The Sexy Devil

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The Sexy Devil Page 8

by Kate Hoffmann

  She opened her eyes and he pulled her back into his arms. “I’m hungry,” he murmured. “We should go down.”

  Confused, Angela watched him for a moment, then reluctantly nodded. He slipped his hands around her waist and set her on the edge of the pool, then crawled out next to her. Straightening, Max helped her to her feet and collected the towels he’d brought with him, wrapping one beneath Angie’s arms to hide her naked breasts.

  They rode the elevator down three floors to his twenty-second floor apartment. When they opened the door, the chill from the air conditioning rushed out.

  “You should get out of that wet suit,” he said softly, his gaze fixed on her mouth. Max rubbed her arms and her skin prickled beneath his touch. “I’ll get you something warmer to wear.”

  She stared at him, silently, as if she were waiting for something more than words. “Here we are again,” she said. “With just a towel between us.”

  “I don’t-”

  “The last time we were in your apartment, you were wearing it.” She reached down and slipped out of the bottom to her suit, letting it drop to the floor before kicking it aside.

  This was crazy, Max thought. They were both consenting adults. Why wait any longer? And she was right. All it would take was just a flick of his finger and the towel would be gone. He reached down, smoothing his hand over her shoulder. “You really want to do this? I can wait.”

  “Why are you waiting?” she asked.

  “I don’t want to mess this up,” he said. “But if you really want-”

  Angie nodded. “Yes, I really want this. Do you?”

  “Oh, God, yes,” he said.

  A moment later, the towel fell to the floor and she stood in front of him, naked. Max wasn’t quite sure what to do first. He picked up the towel and rubbed it over her body. He’d never denied himself before, never even considered the consequences of indulging in recreational sex. But it was different now. He needed this to be right between them.

  She grabbed the towel from his hands and began to rub it over his chest. Then she hooked her finger in the waistband of his board shorts. “You should get out of your wet suit,” she murmured.

  He slowly shoved the shorts down over his hips, then let them fall to his feet. Drawing a deep breath Max waited, allowing her to make the next move. She made work of drying him off and every time she came close to his growing erection, he held his breath. There was no ignoring the fact that he was aroused, but she was doing a pretty good job of it.

  When she finally tossed the towel aside, Max slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her body against his. The contact was everything he’d expected it to be, electric and overwhelming, so powerful that he thought he might come before she even touched him.

  With nothing between them, they were both free to explore each other’s body and they did, slowly, silently, each caress a tantalizing prelude to the next.

  There was nothing of the practiced seducer in him anymore. He wanted to proceed at her speed, making sure that his pleasure was secondary to hers.

  The distance that she usually kept between them was suddenly gone, dissolving the moment her naked body touched his. She arched into his touch, her breathing quick and shallow, her lips searching for his. And when her fingers finally grazed his rigid cock, Max was ready to explode.

  He clenched his jaw and drew a deep breath, thinking about the embarrassment he’d suffer if he let himself go to soon. The thought was enough to temper his need.

  Slowly, she stroked him, her touch soft, but firm, and he grew even harder beneath her caress. Max pressed his lips into the curve of her neck, listening to her soft gasps and tiny sighs. And when he finally touched her between her legs, the gasps turned into a moan of such intensity that he thought she’d reached her peak already.

  He stopped, then began again, this time his caress more gentle. If they only had one night together, it would be the best night she’d ever experienced. He’d bring her to an orgasm so powerful that she’d never forget it. So powerful that she’d want to experience it over and over again.

  ANGELA KNEW SHE WAS CLOSE. His gentle assault sent wild sensations coursing through her body. She could barely form a rational thought, yet she was almost afraid to let go.

  If she did, everything she’d ever thought about him, every negative stereotype she’d attached to him, would be gone. She’d never be able to think of him without remembering this. He wanted her, needed her as much as she needed him. This wasn’t just a casual seduction; they shared something between them, something special.

  A current flashed through her body and suddenly, she was there, on the edge again. Let go, her mind screamed. Surrender and everything will be all right. But could she trust that he’d be there to catch her?

  A slow ache built inside of her, a tension she could no longer deny. Casting caution and common sense to the wind, Angela surrendered, her mind completely focused on the feel of his fingers between her legs.

  The first spasm hit her hard and by complete surprise. She cried out, grabbing his shoulders to maintain her balance. When the shudders came, she jerked away, unable to take it anymore. But he was there again, drawing her orgasm out, making her give him every last bit of her soul.

  When it was finally over, she leaned against him, her legs weak, her body completely spent. She’d never experienced anything so powerful before. Angela closed her eyes and felt the tears well up in her throat. If she was wrong about him, if this was the end instead of the beginning, then she’d regret this night for her entire life.

  “Are you all right?” he whispered.

  She nodded, her cheek pressed against his chest. “I think so.”

  “Would you like to continue or do you want to rest for a while?”

  She pressed a kiss to his chest, amused by the question. “I think I can continue.”

  “Good,” he growled, scooping her up into his arms. He carried her down the hall to his bedroom, then dropped her onto the bed, stretching out on top of her and trapping her body beneath his, his hands braced on either side of her head. “You know that once we do this, we’re going to want to do it again. And again.”

