The Rise of The Dominion: A Dominion War novel

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The Rise of The Dominion: A Dominion War novel Page 4

by D. M. Marshall

  Captain Collaro handed a data card to Ares, but kept hold of it. “I took the liberty of preparing that for you. It includes a recording of the transmission and the battle. Before I give you the data card you must all promise me one thing.”

  “Name it,” said Val.

  “Kill them. Kill them all.”

  “Oh,” said Val, smiling thinly. He looked around at the other Edo, whose grim faces showed no objection. “You have our word.”

  Riccard Brams could hear that the meeting with the Doyen Council had started without him. Angry words were being shouted, with even angrier replies. My fault for being late, he thought, but perhaps it is better for them to shout at each other than at me. He knew that leaving the Dominion to meet with the Edo would cost him, giving those opposed to him clear access to his supporters. He composed himself. Time to see just how much.

  His guards opened the grand yet old fashioned side-hinged double doors to the meeting chamber. A hush settled as he entered. He glanced around at the Doyens whilst trying to look confident. There were more hostile expressions than he’d hoped for, but fewer than he’d expected. The more politically savvy or powerful Doyens, including Amos Weststar held carefully neutral expressions. The Doyens, dressed in their bleak gray uniforms, were seated along a long oval table, built from thick bottomless-black rock of some sort. Each Doyen had one or more aides stood behind them and along the walls were elite shock troopers in hulking black armor. Weapons integrated into their armor of several kinds were on prominent display. Brams thought back briefly to the meeting with the Edo council, and how much more formal and oppressive this meeting felt. The Dominion ruled through the use of fear whilst the Edo served to provide security and freedom for the people of the galaxy. And yet here he was, trying to save the Dominion whilst possibly leading to the devastation of the Edo sect. His feelings of doubt and remorse doubled.

  Riccard took his seat at the head of the table. The Doyen’s looked expectant so Brams decided to stay silent, just to see who would be first to speak. He didn’t have to wait long.

  “Welcome back, my Liege” said Doyen Urnit from the Athcron sector. “Would you care to tell us where you have been?”

  Too obvious. Urnit was a straightforward enough human who until recently had been a supporter of Brams - the Athcron sector still needed further investment to repair the damage wrought by the Zhur Thoggu during their control of the sector. Perhaps by offering him more support in the rebuilding Brams would regain Urnit’s allegiance. Unlikely. Whoever it was would probably make it very clear to Urnit that turning his back on him now would have dire consequences.

  “I’m afraid that information is above your security clearance, Doyen Urnit,” said Brams, trying to look remorseful.

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Brams,” relied Doyen Urnit, “I have maximum clearance, as do we all.”

  Brams just smiled wanly back at Urnit. “Do you?” Before Urnit could reply Brams continued. “Let’s get to the reason for this meeting please. Doyen Weststar?”

  Amos Weststar stood up. Weststar was undoubted one of the ring leaders for those working against Brams. Whether Doyen Weststar was actually the one responsible for the efforts against him, Brams had so far been unable to tell. In fact, he’d been able to find absolutely no evidence to implicate the man. Weststar had obviously learned a great deal over the last couple of years. Riccard had toyed with having him removed as a Doyen but it would have caused serious problems due to how many supporters he had within the Doyen Council, and anyway, what was the saying? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer still.

  “High Doyen, we would like to know why the expansion of the Dominion continues to stall. With the current state of the Commonwealth being what it is, and with many of its systems and indeed, whole sectors looking to join the Dominion why are their pleas being ignored?” Many of the Doyen’s rumbled their agreeance, even those who Brams knew to be strong supporters of him.

  Brams waited whilst Weststar continued to stand. The other Doyen’s fell silent and Weststar seemed to finally realize and sat down, trying to maintain his dignity.

  “You would ask that I increase the rate at which systems are accepted into the Dominion?” Brams asked, almost politely.

  Amos nodded. “I would.” The other Doyen’s joined in.

  “And I am assuming you would place your entire fleet at my disposal? As would you all? You would leave your own sectors undefended?”

  Weststar looked confused. “I’m not sure I follow, High Doyen.”

