Madeleine & the Mind

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Madeleine & the Mind Page 13

by Felicia Mires

  "I don't see how we can exclude her now. She is supposed to be the one with the book, and she has the date with Dr. Giliteau. As I see it, you have two choices. We can put a wire on Miss Price and follow her on her date where she will tell Dr. Giliteau she has found some papers in the book, or, you go back to the Institute, she mentions to Dr. Giliteau she found the papers and offers to bring them with her the next night. It's taking a chance. I expect him to come to your rooms while you are sleeping. He can't afford to risk Miss Price showing the documents to Dr. Hanover."

  "Why does he have to go to Madeleine's room? What if she says she left them on my desk because she tried to get me to look at them?" Steven asked.

  "Would that be in keeping with your usual behavior?"

  "Yes," said Madeleine. "Everyone knows I pester Steven with new things all the time."

  "You think our wisest course of action will be for you to entice Dr. Giliteau with the plans. I'll need to get officers in both of your rooms. In fact, I see no reason for you to be in your room, Dr. Faraday. We can put one of my men in your bed and you can stay with Miss Price and another officer in her room."

  As long as she and Steven wouldn't be alone together all night. Her future husband would be too much of a temptation.

  He turned and smiled at her, and her face flamed.

  They made plans with Inspector Banderas. Madeleine would meet with Dr. Giliteau during the day. She would explain how she had found the papers and offer to show them to him the next evening during their date. The inspector and two of his men would meet Steven at the pool entrance at ten o'clock. That would be late enough for Steven and the officers to get upstairs without being seen. They decided not to tell Mike what they were doing.

  "Before we leave the police station, there's something we need. I have only one copy of my design. Would it be possible to copy all the plans?"

  Inspector Banderas looked at Steven. "I was thinking the Embassy, but if Miss Price is shadowed by those working with Dr. Giliteau, it wouldn't be safe for you to visit there. What did you have in mind?"

  "We have no choice but to hide a second set somewhere in the Institute. I can't risk losing the only copy I have."

  Inspector Banderas drove them back. For the rest of the day, Madeleine and Steven had to pretend that nothing had changed. They would have to spend time at the pool, the maze, the gym, everywhere she usually took Steven.

  When they arrived at the Institute, they went straight to their rooms. Lunch was waiting, and it was cold.

  Madeleine picked at her food. "Do you realize how many cold meals I've eaten for you?"

  "You were always so determined to put me ahead of yourself. I think you're wonderful."

  "I could listen to you laugh for the rest of my life. Hey, you promised to talk to me all day. How will you talk if we have to make appearances in public?"

  "I'm sorry, darling. We'll go out to the maze, and I'll whisper in your ear…as I nibble it."

  "I heard you talking with Mike one night. At the time, I didn't know it was you, but I guess it must have been."

  "I know. You told me you heard Mike. I wondered if you were trying to gauge my response. When did you know you were in love with me?"

  "When you kissed my hand...when Janice was here. I was in denial before that. It was at the back of my mind. I just didn't want to face it. When did you know?"

  "When I turned around and saw you at the bottom of the pool. I was crying for God to save you. When I pulled you out, you weren't breathing. I begged God to help me. I couldn't lose you."

  "He's been watching out for the both of us."

  "Especially you. Have you always been such a magnet for danger?"

  "Not until I got to Spain. I've lived the most ordinary, boring existence."

  "Somehow, I find that hard to believe. You're the most exciting woman I've ever met."

  "Will you still think so when this is over?"

  "Madeleine, the best times with you have been the quiet times, sitting in the maze, staring at clouds, which I have to say I had never done before, and listening to you read God's Word. You have such a passion for your faith. Are you ready to settle down with an old fuddy-duddy scientist?"

  "Nothing would make me happier." She kissed him on the nose.

  "I don't think so." He reached for her. "Those little kisses were fine when you were treating me like your child. I want a real kiss now."

  Before leaving for a work-out at the gym, they had to choose a hiding place for the plans. They put the book of love sonnets in a shelf with Steven's science journals. The spare set of plans were rolled up and dropped down the pole of a floor lamp.

