The Rise of The Dominion: A Dominion War novel

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The Rise of The Dominion: A Dominion War novel Page 8

by D. M. Marshall

  Raichel arched an eyebrow. “They are. But how or why the Skave are involved is a mystery that we must discover. Why would the Skave care about who leads the Imperial Dominion? No offense, but the Dominion is a small fish is a big pond.”

  Brams inclined his head. ”None taken, Mushur Ison. I agree, we must find out. None are more able to challenge the Skave than the Edo. I must ask that you continue to act as the Fists and discover the Doyens involved, and through them hunt down the Skave that are here within the Dominion.”

  Raichel moved close to her friend, the beleaguered High Doyen, and put her hand on his shoulder. “We understood the risks coming here Riccard. We will not run back to Sobal Gailian, with our tails between our legs. We will remain until the Dominion is finally a democratically ran entity, and then we will return with our heads held high. You have our promise.”

  She looked around, at the other Edo, their faces equally grim. “Malene’s death will not be in vain.”

  “Reach out, tell me what you sense.”

  Elenore glanced over at her mother’s friend, Mushur Raichel Ison, fabled Edo, killer of Raichel’s brother Tyler Blake, who had ultimately become the evil Skave Lord Overlord Kraiden. She was grateful that Raichel had helped stop him. Stopped him from killing more people, stopped him from sending the entire galaxy into ruin. Only her new Mushur had been up to the task of defeating the Overlord (okay, along with eleven other Edo, but still) and so it had been Raichel who did. Raichel never showed any of the anguish that she must feel over helping to kill her own brother, but Elenore knew - could feel - that Raichel’s heart must have suffered terribly as a consequence. Quite simply, Elenore adored her Mushur.

  So now here they were, spying upon Doyen Weststar’s personal home in Disthasus, and Raichel had given her another test. Could Elenore detect everything that Raichel was sensing? Elenore knew that she was strong favored by the Astrals, but so was Raichel, and she was an accomplished, experienced Edo Mushur, and Elenore still an Edo Neophyte. She smiled, ever willing to accept a challenge.

  Elenore relaxed, closed her eyes and Channeled, allowing the Astral energy to flow through her. She always felt as if her physicality was expanding, as though she was becoming one with the universe. Her perception grew along with her expansion and as she blossomed outwards, encompassing Weststar’s imposing home, she felt the entities within.

  There were eight, no, nine beings. She had almost missed the one, which was a bit strange. She tried to determine their species but struggled to identify them beyond them being humanoid. They were probably all human, given that this was Imperial territory, but she couldn’t be sure. With gentle finesse, Elenore lightly probed at their minds. Four of them seemed to be alert, with taut, focused minds. The obvious answer, guards. Three others, separate and moving slowly around the house had the subdued, repressed minds of the enslaved. Servants, then. The final two were together in the same room. One of the minds glittered, so full of thoughts and intent. The other’s mind, however, the person she’d almost missed, was hidden from Elenore. The possessor was obviously trained in raising mental barriers. Interesting. She explained all this to Raichel.

  Raichel remained focused upon the building, but her features softened slightly, telling Elenore all she needed know - that she had done well.

  “Let’s go take a look around,” said Raichel.

  “But there are nine people in the house,” replied Elenore, worried.

  “Sure there are, but then it’s a big building and we have the Astrals with us. You’re more used to sneaking around big places like this - choose us an entrance point please, my young beautiful Neophyte.” Raichel actually winked at Elenore as she spoke, and Elenore giggled.

  “Certainly, oh wise and merciful Mushur.”

  Elenore considered. According to the government-held plans, the building had four entrances. The grand main entrance, two side entrances for the servants use, and a rear entrance that opened out onto a wonderfully landscaped garden, containing plants and ornaments from across the galaxy. What the property lacked in sheer outright size was more than made up for in luxury and quality. It didn’t compare well to the Grazan Royal Palace, but then little did. On Citadel, however, it was probably one of the most luxurious abodes you would find.

  “The east servant entrance,” declared Elenore confidently. It is easier to access, having more cover between here and there, and I detect no one near its vicinity, inside or out.”

  “Perfect. Let’s move.”

