Wings Of A Phranoy

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Wings Of A Phranoy Page 15

by Stacy Lee

  Chapter Eleven

  For the next three hours I had worked with contorting the energy of the dead forest. I was very pleased when Xavier came to me and I hadn’t yet passed out. I was getting stronger and more fluent with the power. The only problem was after wielding it for so long I was aggravated and angry. The second I had stepped on the blue side the energy surged forth and cleansed my system leaving me once again peaceful. This was all good except from what they say I won’t have this luxury once we are in the desert. Only hate will surround us.

  I stayed wrapped in the soft glow while I slept the next three hours and was relieved to wake up in my bedroll, not in the cave. With the first signs of dawn we set off again at a fast pace. Xavier was once again my chauffer leaving me unable to talk to Axel about the significance of the Blood Moon and the bond. After a few hours of flying in silence we finally reach the edge of the desert. To my surprise it is not red but a light tan in color. The sand in the vision had been red.

  “We should see a little more action now. The resistance so far has been minimum, only three times have we seen or encountered the Ranoy. It surprises me we have gotten this far without more of a fight.” Xavier surmises from above me. I stay quiet. I know why we haven’t seen more. Raider wants me to come to him. He’s counting on making the bond in his own place of power. There was a reason he took me to the same cave every time he pulled me from my dreams, it was at his home where he held all the power and I held none.

  When we first enter the Sands of Desperation small patches of grass spot the outer edges like they had refused to change. The further we fly the fewer they become. Miles and miles of wavy tan sand can be seen in every direction you look. The sun reflects back off of it causing the heat of the day to become sweltering. Sweat drips from every pore of my body when we finally land around mid-day for a short break. Seeing a grassy area not far from where Xavier is approaching to land I point to it and he nods. Overshooting the landing a little we come down about five feet on the other side of it.

  Curiosity has my interest peaked and while the boys pull out our lunch I examine the small grassy area. It isn’t big, maybe four feet in diameter, but still there is fresh green grass growing here. Bending down I place my hands on it and search for the energy. A very small amount resides. Not willing to remove what good is left in this spot I leave it where it is and wonder back to the boys.

  “What causes that?” I ask pointing to the green spot.

  “It’s said the blood of the innocent didn’t touch those areas, but again, no one really knows.” Xavier shrugs.

  “Have they multiplied over the years or have they always been there, no more, no less?” I ask as I enjoy a water cube, the fresh liquid slides down my throat, refreshing me.

  “They don’t change.” Axel supplies. I just nod.

  “Have you been to where we are going? Is there one of those there?” I ask as a plan forms in my head.

  “No. We haven’t been there, that is. I don’t know about the grass. Could be.” Suggests Xavier. The rest of the meal is eaten in silence before we head out once more. I suggest to Xavier that if he can, land next to one of those grassy areas for the night. He agrees to try before taking off. It was Axel’s turn to carry me and we launch right behind him.

  “Your wings are getting so thick it’s hard to get a grip on you anymore. I’m surprised they haven’t opened yet.” Axel says as we head deeper into the desert.

  “They will tomorrow.” I state confidently.

  “How do you know that?” I shrug. Truth be told, I didn’t. It just seemed if we were going to be fighting the Ranoy and Raider I was going to be wielding a lot of power. Every time I did that they seemed to grow exponentially. Even though they haven’t gotten much longer in length they have grown in thickness for the last few days. The biggest difference was after I had protected the citizens of Dranall. If they didn’t stop growing soon the heaviness of them was going to pull me over backwards when they finally unfurled.

  “So about this Blood Moon? Do you really think that is what you are waiting on?” He asks cautiously and very quietly as not to be overheard by Xavier’s extremely good hearing. He might be ahead of us a good twenty feet or so but he seemed to always be able to hear what is said.

  “It feels right. I don’t know what it has to do with anything but I’m pretty sure when the Blood Moon is at its highest the bond must be formed. I’m only guessing and could be wrong, but it doesn’t feel like it.” I shrug, second guessing myself. Could I be wrong and it meant something else? I can’t shake the feeling she wasn’t the one who gave me the vision, but if that was the case where did it come from? Me?

  “So we need to get your father and get out of there before that time? Is that what you’re saying?” I groan at his incredulous tone.

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying. If we don’t I’m afraid it will happen on its own in the mist of battle. Glasses or no glasses.” I hear his sigh and wonder if he thinks we can pull it off but I leave him to his thoughts as we continue on our way.

  The land below is open with nowhere to take cover, leaving us no choice but to camp exposed for the night. Xavier found a small spot of grass right before darkness fell and landed us there. We ate in silence, the boys watching for invading Ranoy and I contemplating what the next night held.

  I was nervous about finishing the bond, even more so than the fight to come. If we fight then we fight, there is no way we can avoid it if we plan on rescuing the King. It was a given. However the bond held so many questions in my head that I had worked myself up to a frenzy over it. Would it mean Xavier would have control over me? Would he expect certain things from me? Would we live together? Does it make him the equivalent of my husband? I was way too young to be married and I wasn’t ready to be with a man yet. Would he understand this?

  The fact he hadn’t insisted on finishing the bond immediately upon me breaking it tells me he will at least give me a choice, maybe. He could have insisted but he had said he would give me time. Hopefully he keeps that frame of mind for a long time. He has waited a hundred years, surely a few more won’t hurt him. I catch myself before I let out a long sigh and make myself swallow it. No sense in giving them a reason to ask what I’m thinking. There was no way I would go there tonight or for as long as possible.

  After dinner I work with the energy for several more hours before finally turning in to my bedroll on the grass. I let the blue light surround me and snug in for the night while Axel paces around the small ten foot circle watching for Ranoy.


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