Our Kind of Love

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Our Kind of Love Page 6

by Shirleen Davies

  “I can see I’ll need to be extremely careful around you.” Selena let her hand drop to her side, but not before noticing the solid wall of muscle under the chic gray suit. Her mind conjured up a sexy image of him without his coat and shirt. She wondered if the reality matched her imagination.

  Taking her hand in his, Linc brought it to his lips, brushing a soft kiss across her knuckles. “I hope you won’t be too careful,” he teased, releasing her hand, again resting his on the small of her back. He guided her toward the nearest bar, making casual conversation and introductions as he took a place in line. “What would you like to drink?”

  “Ginger ale, or tea, or—”

  “Not a martini?” His eyes sparkled.

  “Certainly not. I assure you, there will be no repeat performance of that night.”

  He ordered their drinks, then turned back to her. “That may be the saddest declaration I’ve heard in a long time. You didn’t find my party enjoyable or entertaining?” His expression changed to a mock pout.

  Despite her best efforts, Selena laughed. “The party was wonderful, the music and people entertaining, at least as far as I remember through the stupor I created for myself.”

  “And what of my bed. Did you also find it unappealing?” He tilted his glass toward her, then took a sip of his scotch, his gaze never leaving hers.

  “Well, no…I mean, yes.” She touched a hand to her cheek, feeling the skin heat. “What I mean is, I’m sure it’s quite comfortable. Unfortunately, I wasn’t in any shape to enjoy it.” She groaned the moment the words left her lips, hoping he didn’t catch her slip.

  “Well, that’s something we can easily rectify.”

  Her breath caught as her teeth clenched together.

  “You name the night, and I’ll do my best to ensure you have a night full of enjoyment in my bed.”

  “Alone?” she squeaked out.

  His laughter emerged, rich and deep. “Of course not. I’ll need to give you my personal, undivided attention. I wouldn’t want you to suffer sleeping in such a big bed alone, perhaps becoming disoriented and stumbling out of the house without all your possessions.”

  Her jaw worked, but nothing came out. If Caly were here, she’d have a perfect retort, put Linc in his place, and move on to another topic. All Selena could do was lock onto his hypnotic blue eyes, now sparking with amusement. Her mind went completely blank, except for the images emerging of them naked, him hovering over her as he took her mouth in a scorching kiss.

  Shaking her head, Selena tipped back her glass of soda, downing half the contents while still focusing on his magnetic eyes. They seemed to penetrate beyond normal awareness, finding her weaknesses, discovering layers she’d rather keep hidden. Watching him study her, she could easily understand how he’d be a formidable opponent on a battlefield or in a boardroom. Without a doubt, the man was way beyond her league.

  “Selena Kerrigan, right?” The voice behind her triggered a vague recollection. Turning, she gasped, recognizing the man she hoped to never see again.

  “Chad Donovan…” Her voice trailed off as she recalled the last time she’d seen him. His back to her, naked, the room crammed with spectators as the cameras rolled. “It’s, uh…good to see you again.” She glanced at Linc, noting the set of his jaw, his gaze narrowed at Chad. “Linc, Chad and I attended college together. Chad, this is Lincoln Caldwell.”

  Chad extended his hand. “Nice to meet you.” He didn’t add he already knew about Linc and his company, a competitor to his stepfather’s firm. The surprise was finding Selena with him. Shifting back to her, he didn’t hide his obvious interest, his gaze wandering over the tight red dress. He had no idea what had been hidden under all the layers of clothes she wore in college. “I didn’t know you lived in Spokane.”

  “She doesn’t.” Linc didn’t hide his irritation at Chad’s obvious interest in Selena. “We flew up from Peregrine Bay for tonight’s event.”

  Chad took a slight step back, glancing between the two. “As I recall, that’s where your family lives, correct?” He directed the question at Selena, ignoring the negative vibes from her date. There had been two reasons Ephraim sent him to Spokane to attend the dinner. One, to become more acquainted with the leaders in the city’s building industry, and two, to meet Linc Caldwell. A quick review of TSR’s website had announced them as one of the sponsors of the event. It had been a lucky guess that Linc would be in attendance. Finding Selena with him was a pleasant surprise.

