Dating Delaney

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Dating Delaney Page 6

by K Larsen

  * * * * *

  Two hands lands on my shoulders and I yelp as I rip the ear buds from my ears.

  “You wanna do it?” Jake grins.

  “Uh, w-what?” I’m stuttering...great. I’m also completely confused.

  “You just said, ‘Honey, Let’s do it’ all hot and sexy-like.” He grins at me. Oh my god. OH MY GOD. My hand slaps my face as I hear “In These Shoes” nearing its end coming from the ear buds.

  “I was singing out loud, wasn't I?” I groan completely irritated and embarrassed.

  “Yup.” He bursts out laughing.

  “I’m glad someone finds it entertaining,” I say dryly and his face sobers.

  “You actually have a decent voice, it was more the song choice I guess,” he explains.

  “Yeah... well...” I pause, searching for something, anything, to say before blurting out, “I like dirty songs.” Wait? WHAT?! Dear Mouth, I hate you. Sincerely, Laney Peters. Jake makes a choking sound before regaining his composure.

  “You seem to make even the most ridiculous statements sound adorable,” he chuckles.

  “Well,” I huff, “I’ve never had the pleasure of that compliment before.”

  “Oh, relax, I like dirty songs, too.” His face stays serious as he holds my gaze but his ribs start shaking and finally a deep belly laugh erupts from him, sending me into a giggle fit too. Our entire exchange has been absurd. How can I not laugh at myself.

  “What’s all the ruckus over here?” Mom interrupts.

  “Oh. Hi, Mom.”

  “Mrs. Peters,” Jake nods.

  “I ah…was caught singing,” I explain.

  “She has a lovely voice, don't you think, Jake?” Mom asks.

  I can't control myself and I bust out laughing again while Jake somehow maintains his dignity.

  “That she does,” he agrees, eyeing me.

  “Laney, what time are you picking up Claire?” she asks.

  “Uh,” I glance at the clock. “Now!” I shout. I push out of the chair, searching for my flip-flops and keys.

  “You’re still coming to the Parker’s cookout tonight, right?” Mom asks, stepping out of my way.

  “Yeah, yeah. Six, right?”

  Mom nods.

  “Gotta go!” I say, darting out the door as usual in a rush.


  “Would you like to see the progress?” I ask Sue, Laney’s mother.

  “I thought you’d never ask!” Sue claps her hands together and we start for the stairs.

  “She loses all sense of time when she sits at that computer. Completely tunes out the world,” Sue says, shaking her head.

  “I think it’s pretty amazing that she can do know, write books,” I tell her.

  “It is, it is. We’re very proud of her. It’s just difficult when she’s mid-book, she throws herself into it wholeheartedly. Her father’s an avid reader, he always said books are a great escape. Delaney writes to escape,” she says and sighs.

  “Escape can be good.”

  “Once in a while sure, but I worry that for her, writing is more like running away from life rather than escaping from or facing it,” she worries. I don’t know where Laney’s mom is going with this and I don't have anything to say really so I avoid answering by changing the subject.

  “Claire’s room is almost finished. I just need to build the shelving around the windows. Next week I’ll start on Laney’s side.”

  Sue gasps. “Look at this! It’s stunning!”

  “Thanks, I’m glad it lives up to expectation.”

  “Better than! Isn’t this going to be amazing when it’s done? I can’t wait. Delaney will be so happy to finally have the upstairs finished!” She takes one more look around before turning to face me.

  “So, Jake, tell me, how are things going between you and my daughter?” she asks, throwing me off guard.

  “Ah..just fine. Why?” I answer.

  “You had a date, yes?” she pushes. Jesus, what do I say? I’ve never been in this situation before with a client and I am completely out of my element.

  “Ummm, yes.”

  “Did you hit it off?” she asks.

  “Moooooooooooom, quit it!” Laney saves me as she appears at the top of the stairs.

  “Sorry, Jake, you can ignore her,” she says and glares at her mother.

  “No, he can't,” Sue says adamantly. Laney’s eyes go wide and she bites her bottom lip. Cute.

  “Yes, we hit it off. In fact, I’d like to take her out again, just the two of us this time.” Where did that come from? I mean, sure, it’s true, but I’m thirty-six years old and her mom just reduced me to a pile of pimply sixteen-year-old.

  “Wonderful!” Sue exclaims. “I’ll leave you two be. Don't be late tonight, Delaney.” She brushes past her daughter and disappears. Laney groans and runs a hand through her hair, sending it cascading down her back.

  “Sorry about that. She’s like the dating Nazi,” she whines. I chuckle and move closer to her.

  “No problem. I was serious though. Could I take you out some time?” I ask. She lifts her eyes to mine and smiles. That ridiculous flutter hits my belly again.

  “I’d like that,” she says quietly.