  Madeleine and Steven finally got to the gym. Though they couldn't speak, their smiles and subtle glances spoke volumes to each other. Madeleine felt quite giddy by the time they arrived at the pool to cool off.

  There wasn't anyone in the pool, but there were sunbathers, so they felt safe. Madeleine dove in and let the bracing water refresh her. She splashed around for a while then looked for Steven. He was leaning back against the ladder, watching her. She gave him a shy smile, and he swam over to her.

  "You know," she said, "Ever since you've been teaching me to lift weights I have more strength in my arms and legs. I bet I could almost keep up with you in a race." She laughed. "Remember the first time?" He nodded his head. "You were at the end of the pool before I ever got to the deep water. Are you ready? Go."

  They swam to the end. Madeleine concentrated on swimming and ignored the desire to giggle. There was something almost comical about the pretense they were living out in front of witnesses. Steven won the race, but she had improved greatly.

  "All thanks to you. I suppose I'll have to stay in shape when I get home...maybe join a gym. Are you ready to go inside and read?"

  They left the pool and went upstairs to change and dry off. Thirty minutes later, they walked toward the maze.

  Steven paused and pulled a red rose off the bush. The petals were just opening up, the color at its brightest. He held it to Madeleine's face, and she closed her eyes to inhale the soft fragrance. He reached up and tucked the rose behind her ear then took her hand and pulled her into the maze.

  "I have to kiss you," he whispered.

  "Not outside. What if someone sees us?"

  "No one can see us in here, not even from the top floor." He put an arm around her back. "My love is like the red, red rose…"

  Madeleine gave him a soft kiss on the lips then pulled away and ran through the maze. She knew the twists and turns well. Because he wasn't expecting her to hide, she was able to lose him. But she wasn't able to hide her laughter, and she heard Steven rushing through the maze to find her.

  She reached the grape arbor just ahead of him, and he caught her in his arms. They tumbled to the ground, laughing softly. By the time they left the maze, Madeleine couldn't stop smiling.

  "You know it's almost time for dinner. Don't you think it would be an opportune time to make an appearance at the lab?"

  "Aboslutely. Set the plan in motion, but don't let Franc touch you."

  "You have nothing to worry about."

  They met Dr. Giliteau and Mike in the hallway. Dr. Giliteau grasped Madeleine by the hand. "You look radiant this afternoon. What brought about this glow of well-being?"

  Steven kept walking toward the lab, and Mike followed after him.

  "I just found the most amazing thing when I was reading. You remember that book I got from the library this morning?"

  He nodded, and there was a faint suggestion of a smile. "A book of love sonnets, was it not?"

  Madeleine acted surprised. "Imagine your noticing that. Well, inside the back cover, there were a couple of sheets of paper with Dr. Faraday's work on it. Can you believe it? I'm going to sit him down at his desk tonight and show them to him. Maybe he'll wake up!"

  "Don't get your heart set on it. We've already shown him everything in the lab. Would you like me to take a look at it?"

  Madeleine smiled
easily at him. "Would you? I'll bring it to dinner tomorrow night. I've got a sitter for Dr. Faraday." Madeleine turned casually toward the lab. "Will six o'clock be all right? I don't want to be out too late. He might make a fuss."

  "Six is fine. I might skip lunch."

  Madeleine banged on the window of the lab so Steven and Mike would come out. She wasn't going to allow a moment for Dr. Giliteau to run up to Steven's room.

  When they walked out, she gave Mike a coy glance. "Hey, Mike, bet Steven and I can beat the elevator up to our rooms."

  He looked at her strangely but played along. "As long as I ride the elevator, you're welcome to beat me."

  Now Madeleine had both avenues of travel covered. There was no way Dr. Giliteau could sneak past them to find the book. Hopefully, it would force him to wait until the middle of the night as Inspector Banderas had planned.

  Madeleine and Steven raced up the stairs and beat the elevator to the third floor. They were waiting when the door opened, and Mike straggled out. Madeleine waved a farewell to Dr. Giliteau, and the elevator closed.

