To Fool an Assassin (Women of Purgatory Book 1)

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To Fool an Assassin (Women of Purgatory Book 1) Page 28

by Kells, India

  “Nothing, honey. I just hate when you get this vacant look. It brings me back to a place I hope never to be again.”

  She scooted onto the tiny single bed and rearranged the pillow to invite him beside her. The air was hot and humid even indoors, but he couldn’t resist the invitation to get closer. He leaned against the wall as Gabrielle crawled in his embrace. They faced the slim window that offered them a piece of setting sun and sky. He started tracing her spine, up and down, and up and down again. Part of the repetitive motion took his mind off what would happen when the moon was high. The thoughts of the woman in his arms probably drifted to the same matter. They didn’t have much time before getting ready, so lightening the mood was perhaps the best option.

  “I’m glad we could get a room away from Bea and James. You remember in Africa when you suspected something between them, but didn’t have any proof or acknowledgment from Beatrice? Well, honey, I can tell you they’re a couple.”

  Gabrielle twisted a little. “And what is the proof?”

  “The many nights I heard them going at it in your guest room when they both thought we were asleep. It was a revelation to learn that James is a real screamer.”

  Gabrielle started laughing and lightly pinched his side. “Well, I don’t remember and I don’t mind. And talking about awkward, how is it going between you and Lance?”

  Sighing, Sully leaned his head against the wall. Not his favorite topic to discuss with her.

  “Better, I guess. And a lot is because of you.”

  “Of me?”

  “Yeah, for not acting jealous and taking Lance in, even if he makes stupid jokes and remarks about us.”

  Gabrielle nodded and put her cheek against his chest. “I’m a jealous girl, baby. Don’t forget about that. But I won’t hold your past against you. I trust you, but I will kick any woman or man coming too close to you from now on.”

  Sully smiled. “And here I thought you were a pragmatic woman with a level head.”

  “I’m that, too. Most of the time, I’m the ice queen, as Lance said. But when you’re concerned, I tend to lose my cool.”

  “Wow, I have thawed the ice queen.”

  “You make me sound like a piece of defrosting meat.”

  “Oh yeah, and it reminds me I’m a carnivore.”

  Sully lowered his head to capture her lips and growled in the process. Breaking the kiss, he inhaled deeply. “We should sleep, honey. Only a few hours before we have to deploy.”

  “Yeah, you’re right.” And as he was about to slide down to lie with her, she twisted to straddle him and removed her towel.

  “Honey.” His voice caught and Sully knew he was a goner. Gabrielle leaned down to kiss him, but he sucked her inviting nipple in his mouth instead. His hands slid down her ribcage before settling over her ass, caressing the back of her thighs. Enticingly, she rubbed her sex against him, setting the rhythm, cradling him in warm and soft heat. He let go of her breast to take her lips when she returned the favor and capture his flat nipple with her teeth, tugging a little before soothing the sting with her tongue.

  Gabrielle didn’t stay there long and started to kiss a path down his chest, licking, biting and rubbing her cheek against every inch of skin. Sully closed his eyes to enjoy the sensation, cradling her head and rocking his hips slightly. He couldn’t help himself and wondered how long this desperation would haunt him each time he made love with her.

  When her skin rubbed against his sex, he forced himself to untangle his fingers from her hair and looked down at her. As they locked gazes, she took him deep into her mouth and he growled, entranced by the sight. She was a temptress, a Pagan goddess over him. So different now, as she was so open, carefree when they were alone. Since they’d first met, they both had changed in so many ways, but the connection between them was still there, intact.

  He was hers, too, always was from the beginning. Hers to love and to take. Pleasure began to soar inside of him and he knew if he let her, he would lose his mind too soon. As she started to lick him with fire in her blue eyes, he decided to regain control. He didn’t want to come that way now, not when they were about to face danger again. He didn’t want a mindless orgasm. He wanted much more from her, with her.

  Sully grabbed her arms and turned her on the tiny bed to be on top of her. Naturally, she circled his hips with her legs and smiled.

  “Was I getting to you, sailor?”

  “Honey, you already did.” He wanted to sound funny, but his voice was raw and gruff, way too serious. He couldn’t help himself. The only true answer he could give was to bury himself inside of her.


  Long after, as his heart still raced and his sweating skin was plastered against hers, Sully didn’t care if sleep eluded him for the rest of his life. There were so many better things to do than sleep in this lifetime. He slid out of her and gathered her lax body into his arms, as her hand rested over his heart.

  “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to leave you alone, honey. Even now, when I can’t even consider moving a muscle, I still want you.”

  “You won’t hear me complaining, sailor. In fact, I’m ready when you’re.”

  He contained a laugh. “Yeah, on that front, I can guarantee we’re on the same page.”

  Gabrielle propped herself up on one elbow. “And what about the other pages?”

  Frowning, Sully put an arm behind his head. “What other pages?”

  “Even after all that time I spent in limbo, what if your other ambitions have changed? Of course we have started discussing this topic, and although I’ve thought about it, I don’t think I could ever become a housewife.”

