Madeleine & the Mind

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Madeleine & the Mind Page 7

by Felicia Mires

  "I think you have your work cut out for you. And I would do my best to search every room that Dr. Faraday was known to frequent. However…be careful."

  He had his hand on the door. "If you get a firm date on your outing, call me. Otherwise, I'll be in touch."

  "Thank you, Inspector. Thank you for believing me. I know it all sounds crazy."

  He shook his head and looked at Steven. "That man has gone through something. We will find the answer."

  "Let me walk you out."

  "No, I think we should not be seen together again. Stay with your ward. It might be better if you kept him with you when you search. You are probably safer together."

  "Yes, sir."

  Chapter 4

  With the Inspector's departure, Madeleine wandered through Steven's rooms. His bedroom was closest to hers. There was a bathroom off to the side. In the next room, his desk, a small couch, and a chair. There was a refrigerator and a microwave in the corner behind a bar.

  "You've got a microwave, and I've eaten cold dinner twice."

  Steven sat, staring out the window again, completely oblivious to her presence.

  "If you don't mind, I'm going to search your room. I know it's probably already been done, but it won't hurt. Unless, you don't want me to?"

  Madeleine looked at his back. When he didn't move, she opened every drawer and cabinet in each room. She went through all the paperwork, piece by piece. "All of this might as well be Greek to me. Why don't you help me? If you see what we're looking for, you can tell me."

  To her surprise, Steven stepped to the table and sat beside her. She handed him one document at a time, but she feared it was a waste of time. His eyes didn't seem focused on the task at all.

  When Steven finished reviewing the stack of papers, he disappeared into her room. Madeleine started yanking out cushions and seats from his sofa and chair. She looked behind frames on the wall and went through his medicine cabinet. She found nothing unusual.

  She stood in the middle of his room, wondering where to look next when Steven bumped her in the back. She whirled around. "What is it?"

  He handed her a poetry book from the library…love sonnets. It was opened to one in particular with her red rose lying in the spine.

  Madeleine took the book and looked at the poem. "My love is like a red, red rose…"

  She laughed. "Very clever. Sometimes, I wonder if the real Dr. Faraday might have a wicked sense of humor." She tousled the hair on his head and sat down in a chair. "Do you want me to read this? I really don't think it's your bag, but I like it."

  He sat back on the bed and watched her. She read the entire poem before she looked up at him. He was watching her intently, and his eyes burned with intensity.

  Madeleine froze a moment as he stared at her. Then she looked down at the next poem. After that, she didn't dare look at him. Love sonnets made you imagine things that weren't there. And he was a patient.

  When her voice grew tired, she closed the book. "I think I'll go to my room now. If you need anything, come and get me." She left the room with the book under her arm.

  Madeleine left the dividing door just barely cracked. She'd be able to hear if he tried to leave or if someone entered his room.

  She locked the door to the bathroom while she got ready for bed. Knowing Steven, he was apt to come wandering in her room just as she undressed, and that would be dreadfully embarrassing.

  The stack of library books waited beside her bed. She could read for a while. Her hand hesitated over the books then she changed her mind.

  Steven's fiancée arrived in the morning. She wanted to look her best. Even if her best was borrowed scrubs and no make-up.

  Madeleine turned off the light and lay down. At least scrubs were just as comfortable as pajamas. She'd add a gown to her shopping list.

  Some time later, Madeleine awoke to complete darkness, her senses instantly alert. What was happening? She looked at the dividing door. Someone was backing through the door. There was a slight click as the door shut.

  She glanced at the clock. One in the morning. Who was up and walking around?

  She jumped out of the bed and padded to her door. As quietly as she could, she opened it and looked out. Steven stepped through the doorway to the stairs.

  She ran back and grabbed her key then followed. Her bare feet were silent on the stairs as she crept down. She couldn't see him, but she heard him stop at the second floor. She paused before continuing.

  When she stepped into the second floor hallway and looked around, Steven had disappeared from sight. It would be easy to find him. There were only three rooms on this floor, the library, exercise room, and the lab, and each one had glass windows in the door.

