The Rise of The Dominion: A Dominion War novel

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The Rise of The Dominion: A Dominion War novel Page 1

by D. M. Marshall

  The Rise of the Dominion

  By D. M. Marshall

  To Telle, my very own defender.

  And Wyatt, for all your help.

  The Rise of The Dominion (this novel) is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, places and events portrayed in this novel are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2017 D. M. Marshall

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, with the prior written permission of the author.

  Edition 1.0

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  Dramatis Personae

  Astana, Fleet Admiral (Human male)

  Elenore Frost, Edo Neophyte (Human female)

  Dical Dimerchi, Edo Askari (Human male)

  Karlos Tsia’ool, Edo Neophyte (Human male)

  Nenotuul, Edo Mushur (Entilean female)

  Jake Bulver, Edo Askari (Human male)

  Block, taxi driver (Human male)

  Bromph, Lieutenant (Human male)

  Brin Urnit, Doyen (Human male)

  Cea Ero, Agent (Zhur Thoggu)

  Hallowwyrn, Edo Mushur (Maladorn female)

  Collaro, Captain (Nortahl male)

  Raif Ko, Edo Mushur (Human male)

  Domovero, Captain (Human male)

  Nathan Bircheno, Edo Askari (Human male)

  Amos Weststar, Doyen (Human male)

  Elen Ney, Edo Neophyte (Human female)

  Forma Beltat, Imperial administrator (Human female)

  Frast, Imperial Lieutenant (Human male)

  Egan Velasquez, Security Director (Human male)

  Gery Savignsor, Edo Askari (Human male)

  Idrid Matour, Representative (Human male)

  Raichel Ison, Edo Mushur (Human female)

  Jent’i Tasshik, Crafter (Zhur Thoggu)

  Kaisa Ko, Edo Askari (Human female)

  Danze Carmenco, Edo Mushur (Human male)

  Nate Shepherd, Edo Mushur (Human male)

  Val Nordin, Edo Mushur (Human male)

  Antreeba, Edo Askari (Towpine male)

  Michael Silverdell, Edo Grand Mushur (Human male)

  Lus Ne’lom, Hunter-Killer (Zhur Thoggu)

  Joakim Falk, Edo Mushur (Human male)

  Martilda Cutmaster, Chief Representative (Human female)

  Petrina Adami, Admiral (Human female)

  Tomasa Iwu, Lawyer (Sorana male)

  Niettha, Doyen / Overlord (Heslani male)

  Calista Flores, Edo Mushur (Human female)

  Phan Ursox, Chief Prosecutor (Pemapaani male)

  Quechina, Judge (Human female)

  Danica Prilission, Chief Personal Secretary (Human female)

  Amaeh Duranti, Edo Neophyte (Singronian female)

  Marten Rask, Edo Askari (Human male)

  Sord Okarachebe, Acting Edo Grand Mushur (Lifzan female)

  Malene Zhao, Edo Askari (Human female)

  Wren Furlan, Edo Askari (Human female)

  Senoch Gray, Edo Askari (Fassen male)

  Sys Bramion, Edo Neophyte (Human male)

  Kaliko Savina, Edo Askari (Human female)

  Syrene Frost, Queen (Human female)

  Teynin Nasturn, Captain (Human female)

  Thycul, Developer (Zhur Thoggu female)

  Lani Carmenco, Edo Mushur (Human female)

  Ares Nilssen, Edo Askari (Human female)

  August Durante, retired (Human male)

  Harper Ko, Edo Askari (Human male)

  Thea Leilani, Skave (Human female)

  Dang Obasanji, Shadow squadron Leader (Urtwarchan male)

  Lee Gaspara, retired (Human male)

  Shawn Moller, retired (Human male)

  Olsen Carver, Commonwealth Premier (Human male)

  Gil, Edo Askari (Human male)

  Riccard Brams, High Doyen, Dominion (Human male)

  Jase Ison (Human male)

  Chapter One

  The Double Down orbited a similarly colored but otherwise lonely supergiant star. The spaceship, like the star, was one of the largest examples of its kind in the galaxy. It was more of a mobile base than a ship, and acted as a trading hub and as an entertainment destination for the rich. It was not the kind of ship that frequently held high level diplomatic meetings, but this was why it was here, in this dead star system.