  “I’m counting on that,” Angela said.

  He bent his elbows, his mouth hovering over hers. “Are you ready?”

  “Yes,” Angela murmured.

  He kissed her, his lips soft against hers, his tongue tracing the shape of her lower lip. As she lost herself in the tantalizing taste of his mouth, he reached down and pulled her leg up beside his hip. Angela knew that with just one shift of her body, he could be inside of her. But she was willing to wait, allowing Max to choose the moment.

  As his mouth drifted over her body, Angela closed her eyes and enjoyed the fresh rush of need that pulsed through her veins. Though the after-effects of her orgasm still controlled her responses, she felt a new desire begin to grow inside her.

  Again and again, he brought her close, with his fingers, with his tongue, until she was whispering his name, pleading for relief. When she tried to finish it herself, he gently drew her hand away and then began again.

  When she finally couldn’t take any more, he sensed her need. Before she could open her eyes, he had retrieved a condom from the bedside table and sheathed himself. She waited, arching against him as he settled between her legs. And then he was there, softly, slowly entering her, inch by delicious inch.

  Angela held her breath, the pleasure so intense every nerve in her body was on fire. Max began to move, drawing away and then driving into her in a languid rhythm that betrayed his own desire.

  She looked up at him and he smiled sleepily, his eyes drifting shut with each thrust. Her pleasure only intensified and she was surprised at how quickly he brought her back to the edge again.

  Her fingers dug into his shoulders as she urged him on, deeper and faster, bringing her closer and closer. And then, to Angela’s astonishment, another orgasm wracked her body. But this time, he was with her, tensing, then shuddering as he thrus
t deep and hard.

  When it was over, Max kissed her softly, nuzzling his nose against hers. It had been everything she’d dreamed it might be and so much more. Maybe Ceci was right, Angela mused. Maybe this was some kind of karma. They seemed to fit together so perfectly, as if they’d been made for each other.

  He lay down beside her, his hand clutching hers, his gaze fixed on the ceiling. “I’m really, really hungry.” His stomach growled and he pulled her hand up and kissed it. “Sorry. There are just certain parts of my body I can’t control.”

  Angela turned over and patted his belly. “We can order pizza now.”

  “Pizza will take too long. I want something sweet,” he said. “Not that your body wasn’t delicious, but I need carbs right now if we’re going to do this again.”

  “Are we going to do this again?” Angela asked.

  “Damn right we are,” he said, sitting up. “Do you think we could send out for ice cream? Does Dairy Queen deliver?”

  “No,” Angela said. “But I have another idea. Go get my bag. I think I left it next to the door.”

  He crawled out of bed and Angela watched as he walked out of the room, admiring his wide shoulders and tight backside. He really did have an incredible body, so perfect. Except for the surgical scar on his shoulder, he could pass for one of those Greek statues. She wondered how many other women had admired his butt from the seats of various baseball stadiums.

  When he returned, Max set the bag on the bed.

  “Please, tell me you have a candy bar in there.”

  “Nope. Do you have milk? We need milk.”

  He left again and Angela pulled out the desserts she’d pilfered from the stadium. Spreading the napkins on the bed, she rearranged the miniature cream puffs and éclairs and frosted brownies on the napkin, then waited for him to return.

  When he did, he stopped at the door of the bed room, staring at the feast laid out on his bed. “I’ve never understood the mysteries that lie at the bottom of a woman’s bag, but I won’t question this one.”

  Angela patted the spot beside her. “Sit.”

  He handed her the half-gallon of milk and she set it down beside her bag. “Is there a fully-equipped pastry kitchen in your purse?”

  “No, I took these from the table at the ball game.

  They were just going to go to waste and they were so good.”

  He tipped his head back and laughed. “I swear the surprises never end with you, Angela. And just when I think I have you figured out.”

  “What’s surprising? That I’d steal goodies for future consumption? I’m a very practical girl, Max.

  You should know that by now.”

  “That you’d admit it with such unabashed glee.

  Besides it’s not stealing when it belonged to you in the first place. It’s relocating. Or even liberating. You liberated those éclairs.”

  She picked one up and held it out to him. “Taste.”

  Max bit into it and then moaned softly. “These are good.”

  “Better than sex?”

  Max pretended to consider his answer, furrowing his brow. “Better than bad sex. Doesn’t touch what we have, though. That would take a double chocolate cheesecake with raspberry sauce and whipped cream.”

  Angela pretended she was insulted, then playfully pushed an éclair into his nose, leaving custard dripping onto his chin. But before he could return the favor, she leaned forward and caught the dripping custard with her tongue. Slowly, she licked the rest of the mess off his face.

  “Do that again,” he murmured.

  Angela straddled his crossed legs, facing him, the éclair in her hand. She touched the chocolate to his nose, then licked it off. Dotting custard and chocolate on different parts of his body, his shoulder, his chest, his biceps, she used it to explore the perfection of his form.

  When she was through, she took a huge bite of the éclair and handed it to him. “Yum,” she said with a wicked grin.

  “Now I’m all sticky,” he said.

