When Fated Hearts Collide: Paranormal Romance Series

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When Fated Hearts Collide: Paranormal Romance Series Page 5

by Jenifer Shoemaker

  "Pixie?" She asks inquisitively.

  "Uh yeah, I nicknamed you that from the moment I met you. You appeared to be so small and fragile, compared to me. Not saying that you’re a wimp, just feminine." Damn, I messed that up and probably insulted her, I was thinking.

  "O…kaaay" is all she says.

  "I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings." I quickly say. Man, this was definitely an insert foot in mouth kind of situation, I thought. Suddenly she just bursts out in laughter. The laugh is so beautiful, causing butterflies to dance in my belly.

  "It’s ok, I kinda like it.” She says slapping my arm in playfulness.

  "I am glad I didn’t offend you. Pixie it is then!” I say in earnest.

  "Everyone is looking at us, why exactly?" She asks me I am unsure of the answer I want to give her.

  "Well I am the leader around here, and you are a new face. They are wondering what our connection is." As, I am saying this, I casually put my arm around her. I notice she don’t shrug it off at first, that was a score for me. Her contact with my skin is creating quite a thrill.

  "Drake we don’t want to give people the wrong idea." she pulls gently away from me. I curse inwardly, but remember baby steps are needed here. So I decide to take her to the cafeteria to get her acquainted with some people and I am sure that she is hungry. Out of the corner of my eye I do notice that some girls are following us. I know some will be jealous over this, but we will have to just adjust.

  Pixie continues to talk about what just unfolded between her and Aleck. I am just lost in the conversation listening to her. We both are talking as if we have always known each other. Then I hear that shrill whining voice, it sounds like fingernails running down a chalkboard. Oh boy it is Ashley, I know she will show herself, I am thinking.

  "Drake, are you going to introduce us to your new friend." Ashley says with a sharp tone.

  "Ashley this is Gabriella, Gabriella this is Ashley, Becca, Tiffany, Elena, and Macy." They stare her down with laser beam eyes and smirks across their faces. My wolf stirs, because Pixie is feeling a little distressed.

  "Nice to meet you ladies" Gabriella says. She is much to lady like to engage with these she wolves.

  "Like wise" Ashley sneers.

  "Oh Drake I have missed you in my bed baby, It’s been a few nights. Will it be my bed or yours tonight?” Ashley says. I feel my blood run cold, how can this stupid woman insinuate this, like we are an item or something.

  "If memory serves me right Ash….I believe I turned you and Becca down at the same time, don’t you remember?" Her mouth clamps shut and her face is turning beet red. I turn to look at Pixie to gage her reaction, I am afraid she is going to think I am a player.

  "Drake come on how many nights have we have we got it on, have you forgotten?” Ashley states furiously. My blood is boiling, do I have to spell it out for her?

  "Ashley get lost and forget about my bed.” I say through clenched teeth. She’s smiling and knows she just made me look like an ass. I will get the last laugh because she will never ever be in my bed again.

  "Um Drake I will leave you two, to ummmm…..discuss this, nice to meet you guys" she excuses herself. Ashley looks smug and thinks she has won.

  "Good idea we will both leave" I grab her hand and hold it staking claim and tug her to follow.

  We start walking, and I decide to take her into the woods, so we can clear things up, without so many prying eyes.

  "Look Drake I don’t want trouble with your girlfriend. She says frowning.

  "Ashley is not my girlfriend never has been and never will be either. I am going to be honest, I have never had a girlfriend. But, I won’t lie though, I have slept with a lot of women, with an understanding there were no strings attached. I know that this sounds very crass of me, but I am a man with Alpha blood coursing through my veins.” I am not sure why I am telling her all of this, but it just seems right. My wolf is stirring inside me in agreement.

  "That’s your business you don’t have to explain, I appreciate your honesty, though.

  "Why change your routine now?” she asks looking confused.

  "Pixie sometimes people just need a change in their lives." I say, hoping that will suffice without further grilling.

  "I understand that believe me" she blows out a deep breath.