  “You have a good memory. What are you doing these days?” Selena had heard the stories about Chad moving to California to continue what he’d started in college. It hadn’t surprised her. She now realized her reaction to what she’d witnessed the night of their graduation had been due to her sheltered life and naiveté, as well as being completely unprepared for what she saw. Embarrassment still washed over her when she thought of how she’d fled to the bathroom, losing the small amount of food in her stomach. Still, it wasn’t something she wanted to witness again.

  “I recently moved back home from California to take a job with my stepfather’s company. My territory includes Washington and Idaho.” He didn’t elaborate. “Feels good to return.”

  The dinner announcement had Linc stepping forward, cupping Selena’s elbow. “We should find our seats.”

  “It was good to see you, Selena. I’ll make it a point to call when I’m in Peregrine Bay in a few weeks.” Chad leaned forward, placing a kiss on her cheek, not noticing her flinch at his touch. “Linc, it was a pleasure.”

  “Perhaps we’ll see each other again.” Linc turned to lead Selena away.

  “Oh, you can count on it.” Chad shoved his hands in his pockets, watching as they took seats at one of the front tables. He’d already planned a trip to Peregrine Bay to meet with an old friend. Now he had more than one reason for making the journey.


  Selena felt the tension crackle between her and Linc during dinner, wondering what had caused his change in mood. Her gracious, teasing escort had become quiet and watchful. Several times, she noticed his gaze fixed on Chad a few tables away.

  “Did you date him in college?”

  Selena swung her gaze toward Linc, startled at the question. “Not that it’s your business, but no, we never dated. We sat near each other in a couple classes, shared notes a few times, but he rarely acknowledged me outside of class.”

  “But you wanted him to.” Linc’s interest in her relationship with Chad surprised him. Rarely did a woman pique his curiosity as much as Selena.

  “At one time, yes. But I learned some things about him that changed my mind. Besides, Chad had what you could call his own fan club. Both men and women were drawn to his open, outgoing personality. He always seemed to be up for anything.” She winced at the unintentional double meaning in her words.

  “I take it you weren’t one of his groupies.” Linc took the last bite of his mystery chicken, setting down his fork.

  “Hardly. The only time I ever saw him socially was after my graduation dinner with my family. He invited me to a party at a private home.” She took a sip of wine, a wry smile twisting her mouth.

  “Your one and only date with Chad?” Linc leaned toward her. The thought of her going out with Chad left a ball of ice in his stomach.

  “Again, no. When I arrived, he introduced me to a few people, then left to find his own pleasures. I didn’t speak to him again that night and haven’t seen him until this evening, although I had heard he’d moved to California.” He’d somehow obtained her cell number and left a couple messages, which she never returned.

  Intrigued, Linc leaned closer. “Any idea what he does?”

  “Well…” She fiddled with the napkin in her lap, trying to decide how much to tell him.

  “Don’t tell me. Let me guess. He robs banks.”

  She glanced up. “No.”

  “Became a mime at Venice Beach?”

  Laughing, she shook her head.

  “A host a
t a theme park?” Linc’s brow arched.

  Shaking her head, she moved closer, her lips an inch from his ear. “He became a porn star.”

  His deep bark of laughter drew attention from several tables around them. Selena could feel her cheeks heat, sensing several pairs of eyes on them.


  “Why?” He reached over, taking her hand in his. “You have nothing to be embarrassed about. He chose the profession, not you. From what I know, it can be quite lucrative.”

  Her gaze snapped to his. “You know others who make those movies?”

  “In fact, I do. I went to high school with one, and served in the Navy with another. As far as I know, they’re both still making porn flicks, socking away tons of money, and have no regrets.” He signaled their server for more coffee. “Actually, the flicks aren’t bad.”

  “You’ve seen them?” Her brows arched at his comment.

  His eyes glistened at the surprise in her voice. “We provided protection for one of them when a fan decided to become a stalker. When he sent our fee, we found a couple movies tucked in the package.” He grinned, taking a sip of coffee. “Hey, I’m only human. What’s a guy to do?”

