Thread Skein (Golden Threads Trilogy Book 3)

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Thread Skein (Golden Threads Trilogy Book 3) Page 50

by Leeland Artra

  Duke laughed.

  “Duke, this isn’t funny! I know you know!”

  He rolled on his back, laughing even harder.

  Lady Lothia floated down from the ship. Dohma sheathed his sword and ran to meet her.

  “My Lady! Are you all right?”

  She smiled at him, and his heart lifted. “Yes, Lord Dohma, we shall all be fine.” She moved towards Duke and pulled him up. “Duke, please. This is supposed to be dignified.”

  That only made him laugh harder. “You found the Emerald Heart....” he said, coughing, “... but... can’t stop it! Oh, this is going to make for such fun!”

  A loud twang came from the forecastle, and a harpoon-like device slammed into the ground. Three spring-loaded hooks snapped out from it, digging into the dirt. A male voice called out, “That’s what this thing does. See if there’s another one aft.”

  Another twang came from the rear, and an identical anchor dug in. The ship stopped moving as the lines tightened. Two men were shouting at each other, trying to coordinate the activity of tying off the lines.

  Once it was anchored, a group of four floated down. One of them was clearly a Nhia-Samri mage, with her necklace glowing. The other was the largest Nhia-Samri Dohma had ever seen in full battle armor. The other two were dressed as Daggers: a tall, strong-looking man and a fit woman. She was the one who’d been asking Duke for help.

  Elades came riding out of the line, whooping. He climbed off his horse and ran to them, grabbing the woman Dagger. “Ticca! Thank the Lords and Ladies, you’re back!”

  Elades put her down and looked over the group. “Is this all that remains?” His tone was saddened.

  Ticca shook her head. “Nigan, Ditani, and Illa are still aboard.” She put a hand on Elades’ shoulder. “Carda and Malla are on their way here. We can pick them up before we head to Nae-Rea. But that’s all.”

  That got Duke’s attention. He stopped laughing. “What do you mean, we’re going to Nae-Rea? With the Emerald Heart, we can take Hisuru Amajoo down to dust.”

  Dohma thought, Ticca? This is the team that went south, that Duke said was following a long shot to stop the coming disaster.

  He scanned over the others and identified the remaining members of the team, leaving only the Nhia-Samri a mystery.

  Ticca held up a hand. “Duke, allow me to present Grand Warlord Maru-Ashua. You should listen.”

  Maru-Ashua stepped forward and bowed. “I’m pleased to be able to meet you again, Duke. We have much to discuss, and we must present all this to the assembly for a vote. If we’re fast, we can prevent unnecessary loss of life and any further animosity between our nations.”

  Dohma felt the floor drop out from beneath him. “Are you surrendering?”

  The Grand Warlord said, “Not exactly. But it will take some time to explain. If you will order your divisions to hold here, we can proceed.”

  Lord Dohma started to draw his sword. “What makes you think I’m going to go aboard that ship?”

  Maru-Ashua smiled and pointed up. Dohma’s eyes followed the gesture, and his heart skipped a beat. Standing on the forecastle, his brother and Electra waved at him, smiling.

  Duke looked back and forth and then growled. “Where is Shar-Lumen?”

  Lebuin said, “Well...uh, Ticca killed him in a duel.”

  Slapping Ticca on her shoulder, Orahda said, “Oh, you’re so going to explain that to me! Along with some other things that have been bothering me of late.”

  All the Nhia-Samri did a double take, as did Dohma. When did he get here?

  Ticca’s reaction was even more of a surprise; she let out a soft squeal of joy and jumped up, giving Orahda a bear hug.

  “Amia-Dharo!” Maru-Ashua and Eshra-Zunia said together.

  Orahda bowed. “I’m no longer in hiding, and you will stop hunting me. Yes?”

  “Yes,” Ticca said enthusiastically. “Right, Grand Warlord?” She added with a strong undertone.

  Maru-Ashua said, “Uh, yes. One moment, while I issue the order.”