  Edo Mushur Raichel Ison paced anxiously around the sumptuously decorated banquet room, her long flowing white gown billowing gently in her own breeze. The room’s royal blue theme matched the outside of the ship they were on almost exactly. It was highly unusual for the Edo Conclave to meet with a galactic leader in such a place but with the Grazan Combine having no official diplomatic ties with the Imperial Dominion it was impossible for them to meet on Sobal Gailian, the Grazan planet that was home to the Edo’s primary base. Instead, it was deemed more suitable for them to meet out here, deep in the Outer Territories, where the Commonwealth’s grip was tenuous at best, and on a neutral, but well defended, vessel.

  Seated around the huge Korsin-wood conference table were the rest of the Edo Conclave, minus Grand Mushur Michael Silverdell who was still on a secret mission with Raichel’s parents. Most of the Conclave were talking quietly amongst themselves, except for the brooding Val Nordin, his dark features marred by a deep scowl. You didn’t need to be a hyperdrive engineer to understand why he was so on edge.

  The Edo Conclave represented and administered the Edo sect - a group of beings from many species who were Astral-sensitive and adhered to the Edo tenets. Astral-sensitive beings are able to draw energy from the mysterious Astral plane, a dimension that ran alongside the physical reality, and use that energy for performing some action in the physical world. The use of that energy was known as Channeling, and being Astral-sensitive was known as being favored by the mysterious beings from that sister dimension.

  Raichel’s communicator pinged, Raider Tomsson’s gruff voice informing her that their guest, and his security detail had boarded the Double Down and were on their way up. She informed the others and took her seat to wait for someone she considered a friend. She ran herself though an Edo meditation technique to help calm her nerves, ran a hand through her blond loosely-curled hair that reached past her shoulders and waited as patiently as she could until the grand double doors.

  First came one of Raider’s security guards, a stocky Idralish, brandishing a highly suspect-looking repeating gauss rifle. The rough-skinned Idralish, with their rugged physiques and brutish ways, often found themselves in similar capacities. He gave the room a quick scan and then moved to stand beside the entrance. Behind him came a quartet of Imperial Heavy Shock troopers, barely fitting through the wide entrance due to their massively oversized heavy powered armor. The floor creaked ominously with each step the soldiers took. They each carried a laser cannon, normally only platform-mounted. They marched to the far corners of the room and took up position.

  Finally came the High Doyen for the Imperial Dominion, Riccard Brams, with another pair of shock troopers following closely behind him. Modestly sized, and pleasantly featured, his red hair was shorter than when she’d last seen him. His freckled face was carefully composed. Brams had met several times with Raichel’s husband Jase Ison (who had once been a senior politician for the Aneev Confederacy) since
Riccard had come to power (having been nominated to the position by Emperor Gallitene before his death), and she could clearly see the stress that he was attempting to hide. He looked exhausted. His face was drawn and the beginning of bags were forming beneath his blue eyes.

  Bram approached the table and all of the Edo Mushur stood. Grand Mushur Sord Okarachebe, a massive and fearsome gray and black fur-covered Lifzan, spoke first. “Welcome, High Doyen. It is an honor.”

  Riccard nodded back at him. ‘Thank you, Mushur Okarachebe.’ He looked around the table and smiled cordially at Raichel as their eyes met. Had Brams flinched slightly when he had looked at Val? “And please let me extend my thanks to the rest of the Edo Conclave for meeting with me at such short notice.”

  “The pleasure is ours,” replied the ex-soldier Edo Mushur Nate Shepherd, one of those people who looked better and better as they aged, his graying hair adding to his refined handsomeness. He spread out his hands. “Let us be seated.”

  Once everyone was comfortable, Riccard began. “As you are all no doubt aware I am attempting to instigate wide-ranging changes to the Dominion. I wish for the Dominion to become a full democratic republic. I want to make sure I leave the Dominion in a better state than when I became High Doyen. Raichel can tell you how Jase Ison has been assisting me, and indeed, my plans progress.”