  “Return them?”

  “No way. My partners, Matt and Shane, broke out the beer and we made a night of it.”

  Her voice lowered to a whisper. “Were they any good?”

  “Total crap, but we had a good time. I think Shane donated them to the local library.”

  Her eyes widened in shock. “He did not.”

  He shook his head, lifting her hand to his lips and placing a soft kiss on her knuckles. “No, he didn’t.” Linc flashed her one of his killer smiles as the emcee stepped up to the microphone to begin the program. “If you’re curious, I can find out—”

  “No,” she hissed, glancing around at their tablemates. “Forget I ever asked.”

  Threading her fingers through his, he tilted his head. “Of course,” he answered, knowing he wouldn’t.


  Selena worked to keep her attention on the presentations and speakers instead of Linc sitting next to her, his thigh making contact with hers, his hand resting on her knee under the table. So far, the evening had been nothing like she expected.

  Linc wanted her to accompany him, but not as a date, which would’ve distracted him from the business reasons for his attending. Somehow, his request had taken a dive the moment she’d opened her door to see him standing in the hall, his blatant perusal of her causing fissures in her carefully concealed desire. Never had she felt such strong strokes of heat for a man, stripping away the shy façade she hid behind.

  “It shouldn’t be much longer.” Linc’s fingers squeezed her leg lightly, causing her to glance up to see him lean closer, his breath fanning her cheek. “We’ll stay a little while, then disappear.”

  Selena could feel her face heat at his implied meaning, forcing herself not to read too much into it. Despite her best efforts, she did. It had been far too long since she’d allowed herself to feel anything for a man. Her entire focus since college had been on work, proving to her father and oldest sister, Julia, she deserved a chance. According to both, as well as her position in the company, she’d succeeded. The few dates she’d allowed herself over the years hadn’t progressed beyond friendship. There’d never been the passion she’d witnessed between Julia and Adam, making her doubt herself capable of such deep emotions.

  If her body’s response to Linc was any indication, she’d been wrong.

  “Don’t feel we must leave because of me. After all, you’re one of the sponsors.” It was an obligatory response, allowing him a reason to stay.

  “Believe me, Selena, this is not where I want to be tonight.” His deep blue eyes darkened as his gaze held hers.

  A round of applause pulled their attention to the podium as the speaker stepped down and the band began to play. Linc stood, holding out his hand. “Dance with me, Selena.”

  She bit her lower lip, thinking how long it had been since she’d danced. All the Kerrigan sisters had taken ballroom dance classes. Of the five, Caly had shown the most aptitude while Selena floundered, never seeming to hear the beat. Fear swept over her.

  “I’m not very good and I certainly don’t want to embarrass you. Perhaps someone else…” Her gaze darted around the room.

  “Trust me. You’ll do fine.” Linc’s confidence wrapped around her as she placed her hand in his.

  “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  His soft chuckle preceded his quiet voice at her ear. “There’s nothing you could do to embarrass me.” Turning Selena, he took her in his arms. “All you have to do is follow me. And relax.” His mouth tipped up into a warm smile.


  One dance became two, then five. After almost twenty minutes, Selena had to beg off. Taking her elbow, Linc guided her back to their table.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, it’s been a pleasure sharing a table with you this evening.” Linc handed Selena her purse. “Enjoy the music.”

  She had a scant second to say her goodbyes before Linc swept her from the room, heading to the elevators and ushering her inside. No one joined them, the mirrored walls closing around them. The doors had barely shut when Linc turned her to him, cupped her face with both hands, and lowered his head.

  “I’ve been wanting to do this all night.” His gaze searched her face, giving Selena a moment to pull away before he pressed his lips to hers.

  Nothing had ever felt as wonderful as his lips on hers, taking control, demanding she respond. With no hesitation, she wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers slipping through his silky hair, drawing him down.

  His lips traced a path from the corner of her mouth, along the line of her jaw, to the sensitive spot below her ear, his breath igniting a shudder of desire throughout her body. Heat flooded her as his hands splayed across her back, aligning their bodies, shifting to pull her closer.

