When Fated Hearts Collide: Paranormal Romance Series

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When Fated Hearts Collide: Paranormal Romance Series Page 2

by Jenifer Shoemaker

  "Gabby, good to see you out tonight" he whispered. Everyone else was so engaged in their conversations, his presence didn’t seem to make a difference.

  "Yeah, I needed a night out after my best friend dumped me. I see you remember who I am after all." I choke out the words.

  "Listen can we talk a second, alone." He says this looking at me pleadingly, his eyes had dark shadows under them. I knew he must not have been sleeping well, serves him right.

  "Why should I, after all you made it perfectly clear when I haven't heard from you in days, Aleck." I grit my teeth frustrated, who was he kidding. I still could not believe after our long friendship, he would just ruin what we had. He was the one that crossed that line, I didn’t kiss him first. But, I did not push him away either. As I am analyzing this in my mind, Aleck pulls me by the arm, dragging me with him. I hear Megan protest, questioning it. I just wave her off.

  "Stop dragging me Aleck." I pull from him, I was not his rag doll.

  "Look Gabriella that kiss was a mistake, we have been friends way too long to let this come between us. I should’ve told you a long time ago, but I have a girlfriend. I am so so sorry I didn’t come back. I was just upset at myself, it won’t happen again." He says. I am beyond hurt at his whole statement, I thought we told each other everything. Boy, had I been dead wrong. The feeling of rejection and embarrassment was stinging me. I felt heartbroken, I just realized at that moment that my feelings actually were deeper then friendship. Damn it, why did I have to fall for him and when did it happen. I guess my mind causally decided not to care, until now. I could feel my eyes growing itchy with tears, so I started to dig my fingernails in my leg to keep from losing it. I glanced toward Aleck and he was just watching me, closely.

  "Whatever, thanks for sharing with me your real life. I thought we were best friends, I guess we were not as close as I thought, if you could not tell me you had a girlfriend. I turned from him and started walking away. I could hear him pleading for me to stop. But, somehow his voice seemed so distant. I stopped hesitantly and turn around and Aleck is running his hand thru his hair vigorously, clearly upset. He grabs my wrist and pulls me flush against him. The memory of the kiss flashes in my mind, his eyes darken. Tears already escape down my cheeks and are running down my face.

  "Please….. why are you crying?" He says starting to rub circles on my back, this just felt to imitate.

  "Just leave me alone Aleck our friendship is done with." I say and drop my head.

  "Gabby please you don’t understand, I care for you so much please…. don’t shut me out of your life. He pleads and his eyes are dilated looking freakishly abnormal.

  "No don’t you dare Aleck Beckley” I pointed at his chest,

  “You done this to us, so don’t you dare act like I made this life altering decision? You waltz in my life and have been my best friend for years. We spent so much time together good and bad. I always told you everything in detail about my life, we didn’t keep secrets, at least I did not think we did. I can’t go back to a world that don’t exist, because of that kiss. Even though it frightened the hell out of me, I realized that I have feelings for you, other than being just friends. You changed the game Aleck there’s no starting over." Aleck at this point is mad, pacing back and forth and his hands are trembling.

  "Gabriella don’t shut me out, I am sorry……everything's so messed up." He says. But, by this time the shouting from the fight and commotion has snapped me out of the situation and the emotions I am feeling and gives me the strength to face him, and do what I have to do.

  "Goodbye Aleck," I turn and walk off and blend with the crowd trying to lose him.