  They kept to the shadows, using the Astrals to minimize noise as they moved. They found their way to the door without issue. Astral-sensed security devices were carefully avoided either physically or through use of Channeling to hide their presence. Both Edo’s eyes glowed with a pale blue light.

  Raichel reached into one of her thigh pockets and withdrew a slicing terminal. She plugged it into the door’s lock interface and together they waited as the machine did its work. A few nervous seconds passed until there was a faint click. Raichel packed up and then slowly opened the door. All clear. They moved in, closing the door behind them. Despite her best efforts to keep calm, Elenore’s heart started thudding in her chest. This was exciting, breaking into the home of one of the most powerful men in the Dominion.

  Raichel indicated to move west, towards a series of rooms with no one present. They slowly moved into a large trophy room, full of antique weapons, suits of armor and stuffed creatures. Elenore couldn’t identify more than half the collection of creatures, which astounded her as she had devoted many hours to learning about the creatures and monsters of the galaxy whilst researching for her next pet, after her Crimson Falladix had heart-wrenchingly succumbed to a horrible genetic disease.

  They moved slowly through the room, looking for a computer terminal to slice. Raichel stopped, moments before Elenore’s own danger sense started tingling.

  “What…” she managed, just before four of the suits of armor sprang into life, quickly encircling them. She also sensed the guards and the bright mind start to move towards the room.

  “Remain still,” boomed one of the robots. “You are under arrest.” The robots bristled with weaponry. It would be noisy dealing with them.

  She watched as Raichel relaxed, and moved slowly into a passive stance, hands crossed over her stomach, resting. Elenore did her best to mimic her Mushur, but what a disaster. They had barely begun their search before getting caught. How was Raichel so unflustered?

  One after the other the guards ran in, nasty looking customized pacifier pistols brought to bear on the Edo. They were dangerous looking men, large but with lean, gaunt looking, serious faces. Elenore imagined their marksmanship matched their dedication to keeping fit. In a word, professionals. Even if they wanted to escape now, it would be tricky against both the guards and the robots. Even for an Edo Mushur and the future Queen of the Grazan Combine.

  It took another tense thirty seconds before Doyen Weststar sauntered in, doing his best to look amused. Elenore could sense the turmoil he was keeping hidden. Theatrically, he looked around at the guards.

  “Oh, I don’t think we’ll be needing our weapons, will we, Mushur Ison?” Raichel shook her head minutely. The guards, though not pleased, lowered their weapons. Elenore knew that getting caught was bad, very bad. Raichel still looked serene.

  “Might you tell me why you have broken into my home? Had you simply called I would have been only too happy to give you a tour.”

  “Fist business,” said Raichel through gritted teeth.

  “Ah, really,” Weststar looked amused. “So you don’t deny that the Fists of the Dominion are nothing other than the Edo, come to save the Commonwealth’s puppet?”

  Elenore didn’t need to Channel to see how irritated Raichel was by Weststar’s dig at Brams.

  “As you full well know, Doyen Weststar, the Commonwealth had nothing to do with Brams winning the election, Adami managed her own defeat all by herself. Something you, one of her staunchest supporters, should quite c
learly remember.”

  Elenore felt a flurry of thoughts and emotions from Weststar. Something Raichel had set had alarmed him. Forcing him to remember his involvement in Adami’s defeat?

  Weststar inclined his head in acknowledgement of Raichel’s words. “No matter. I wonder what all the other Doyen’s will think when they discover that the Fists of the Dominion are Edo and that you were found breaking into my home?”

  “I could take the memories from you, your guards. Destroy your robots, leave your house a ruin, should I wish,” growled Raichel.

  Things were escalating, quickly. Elenore had to do something, fast.

  “Excuse me, Doyen Weststar,” she said, stepping in front of Raichel, who wasn’t really that much taller than her, Elenore noticed. “Do you know who I am?”

  With her hair tied back in tight pleats, and her black militaristic Fists outfit Weststar had plainly not identified her. He looked at her, clearly thinking hard.

  “I’m sorry, little one, I do not.”

  “You should. My mother is the Queen of the Grazan Combine.” As she spoke, recognition bloomed on the Doyen’s face. His eyes grew wide.