  Madeleine skipped down the hall until she reached the door of the library. Through the small window, she peered into the darkness. No movement inside. She tried the door. Locked.

  The exercise room was also dark. Only the lab remained. Nearly the entire outer wall consisted of glass so she crept forward. She didn't want Steven to see her before she could see what he was up to.

  When she reached the corner of the room, she glanced inside. It was dark, but someone flashed a penlight. She backed away from the window. How did he get past the security? If he could remember to take his security pass to get into the lab, what else could he do?

  How irritating. What is going on?

  She got down on all fours to crawl to the door. Maybe he'd left it ajar. She could sneak inside.

  He had! He'd even blocked the door open. He wants to make a quick get-away.

  Madeleine entered the room when he had his back to the door. She ducked behind a cabinet until she heard him sit down then she rose.

  Her feet froze on the cold linoleum floor, but she ignored it and clamped her teeth together so they wouldn't chatter.

  Steven was busily reading notes, at least, that's what it looked like. He wasn't spending much time on each page, so she didn't know if he was reading them or not. But his eyes were alive with intelligence. He had to be cognizant of what he was doing. Should she confront him or not? Before she could decide, she sneezed.

  He didn't flinch and continued reading.

  She sighed. He was in his dream world again. Unfortunately, if he didn't notice her presence, he wouldn't notice someone else either. Someone could sneak in and hurt him. She would have to stay. She walked over and put her hand on his arm. "Steven, what are you doing down here?"

  He shook her hand off.

  "Fine. But I'm not leaving you here. Someone could come in and blow your brains out. You read. I'm going to sit in a chair. She pulled his face to look at her. His eyes appeared huge in the darkness. "Please, don't leave me when you're finished. Please?"

  He smiled at her, and Madeleine retrieved a lab coat to drape around his shoulders. If she was cold, he might be as well.

  There were two swivel-back chairs at the counter, and she pushed them together and lay back. Then she wrapped herself in two lab coats. It wasn't as nice as her bed, but it was better than leaving Steven alone.

  When he woke her, she felt cramped and had to stretch before she could walk. He padded toward the door, but she put all the chairs and lab coats back where she'd gotten them and made sure he hadn't left any papers out. He was gone when she entered the hallway.

  After making sure the door locked behind her, she walked to the stairs. She couldn't hear the sound of his steps at all as she began her climb.

  Madeleine unlocked the door to her room and looked at the dividing door. She had to make sure he'd returned to his room. If he wandered aimlessly, he'd be in danger.

  She knocked lightly on the door then opened it a few inches. He was lying in his bed. She couldn't see his face, but she knew he couldn't have fallen asleep that quickly. "Good night, Steven."

  She pushed the door shut with a click then climbed into her own bed. The bedside clock showed three in the morning.

  The next day, a repeated banging on her door woke Madeleine. S
he looked at the clock. Only seven. Surely Steven wasn't acting up already.

  She walked to the door and threw it open. A tall, chic blonde in a figure-hugging black coat-dress stared back at her. This had to be the fiancée. Madeleine was doomed.

  What a picture she must make, hair sticking out in all directions, wrinkled, slept-in scrubs, and baggy eyes from Steven's late night prowl.

  The vision of perfection gazed down her nose at Madeleine. "Pardon me, but I was told I could find Dr. Steven Faraday here."

  "I'm Madeleine Price. Dr. Faraday's therapist. I'm not sure he's awake yet. We had a late night."

  The woman's eyes narrowed, and her mouth tightened. She settled her matching purse against her side. "I'm Miss Reynolds. Dr. Faraday's fiancée. Please announce me."

  Madeleine backed away from her door and threw it wide. Miss Reynolds sauntered in as if she owned the world. With clothes like that, she very well might. Madeleine noted the perfect chignon at the back of the perfect oval head and thought again about her own appearance. Oh, well, it isn't a beauty contest.

  She walked to the dividing door and knocked softly. There was no response, so she opened the door and peaked in. Miss Reynolds would have none of that. She pushed Madeleine out of the way and looked through the door herself.