  I get home and my parents tell me I am not allowed to be friends with him anymore because he just used me. I questioned them about what exactly, because I had not told them anything that had transpired between me and Aleck. They try to say he only wanted to sleep with me and he wasn’t trustworthy and that I was spending way too much time with him. This was all so bazaar; but I should have seen it coming, because every guy in my life has always ran off with some excuse. That night I heard my mom and dad discussing Aleck, they thought I was already asleep. Dad said he was a spy sent to mess everything up and he had put a stop to it. He kept assuring mom he wouldn’t be around anymore. My mom sounded relieved and satisfied leaving me with a million questions. What would Aleck be spying on, not like I had anything worthy enough for that? I didn’t even have anything valuable for him to take, other than my heart. Finally, I was about to fall asleep, my eyes were drooping. I had glanced at the clock a few minutes ago and it had been 3:30am. I knew I needed to get some sleep, I felt relaxed and knew I would be asleep in minutes. But, suddenly I felt the bed dip and someone beside me was sitting down. Damn I’d know that honeysuckle smell anywhere.

  "What are you doing here, get out" I seethed.

  "Gabby I am leaving town, that’s why I am here. I don’t have a lot of time; but I need you to hear me out, without interrupting. I should've told you I had a girlfriend. I don’t know why I didn’t. I wanted to kiss you, I lied when I said it was a mistake. I have wanted to kiss you for such a long time. Things are more complicated then you can imagine. When I saw you cry because of it, I realized that I hurt the only person that means the most to me. Do you have any idea how that even feels, because I can describe it? I felt like my guts we're being ripped out of me slowly. Our friendship was real, every minute of it and I will never forget it or you. He kissed my head and before I could respond or blink he was gone.

  "Gabriella, Gabriella you’re zoning out again, what in the world are you thinking about?” my mom yells. I snap out of my reverie with Aleck. My mom is glaring at me like she knows exactly what I was thinking about. She has a pissed offed look on her face with her arms crossed in the front seat. Damn time to get a Golden Globe award for best performance.

  "Nothing mom, I am just not looking forward to starting over in a town full of strangers. It’s what every girl dreams of, leaving all her friends behind and taking off to No Wheresville. Not that they had cared because we had stopped coming back here in the summer when my grandparents had a falling out. I still don’t remember what happened, but it must have been a big deal; because I never laid eyes on any of them again.

  "Honey we should have done it years ago; but we were much too tied up in our lives to do it then." My dad never really says much the rest of the ride to Montana. It was the longest several days of my life, driving in silence. I decided that I will count the days down until the fall term, get a job close to campus and stay the heck away from them. It’s not that I didn’t love them; but I felt emotionally disconnected from them. Usually kids felt safe and secure with their parents, well I didn’t. There were times I even wondered maybe that I was abducted by aliens. I laugh at the thought and think about Aleck, it's been a month since I heard from him last. I didn’t want to believe that he’d just walk away without fighting for us and everything we were. But, apparently I was wrong; and my parents were right. I had become an emotionally broken girl, someone I didn’t even recognize anymore. I needed my best friend back, the one I always relied on as my escape.


  Finally it was the awaited weekend. I had finished all pack business and was in much need of some wind down time. There was a dreading conversation that took place this week with the elders and the pack leaders. The elders wanted me to join with a mate within the pack. Hearing that news, had me roiling with indecision and confusion. The tension was thick in the room and everyone could feel my anger rolling off me in waves. A mate, a life partner, I was so not ready for this. The elders thought it would bring more power to the pack and that it was always part of the vision for our packs prophecy. I corrected them by saying that the prophecy was for a Fated Heart mate, not just anyone. The sarcasm dripped from each word, as I emphasized them. The elders agreed they would allow more time for me to seek my fated; but this would be brought up again. You couldn’t imagine my relief, but I would have done it if
they had persisted, because I knew the consequences of defying a pack elder.

  The guys and I were getting ready to head into town for some supplies and beer for tonight's festivities.

  "Man I can’t wait to get laid tonight." Josh says.

  "Damn straight, it’s been an intense week but having Alexis’ sweet thighs wrapped around me will make up for it." Talen smiles laughing.

  "Hell, I rather get a damn nap, I am beat." Alex says

  The guys just laugh at him, because they all know he's full of shit.

  "Dude you know you are full of it, you will tap that and go to bed afterwards." Calin says.

  "Look we are not all like Drake and need our knob polished every night." Talen says and everyone's rolling with laughter at this point.