  "So what about you, boyfriend? Lovers? Are you a secret player?" I laugh knocking her with my shoulder. She starts giggling and I hear that beautiful laugh once again.

  "Nope, none of that. I haven't even made it past first base yet." Her face lights to a flushed pink, realizing what she said and wishing she hadn’t.

  She’s a Virgin and has barely been kissed, this makes her even more attractive. All of a sudden I was growing hard, and my pants were growing tighter. I turn away from her hoping she won’t notice. Heck I definitely did not want to scare her off.

  "Sorry, I shouldn’t have said all that. I don’t know why I divulged so much." She says timidly. I can feel her eyes boring into my back, and could hear the embarrassment in her voice. Finally I got my pants in control, and turned around.

  "Pixie your fine, I am glad there are still ladies like you that actually exist. I know you liked Aleck and I am sorry for what it’s worth." I hated Aleck for being a Jerk but understood his position. From what I understood from the guys he was still with Tiffany. Playing the field between two women, wasn’t honest. Gabriella felt betrayed by him, and I could tell that she was still hurting.

  "Thanks Drake" she smiles.

  "Well I am going to go back to the room if that’s ok." she asks.

  "Sure I will walk back, and make sure that someone brings you something to eat. I do have some things to take care of, but you will see me later.” I walk her back to my room and she hugs me and walks inside. My little Pixie actually hugged me without any influence. I felt a surge of protectiveness come over me and I realize I may be falling for this girl.


  Drake told me he was a player, pretty much. I have to confess, I respected him on a different level for just being honest. Meeting the mean girls was a real trip, especially their ring leader, Ashley. She was trying to stake her claim on Drake. Seeing him rejecting her was really something. But, believe it or not I felt sorry for her, because down deep I think she cares for him. I also am not really feeling the fact that Drake uses woman for just sex. That is so not okay with me. But, I still could not get the green eyed monster of jealously off my back. I will really have to do some soul searching here. Why should I care if he slept with her or not? I lay on the bed and close my eyes.

  My eyes have not been closed for long and I hear giggling and moans coming from the wall next to me. The sounds are getting louder I know someone's having sex at this point. I can hear the bed rail knocking the wall with thumps. Jesus, how can these people handle it? Then I hear an unknown female call him by name "OH ALECK” the cold shiver of jealously runs off me. He was screwing some chick in the room next to mine how freaking heartless. I was enraged and jumped off the bed and started pacing the room. I kept debating what I should do, I finally settled for the direct approach. I open the door and prop myself up against the wall in the hall waiting for when that bastard steps out. I can’t wait until he sees my face, knowing I heard him. Sure enough a girl comes out first, I recognize her from earlier with Ashley. She is pulling her skirt down and doesn’t even see me. Then Aleck comes out zipping his pants up. The first thing he does is see me and stops. I get the courage to smile and say, "Damn Aleck sounded like she had a real good time." His mouth drops. He can’t believe I was so verbal and he knows he was caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

  "Gabby that was my girlfriend" he steps closer to me, I hated him for it.

  "You know that I am staying in this room and you don’t have the decency to do that somewhere else. Instead you do it where I have to hear you. Do you have any idea how much that hurts Aleck?" Tears cascade down my cheeks and holy shit he looks like he might cry to.

by I thought you were out touring with Drake. If I knew I would've never…" I cut him off, because he's such a jerk even making that justification. He grabs me and holds me so tight and I smell her on him. I push away from him and find my voice to finish my rage.

  "I smell her on you, please don’t touch me. Sounds like you really cared about me huh, funny way of showing it. What’s the bullshit you said about loving me, you are just a liar. You don’t hurt the people you love Aleck." I run to Drake’s room and slam the door in his face and lock it. I slide my back down the door in a full out sob, crying hysterically. I know he is still there, I can hear him pacing outside my door. I am crying so hard, that I start to get sick. I run to the bathroom and start puking. Luckily I have not ate since yesterday, and all that comes up is bile. I heard him yell something and slam the wall. Finally, after puking my guts out I lay beside the toilet, the tiles are soooo cold, I drift off to sleep.

