the door is more of the white walls and flooring however the far facing wall is nonexistent, it’s more an opening with large columns from floor to ceiling instead of a wall, more of a balcony. A misty white flows by with intermittent glimpses of deep purple behind it. I would love to step up and look out over the sky, for that’s what I’m sure it is, however there isn’t a hand rail or half wall or anything keeping a person from falling out of the room. It would be very easy to fall from the edge with the gusts of wind that are swirling around from the opening.

  Staying close to the inner wall I make my way to where Xavier’s back is to me while he talks to Maddox. When Maddox glances over his shoulder Xavier turns to see me coming, a small smile spreading over his lips. Flicking my eyes to his I notice the dark pair of glasses he is wearing and arch my brow at him.
/>   “We need to try something before we leave. I want you to meet my eyes to see if the glasses will stop the bond from trying to form. Maddox was right, if we get into battle and our eyes meet one or both of us will be in danger.” I shake my head and take a step back.

  “But…. What if it doesn’t work, what if I can’t stop it this time?” I plead, panic of being tied to this stranger forever simmering just under the surface clawing to get out.

  “Better now than in the heat of battle, Sam. You stopped it once; you should be able to do it again.” He doesn’t sound to convincing and I wonder if this is a trick to finish the bond. However he is right, I couldn’t live with myself if he was hurt because I was being stubborn about this.

  “Fine.” I say defeated as I step up to him. With a deep breath I raise my eyes to his. A small tug in the back of my head is all I feel at first then a feeling of disappointment, rejection, and finally acceptance washes over me. Blinking I break the contact with him easily and the feelings disappear instantly, my own emotions taking back over me. “What was that?” I ask on a hushed whisper trying to ignore the annoying tingle on my back.

  “The bond is partially formed.” Maddox supplies beside us. I turn to him but he doesn’t elaborate.

  “And?” I ask irritated.

  “And what you felt were his emotions as he felt yours. They were merely a whisper of what you would feel if the bond were complete but still they can be intense. The glasses kept the bond from trying to finish but enhanced what has already been established. Eventually Samantha, you will have to finish this, it has already begun.” He says soothingly. I take a step back from him thinking he would reach up and remove the glasses from Xavier’s face to force me to finish it but Xavier’s hand on my wrist stops me.

  “You are confused, afraid and in some ways scared of me and this bond? Am I right?” His features have softened, his touch gentle as if he finally understood. If he was feeling me like I was feeling him maybe he did. I nod hesitantly. “I will not force this on you, Sam, I will not trick you into it, but as Maddox says it will have to be completed. With that being said I can wait for you to feel more comfortable here and to realize you do not have to fear me. I would never hurt you.” I glance up to his eyes once more and instantly his emotions overwhelm me. Honesty and sincerity radiates through my entire being for a split second before I break the connection.

  “Thank you.” I say quietly to which he only nods. The tingle in my back draws my attention forcing me to finally awkwardly scratch at it.

  “Okay enough of all this heavy emotion crap. Let us fly!” Axel cries as he takes two giant steps and leaps into the open area quickly disappearing from sight. I gasp and run towards the edge but Xavier stops me by tightening his grip and laughing.

  “I am going to wrap my arms around your waist to hold you to me. Do not be scared.” He steps behind me quickly, not giving me time to argue, wraps me in his embrace then follows Axel over the edge. My scream rushes past us as we free fall through the clouds. Instinctively I clasp my fingers over his arms pushing his grip tighter to me to insure he doesn’t drop me. His feet snake around my ankles, twisting our legs together before he locks his knees holding my legs prisoner with his straight out behind us.

  My fear is palpable as we continue to free fall for what seems like hours but I’m sure is only minutes then all of a sudden we are jerked backwards for a second before we begin to glide. Turning my head I see his massive silver wings spread out behind us, the feathers around the edges fluttering in the strong winds. My breathing is ragged, my heart racing, my fear a living thing as I search for any signs we are going to smash into the ground. The only thing visible for miles in any direction is clouds and the deep purple sky.

  “You must relax, Sam. It is a very long flight and if you keep this up you will pass out from fear long before we near the Deep.” Xavier’s voice reaches me over the rushing of wind but does nothing to dispel my terror. “Can we try something?” He asks cautiously. I can’t answer for the fear has complete and total control over my shaking body. “Think back to up there on the balcony. Picture my eyes behind the glasses, feel me, Sam, feel my emotions.”

  I close my eyes and try to do as he says. Slowly the blurred image of his face comes to me. I put everything I have in sharpening it to be able see him the way he was not long ago, looking at me through the heavily tinted lenses of the glasses. As the picture becomes clearer a deep calm settles over me, my body stops trembling as the confidence I’m feeling begins to relax every muscle. Before long I feel myself loosen then let go completely of his wrists. I spread my arms wide as if I myself were the one flying, the wind upon my face a soothing balm, the freshness of the air calming in itself, making me breathe deep slow breaths. A deep chuckle and the irritating tingle in my back pull me from the image. Instantly the terror grips me again causing me to grab ahold of him for dear life.

  “Whoa, easy. Did you feel anywhere in there that I might drop you? That I wasn’t confident in my ability to get you down from here without hurting you?” He asks as his grip tightens to my squirming.

  “No.” I whisper sure he wouldn’t hear me.

  “Then trust me, Samantha. I have made this flight many times. When we reach the halfway point Axel will take you from there so I don’t tire to the point of losing you. We will get you down, I promise.” His effortless confidence in himself and the fact I felt how well he handled this through our connection slowly calms my nerves minutely as we glide farther and farther away from where we left. The terror is still there however I try to bite it back, to be strong. I’m not sure the shaking of my body portrays that image though.

  A few hours into the flight my back is tingling to the point of pain causing me to squirm constantly in his arms. With my back pressed firmly against his front there is no way to reach the spot to itch it or even try to rub it to soothe away the agony it was beginning to cause me. My nerves had all but left, a constant calming aura surrounds me keeping me relaxed in his arms. However why the tingling had returned when I wasn’t using any kind of magic or whatever it was that had caused it before was confusing me. I was sure I wasn’t purposely drawing his emotions to me like at the beginning so why would it not go away?

  “What is wrong?” His voice holds concern and worry as he finally questions my squirming.

  “It’s my back. I can’t reach to itch it and it’s beginning to hurt.” I reply to him as I struggle more against him.

  “Hold still for a moment.” Hearing the seriousness behind his words I freeze. He tightens his grip with his right arm, snaking it around to span my entire waist, then with his left he lets go causing my breath to catch. Slowly he threads his hand between us till he hits the spot where my body tenses in response. He rubs it soothingly for several minutes till I yell up at him that it is better. Carefully, as not to upset our balance he removes his hand and once again secures it around my waist.

  “Thank you.” I whisper to him.

  “You’re welcome.” Came the reply I didn’t expect. How can he hear me with the wind whipping around us like it was? Knowing he wouldn’t answer the question I hold my tongue as my eyes begin to droop. All of a sudden I was extremely tired, so tired that even though I was still terrified he was going to drop me I drift off to sleep.


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