Our Kind of Love

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Our Kind of Love Page 14

by Shirleen Davies

  Placing his hands on her shoulders, he studied her face. “Really? Then I want to see you. Tonight. Just you and me for dinner away from the house. Nina can watch Caid.”

  It felt as if the anger, along with her breath, had been forced out of her. Blinking a few times, she tried to back away, but his grip held steady.

  “I don’t know what happened between us the other night and I don’t care. All I know is I want to continue seeing you, figure out if we have any kind of future. I also know I have no desire to see anyone else.” He leaned in, brushing his lips across hers. “What do you say?”

  Lips curving into a tentative smile, she nodded. “I already paid for another night at the motel.”

  “I’ll take care of it.”

  “I need to get my things.”

  “We’ll follow you to the motel, then you can follow us back to Peregrine Bay. I have to drop Heather off at the school for her car, then take Caid home. I’ll pick you up at seven.” He kissed her again, then once more before letting his hands drop to his sides. “All right?”

  “Yes. I think I’d like that.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “I have the first attack on TSR set up for later tonight, C. It should do what your stepdaddy wants.” Rave’s voice held a strange edge mingled with excitement. “If all goes right, TSR won’t be able to neutralize it for a few hours.”

  C gripped the phone tighter, the news bittersweet. “It won’t destroy their systems, right?”

  “Nah. Just mess with them long enough for their clients to know their services were compromised. It may not be enough to change their reputation, but I’ll set something up for tomorrow, then again the following day. Three incidences in less than thirty-six hours will shake client confidence.”

  “Are you certain nothing can be traced back to either of us?”

  “Positive, C. No matter what TSR’s tech guru tries, our identities are off the grid. Guaranteed.” Rave’s deep breathing for several moments was all that could be heard over the phone. “I’ll let you know when the first one hits. If you know how to contact their clients, I’d suggest anonymous phone calls to notify them of possible threats. Give them a heads-up their data is at risk. Be sure to use a burner phone. You don’t want to leave a trail.”

  “Got it, Rave.” It was time to make another phone call.

  “I’ll be in touch.” Rave hung up, a smug smile crossing his face. C had been a good friend when everyone else had turned their back on him. Whatever his friend asked, Rave would do his best to make it happen. He couldn’t wait to hear the shock in C’s voice when the surprise he’d set up was eventually discovered. All the time and effort he’d put into this would be worth it. Plus, his friend would be that much closer to having a normal life.


  “You have word for me?” Even at this hour of the night, Ephraim sounded wide awake.

  “First phase goes off tonight. But I have terms.”

  “Terms?” Ephraim laughed. “I’m calling the shots, not you.”

  “Maybe in the past, but no longer. I want mother taken care of without your continued blackmail. Obtaining the contract for the arts center will set Simondson Security up as a solid player in Idaho, which is what you want. With what I have planned, you’ll be able to knock a major blow to TSR on this bid and going forward. Now, here’s the deal. I want two hundred thousand transferred into a bank account within the hour. I’ll give you the information. Once it’s in my account, I trigger the action to start. No money, no results.”

  Silence stretched for long minutes before Ephraim’s angry voice seemed to jump through the phone. “You listen to me—”

  “No, you listen. This ends tonight with me having the money to take care of mother. You get what you want and I get what she’s owed. You can wash your hands of her, which is what you’ve wanted for a long time. Take it or leave it.”

  “You’re certain what you have planned will work?”

  “Without a doubt.” Rave’s confidence was catching. The man knew his stuff.

  “If I find you’re screwing with me, no amount of money will protect you.”

  “Then we have a deal?”

  “Yes, but heed my warning. This better work.” Ephraim’s irate voice emphasized his words.

  “It will. Here is the transfer information you need.”


  “You’ll be good for Nina, right, Caid?” Linc knelt down next to his son, who was focused on the action figures spread out in front of him.

  “Uh-huh.” His head bobbed, but he didn’t look at his father.

  “Do I get a hug?”