  I wake up abruptly, and see that I fell asleep on the bathroom floor, that is so gross. So I get up take another shower, and brush my teeth. All the while to reminding myself of the events that had taken place. I feel so sad and angry all at once. While I am musing about my effed up life, I hear a soft knock on the door. The knocking continues to get louder and louder, followed by Aleck’s voice.

  "Gabby let me in we need to talk" he says.

  "I believe we said enough, Aleck go away."

  "Gabby I am not leaving, I will stay until you open the door." He threatened. I was well aware he wasn’t leaving, Aleck can be so stubborn at times. So I open the door, and he quickly rushes in, not given me a chance to second guess this.

  "Are you ok, I heard you get sick?" No shit Sherlock, maybe it was my hearing you screw a girls brains out. I want to say it, but I don’t.

  "Yeah just peachy" I retort.

  "Listen, I am sorry Gabriella. I should've brought her back here at all knowing that you were in Drake’s room.” He says with his hands in his pockets looking down at the floor. He can’t even look at me, he’s so guilty.

  "Its fine Aleck, I should've not overreacted. I let my jealously get the better of me. I understand she’s your girlfriend; and I respect that. It still hurts me you know." I was proud of myself for my statement It was grown up and it didn’t even sound like me.

  "Why does it upset you Gabby?" he says meeting my eyes now.

  "Don’t act like you don’t know Aleck I just said it, are you not listening to me or what. I have had feelings for you for a long time. I mean how possibly could've I not we were Inseparable for years and we shared a bed for most of it. When you have your arms wrapped around me every night how could I not. You have been pretty much everything, it’s kind of hard not to have feelings for you." My face is blood red, I can’t believe I just said that. His facial expressions tell me he wasn’t expecting me to either.

  "You never said anything Gabby, not one time did you express it either." He was angry, I am unsure why I mean he was the one that wanted this discussion.

  "Oh your one to talk, so you love me and you just forgot to tell me. I see it only works one way huh, when it's convenient for you." I am yelling at this point madder than hell. That must have struck a nerve, because I can see the muscle jumping in his jaw and he is pacing the bedroom floor like a mad man. Suddenly he's in front of me and brushing his hand down my face, he pushes a strand of hair out of my eyes.

  "You want the truth I will tell you, my friendship with you ended a year ago. My best friend became my crush, and that crush transformed into love. Sleeping with you was complete torture, knowing that I could never touch you. I would fantasize about making love to you. I didn’t act on my true feelings because it was wrong for you and the girl I had left behind. Both of you deserved better and yet I still was on the verge of ruining everything." I had turned away from Aleck, while he was pouring out his heart to me. But, then I can feel he has edged closer, because I can feel his breath on my neck. Unintentionally a moan escapes my lips.

  "We are like fire and ice you realize that I whisper, how could I fall in love for the first time in my life and not stand a chance to be with you." The words slipped out my mouth before I could even stop myself. He looks at me with regret on his face, I knew that this conversation never changed a thing. If anything it only left me curious, because I thought I had never been in love. I guess this is what love feels like, especially when you lose that person.

  "I can’t….Gabriella I have to go" Aleck says as he is walking out of the room taking my heart with him. I sit on the bed with tears streaming down my face. I thought I had no more tears left, but I guess I was wrong. I turn and lay on the bed, curling up in the fetal position. God, why is this happening to me? Then all of sudden the door bursts open, and there stands Drake. It is almost has if Drake could sense I was in pain. Drake can tell I am hurting inside, he has such a tension filled look on his face.

  "Pixie let’s talk about it" he says and for whatever reason I spill everything that just went down. I even go into details of my connection with Aleck growing up. After I have poured out my guts and have cried my last tear, I am anxious to see what he thinks about all of this. After a long pause, he begins to speak. I am not sure why I should even care what he thinks, but I do.

  "Well sounds like you do care deeply for him Pixie, I am sorry you’re hurting. I can’t say I am sorry the way it has worked out though, because I am starting to care for you myself." I never even considered how Drake would feel listening to all this, how insensitive of me.