  Cundia slapped Dohma so hard from behind that he stepped forward. “We get to fly on that! I knew you were going places, but back to Nae-Rae on the Emerald Heart is beyond words.”

  Dohma coughed and then asked, “Where did you two come from?”

  Laughing, Orahda said, “My Lord, you need to stop staring at Lady Neyon to see others approaching.”

  Duke shook his head. “Ticca,” he growled.


  “Will you please stop killing people I want to torture to death?”

  “I’ll try. Shall we go?”


  Vesta sat back, humming to herself. She activated the playback. On the walls, thirty displays shifted to show her Ticca and Lebuin’s return to the Duianna Alliance territories via the Lumendaria throne room.

  “You’ve watched all that at least twenty times before,” Arkady said.

  She looked over her shoulder at him. “Actually this is the forty-eighth viewing. I’m just so happy we were wrong.”

  “Well, now we have a tenth kingdom again.”

  “True. But I think it’ll work out.”

  She finished going through the whole scene again. The displays returned to all the restoration reports.

  “I just wish we had more satellites. I’m still upset we couldn’t keep up with the diurdin prototype royal frigate she sailed out of Hisuru Amajoo on. I told them not to build it.” Arkady griped. “Last I heard it was just a set of blueprints. I can’t believe they had the time to finish it.”

  “Do you think the Nhia-Samri have more of those?”

  “The emperor help us, I sure as hell hope not. Did you see the proposed specifications on that thing I sent?”

  “Yes, a sentient ship with blended technology does sound like it might be a problem.”

  “The good news is that there’s just that one building that’s big enough to house it. None of our other scans show shipyard-like activities. And Sandeep itself is still silent. If there’s anything active there, it’s well-shielded. I want to send in some spies, but if the defenses are still in place we won’t even get close enough for a visual scan.”

  “How are things on your end?”

  “Well, Thilis isn’t Gracia. But I doubt Duke will come looking here. I’ve set up a mimic set in Gracia in case anyone tries to check up on me. You’ll note we have a full grid established between Aelargo and Nasur now.”

  “Yes, I did notice you’re a lot chattier now with the extra bandwidth. I’m building a secondary grid link to Stegen.”

  “Oh, nice. It will be good to have access to the deep space sensors in Oslald’s systems.”

  “Once Electra is back, we can start making some plans for how we’re going to go about our work of helping society grow back up.”

  The city proximity alarms went off.

  “Oh, urdu, now what?”

  She focused her sensors on the detected flying craft heading for Llino.

  “Arkady, you’ll love this. Tie into my sensors.” Vesta said as she flipped her concentration to the sensor inputs.

  A heavy gust of wind blew down the street as the sound of chimes filled the air. People stopped what they were doing, grabbing their hats and cloaks to keep them from being blown off. A rolling cry of awe came as the people identified where the sounds originated.

  Above, a ship with graceful curves flew over the roofs in an arc, heading for the docks. Eight Daggers manned the ship, maneuvering around the rigging, using the lines to furl the sails.

  Someone yelled, “It’s the Emerald Heart!”

  Tasks forgotten, hundreds of people ran, following the ship’s flight, some screaming and others wiping tears, all with wide smiles. Just as legends told, it slowed as
it approached the three-story Blue Dolphin Inn with the four-story tall stone central boat dock platform. Two warriors stood on the forecastle calling out distances.

  With a twang, a three-pronged hook attached to a thick rope shot through the six-foot wide chrome hoop that was at the northwestern corner of the stone platform. Warriors on the ship’s deck began winding a large toothed winch and the craft swung around as the anchor line tightened. More sails furled as the ship was pulled down level with the platform four stories in the air. A pair of women wearing leather armor jumped down and turned to catch ropes thrown by their comrades, tying them to the horn cleats.

  A plank lowered from the docked air ship, and the warriors made a formal line, coming to attention and saluting as Ticca proudly walked down the plank, to the landing platform. She stepped over to the edge and drew her dagger, spinning it around her hand before holding it high.