  “We could go back up to the roof for a swim.”

  “That sounds like a plan,” he said. “Or we could just take a shower.”

  She lay down next to him and groaned. “I love éclairs but I don’t think they love me.” Angela rubbed her belly. “Let’s stay here a bit longer. I’m not sure my legs are fully functional yet.”

  He grabbed the milk and took a long drink, then set it aside. “I could get used to this,” he said.

  “Eating éclairs in bed?”

  “No, having you in my bed. Naked and happy. I like it.”

  Angela smiled to herself. She’d expected to feel a tiny bit of guilt over what they’d done, a sliver of doubt over her choice. But there was nothing about what happened between them she could regret.

  “I guess our second date went pretty well,” he said, staring up at the ceiling again. “Swimming, sex and dessert. My batting average is quickly rising.”

  She reached out and smoothed her hand over his belly, coming to rest at his groin. “You’ve got a few more innings left to play, Max,” she said.


  MAX ROLLED OVER IN BED, opening one eye to the morning light. A sharp pain in his shoulder caused him to curse and he rolled back again, working out the twinge. Though the surgery had been nearly four months ago, he still had pain. Either the swimming or the sex had been too much for him and considering how much time he spent at both last night, Max was sure it wasn’t the swimming.

  When the ache had subsided, he sat up and found the other side of the bed empty. “Angela?” he called. His voice echoed through the silent apartment. Then he noticed the note on her pillow. Max snatched it up. “I have to work sometime. Date number two tonight. Better make it good.”

  He chuckled, then flopped back down onto his pillow. Smiling seemed to be the only thing he could manage. His body was exhausted, his desire completely sated and he felt completely transformed. He reached for the phone beside the bed, ready to call her, merely to hear her voice. Then he realized he didn’t know her number by memory yet.

  At that very moment, the phone rang and he reached out and grabbed it. “You better have a very good reason for leaving my bed this morning,” he said.

  “Some of us have to work,” Angie replied. “And with all the noise I made, you didn’t even move. You were snoring.”

  “I’m sure that was attractive,” he said. “What time did you leave?”

  “About an hour ago. I caught a cab. I just got home.

  I’m going to shower and then head into work.”

  “Why don’t you shower and head back here?” he said. “You’re the boss, you can take the day off.”

  “I took yesterday off,” she said. “And if the boss doesn’t work, the boss doesn’t make money.”

  “I have plenty of money for both of us,” Max said.

  “I’m not dating you for your money,” she said.

  “Why are you dating me?” he asked.

  “For your body. Call me later. Tonight, I get to choose what we do. Go back to sleep.”

  “Bye, baby,” he said.

  “Bye,” she cooed.

  The line went dead. He switched off the phone and tossed it aside. But almost immediately, it rang again. “She can’t get enough of me,” Max murmured.

  He pushed the button and held it to his ear. “I knew you’d change your mind. My bed is so lonely without you.”

  “That is not what a mother wants to hear first thing in the morning, Max.”

  He winced, biting back a curse. “Hi, Mom.”

  “Hello, darling. I won’t bother asking you what you’ve been doing.”

  “It’s not what you think,” he said.

  “I prefer not to think about it,” she said. “Get out of bed and get dressed. I’m on my way to your place. We’re going to have coffee. I’ll pick you up out front in five minutes.”

  Max ran his hand over his chest. He was still sticky from last night’s adventure with the éclairs. “Give me
ten. I have to hop in the shower.”

  “All right. I’ll see you in a few minutes.” Max drew a deep breath and rolled out of bed. Reaching behind his head, he stretched the kinks out of his shoulder, then rubbed at the scar as he walked to the bathroom.

  Five minutes was all he needed for a shower and five minutes after that, he was downstairs, watching for his mother’s car. When the Saab pulled up, he hopped in the passenger side, then leaned over and gave his mom a kiss on the cheek.

  “Where’s the nearest coffee shop?” she asked.

  “Out the driveway, then take your first left. As long as we’re in the car, we’ll go to my favorite place.”

  Max gave her directions as they drove west. The coffee shop, Beanie’s, was in a busy part of the Lincoln Park neighborhood. He kept his eye out for a parking place, but knew that at this time of the day, it would be a while before they found something close. To his surprise, his mother pulled into a spot a few moments later.

  “Why is it I can search forever for a spot and you always find one the minute you start looking?”

  “You’re buying me coffee,” Maggie Morgan said as she stepped out of the car.

  “It’s free,” Max said. “I own this place.”

  “Really?” She stared up the facade. “It’s very nice. So you feed them drinks at night and soothe their hangovers in the morning. Your father would call that smart business.” She walked past him. “Too bad you don’t conduct your personal life with such care.”

  “Here we go,” Max muttered. All of this because he’d made a mistake answering the phone. He followed his mother inside, then ordered coffees and pastries for them both. They found a table near the window and he pulled out her chair for her. “Before you start in on me, I’ll just say that the woman I was with last night is someone pretty special.”

  “Movie star or model?”

  “Neither. Just a regular, normal girl. Well, not normal. Very pretty. And nice. You’d like her.”


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