  I take another step closer to her while she’s rooted to the floor, locked in my gaze. Her breath hitches as I reach my hand out and slide it down the curve of her spine, pulling her close and holding her pinned against me. When her eyes meet mine, they darken. Lust. I bend down as she pushes up on her toes and kiss her. Her lips move against mine slowly at first before getting more aggressive. My tongue pushes its way into her mouth and her arms wrap around me. She tastes so good. Her fingers weave their way into the hair at the nape of my neck and I moan into her mouth. Lightly I run a hand up and down the length of her torso.

  “I’m hungry! Mom? Where are you?!” Claire’s voice trills from downstairs. Laney pulls away immediately and tries to catch her breath.

  “Coming!” she crows over her shoulder.

  “Wow. So when’s this date?” her voice is sultry and breathy.

  “I was thinking Thursday?”


  Laney shakes her head as if to clear her mind and sighs. “Thursday it is then. Are you off or on this weekend?”

  “Off. I have plans. But if you need anything, you can call,” I tell her.

  “Oh no no... I wouldn't need anything,” she mumbles.

  “Well, why don't you give me your number anyways, just in case,” I push.

  “Okay.” She hesitates before turning and starting towards the stairs.

  We head downstairs together. After programming her number into my cell,

  I send her a text so she’ll have my number.

  I like dirty songs

  She’s fixing a snack for Claire in the kitchen when I head out. “See ya!” I call.

  “Bye! Have a good weekend.”

  “Bye, Jake!” Claire squeals.

  Dating Delaney 302

  I shoot Amelia a quick text about this evening.

  Are you going tonight?

  Are you going?

  I asked you first.

  You’re such a baby. Yes but I need a ride.

  Ok, be there in twenty

  * * * * *

  I fire off a quick text to Jake in response to his ‘I like dirty song’s’ message

  Aww don’t worry they have meetings for that

  Expert. Guess I’ll see you at one

  I stare at the screen a beat before responding.


  Did you just type out ...sigh?

  Easy trigger, it just so happens I did.

  Did you just call me trigger?

  You’re kind of a pain in the ass.

  I aim to please.

  I laugh as I type my response to him.

  Never aim for the ass.... unless in prison.

  You’re killing me.

  I smirk to myself and respond. ‘Gotta run.’

sp; Have a good night Laney.


  * * * * *

  “Put that away,” Mom admonishes and points to my phone.

  “Yes, ma’am!” I reply and give her my best I’m-too-sweet-for-my-own-good smile.

  “Sooooo, details,” Amelia says, appearing out of nowhere.

  “What details?” I ask.

  “Are you dumb? After our date details!” she crows.

  “Yeah, Laney, spill,” Mike joins in.

  “Ugh, you two are like a crackhead looking for a score. He pecked me on the lips when he dropped me off. Happy?” I divulge.


  “And nothing, that was it,” I shrug.

  “Liar, there’s more, what are you hiding?” Ame pushes.

  “Well...he kissed me today. Like a real kiss…and oh my was hot!”

  Mike laughs as Amelia does a retarded looking jig. I shove her playfully.

  Stop. Stop...he asked me on another date, without you two,” I say pointedly.

  “What? We aren't fun?” Ame laughs.

  “You’re too much fun,” I chuckle.

  The Parkers’ cookout is fun, but I’m distracted. No matter what or who I chat with I find myself daydreaming about Jake’s lips and the heat behind them.

  “Have you heard anything I said?” Ellie asks.

  “What?” I snap out of my daydream. “Uh... “

  “Earth to Laney…I was telling you my parents are letting us use the lake house for the Fourth of July.” Ellie’s parents--the Parkers--have the most awesome house on Sebago Lake.

  “Ohhhhh that’s awesome!” I squeal with excitement.

  “Yeah, so we’re trying to round everyone up to have a Fourth party without all the rug rats,” she explains.

  “We should ask April if she wants to sleep at one of our houses with all the kids…Claire and Alec are old enough to help corral some of the younger ones now,” I suggest.

  “Brilliant!” Ellie cries.

  I immediately start to wonder what Jake’s doing for the Fourth. One kiss and I’m practically in couple mode. Stupid Laney. Get a grip, you haven’t even had a real date alone yet. I shove all of my hopefulness down until I can't feel it anymore.

  * * * * *

  My phone chirps at me alerting me that I have a new text message. Owen’s message is cryptic.:

  Hunting tonight?

  I respond to him immediately. ‘What are you hunting?’


  Grow up man.

  I need a wingman

  Someone’s gotta keep you in check.

  I’ll get someone else if you’re going to be a cockblocker.

  Where are we meeting?

  Nine, Pearl.


  * * * * *

  I pull out my phone and text Jake. Curiosity’s gotten the better of me and I want to know what he’s up to.

  Having a good night?

  Better now ;)

  His responds puts a smile on my face instantly.

  How cliché.

  Can't help myse;f

  Drunk much?