  “No? It’s really rather simple. Once we start collecting systems and sectors from the Commonwealth so quickly they will have no choice but to defend themselves from our aggression.”

  Weststar stood up again but Brams barked, “Sit down, Amos!” Weststar sat, but looked furious.

  Good, be angry, let your emotions cloud your judgment. Let something slip, you sly old Ficcryn.

  “Thank you, Doyen Weststar. Despite their losses during the Skave war, the Commonwealth still dwarfs the Dominion. We are still rebuilding our fleets, and we are not in the position to fight another war yet. We must be patient and follow diplomatic protocol.”

  Doyen Niettha of the Helthlon sector raised his hand. Niettha, one of the newer, younger, and more inexperienced Doyens was one of Brams’ supporters, having been promoted to Doyen rank by Brams himself. He was also very handsome and charismatic, no doubt part of the reason for his popularity in Helthlon. Brams nodded at him. “Forgive me High Doyen, but some might say that the truth is that you are actually a Commonwealth sympathizer.”

  “Or that you are frightened. Adami would have half the systems in our grip by now,” added Doyen Urnit, cheeks flushed. The Doyen’s broke into chaos, his few remaining loyalists shouting at Niettha and Urnit, others shouting back. Riccard tried to stop them but when Urnit began to climb onto the table to reach a Doyen opposite him Brams wagged a finger at Urnit. One of the guards fired. A red stun bolt splashed into Urnit’s chest and he fell, twitching. The other Doyens stopped in complete surprise.

  “Gentlemen, sit. Guards, please remove Doyen Urnit and retire him to one of the adjoining suites.” He waited whilst the still twitching man was manhandled by two shock troopers from the room. “Remember that you serve the Dominion. There is no place here for anything other than order and obedience. Does anyone else need a reminder?” He paused, eyebrows raised.

  As much as he’d enjoyed seeing the Doyens cowed, he knew that he would pay for this. More Doyens would throw in against him. If he wasn’t careful there would be an attempt to usurp him before the Edo could play their part. Brams stood up.

  “I am sorry that some of you are eager for yet more war with the Commonwealth. The Dominion needs peace. We must build our strength through stability. I welcome the systems that want to join us but we must use diplomatic channels to gain them. I ask that you have patience. I will return the people of the Dominion to a time of peace and prosperity. Believe it. I trust that this session is over. Good day, gentlemen.”

  As Brams was escorted out of the room Weststar sat smiling to himself. The session could hardly have gone any better. Urnit had played his role even better than Amos could have hoped.

  “Raichel,” exclaimed Elenore as she dashed across the Edo base’s hangar, away from her alarmed Grazan Royal guards. She flung herself into a laughing Raichel’s arms.

  “Elenore. So grown up,” Raichel said once they’d released each other. “I guess I should start calling you, ‘my young Neophyte’?”

  Elenore giggled. “Yes, oh wise Mushur.” Elenore suddenly looked serious but then Raichel’s hair lifted up and moved around as if alive. “Neophyte! You will respect your Mushur. Stop that at once and return my hair to its previous shape.”

  Elenore bowed, all mock-serious. “Mushur, when was the last time an image designer did anything with your hair? Really, I am embarrassed to be related to you. Did a Grawlin drag you through the Dark Nest of Eunleen backwards? And those robes look like you�
�ve just got them out of a trash compactor.”

  Raichel scowled and gave Elenore a small Astrals-push. “How rude. We Edo are above such frivolities.” She paused. “But if you can recommend a good designer when we return maybe Jase and I can treat ourselves to a meal out on Graz somewhere fancy.”

  Elenore whooped. “Your wish, my command, oh Mushur.”

  Oh dear, thought Raichel. What have I let myself in for? She composed herself, took on a more regal stance and Elenore responded in kind, falling into a more respectful mode.

  “It’s time to go, Elenore. Next stop, the Imperial Dominion. You will need your wits about you. Make no mistake, we will be in enemy territory. Even our friends there must remain circumspect. As much as I will be training you I will need to rely on your abilities and understanding of politics. Your first mission as an Edo Neophyte will not be easy, but I am confident that you will do very well. Very well, indeed.”