  Steven slept with one arm thrown boyishly over his head. Madeleine closed the door, forcing Miss Reynolds out of the way.

  When the door shut, she rounded on Madeleine. "I'd like an explanation. I was very busy planning the Boston Charity Ball. Why was I summoned here? I see nothing wrong with Steven. I was given to understand there'd been an accident of some sort, and that he'd been severely injured."

  "Miss Reynolds, I can explain everything, if you'll just have a seat. You woke me, and I'd like to wash and dress. Would you like a cup of coffee…or some breakfast? They'll be sending the trays up soon. I'll call down for you."

  She glared at Madeleine. "I've already eaten. Some of us don't have time for sleeping all day. You may request a cup of coffee before you wash."

  Madeleine rolled her eyes behind the other woman's back and reached for the phone. After she ordered the coffee, she pointed at the small table in the corner of her room. "You're welcome to wait in here or go out on the balcony. I'll be right with you."

  Madeleine was in no mood to rush. It might even take her a shade longer to get ready this morning. When she came out of the bathroom, neat and clean, in sky-blue scrubs, with her hair pulled back severely from her face, Miss Reynolds was nowhere in sight.

  Madeleine stepped to her balcony, ready to face the raging she-lion. Miss Reynolds sipped a cup of coffee and Madeleine's breakfast tray waited on the table outside.

  She sat nearby. "Now, I'll tell you everything I know. Sometimes he appears almost normal, but other times he wanders around like there's not a thought in his head. Try your best not to look surprised when you see him. I try to talk to him a if he's going to answer. Sometimes he pays attention. At other times, he stares right through me. I thought of all people you might be able to pull him out of this. You know...a familiar, loved face. And I'm not at all sure he's out of danger. Someone tried to kill him. That person is probably still here."

  Miss Reynolds sneered and tapped a long red fingernail on her cup. "What about the police? Surely this isn't something I should deal with."

  Madeleine thought about her talk with Inspector Banderas. She was keeping that to herself. "I don't know what the Institute did. I only know they pay me to keep an eye on him, keep him out of trouble, and encourage him to speak. Someone stays with him round the clock."

  Miss Reynolds looked resigned, though not happy. "Where am I to put my things?"

  Madeleine had no idea. Would she have to share her room? "I'll check on that. But right now, why don't I take you to see Dr. Faraday. They probably woke him for his tray."

  Madeleine left her uneaten food on the balcony. There was another meal she'd have to eat cold.

  This time when she knocked on the dividing door, Mike yelled for them to come inside.

  Madeleine held the door open for Miss Reynolds then followed her through. The drapes were open, the sun streaming in, and Mike sat beside the bed. He rose when he saw the visitor and held out his hand. "How do you do, Miss Reynolds? I'm Dr. Mike Hanover."

  "Are you the physician?" she asked.

  "No, I work with Steven."

  Miss Reynolds walked around the chair to peer at Steven. She barely prevented herself from recoiling in horror. Madeleine could see the struggle on her carefully made up face.

  Madeleine had no idea what had happened to Steven since the middle of the night, but he'd regressed severely. He reclined on the bed, still in his pajamas. His eyes rolled back in his head, and his mouth hung open.

  Without thinking, she pushed Miss Reynolds out of her way and took Steven's hand. "Steven, what's wrong? Mike, has anything happened to him? What has he done since he woke?"

  She gripped Steven's chin in her hand and forced his head around. His pupils were abnormally large. In fact, he looked as if he'd been drugged.

  "He hasn't done a thing. I had to shake him several times before he'd open his eyes, and I can't get him out of the bed. He didn't eat either."

  Miss Reynolds lost her cool at this point. "Is he going to be like that forever? What will I do?"

  "Of course he's not. He's had a shock. He'll come out of it."

  "When? I have responsibilities. I can't put my life on hold for…for that."

  Madeleine burned with anger but controlled her voice with great difficulty. "Miss Reynolds, I suggest you wait in my room or in the lobby until we can get Dr. Faraday dressed and in a more pleasing frame of mind. If you'll excuse me…" Madeleine looked pointedly at the door.