  Caid stood, wrapped his arms around Linc, then dropped back down on the floor without a word.

  Linc glanced up at Nina, who shrugged.

  “We’ll be fine, Mr. Caldwell. Go on and have a good time.”

  “I don’t know how late I’ll be.” Linc stood, but didn’t turn to leave.

  “That’s why you provide a bedroom for me.” Nina moved closer to him, lowering her voice. “He’ll be fine. I suggest you take off while he’s concentrating on his toys.”

  “Call me if you need anything. Even if he just wants to talk to me.” He still didn’t take his gaze off Caid, waiting to see if his son glanced up at him.

  “I will.”

  Nodding, Linc walked through the house and into the garage, sliding into his sleek black sports car. He sat a few minutes before turning the engine over and driving through the gates on his way to Selena’s, feeling his world tilt as he turned onto the highway.

  Less than two months ago, he’d been in control of every aspect of his life. Not now. Linc always prided himself on setting goals, attaining them, then raising the bar. He’d thought the brief marriage to Valerie had been a colossal mistake until he learned the union had produced a son. Although not a bullet point on his list of goals, none of his other accomplishments compared to Caid. Graduating from the Naval Academy, becoming a SEAL, or the phenomenal success of TSR didn’t come close to the joy he experienced with his son.

  His growing feelings for Selena hadn’t been planned either. What started as one evening together in Spokane shifted into them spending almost every night in either her bed or his. He still couldn’t figure it out. Their relationship had developed into a desire and passion he’d never experienced in his past relationships. Not even with Valerie.

  Linc chuckled, remembering what his mother had told him years before about accepting real love when it smacked him in the backside. Perhaps this was the real deal, unexpected and slamming into him like a Texas tornado. Lacking any other explanation, he pulled into Selena’s driveway, determined to make tonight a new start for them both.


  “I haven’t been here in a long time.” As Linc pulled out her chair, Selena glanced around the elegant restaurant inside the oldest hotel in Peregrine Bay. Her stepmother, Joannie, called it “elegantly understated.” Antique furniture of cherry wood, walnut, rosewood, and mahogany graced the dining room. The chairs were covered in rich brocade. Surprisingly, instead of the walls being covered in wallpaper, they’d been painted a soft cream shade and were adorned with beautiful landscapes of the surrounding mountains and lakes. A large painting of Lake Bountiful hung above the massive fireplace, a perfect background for their table.

  “I’ve never been here at all. Heather mentioned it when I told her about our dinner plans.”

  Selena waited until Linc ordered wine. “Tell me about Heather.”

  “Not much to tell. She went through a divorce a few years ago, we went on a couple dates, nothing serious, and now she’s seeing a firefighter in town.” He took a sip of wine, then nodded to their waiter.

  “You know, my cousin, Devlin, is part of the Lake Bountiful Hotshots. I wonder if he knows Heather.”

  He thought back, not recalling Selena ever mentioning her cousin. “Have I met Devlin?”

  “Not through me, but he was at the party at your house when you and I met. I believe
a female friend invited him. Truthfully, I never know with Dev. Like you, he’s always got someone different on his arm.” She glanced over the rim of her wine glass, knowing she’d baited him.

  Linc’s expression stilled at the barb. “That’s not me anymore, Selena. The only woman I want on my arm is you.”

  She had no comeback for that, choosing to hide the color warming her face behind the menu.

  He tilted his head toward hers. “No response?”

  Letting the menu dip lower, enough to see the serious expression on his face, she reconsidered a sharp retort. Lowering her hands, she leaned toward him, brushing her lips against his. “I like the idea of being the only woman on your arm.”

  “Good. At least we’re together on that point.”

  “Selena?” They broke apart, each glancing at the man standing next to their table. “I thought that was you.”

  She blinked a couple times, not expecting to see Chad again so soon after running into him at the event in Spokane.

  “Good evening, Chad.”

  “It’s good to see you again.” He held out his hand, flashing what she used to consider a megawatt smile.

  She grasped his hand, releasing it in a quick motion.