  Not too muc, out with O


  I look at my phone wondering if I really want to know why I need to wait. Clearly he’s out and having a good time. I should just let him be.


  How was the bbq

  Fine. Scored a sweet lake house for 4th of July party.

  Am i invited?

  Do you want to be? I reply hoping the answer is yes.

  After that smoking kiss...yes

  You just want in my pants

  Caught me.

  Har Har

  Thisis Owen...Stop flirting with my boy and let him do his job

  I laugh at the intrusion on our conversation and take the bait.

  Hi Owen....whats his job?


  Sorry, Jake again...

  Sighing I decide it’s time to wrap this up before it gets out of control.

  No worries....Night Jake

  Night Laney

  * * * * *

  Why are you holding out on me?

  Stumped, I reply to Ginny’s text.‘What?’

  Ran into Ame tonight....MR ATTRACTIVE?

  We had a date.


  I can’t help but toy with her just a little bit. ‘It was good. Doubled with Ame and Mike’


  Her response makes me laugh. ‘You won't give up will you?’


  Date. Thursday. Alone.

  Whodillywho motherfucker! That’s great.


  You know it’s really queer when you write out bodily functions right?

  ‘Shut up.’ I reply laughing.

  When I’m met with radio silence for too long I decide to text her again.Ginny? Where’d you go?

  Shutting up.

  Ha ha. Ok. Night

  Sweet dreams... of Mr. Attractive! ;)


  The weekend seemed to fly by, which was good. I was anxious to see Jake again. Outside of Friday night’s texts we hadn't had any contact. Of course, I wanted to text him all day Saturday but had refrained, not wanting to seem desperate. Sunday was a whirlwind day. Claire and I had two cookouts to attend, both really fun groups of people, but by the time we got home it was late and I was beat. My bed had never been so tempting. I fell into it gladly and slept soundly.

  “Mommy!” I crack one eye open to Claire’s hovering face staring right into mine.

  “It’s creepy when you do that Claire,” I say.

  She shrugs at me.

  “There’s a guy sleeping on the couch,” she says plainly.

  “Uh huh...that’s good... wait...WHAT?!” I jackknife up and grab her.

  “Ummm there’s a guy asleep on the couch?” she repeats.

  “Stay here!” I demand as I pull on a tank top and head to the living room.

  I peer over the back of the couch and sigh. Gavin. I lean over the back of the couch and poke him with one finger.

  One eye opens and he smiles when he sees me. His arm shoots out and snakes around my back as he drags me over the back of the couch on top of him, making me squeal.

  “Morning, Princess.” His voice is rough with sleep still.

  “What are you doing here, Gavin?” I ask playfully.

  “Surprise?” he says.

  “Ha...ha...” I say dryly.

  He chuckles and squeezes me to his bare chest. I relax into him. This position isn't strange for us. Gavin’s been one of my best friends for as long as I can remember. All through high school people thought we dated but we never did. Sure, we held hands, my mom called him her future son-in-law and we spooned and shared a bed to sleep in many times, but Gavin and I were the opposite of friends with benefits. We were the couple without benefits...all the glory of boyfriend/girlfriend with none of the mess that came with any of the “benefits.”

  We’d never even kissed outside the cheek. Plus, Gavin was a serious player. Always juggling women and I wanted to no part in that game so it was always just friends for us. In college I’d had an inkling that maybe he wanted more but he never pushed and I never offered it up. Eventually he’d married his college sweetheart and moved to California. He barely ever came home and over the last seven years I’d missed him. He barely knew Claire at all. I pushed up on his chest to look at him.

  “Really, great surprise, but why are you here and how’d you get in?!”

  “Darcy kicked me out. She left me.” He sounds nonchalant about the whole thing.

  “What did you do?” I accuse.

  “Why does it have to be me?” he counters.

  “Because she’s a saint,” I explain, and she is. He huffs at me but pulls me back down to his chest. “Look at the bright side, beautiful, now we can fulfill our pact.” He waggles his eyebrows at me.

  In high school, Gavin and I joked about marrying each other if we both weren't married by forty or after we both g
ot divorced just so we wouldn't have to be alone. But, that was just a stupid joke and we were children then. He couldn't be serious. He’s just being playful like always. Not a serious committed bone in that man’s body.

  “Very funny, Gav.” I sit up, causing me to straddle him. His hands come to my waist.

  “Still as hot as ever, Laney,” he says and waggles his brows at me again. I smack his hands away and get up.

  “How’d you get in?” I ask.

  “I’ve been telling you practically your entire life to lock the doors, Laney.”

  Oh. Crap. I forgot. Big surprise.

  “Yeah, bad habit,” I admit.

  “I’m aware,” he says while stretching. Gavin’s a very good-looking man. He was hot in high school but he developed into an even more hot man. I reach down and tug his hand.

  “Come on. Coffee?” I offer.

  He beams at me with true Gavin charm.


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