  The crowd silenced.


  The crowd screamed as one. Lebuin with Runa-Illa stepped up beside Ticca, and behind them, Lord Dohma stood as tall and straight as he could. The crowd once again became silent after hearing cries of, “It’s Lord Dohma, Lady Electra, and Lord Bayion!”

  Lord Dohma smiled and waved. “CITIZENS OF AELARGO, PEACE IS RESTORED.” He turned and gestured as the remaining members of Ticca’s team stepped up to the edge of the platform. Lord Dohma waved for silence. Behind them, Duke sauntered off the ship to sit behind the seven on the front line.


  Lord Dohma smiled and waited for the crowd to calm somewhat before he held up his hand. “I DECLARE A WEEK OF CELEBRATIONS IN HONOR OF OUR HEROES AND TO CELEBRATE THE END OF THE WAR!”

  After the crowd began to calm, they smiled and waved one last time before turning to descend into the Blue Dolphin, followed by Lord Dohma and Duke.

  Arkady appeared in the Llino control room next to her. “You know, you should move out of Llino. Duke looks like he’s planning on settling back down there.”

  Vesta glared at him. “Never. This is my city. Don’t worry so much, I won’t let him find me. Right now, we need to get our workforce back. If a ship runs aground or a baby leviathan gets stuck in the Loren Sound, Duke will come looking for the reason.”


  Lords and Ladies! That was thrilling!

  Ticca let her dagger flip around her hand before sheathing it. As they descended, she saw the old sign warning about clearing the platform if the Emerald Heart appeared. From deep down inside her, laughter boiled out uncontrollably. Lebuin looked at her, raising his eyebrow.

  She pointed. “That sign! I used to laugh at it, because I thought it would never happen again.”

  Lebuin turned and read the sign. He laughed, too. “I see what you mean. But now the Emerald Heart is yours, so I guess it will be coming here often.”

  She wagged a finger at him. “It’s ours. You have as much claim to it as I.”

  Lebuin stepped closer to her, but didn’t say anything.

  Be strong Lebuin, you may yet earn my heart.

  Ditani cleared his throat, and they looked at him. “I thought I might take it for a while. After all, you got the property in Algan. I need to travel a lot between Karakia and Gracia for the next few years.”

  Illa pouted. “Nigan and I wanted to use it for a little side trip.”

  They all turned to see a red-faced Nigan. “Uh, yeah. Well, um. I...well, I....”

  Illa punched him hard, making him wince and cough. “Don’t be so silly.” She said to Lebuin, “Nigan asked me to marry him, and I agreed.”

  Ticca’s heart practically exploded with excitement, and she squealed, jumping to Illa to give her a hug. “Oh, I’m so happy for you two!”

  Lebuin went a bit pale and his mouth started to open, but he closed it fast.

  This can’t be that big a surprise.

  She lifted her eyebrow to him, trying to get him to congratulate them by sheer thought projection. But, like most men, he just stood there slack faced.


  They all turned to see Genne standing at the top of the stairs. Ticca let go of Illa and bounced over to give him a bear hug. “I’m so glad to see you! There were more than a few times I thought I wasn’t going to come home.”

  Genne patted her back. “Yeah, well, ya done good. A lil over da top, but yer one fer drama. Oh, and Damega paid da docking fee clear for anoder hundred years. After dat, you’ll have to pay!”

  Ticca laughed, and as she let go and looked around, she noticed a hint of jealousy in Lebuin’s eyes.

  Nigan also saw the jealousy on Lebuin’s face. He pulled him aside while Duke, Genne, and the others chatted. Ticca pretended she couldn’t hear, but, she strained to catch every word.

  “What are you waiting for? You need to say things aloud to the woman. They might be able to read your mind, but they insist on clear, audible pronouncements.”

  “It’s complicated, and you know it.”

  Nigan harrumphed. “Anything that takes a lot of hard work is usually worth it. Don’t give up, and remember to do stuff.”