  Now, Sully couldn’t help laughing, but stopped as soon as he realized she wasn’t joking.

  “First, Gabrielle, I never asked for that, and second, you’re as close to being a housewife as being that Southern blonde bombshell who came barging in my cell in Pretoria. You’re who you’re. A mercenary, a soldier, a team leader … As long as you remember you’re my wife and come back to me, you can be whoever you want. I don’t give a damn, just be happy. Is that what you’re worried about?”

  “You’re a captain, and a brilliant Navy SEAL … you can aspire to great achievements. Maybe even becoming an admiral someday, if you put your mind to it. I’ll always remain in the shadows, Sullivan. Because of my past, but also because of what I do. You have to think about your own happiness, too. I don’t want to impede on that.”

  Now he sat back up. The very fact she so rarely called him by his given name made his gut wrench. He made her sit by his side and took her ring hand. “Gabrielle, you’re what makes me happy. I’m and always have been more of a rogue, that’s why I became a SEAL. I never wanted glory and medals. I want to push myself to the limit and when I reach it, push myself some more. I can never be the diplomatic politician James is. What you see is what you get. And what I want, I gotta have. You’re what I want. I’m flattered you see me with such potential, but I assure you it isn’t within my grasp. And even if it was, I wouldn’t take it. From a career point of view, I would like to return to the Teams for now and stay until my body says otherwise. I still have some good years ahead of me, but not much. After? I’m at the same place as you’re. I don’t know. And frankly, I don’t care.”

  “You don’t care?” Gabrielle eyed him with disbelief.

  Oh, how much he loved this woman.

  He shook his head. “No, because, right here and now, I’m with my wife. The woman I love and I thought I would never find. What could I ask for more? Oh yeah, I know. Some peace and an uninterrupted night with her.”

  Gabrielle lowered her gaze for a moment and started tracing the contour of his fingers with her hand, often circling his black wedding band. “When did you know I was the woman you were waiting for? And don’t say the prison cell in Pretoria. You were not even coherent for the most part of it.”

  Sully thought about it for a moment. “I cannot pinpoint an exact moment, honey, of when I fell for you.
But I know when I realized I had strong feelings I couldn’t deny.”

  She locked her eyes with him again. “When?”

  “When I woke up for the second time in a jail cell, with you beside me and surrounded by the rebels. I remember how I felt when they took you away, to rape you.” Sully swallowed the bile coming up just by bringing that memory to mind. “I felt powerless and when you screamed …” He shook his head. “Part of me died then. And when you came out of the room unharmed, you had me hooked. I was in awe. The first time it happened to me in my damned life. I never knew I needed a woman such as you, a fierce and fearless badass.”

  “I didn’t feel much of a badass back then. But I knew I had to succeed for you to live. Unknowingly, you were a great motivator.”

  “Good to know. And you? When did you fall for the mighty SEAL I’m?”

  “You mean, when I started to see past the annoying cowboy you’re?”

  He glanced up and saw her repressing a smile. “Very funny. I was being serious, you know.”

  She kissed his bearded cheek and he relaxed. “I know you were. I was just teasing you. So, when did I fell in love with you? I’ve trouble pinpointing an exact moment, but it expanded quickly. I cared about you. Then I worried about you. When I accepted to marry you, I had strong feelings, that’s for sure, even though, to be honest, I believed it would be a short-lived marriage. But there is one moment I knew I was a goner.”

  “When?” His heart thumped in his chest so hard, he thought it would leap out.

  Sully saw she was shaken by the memory and took her hand, giving her that extra push to finish. “I realized how deeply I respected and loved you when I drugged you. The look on your face when you realized what I had done, the words you said to me, are etched in my mind for the rest of my life. And not in a good way. I had deceived you, but I wanted you alive so bad. It’s when I knew I was ready to die for you. Because I love you.”

  He didn’t think and simply hugged her as closely and tightly as he could manage. And even that wasn’t enough. It would never be enough. They stayed in a tight embrace for a long time, soothing raw emotions with their mutual warmth. Sully buried his nose in her neck and paused for her moment. Then he whispered in her ear, “Let’s finish what we have started, and put this behind us. After, I’m kidnapping you for a well-deserved honeymoon.”

  Gabrielle straightened her head and kissed his cheek. “Wow, I never thought it possible to love you even more, Captain Thorne.

  “And imagine, you haven’t seen me in uniform yet.”

  Gabrielle smiled. “One fantasy to test … But later if you don’t mind.”

  He was about to show her he was willing to fulfill all her fantasies, when the phone rang.

  One look at her and she nodded. Business first.

  Gabrielle stretched and answered. The conversation was brief and ended by Gabrielle saying they would be down soon.

  “It is James. They’re waiting for us in the basement conference room. There seems to be something under the temple, after all.”