  The lieutenant clicked his heels together smartly and stood keenly at attention. Adami took her time to face him, even though she could guess what the news was that he was bringing her. Today was the true start of her true rise to power and glory. A small, predatory smile formed.

  “Report, Lieutenant Chrodyne.”

  “Sir. The Zhur Thoggu have completed the prototypes for four of the projects.” He presented her with a datapad and then assumed full attention.

  “Very good, Lieutenant.” He saluted, spun around and marched off. He would make a good officer one day, she mused. One to keep an eye on. She read through the report. The prototype Delta bomber was ready for field trials. It contained two of the four projects. The ship had been fitted with a neural interface to allow the pilot to adequately control the N-sphere launcher. Adami’s smile grew wider, more savage. Whereas the Zhur Thoggu used the technology for defense, with the N-spheres gobbling up anything that went near them, Adami had made them offensive. Rather than being kept close to the vessels so that they could be controlled, she had made the Zhur Thoggu create long distance launchers. The pilot could carefully aim the balls of quite simply nothing, not even space time, and have some co-ordination over them as they left the launcher but once they were a short distance away that was it, they kept going until, quietly and calmly removing from this universe anything in their path, they imploded in on themselves due to some complicated conflict with the physics of space time itself. With enough of these Delta bombers she would be able to obliterate any force that opposed her.

  The other two projects were ship-mounted, Capital-class, Sentient Intelligence-controlled plasma cannons and Ulorbana nanite steel, a metal composed entirely of nanomachines. A modified Constellation-class light cruiser had been equipped with twelve plasma cannons and coated in the Ulorbana, massively improving its already fearsome offensive and defensive categories. Standard shields and armor worked poorly against the plasma ejections and the Ulorbana nanite steel could take a massive amount of punishment from all weapon types, with nanites moving constantly to refill and repair and damage caused.

  She turned to a Captain who was busy trying to look busy at a nearby station. “Captain Domovero, I want the two prototype vessels field tested immediately. Take a space-time distortion cruiser and ambush a convoy. I do not care who or where, just be sure to leave no survivors.”

  “But Doyen Weststar gave us strict instructions to not engage any ships out here - “

  “I do not follow the orders of Doyen Weststar, Captain Domovero,” Adami cut him off sharply. “It just so happens that his concerns about our secrecy here were well-founded and I agreed that we needed to stay covert. The time for that is over. With our new technologies now ready to test we must risk being revealed and begin our preparations.” She gloated. “Soon, Captain, soon we will elevate the Dominion. All will know of our power. You have the honor of taking our first step. Do not fail me, Captain Domovero.”

  Seated within his private chambers, on a chair specifically designed to cater for his thick and powerful tail, Sord Okarachebe activated his personal comms projector. After a short delay the aged but still vigorous face of Grand Mushur Edo Michael Silverdell appeared over the comms projector platform. A smile formed. “Mushur Okarachebe. You look well.”

  Sord howled briefly. “Mushur Silverdell hopes to flatter whilst sizing up for the kill?”

  Michael laughed gently. “Of course not. I know better than to hunt a Lifzan.”

  Sord nodded, “Through wisdom Mushur Silverdell lives to see another day. I would seek more of that wisdom if you would allow it.”

  Michael’s expression turned solemn. “What is it?”

  “Riccard Brams came to seek our assistance. He fears that he will not remain High Doyen long enough to chaperone the Dominion into joining the Commonwealth and he asked for the Edo to help him to defeat his enemy. We agreed to help but we could sense that he was keeping something from us. I have asked Mushur Ison to carry out the mission, along with her pick of Edo.”

  Michael nodded. He remained silent and Sord continued.

  “I sense great peril for them, and seek guidance on what actions we can take to assist.”

  “Trust in your feelings, Mushur Okarachebe. Listen to the Astrals. You have led the Edo well, though I know you still feel remorse over previous events during your leadership. You must not let that remorse cloud your judgment. Do what you feel you must.”