  “It may never be allowed, anyway.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The laws forbid it. Ticca and I can never be together.”

  “I don’t understand. Why?”

  “Our offspring would have too much power. It’s to avoid corruption. It’s the law.”

  “Ouch. I had no idea. But, to be honest, if it was me, I wouldn’t give up so easily. Look at what we’ve gotten away with already.” Nigan gave Lebuin a quick embrace, with a pat on the shoulder. “What are you going to do?”

  “There’s nothing I can But, I’m patient.”

  Nigan pounded him on the back. “There you go. That’s a Dagger’s attitude. You’ll do just fine if you hang in there.”

  Genne and the others started down the stairs. They all went down to the main room, where a party had already started. People continued to stream in with congratulations and warm wishes.

  Ticca headed for her table and saw it was heavily laden with food and drink. She looked around to see if someone else was sitting at her table. No one seemed to be trying to claim it. The food was still steaming. She pulled some extra chairs over, and pointed Nigan and Illa to them. Just as the five of them sat down, Ellar came bounding out of the kitchen with a platter full of milk glasses. He stepped over and put the first in front of Ticca.

  She leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek.

  “Now, I know where this food came from. Thank you, Ellar.”

  He made a gurgling sound that rather resembled, “My pleasure, Lady.”

  He put the other glasses down, and bolted for the kitchen.

  Suddenly, the main doors snapped open hard, making a loud bang. All went dead quiet and stared. In the doorway, panting, stood a woman dressed in royal robes that were askew, escorted by four Dagger guards who were so red faced and panting that Ticca was worried they were about to have heart attacks. The woman scanned the room and spotted Dohma.


  Dohma coughed, appearing to be embarrassed.

  The wo
man stalked over to him like a lioness ready to kill. Dohma had the strangest look of shock on his face, and Bayion was trying to get behind Dohma. Before Dohma decided, or perhaps he’d decided and wisely stood still, she grabbed the front of his tunic and pulled him in for a huge embrace.

  “Thank the Lords and Ladies, you rescued Electra from that place!”

  Oh, that’s Ellua, Dohma’s sister.

  Bayion cleared his throat. Ellua looked over Dohma’s shoulder. “Oh, and thanks for bringing our brother home, too! There’s a pile of paperwork that needs to be done.”

  Lord Bayion blanched and sputtered as Ellua laughed. She shoved Dohma out of the way to give Electra a hug, and then she wrapped her arms around Bayion.

  Ellua whisper to Bayion, “I was worried about you.” She then said, “Now, we have a party and then a wedding to plan.”

  “I need help planning mine, too.” Illa said.

  Ellua glanced at the group. “Any other weddings?”

  Dohma shrugged, “Sorry sis. Only two weddings to plan at the moment. But,” he paused to look at Lebuin, “maybe another one in a few years.”

  Duke yelled out, “THIS PARTY IS ON ME! MUSIC, FOOD, WINE!”

  As the evening wore on, nobles, guards, dock workers…everyone came and went. The party spread to consume the streets around the Dolphin. Some of the Daggers took select people up to see the Emerald Heart firsthand. Duke had his table moved outside, and was laughing and drinking with the rest.

  Ticca giggled as they all listened to Duke talking about everything that happened. When Duke took a break to get a drink, Ticca turned to Lebuin, who sat next to her.

  Lebuin was smiling. “So what do we do?” he asked.

  Ticca pulled out her dagger and spun it, dropping it into the holder. “Just wait. It’ll come looking for us.”

  They sat back, enjoying the food and drink that never ended, thanks to Ellar’s attentive service.

  Later that night, the minstrels were playing some new songs when a call went out for Illa, who unwound herself from Nigan and joined the musicians. She took a dulcimer from one of them and strummed it. Then they struck up the tune Illa had helped write. All the dock workers quieted down to better hear the music. The tune floated around, bouncing off the buildings on the street. Then Illa started to sing, and everyone was mesmerized by her voice and the hope of her song.


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