  "Drake," I say with compassion. I find is so incredible of him to not pass judgement on me and just listen, when he cares for me too. Not once did he play down my emotions or try to persuade things in his favor. He had just come to check on me, to make sure I was alright.

  "Yes Pixie" Drake says in a deep voice. "Kiss me please, I just need you to kiss me" I couldn’t believe I was so bold. I was heartbroken, confused and lonely. I just wanted to feel something other than rage, regret, and hurt.

  "Gabriella are you sure that’s what you want, I mean I would love to; but I want to think of you first." That was so sweet that he was putting me first. I shake my head and his lips move to mine with a sweet soft passionate kiss. I feel the sparks ignite in me as his tongue slips into my mouth. We are both completely lost into each other. When we part I just stare at him in awe. That was the most incredible kiss I ever shared. The kiss with Aleck was not as intense as this, what was happening to me? Then I could hear footsteps coming to the door.


  Today has been a long day, I could feel Gabby’s emotions ricocheting inside me. It was hard for me to adjust to everything that was happening. Jace confirmed that they were together, alone in my room. Damn Aleck, he's trying to come between us and I will not allow it. I wanted to go to her, but I needed to allow her space to breath. I don’t think she even realizes how deep her feelings are for him. It was enough to make me sick at my stomach, the thought of her being with anyone else but me. I can’t wait any longer, I need to see her was too great. As I suspect she is torn up and crying. She tells me everything that happened. I couldn’t believe she opened up to me. It was worse than I expected, they shared a bed for years not sleeping together sexually but still…….. I could sense her love for him, but I don’t think she really understands it right now. The thought that she loves another, spreads like ice through my veins. I had such a yearning to claim her, it was taking over my every thought. One thing is for sure, friend or brother aside he was making a mistake crossing me.

  Then as if my ears deceived me she asks me to kiss her. I am unsure it is a good idea because I don’t play second fiddle to no one. But, if I didn’t kiss her, I don’t think I could stand to see the pain of rejection on her face, which surely would be there. I met her hot lips with mine, gently surrendering to my longing, careful to take this slow. I flicked my tongue in her mouth, and I came unglued. In all my adult life I have never experienced a kiss such as this. After a few minutes we pull away from each other, with panti
ng breaths and heaving chest. We are just looking into each other’s eyes, awestruck.

  "Pixie you kiss like no virgin sweetheart that was amazing." She is acting all shy, diverting her eyes. The guys come to the door and our magical moment vanishes.

  "We have a problem, you need to come now," Josh says.

  "Coles here for her," Calin says.

  She starts to hyperventilate she is getting scared, I smell her fear. "Listen to me Pixie you’re staying with me, we might have to do things out of your comfort zone, but it will save you. Can you do whatever I ask without questioning me?"

  "Yes,” she answers without questioning me further.

  We go outside where the commotion is and sure enough there stands Cole. He didn’t bring a sole with him surprisingly.

  "Cole explain why you’re here wasting my time?" I say through gritted teeth.

  "I mean no disrespect to you or the pack, I just came to take Gabby back with me, she is rightfully a part of my pack." He says so calm and collected.

  "You know that’s not happening Cole, so go ahead and leave while you still can." I say, I should just kill him now knowing his father killed my parents.

  "She is bound to my pack, and you know the rules, Drake. I know she is not pledged to be in yours so she needs to come with me. Also, I wanted to let you know, she is my mate, and this will not be tolerated." He spits.

  "Tough shit Cole she’s my fated heart and she stays with me. She will be united with me as my only mate." The crowd gasps because they know the meaning, but my little Pixie does not.

  "Bull shit I don’t believe that Drake," he says nervously.

  "Believe it Cole, and leave while you still can." No way in hell he’s taking my girl from me.

  "Prove it Drake," he says. The moment the words leave his mouth I am seething. Proving it means that he expects me to mark her by biting her shoulder. She wouldn't understand, she would definitely freak out, when she saw my teeth. I have to think, there has to be another way.

  "I don’t have to prove anything on my land, I am alpha" I growl, hoping this would be enough to throw him off.


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