  “Elenore Frost!” He bowed. “An honor, your highness, though I am surprised to find you meddling in the affairs of others.”

  Putting on her most regal manner, she replied, “You need not concern yourself with my ‘meddlings’, as you so quaintly put it, Doyen Weststar. Merely that your, ah, tact in this matter will be most appreciated by my mother. Most appreciated.”

  The Doyen seemed to stop and consider.

  Within a few minutes the two Edo were escorted to the main entrance, and with the four guards watching their every step the left the compound.

  "You know he'll never stick to the agreement," remarked Raichel.

  "I know, it was just the least violent option I could think of. It allowed him to save face and thus he played along. I'm sure that when it does leak he'll deny that it was him and so he'll still be able to claim a favor from the Grazans."

  Raichel smiled and shook her head. "Your political insight is already far superior to mine, Edo Frost."

  "That's what happens when you start teaching a child about politics before they can even speak," smiled Elenore, her face a mocking picture of exasperation.

  Raichel laughed and then, play acting nonchalance by looking at her fingernails, said, “Of course, there’s always the possibility he just won himself a favor for nothing.”

  “What do you mean?” replied Elenore, confused.

  “Well,” drawled Raichel, enjoying the moment, “I’m guessing you didn’t notice how he didn’t seem the least bit surprised two Edo wearing Fists of the Dominion uniforms were in his home?”

  The implications hit Elenore like a physical blow to her stomach. Her cheeks blossomed red with embarrassment.

  “That sneaky,” Elenore began, but faltered, too shocked at having been so easily duped by Weststar.

  “Don’t be too hard on yourself, my young Neophyte,” laughed Raichel. “You actually saved the day - all I could think to do was arrest the vile man on some flimsy treason grounds. It would have probably caused a political crisis for Brams.”

  Elenore perked up a bit. “Really? I saved a mighty Edo Mushur?”

  “Sure! And I didn’t mind one bit you stepping in since who am I to argue with a future Queen and most importantly it’s not me who owes that scumbag the favor.” Raichel winked mischievously at Elenore.

  Elenore scowled back.

  Val Nordin frowned. Sat down in the cantina, with the rest of his Paladins, they were going over the data obtained from the ship thieves, matched up with any recent activity of the stolen ships. There were quite a few leads to follow up on.

  “Is anyone getting anything from the Astrals,” he asked. “Any indications on which is the best lead to chase?”`

  Nothing but shakes of heads, scowls or worse. Antreeba let out a small howl, frustrated.

  “Let each Flight group choose a lead, we will cover three times as much ground that way,” offered Senoch Gray, the tall Fassen. What he lacked in charisma he made up for in doggedness, something Val could appreciate.

  “I’m not sure that is a wise idea,” said Kaisa Ko. “We’re not just hunting for ship thieves. What if a flight encounters a large group of Skave? We are much weaker when divided.”

  “I’m not afraid,” replied Karlos Tsia’ool. “We must do what we have to do to stop the Skave. If we have to put ourselves in more danger to do so then that is a price we must pay.”

  Kaisa looked at Karlos fondly, a small smile crept up onto her face. Karlos, still a teenager, blushed.

  “Karlos is correct,” said Val. “We will do as Senoch suggests. We will ask Captain Nasturn to keep the freighter mobile and at a midpoint between our three flights, ready to respond should we need her. This mission is more important than any of our lives.”

  He turned back to Karlos, and stood.

  “Neophyte Tsia’ool, please rise.” Karlos stood up, confused and embarrassed by the sudden attention.

  “You have proven yourself time and time again. You have become a strong and resourceful Edo. I am honored to have you amongst my Paladins, an equal to all. Your training is complete. You are no longer a Neophyte, Edo Askari Tsia’ool.”

  As the other Edo applauded, Karlos spluttered, finally just settling on grinning at everyone, overjoyed.

  Val smiled thinly. That boy is mine, he thought. He will do whatever I ask of him. I can only hope that when the time comes the results of his actions will be worth the cost.