  Miss Reynolds left the room in a huff, and Madeleine shut the door. She rushed back to the bed and reached for Steven's hand, counting his pulse.

  "Oh, Steven. What have you done? Mike, does he have any drugs in his bathroom? I looked in the medicine cabinet yesterday. I thought I saw several bottles. You don't think he would take…"

  "I don't know what's gotten into him. He's never taken anything before...not that I know of."

  "And where were you yesterday? I asked you to stay with him while I was gone. When I got back, he was alone. Also, he woke up in the middle of the night. Where were you?"

  Mike had the grace to look guilty. "Madeleine, I'm sorry. I thought of something, and I had to run to the lab. Scientists are like that. And last night I waited for him to fall asleep then I went to my room."

  Madeleine looked at Steven again. He closed his mouth and appeared slightly better.

  "Get me a shirt and pair of pants out of the closet."

  "You aren't going to dress him, are you?"

  "Of course not. I'm going to put his shirt on. You are going to change his pants and help me get him to the window. It's his favorite place. He might perk up a bit. We can't have Miss Reynolds turning tail and running out on him. It would be terrible. I can't imagine how he might react."

  She hurriedly pulled a polo shirt over Steven's head. "Bring me a comb and a wash cloth."

  She ran the comb through his hair and dabbed at his face. "That's better. Now, Steven, look at me."

  He turned his head slightly but never made eye contact.

  "Put his pants on, and I'll help you move him to the window. I'll be in the kitchen, heating up his tray. He's got to eat."

  She walked into the other room and looked for the tray. She prepared the plate then put it in the microwave. When it was finished, she picked up the tray and yelled through the door. "Are you done?"

  "Yes, come in."

  Madeleine put the tray near the window and came back to help Mike. He had Steven sitting up with his feet on the floor. Madeleine sat beside him and put his arm around her shoulders. "I'm ready. Lift."

  Mike pulled and she pushed, and they half-walked, half-carried Steven to the window.

  She pulled a chair closer. "
All right. Let her in."

  Miss Reynolds trailed in uncertainly, and Madeleine smiled at her. "He hasn't eaten. Would you like to help him or would you rather watch?"

  Miss Reynolds came and perched daintily on the end of the chair. "You have to feed him?"

  "No, this is unusual. He eats by himself every day. He walks, runs, swims, lifts weights. I don't understand it. He can do anything but talk. Most of the time I'm not too sure what he thinks about. He doesn't always pay attention, but he was getting better."

  Miss Reynolds didn't appear to want to feed Steven, so Madeleine picked up a fork and offered some scrambled eggs. He opened his mouth and chewed at the food. Some of it fell out of the corner of his mouth, and Madeleine winced. He wasn't making a very favorable impression on his future wife.

  She struggled to get food in him for almost fifteen minutes. When he turned his head away, she put the fork down. He'd eaten about half the food on the tray.

  She handed him the glass of orange juice, but he didn't look at it. She held the glass to his mouth, and he swallowed some. She wiped his face then rose. "I'm going to eat my own cold breakfast, Miss Reynolds. If you need me, call me."

  "I have to go to the lab," said Mike, stumbling to the door. "Uh, I'll see you later."

  Miss Reynolds whirled around. "What do you want me to do?"

  "Talk to him. I talk to him all the time. Make him want to converse with you. Tell him what you've been doing. Tell him how much you love him. And if you can't manage that, read a book."

  Madeleine flounced out of the room. She knew she wasn't on her best behavior, and it hurt her.

  Why, Lord? Why am I so hostile to that woman? Don't let her do anything to hurt Steven.

  She walked out to the balcony and ate the limp bacon and congealed eggs. Even the toast was damp. She picked at it then drank her juice. Her coffee was cold, so she set the tray in the hall and walked into Steven's room.

  Miss Reynolds yelled at Steven as if he was hard of hearing.

  Madeleine ignored her and heated her coffee in the microwave. What were they going to do all day? Steven's silence had never bothered her before. She'd always felt they communicated somehow. Now the silence of an entire day stretched before her.


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