  Chapter 13

  The conference room was cramped with people. It was quite a large room, but with their little group plus two additional SEAL Teams, the amount of muscle and testosterone dwarfed what was left of the two women in there. Gabrielle wasn’t complaining—they would need as much help as they could get—but for the non-initiated, this small army of highly trained and specialized men could be intimidating. When she glanced at them, she mostly saw warriors; some of them winked at her, and others ignored her, their sole attention on the admiral.

  All of them were geared up, prepared for anything, and so was she. It was the first time she would work with so many people, though. The largest group she ever worked with was four people, including the support. Even the black tactical outfit with bulletproof vest was new to her. After all, blending in and mobility were more important than protection in her line of work.

  Sully was talking to some of them, members of his current Team. They made quite a stunning group of men. After a moment, as if he sensed her gaze, he turned his head and winked. She refrained from following him. From training and missions, she knew these men had a special bond and she valued it. Almost envied him. Of course, she had built a friendship with Bea, Rickard, Mac, Ana, and many others, but it was a distant one. She hadn’t shed blood with them, suffered on the field with them. A pack of lone wolves working together, that was more like Purgatory.

  She turned in her chair to study the two maps on the far wall—one was a satellite view of the temple, the other a copy of what resembled an old map of underground tunnels. It was quite a long shot to think the tunnels from one side of the mountain were leading to a series of caves connecting to Simon’s potential hideout.

  The more time passed, the more James looked gaunt and tired. She couldn’t fathom how a father would feel if he learned his only son was a psycho maniac. And still he pursued, with the ultimate goal of stopping him. Of stopping the whole organization. She knew now why Beatrice wasn’t leaving his side. How could she leave him alone to deal with all this? In her shoes, she would do the same thing.

  As the room buzzed with activity, she remained silent, and tried again to search her memory. Since the Durga illumination, she hadn’t had another revelation. Even worse, her brain was going into overdrive as unanswered questions piled up like snow. Bea came to sit beside her as James was finishing another call.

  “How are you holding up?”

  Gabrielle shrugged. “I’m good. How are you holding up? And James?”

  Bea turned to glance at the admiral, who was clearly debating something crucial judging by the look on his face and stern expression. “He’s devastated. He hides it, even from me, but this whole situation with Simon … it broke something in his soul. I don’t know if he will ever heal from it.”

  “And you?”

  Bea laughed halfheartedly. “Me? I don’t know. I’m only focusing on the next step which is catching Simon. I kept contact with the remaining agents of Purgatory and they’re all on hold to know what will happen next. I had a word with Mac, and beside being pissed that I ordered her to stay put, she promised to keep contact with all our team members and support personnel. Even our mighty hacker, Dogberry, is on hold, just in case we need help. I’m very glad they’re there, taking care of everything stateside. Honestly, I can’t think about it. I only just got the confirmation that I’m not a wanted woman anymore. For once, I’ll take some good news. And most of all, James needs me. So, I’d say, let’s focus on finding that psycho and we’ll see where we go from there.”

  Gabrielle took the hand of her friend in hers. “That’s what Sully tells me every time I think too much about the future. He’s convinced that when this whole ordeal is over, the answer will come naturally.”

  Bea turned to look at Sully and then back at Gabrielle. “He’s a good man, but remember SEALs are a stubborn bunch. You’ll have your hands full with him. But on the other hand, I’m grateful to him for being the way he’s. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be here with us today.”

  Gabrielle felt her heart squeeze painfully in her chest. On impulse, she took Bea in her arms and hugged her tight. “Thank you for never giving up on me, not back then, and not now.”

  Bea returned the embrace. “Never, my friend. You’re stuck with me, in the best and the worst ways possible.”

  Gabrielle squeezed her one last time before letting her go and sitting back down. “I wouldn’t want it any other way. Plus, it will give me the opportunity to tease you mercilessly about you and James. Were you ever going to tell me?”

  Bea sat back. “I don’t know. There is so much I have to keep secret, deeply hidden, that I do it automatically, even for not so secret things.”

  “You don’t have to hide the good from me. In fact, you don’t have to hide the good, the bad, or anything in between for that matter. You know that.”

  “I know. But let’s focus on the good for now. I think both our men need it even more than w
e do.”

  Gabrielle snorted. “As two feeble women trying to protect a SEAL and an admiral?”

  This time Bea laughed and Gabrielle saw how James turned toward the sound. The link was there, for sure, and it warmed her heart. For both of them.

  “Let’s not tell them that for now.” Bea winked.

  Gabrielle turned serious for a moment. “There’s a lot of stuff still rolling around in my head, Bea, and one of them is why Alie’s baby? And why not Alie? I thought that as she escaped, she would become a liability and would have to be eliminated, from Simon’s point of view at least. And why is this baby so important? Even being a clone, Simon could recreate another one easily.”

  Bea nodded. “Yeah, I’ve thought about it, too. I asked Lance to contact Alie, and try to find out if she could remember anything particular from her stay in the laboratory, anything that would set out her baby apart. Unfortunately, nothing useful came out of it.”


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