  As soon as they got behind closed doors, she sagged on her bed. "You two go ahead and sit, I'll be there in a minute." Madeleine's hands shook from the tremendous pressure of appearing normal in front of Dr. Giliteau. Just knowing he was a terrorist and attempted murderer put her nerves on edge.

  Thank you, Lord. I felt your sustaining hand. Help us through the next few hours and grant us success. I love you so much, and I thank you for the blessings you've brought into my life. I thank you again, Lord, for healing Steven's memory and saving his soul. What miracles you have wrought in my life. You are a faithful God.

  Madeleine stepped to the dividing door and peeked in.

  "Mike, would you mind having dinner without me tonight? I need a few minutes to myself. I'm sure Steven would enjoy your company for awhile. And if you have to run back to the lab just bang on the door."

  "That's fine, Madeleine. I've been wondering how long it would be before you took a break. It's been days since you had time off."

  "If it wouldn't be any trouble, do you think you could watch Steven while I go out with Dr. Giliteau tomorrow night? He's taking me to dinner."

  He scowled. "Why would you want to go out with him? If you have to go, I'll take you."

  "Then who would watch Steven? Besides, I already said yes. I figured someone ought to be able to sit with him for a couple of hours."

  "Fine, but if you have a miserable time, don't blame me. I tried to warn you."

  Madeleine ducked back into her room. Steven had stood behind Mike's back and blown her kisses during the entire conversation.

  She giggled to herself. She'd never seen a scientist with such an uninhibited sense of humor. Come to think of it, she'd never met a scientist until she arrived at the Institute.

  When dinner was over, Mike played chess with Steven. This gave Madeleine even more time to rest. If she was going to stay awake all night, waiting for the plans to be stolen, she needed to sleep.

  A couple hours later, Mike knocked on the door, and Madeleine staggered up. "Ok, coming."

  She opened the door. "You leaving? I'll see you tomorrow."

  "Good night, Madeleine. 'Night Steven."

  Mike stepped out the door, and Steven locked it. Then he went over to ruffle Madeleine's hair. "Hey, sleepyhead. You look adorable. Did you get a nap?"

  She smiled up at him. "I did. Now it's your turn. I'll wake you at nine-thirty."

  He leaned on the doorjamb. "How can I sleep when I know you'll be in the next room?"

  "Like you did every other night I've been in the next room. Besides, tomorrow…a new life."

  "Our wedding."

  "Our honeymoon."

  "Now, I'll really have difficulty sleeping."

  She gave him a kiss then pushed him toward his bed. "There, now go rest. I'll need you tonight."

  That sobered him, and he walked to the bed. "Madeleine…"


  "Don't shut the door all the way. I want to be able to hear you."

  "All right, sweetums."

  The side of his mouth quirked. "Don't I get a more grown-up nickname now?"

  "I've always thought it kind of suited you, all six foot, three inches of you, darling love of my life."

  "That's better. Good night."

  Madeleine read for a while then straightened her things. She didn't want her belongings strewn about when the police arrived.

  Before it was time to wake Steven, she did some heavy-duty praying. What they expected to happen could be very dangerous for them all. She wanted God's guidance and his protection for each one of them. She also wanted the plan to work. She was ready to leave the Institute.

  As she got up from her bed, she took one last glance around the room. Did she have everything they might need for an all- night vigil?

  Coffee. She should make a pot of coffee. Steven had a coffee- maker in his room. But what about snacks?

  She took a peek through the door at Steven. He was still sleeping, with one arm thrown up over his head. So endearing.

  Without making a sound, Madeleine opened her door and left her room. She walked down the hall toward the vending machines, and as she passed the elevator, the doors opened.

  Dr. Giliteau stood inside.

  It was a guess as to who was more surprised.

  Madeleine felt fear rise in her throat. She said a silent prayer and tried to speak naturally.

  "Franc! What are you doing? I thought your room was on another floor."

  "Yes, what are you doing?"

  "I got hungry for a late-night snack. I was just headed to the candy machine. Would you like to join me?"