  "That’s the difference you see, I take what I want and then send them on their way. I don’t do clingy and loving crap, Ashley is the clingiest leach I know." I tell them. I dreaded to see her tonight, hell I might just dodge her all night. I think to myself.

  "Man, just last night I caught her naked in your truck, she waited 3 hours and finally gave up cause she heard you were going to town yesterday." Jace says.

  "I used to think you were big bad Mr. Alpha, use them and leave them, but we all notice Ashley hasn’t officially been left yet." Jace says.

  "I agree with Jace are you two a thing Drake?" Talen asks.

  "HELL NO! We are not, she’s just a piece of ass and that’s it. You guys knows she is not the only one that’s been in my bed. Hell, I just had Macy a few nights ago and Keagan before that." I start to protest and then I realize what they say is the truth. For whatever reason I haven't cut ties with Ashley and I need to make that a top priority, when I get the opportunity.

  They continue to talk and I tune them out as we pull in the gas station to get diesel for the truck. I jump out and start pumping, the guys barrel out to pay and grab some beer. Suddenly, I could feel an electrical current running over my body, every hair was raising on my arms as if a cool breeze was passing through. I could feel the shift of power and there was a change in the atmosphere. Magic was surfacing close and it wasn’t welcomed. I scanned the parking lot in alarm seeing nothing. Then I hung the pump nozzle up and headed inside to alarm the guys that something was majorly off. I sprint to the door and almost yank it off the hinges.


  We finally stop to get gas, thank god because I had to pee so badly I couldn’t stand it. "Mom, I am going to the bathroom, I will pay for the gas" I say.

  "Ok dear, while you’re in there grab me a water." She says as she continues to ramble to my father.

  I grab the handle and run in the little gas station, it seriously looks like something from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, it was soooo creepy. The building was ran down, paint was chipping off the outside. The windows were dirty with condensation built up in the frames, leaving them looking dingy and misty. I eyed the room and saw the bathroom sign, thank goodness or a puddle would have soon been on the floor. I make a beeline for the door and grab the closest stall and expel my bladder, oh that felt good. I wash my hands and look in the mirror inspecting myself. I look pretty damn fabulous for a girl that’s been riding for hours. I observe my dress, I knew that it did not fit into this town’s repertoire. It was a red dress that was designer tight, showing off my best features with black stilettos. I looked like project runway, I laugh to myself because I wear this shit because my parents hate it. I fix my red lipstick touching it up, I mean first impressions says everything right. I run my hand through my honey blonde hair and discover that it was also holding up nicely. I take one last glance as I grab my bag. Now, I got to get moms water wouldn’t want her griping for the rest of the road trip, would we. Walking out I spot immediately some cute guys. These guys were oh so seriously fine. If this was any indication of the types of men around here, things were starting to look up. I was practically drooling over them as they were getting beer a few aisles down. I grab moms’ water and I hear one say what the hells that smell. I take a whiff of the air, but I don’t smell anything, unusual. Then I hear another one say sweet mother of god, what a heavenly smell. What the hell were they even talking about, I thought maybe they were drug addicts. It figures the cute ones are usually married, gay, or are totally screwed up.

  Pivoting on my heel I quickly pay the cashier and grab the front door to hurry out the exit. I swing it will force and run smack into a hard firm body. I find my legs falling out from underneath me as this person grabs me by the waist to steady me. I automatically have braced my hands on this stranger, my hands trembling all over. I finally raise my head meeting his eyes, it was as if time stood still and electrical currents were running through me. He's holding me close in an intimate embrace. My emotions were all over the place. I felt like I was punched in the stomach. He was the most amazing man I had ever seen. He had raven black hair, dark sapphire eyes that looked as if they came straight out of a fairy tale. His skin was amazing, flawlessly tan and he had bulging muscles sporting tattoos. The blue jeans that hung on his hips clung in all the right places. I heard someone clear their throats behind us, because we were still in an embrace ogling each other. I quickly snapped out of it and I pulled away profusely apologizing. What an idiot I was to just be staring into a strangers eyes like that, I was thinking, as I hurried out of the store. I could hear whistling behind us, I could pretty much guess it was the other guys that I had seen in the store. I turn to them and glare at them, all the while throwing them the bird. I am half way to the car when someone grabs my hand. I feel this odd warm tingling sensation, like I had felt a moment ago. I swallow slowly and turn around. It takes me a moment to find my voice. “Hi I am Gabriella, uh thanks for catching me before I fell, that wouldn’t have been very pleasant especially in this dress."