  He was right, as always. He had sought to offload the decisions and actions to Michael to avoid having to bear the responsibility, especially if lives were lost. But he had to face the responsibility head-on. Hunt it, seek out the ways to succeed. He would ask Raif Ko and Nate Shepherd to infiltrate the Dominion and discover what secret Brams was keeping. He just hoped they would discover it before it was too late to be of use.

  Sord growled gently. “So wise for one so furless. Thank you, Grand Mushur.”

  “Grand Mushur,” Michael smiled warmly. “May the Astrals guide you.”

  Chapter Three

  Kaliko Savina reached over to pat Jake’s hand. He was still clearly troubled by postponing the search for Thea Leilani. He barely noticed her touch, so lost in his thoughts. They had arrived on Citadel, the Imperial Dominion’s capital world, together with the rest of the Edo team. They were all waiting for Bram within a conference room in the Imperial Stronghold. She had noticed that very few shock troopers or guards were on watch as they moved from the Palace’s own minor starport to the conference room.

  Raichel and Gil were deep in conversation, catching up like old best friends. Which, of course, they were more than, having been lovers for a while. Both had moved on, with the tall, dark and handsome Gil now courting a beautiful Grazan lady.

  Edo Mushur Calista Flores was sat next to her old Neophyte, the red-haired Wren Furlan, both looking calm as Gil and Flores’ Neophytes Sys Bramion and Elen Ney struggled to contain their excitement about being on Citadel and in the presence of Edo alumni such as Jake Bulver and Raichel Ison. Kaliko could see the Neophytes stealing nervous glances at Jake and Raichel, and she would have found it amusing if not for how they studiously avoided looking at her at all. Her previous actions preceded her. Like Jake, for a short time she had fallen to the Deep. It still pained her, but she knew that re-joining the Edo would expose her to other people and their feelings towards her.

  Elenore Frost, hair dyed a deep black from its normal blond, and dressed in a simple dress, lightly colored, looked like she’d never met, let alone was, royalty. She was sat next to Raichel but was busy trying to tickle the Vynterian Malene Zhao, who was, in good humor, tickling Elenore back. It was good to see people having fun, despite everything. It reminded Kaliko of what they were fighting for.

  Kaliko looked at Jake again and saw he was still distant, but his eyes snapped quickly into focus as the doors to the room opened and Riccard Brams was escorted in by two of his aides, both quite attractive female humans. Was Riccard that sort of man? She wondered. She hadn’t heard of him being anything like that but who knew what people g
ot up to behind closed doors.

  The Edo started to stand but Brams motioned for them to remain seated and moved purposefully to the speaking platform.

  “Welcome to Citadel,” he said, smiling at them. “I wanted to thank you all personally for coming to the Dominion and helping me in my quest to see the Dominion join with the Commonwealth and assure peace and prosperity for the people of both civilizations. Without your help, I don’t think I will be around long enough to complete my goal.” He paused to look at them all individually.

  “Raichel and I have agreed to split you up into two teams. One team will be my guard. I am commissioning a new detail, the Imperial Royal Defenders.” He nodded to one of his aides, “Please.”

  She opened one of the doors and in strode a guardsman dressed resplendently in all-silver, highly reflective, Imperial Royal Defender heavy shock armor. Fully sealed, and with all-enclosing helmet, it was impossible to know who was wearing the suit. The Defender bore a gauss rifle, almost two thirds of his height in length, normally mounted on a vehicle or platform. In the Defender’s case it was wieldable only because the armor was powered, multiplying the user’s strength several times over.

  “Mushur Calista Flores will lead this team, with Gil, Sys Bramion and Elen Ney being the other guards. Thank you for protecting me. You are all in my eternal debt.”

  The Edo guards looked at each other and nodded, satisfied with the mission. Sys and Elen looked as excited as ever, brimming with barely restrained enthusiasm.

  “The rest of you will become my agents. You will be my fists, the Fists of the Dominion. I will let it be known that you are my personal agents, answerable only to me, and with higher authority than even the Doyens. This will enable you to go places within the Dominion and do things with no restraints on your actions. The Fists of the Dominion will be feared and respected by all. There will be certain expectations and duties that you will need to fulfil but these things will not get in the way of what you really need to do: uncover who is leading the uprising against me.”


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