  "I don't think so. Where is Dr. Faraday?"

  She didn't like that question or the look in his eyes, dangerous and cornered, like he was making up his mind what to do.

  "In his room. You want to see him?"

  "No. Did you show him the plans?"

  Madeleine thought quickly. The book was still on a shelf in Steven's room. It wouldn't look like she'd shown him the plans. "No, he fell asleep before I could."

  Dr. Giliteau's eyes opened wider. "You mean he's asleep?"


  "I want to see the plans."

  Madeleine smiled. "Oh, I'll bring them tomorrow."

  "I want to see them now." He held up a gun. "If you make a sound, I'll shoot you both. And don't pretend you wouldn't care. I've seen the way you look at that imbecile. You're besotted with him."

  "I don't know what you're talking about. He's my patient."

  "Shut up! Take me to his room right now and get the plans. If you wake him, I'll shoot. There's a silencer on my gun. No one will even know you're dead until morning, and I'll be long gone."

  "I won't wake him, but it's dark in there. How will I see?"

  "I came prepared." He held up a penlight. "Now move."

  Madeleine walked back to her room, furiously considering any way this could turn out right. She had only one hope. If he tried to exit the building at the door to the pool, maybe the Inspector and his men would be waiting. Maybe she wouldn't get shot.

  With silent footsteps, she entered Steven's room. Though she couldn't hear Dr. Giliteau, she knew he followed behind her from the force of the gun in her back.

  She paused a few seconds to allow her eyes to grow accustomed to the darkness then crept in the general direction of the bookcase. When she stopped, Dr. Giliteau shined the penlight on the books.

  When he illuminated the love sonnets, Madeleine's hand reached out. He must have noted her action because he brought the light back. She removed the book and turned to go. They made it to her room, and he pushed Madeleine to the door.

  "I don't have any shoes," she whispered.

  "Get them."

  He took the book from her as Madeleine knelt at her bed and put on her shoes. Then he shined the light in her eyes. "Get going."

  As soon as her door closed, Madeleine turned to confront him
. "What do you want now? You have the plans."

  "You're going with me. I can't have you running your mouth. Or would you prefer I shoot you now?"

  "You're a low-down despicable person."

  He slapped her across the face. "And you are an infidel not fit to wipe my feet. Take the stairs."

  Madeleine's face stung, but she didn't cry.

  She walked to the stairwell and opened the door. What would happen if they left the building? How would Steven look for her?

  Franc didn't speak as they climbed down three flights of stairs. Before they left the stairwell, he stopped her. "If we meet anyone, act naturally. Remember, there is a gun pointed at you."

  She walked down the hall toward the pool door. If only he wouldn't alter their direction.

  As Madeleine reached out to open the door, she heard the elevator open behind them. She didn't hesitate but pushed through the door. She couldn't risk anyone else getting shot.

  As soon as she opened the door, she saw Inspector Banderas. She gave him a frightened look.

  He noticed Dr. Giliteau.

  Three things happened at once.

  Dr. Giliteau spoke. "Excuse us, please." He prodded Madeleine in the back with the gun.

  Madeleine heard Steven yell from behind them. "Duck, Madeleine!"

  Inspector Banderas and two other officers drew guns.

  Madeleine dropped to the ground, and Dr. Giliteau fell over her. In the ensuing melee, someone's gun went off, and Madeleine screamed.

  "Steven! Steven!"

  He scooped her off the ground and held her. "It's all right, Darling. Franc shot himself. I hit him in the back of the head, and as he fell, he fired his gun."

  "Is he dead?"

  He didn't have to answer because Dr. Giliteau cursed loudly.

  Inspector Banderas and his men had already cuffed the unruly scientist, and they led him away.

  Inspector Banderas walked back to Madeleine. "Are you all right?"

  "Fine. Is it over?"

  "It's over. I imagine you would like to go home now."

  Madeleine looked at Steven. He put his arm around her. "We're getting married, Inspector. Would you like to give away the bride?"

  He laughed. "I've been trying to give this woman away for weeks. I'm glad she found someone. She is too much trouble for me."


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