  In this dress, what the hell am I saying, I am babbling like an idiot. He shakes the hand that he had grabbed, and tells me his name is Drake. I knew my parents were waiting for me, and I did not want to get embarrassed in front of him.

  So I said, “well nice to meet you, I better get going."

  But, before I can make a clean getaway, he speaks again in that sexy baritone voice and says, “Where you from?"

  I tell him I am from California and I have just moved here to red rock. I hear one of the other guys growl. I am thinking this is getting freaky, like the Wrong Turn movie kind of freaky. Any minute I can imagine a reject running with a chainsaw from the woods chasing the damsel in distress, because this scene ranked up there. But suddenly I see my dad opening the car door, I glance at them one more time and high tail it across the parking lot. I get to the car and hear a sermon on how long does it take to pay and use the bathroom. I tune them out and think about what just happened. All the while noticing as we started heading down the road, that the feel of the electricity was starting to leave.


  I swing the door open and immediately something hits me hard, I feel this electrical current start to run through my veins. My hands on instinct latch around the waist of a delicate figure, belonging to the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She was mesmerizing with long blond hair, porcelain skin, and legs that went on for days. She looked like a little pixie and felt as magical as one. Her eyes finally meet mine and they are the most amazing sparkling green eyes I have ever seen. I had the primal urge to sweep her up and take her with me and never let her out of my sight. We are still holding each other's gaze, neither of us talking or hardly breathing. I have never experienced this feeling ever before. A scent floods my nostrils and I am in awe she's not human, but wolf. How the hell was she holding my gaze? It was impossible for women to look into an Alpha’s eyes directly, without automatically submitting and turning your gaze away. Hell, men even have a hard time semi doing this, unless they are challenging the alpha for position. Surely she's not an alpha female, which is unheard of nowadays. Well, it has not happened once in the last 70 years, since the last one. Eventually the guys’ whiff her scent as we
ll and they start moving closer, watching both of us intently. She side breaks from my hold and apologizes and exits the door. I am still watching her trying to gage what the hell is going on, I feel like my ribs are about to crack with the absence of her body heat from mine.

  Oh sweet Jesus surly this is not what I think it is, no damn way she's that. I mentally shake the thought out my mind. As she is walking away I grab her hand, wanting contact and needing her to stay with me. We exchange names and she thanks me for catching her. I notice what she is wearing, a blood red dress that is really tight, showing off her soft curves and black high heels. How ladies walk in them contraptions I will never understand, but they are sexier then hell though. Damn she is so beautiful, I feel myself going hard. I hope I don’t mess myself like a horny teenager. What the heck is wrong with me! I try to distract myself from images of me taking her over the counter in front of everyone. The guys are eating this scene up, I am sure. I ask her where she's from and she proceeds to tell me and where she just moved to. The name alone causes Talen to growl, because she belongs to a rival pack. I was so damn confused as to why she was not afraid of us. I guess Talen spooked her, because she went as fast those long legs could carry her. I felt the connection leave my body, leaving me feeling raw emotionally and lonely. Why did she have to belong to Coles pack, I was so damn angry I was starting to hyperventilating. I turn to run after her and the guys are running behind me. My pixie was already gone. So, I get in the truck and almost slam the door off the hinges. The impact causes the driver’s window to completely burst, shattering in the parking lot.

  "Damn!!" I slam my fist in the steering wheel.

  "What the hell is going on Drake?" Talen asks.


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