  “But?” said Sord Okarachebe, chuffing lightly to himself. Lifzan couldn’t laugh due to the shape of their snouts and throats but could express their amusement through soft barking noises. “We are all waiting to sense why the newborn are still blind.”

  Riccard Brams smiled graciously. “I expected resistance from the Doyens and of course they have lived up to my poor expectations and many oppose me at every step. I allowed for this and have measures in place… and here is the ‘but’. Someone or something is working against me and despite my greatest efforts I can neither confirm who or what they are and have so far been unable to stop them.”

  Since its inception, the Imperial Dominion had ruled through force, the Doyens controlling one or more solar systems with iron fists, building their own fleets and contributing to the Imperial Navy. None of the Doyens were elected, all gained their positions through the blessings of the Emperor, or bribery, murder and worse. All were feared by the people they governed. Most were hated. For obvious reasons, none of them saw the conversion of the Dominion to a republic as a positive thing.

  “And this is where we help the babies?”

  “Yes.” He looked regretful. “I am losing. My power base is eroding away. It will not be long before an attempt is made to oust me, either politically or through force. I need the help of the Edo to track down those who seek to dethrone me. I believe that for now I am the best man to lead the Dominion and that those attempting to overthrow me do not share my desire to lead the Dominion to democracy.”

  Raif Ko, the ex-Gladiator pilot but now Edo Mushur, frowned. “You are aware of our current situation with the Commonwealth?”

  “Of course. I’m aware of how quickly animosity towards you is growing amongst the general populace, fuelled by certain members of the Commonwealth’s Assembly. It seems you have been chosen as the fall guy for the devastation wrought by the Deep Astral entity Hastuthu, the Skave, and the Zhur Thoggu before that.”

  Ko nodded, looking decidedly unhappy with Riccard’s apparent intelligence sources so close to, or within, the Assembly. “Then you’re also aware of how assisting you could very easily damage our standing with the Commonwealth still further.”

  Brams looked away, clearly troubled by what he was asking for. “I am. This is not something I ask lightly. I understand the implications that assisting the Dominion would have for you. I would suggest that your assistance is kept from general knowledge for as long as possible. I would ask for Askari and Neophytes that are less well known to the public at large to act as a personal guard and for well-disguised, more experienced Edo to act as Fists of the Dominion. We would keep their Edo skills known to only those required and do everything we can to keep the Commonwealth from learning of your assistance.”

  Val Nordin snorted. “I don’t think anyone here would pretend that our assistance could be kept from the Commonwealth indefinitely. Sooner or later we would be discovered, or the rumors that would most definitely spread regarding new, powerful Fists of the Dominion would force us to admit our help. What then, High Doyen?”

  “By then, I hope that we will have discovered our enemy and with them neutralized the elections could occur, removing the Doyens. I would then signal my intent for the Dominion to join the Commonwealth, and tell all how the Edo made this possible. A stronger Commonwealth, forged by the Edo. Also, the Anti-Edo faction within the Commonwealth Assembly will not be able to oppose the goodwill for the Edo that this will generate.”

  Buoyed by his words, Raichel looked around the room. Fewer faces than she expected seemed swayed by Brams’ words. She had to act. “Forgive me, Conclave, if I am wrong, but as Edo should we not care for popularity. Are we not keepers of the peace in the galaxy? Is it not our duty to fight for all life, as well as the civilizations, freedoms, and liberties of all sentients throughout the galaxy? We must not turn our backs on the citizens of the Imperial Dominion.”

  Sord growled, amused. “Thank you for the lesson on the Edo tenets, Mushur Ison,” he said. “But you are correct. Are we all in agreeance?” Sord looked at each Mushur in turn. Hallowwyrn, the bird-like Maladorni healer, a big head-shake, meaning yes. Nate Shepherd, his eyes firm with resolve, nodded. The thick-skinned, armor-plated Entilean, and newest member of the Conclave, Nenotuul said, “It is our duty.” Husband and wife team Danze and Lani Carmenco accented in unison. The physically powerful and beautiful Calista Flores, Raichel herself and Raif Ko, the ruggedly handsome Buderimian, swiftly followed suit until only Val Nordin remained, eyes downcast.