  “Edo,” spat Admiral Petrina Adami. The holographic image of her amply displayed her outrage. Weststar found it interesting to watch Adami react to the news. Whilst he currently had no concerns over her loyalty, it was wise for him to remember how she could let her emotions rule her. Like now.

  “Brams has gone too far, this time,” she said, almost shouting. “I will signal my fleet to depart immediately.”

  Weststar sat back, shook his head slowly, and took a small, measured sip of his very fine, and ridiculously expensive Deniroe Boff liquor. It was all a calculated act to show that he was in charge, in control. Relaxed and authoritative. Powerful. He knew that she responded to power, her infatuation with Grand Doyen Vang proof enough.

  “My dear, you must be patient. Brams will be defeated, but not if we are simply reacting to his moves. If we attack now, whilst we’re still off-guard and with an unfinished fleet we risk losing everything, including our heads.”

  “Amos,” she began, but Weststar cut her off.

  “No, Petrina. Do nothing but concentrate on your fleet. Get the Zhur Thoggu tech installed as quickly as you can. Train your men. Be ready. The time is coming, it is just not now.”

  “But the Edo - “

  “Do not worry about the Edo. I have a long term plan for their ultimate annihilation, and they are playing right into my hands.” He paused, melodramatically. “In fact, my dear, I was rather relying on them coming to Brams’ aid.”

  “What are you talking about,” said Adami, angry and confused.

  He smiled, almost gloating. “I have used our, ah, little endeavor to draw the Edo here. I will reduce their numbers directly whilst they remain in the Dominion and am hopeful that they will be exposed quite soon. Once this happens there will be outrage in the Commonwealth, the Edo will become further exposed and finally ripe for the picking.”

  Adami considered his words, finally nodding, sharply. “Good. Though I am not pleased you kept this from me.”

  “Petrina, dear. I need you focused on your tasks there. I cannot tell you about everything I do. It was time for you to know about my plans for the Edo, and now you know. Trust me, if there are things you need to learn, I will not hold them from you.”

  Adami gave him a cold stare. “You had better not.”

  Chapter Six

  A swarm of strangely shaped, constantly reforming Ulorbana fighters swam towards her, more than her TacCom could
count. Raichel stamped hard on her Nebula fighter’s sub-dimension rudder whilst cutting power, slewing her impossibly around in a tight arc until she was heading back, as quickly as her small warship was capable of. Her inertial dampeners setting must have been at 100% as she felt nothing of the tremendous g-forces she had put her ship through. She slammed full power back into the engines, diverting all energy from weapons and life support into them. As she accelerated superheated rock began splashing against her rear shield. She diverted her front shields to rear and Channeled, letting the Astrals guide her hand and steer her away from the lava balls. Even as strong as she was with the Astrals, she could not avoid them all, for there were hundreds of enemy fighters attacking her, and their fire was eerily accurate.

  She used a nearby planet to increase her speed, using its gravitational pull to slingshot around it, gaining distance on the pursuing pack. As she exited the other side of the planet she realized she had just flown into a Zhur Thoggu battle fleet, busy blasting the surface of the planet into oblivion with their plasma cannons. Raichel flinched as she recognized the planet as Citadel, the Imperial Dominion’s capitol world. Its capital city, Disthasus, had been almost completely destroyed - even from her vantage point she could see the terrible destruction. The world was in flames.

  She flew wildly, desperately flying between Imperial Battleship sized hunks of flying nanite metal whilst attempting to evade the attacks of the countless Ulorbana fighters. There was nothing she could do to help Citadel, even her own survival seemed unlikely. Raichel felt the deaths of the people on the planet, wave after wave of anguish flooding over her as their lives were quenched.

  One of the huge ships lumbered near her and she skipped closely around it, hugging its hull to prevent attack by the pursuing Ulorbana fighters. She emerged from the ship’s shadow and realized her mistake. A gargantuan Zhur Thoggu Megaship lay in wait, its pincer-like main weapon already extended towards her. She snap-rolled her Nebula fighter over onto its port stabilizers and attempted to dive away but the enormous pincers loomed ever closer. It engulfed her and her fighter, snapping down to devour her whole. She felt overwhelming sorrow for having so utterly failed the Dominion.


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