  When the elevator signaled their floor, Linc broke the kiss. He dropped his hands from her back and grabbed her hand, entwining their fingers. Leading Selena to his room, he opened the door and drew her inside. Turning her to him, he settled his hands on her shoulders.

  “I want you, Selena, but I won’t rush you. If this is too soon for you…”

  His ragged voice trailed off as her hands settled on his chest, then wrapped around his waist. Leaning up, she brushed a soft, tentative kiss across his mouth, then gazed up into eyes that had gone from brilliant blue to deep cobalt.

  Selena’s overactive mind told her it was too soon. She didn’t know him and certainly didn’t love him. Her body, however, sent a different message, telling her to jump in, explore the passion she felt for this man. Taking risks, pushing herself beyond her self-imposed boundaries had never been easy. But she wanted to explore what could happen with Linc. Take a chance.

  “I want to stay.” She swallowed, her gaze dropping to his chest.

  Placing a finger under her chin, he drew her face back up to his. “What is it, Selena?”

  Her cheeks colored slightly, her tongue darting out to moisten lips still sensitive from his kisses. “It’s been a long time. I don’t know…” She shook her head, unable to continue as his finger traced a line from her chin up her cheek, then cupped it.

  “We’ll take it as slow as you want.” He leaned down, brushing his lips across hers.

  She closed her eyes, feeling a surge of fear at embarrassing herself in front of the only man she’d felt anything for in years. Her few experiences hadn’t left her with anything close to personal satisfaction, doing nothing for her confidence.

  “I just don’t want you to be disappointed.”

  “Ah, sweetheart. Trust me. You could never disappoint me.” He kicked the door closed when he saw her slight nod, then swept her into his arms. “Our first time will not be against a wall, on the floor, or on a cramped sofa.” He walked through an interior door of his suite, then set her down next to a canopied bed covered wi
th a thick, ivory-colored spread and tapestry pillows in browns, beiges, and deep reds. He chuckled, seeing her eyes widen as she looked around the large room. “I know. It’s a little over the top.”

  She shook her head, then turned back to him, smiling. “It’s gorgeous. I had no idea they offered rooms like this one.”

  “I have to admit that when I made the reservation, I hoped you’d join me here.”

  “A little presumptuous, don’t you think?”

  Linc ran his hands up her arms, letting his fingers linger on her soft skin. “Did I hope for too much?” His voice, husky and deep, sent shivers through her body.

  Heat flooded her as she let him draw her closer. “No, Linc, you didn’t.”

  He smiled, letting out a breath as he pulled her close, claiming her mouth. Softly, his lips played against hers, encouraging her to open before he plunged inside, teasing and tasting. His arms tightened around her, kissing her as if he never wanted to let her go.

  Selena moaned as the heat of his body burned through the thin silk of her dress, creating a tightness deep in her belly. Blood thrummed through her, sending waves of fire from her toes to her face. She could feel her body tremble as his hand moved to her hip, then lower, drawing up the hem of her short dress, stroking her thigh.

  He drew back, his breathing deep and ragged, his gaze locking with hers. “Last chance to change your mind,” he whispered.

  Need speared through her at the look of raw desire on his face. She smiled, wrapping her hands behind his neck, drawing him down. “I want you, Linc.”

  It was all the answer he needed. With a deep, pleasure-filled groan, he scooped her into his arms, settling her on the bed, then stretched out beside her. “I hope you’re prepared for a long, sleepless night.” He slid a hand through her hair, capturing her sigh with a scorching kiss.

  Chapter Seven

  Sipping her flavored ice tea, Selena laughed at the text message Linc sent. Looking back at the last month, she acknowledged her fear of a relationship with him may have been misplaced. He’d been nothing short of amazing since their first night in Spokane. She felt her face heat as she remembered their night of lovemaking, which continued once they’d returned to Peregrine Bay. Even with their busy schedules and having to drive between the north and south shores, they still saw each other several nights each week. She didn’t know where their relationship was headed, but she’d made up her mind to enjoy the journey.


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