  “Mushur Nordin,” said Sord Okarachebe. “Your vote?”

  Nordin looked up, his black eyes devoid of any positive emotion. Younger than the other human Mushur (save for Raichel), he was still old enough to have gray hairs appearing, giving his dark hair a mottled effect. His dark-skinned face was permanently etched with frown lines. Raichel knew that as arguably the most powerful Edo in the galaxy, his decision for or against helping the Dominion would sway it either way. Her stomach twisted, and she wondered why it was so important to her that the Edo helped Brams. Was it the Astrals guiding her?

  “I’ll agree, but I ask that I play no part. There are many others places in the galaxy where my presence would be better put to use.”

  Sord nodded, “As the Astrals guide you, so you must act.” This caused Raichel to stare at the Grand Mushur. Did he know something, had the Astrals spoken to her about this, about Val Nordin, about her? There was an old but still unsettling rumor that on occasions the Astral beings communicated directly with Grand Mushurs, the leaders of the Edo, and even rarely with lesser Mushur like herself. Raichel had only ever received feelings and the odd confusing vision but if the Grand Mushur spoke with Astrals face to face then she’d never heard of it actually happening. Since she had known Michael Silverdell, currently the oldest and longest serving Grand Mushur, most of her life she would have assumed that if Michael did in fact communicate with the Astrals then she would have heard about it, especially since she was now a member of the Edo Conclave.

  “It is agreed,” continued Sord Okarachebe. “The Edo will assist Brams in whatever way we can. High Doyen Brams, Mushur Ison will lead our contingent.” Raichel did her best to hide her surprise.

  “The Edo, those of us who remain, are spread thinly. We continue to oppose the Skave, we seek methods to defeat Hastuthu should it return. We assist the Grazan Combine and we are doing what we can for the Commonwealth. We will provide what Edo we can.”

  Smiling, Brams lowered his head and held it for a few seconds. “Grand Mushur,” he said simply. ‘I hope that the Dominion will be able to repay the debt one day.” He bowed slightly, swinging side to side
to include all the Mushur Edo. He turned to Raichel and smiled. “I look forward to working with you Mushur Ison.” He signaled to his troops and in a brisk military manner they escorted him from the room.

  There was a brief silence before Val spoke up. “He’s hiding something.”

  Sord Okarachebe chuffed. “As a Grawlin hunts, so an Imperial covets secrets.”

  Nordin shook his head, “True, but he’s keeping something about his request from us. He was trying very hard to not think about whatever it was, to keep it buried in his mind.”

  Calista Flores, dark hair spilling around her wide yet beautiful face, looked at Nordin. “Yes, I sensed that too. We must be mindful of treachery.”

  “But Riccard Brams is no ordinary Imperial,” said Raichel, feeling the need to defend him. “He is their first ruler to want to change the Dominion. He has been honest and open in all his dealing with Jase since Riccard first assumed leadership. I trust him. If he’s hiding something then that’s his choice but I don’t think it is anything we need concern ourselves with.”

  Raif Ko pressed his lips tightly together and frowned. “Never ignore your instincts, regardless of how sincere someone appeared or how trustworthy they were in the past. I believe we need to investigate this.” Some of the other Edo murmured agreeance.

  “Fine,” said Raichel. If that’s how they want it, who am I to argue with the mighty Edo Conclave. “I will handle the matter myself. None of the Edo who work to assist the Dominion need worry.”

  Sord nodded. “Good. Then we are finished here.”

  The Edo slowly filtered out of the room, escorted by various hosts provided by Tomsson. Before she could leave Raif Ko caught her by her elbow. “I’m sorry for challenging Brams, Raichel. I know you and your husband are quite close to him.”

  “We are, he and Jase are in quite frequent contact. Likeminded souls, I guess. He is a good man, Raif.”

  “Yes, I agree,” replied Raif, but his expression only hardened further. “But good men can make bad choices for all the right reasons. We must try to discover his secret, only to help ensure the safety of the Edo who assist him. We cannot afford to lose more Edo, not at the moment.”


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