  Turning, he extended his hand to Linc, who now stood beside him.

  “Do you have business in Peregrine Bay?” She kept her expression neutral, praying his presence in town was brief.

  “Yes, but I’m not certain for how long. As I mentioned in Spokane, my stepfather asked me to represent his firm to prospects throughout Idaho. This is my base of operations for now.”

  “So what is it you do, Chad?” Linc’s gaze bored into his.

  “My company provides security equipment and services. Simondson Security. Perhaps you’ve heard of it.” As if on cue, the cocky grin Selena remembered appeared on Chad’s face.

  “Yes, I’m familiar with them.” Too familiar, Linc thought, believing their encounter in the restaurant hadn’t been by accident. “Well, it was a pleasure seeing you again. I hope you don’t mind, but tonight is rather special for Selena and me.” Linc inclined his head toward the table as the waiter set their plates down.

  “No problem. Selena, perhaps we can meet for coffee or lunch sometime soon.” Reaching in a pocket, he handed her his card. “Give me a call when you have a chance. Linc, nice to see you again.” Without another word, Chad left them alone, returning to a table across the room.

  Selena watched him leave, sucking in a quick breath when she recognized his tablemate, Councilman Tom Harten.


  Linc kept a close watch on Selena during their drive back to her place and while she made coffee, her fingers shaking when she handed him a cup.

  “Are you going to tell me about Chad? Or do I have to guess?” He kept his voice soft, hoping she’d confide in him. After Chad walked away from their table, she’d closed up, talking little during the rest of their dinner. He wanted to know why.

  Taking a seat next to him on the sofa, she waved a hand in the air, hoping a condensed version would satisfy him. “Chad’s just a guy I met in college. I may have mentioned about going to a party after graduation.” Linc nodded. “Well, he’s the one who invited me, but not as a date. He disappeared not long after I arrived. I drove home a couple hours later. That’s it.” Not a complete account, but close enough.


  “And what? That’s all. I never saw him again after that night.”

  Setting his cup down, he grabbed her around the waist and lifted her onto his lap. “Sweetheart, we’ve been together long enough for you to be honest with me. I’m not buying your version. Why don’t you tell me the unabridged story? All of it.”


  “Son of a bitch,” Linc muttered, holding her close, his body vibrating as Selena finished her story. Considering how much she resisted telling him, her voice had remained strong, without the emotion he expected.

  “The strange part is, I don’t think any of my sisters would’ve been upset about stumbling on Chad the way I did. Why does it still send chills through me after all this time?”

  Stroking a hand down Selena’s hair, he kissed her forehead. “We’re all unique and react to situations differently. Even years later, some things just stick with us.”

  “True, but that doesn’t account for overreacting to what I saw and carrying it with me after all these years.”

  “Walking in on something like that, unprepared and with little experience, would upset most anyone.”

  She glanced up at him. “Not you.”

  He chuckled. “No, not me. Selena, you need to understand the men, and some of the women, I’ve been around most of my life would consider what you saw pretty tame. You aren’t like me or them. How many porn flicks have you ever seen?”

  She sat up, pushing away from him. “None.”

  “Strip clubs?”

  “Um, none.”

  “Not even Chippendales?”

  Pushing herself off his lap, she stood, pacing a few feet away. “You make me sound pathetic.”

  “Not being into those activities doesn’t make you pathetic at all. You have a strong sense of who you are and won’t allow yourself to be pressured into doing something outside your comfort zone. There’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, it’s to be admired.” He walked up to her, placing his hands on her shoulders. “I admire it.” Bending down, he kissed the sensitive area below her ear.

  “Yeah?” She sucked in a breath, tilting her head to give him better access.

  “Oh, yeah.” He trailed kisses along her jaw and down to the hollow at the base of her neck. “There is so much about you I admire, Selena.” His deep, husky voice sent chills through her a moment before he claimed her mouth with his.

  She moaned as his hands gripped her hips, drawing her close, the heat scorching through the fabric of her dress, burning her skin. His mouth slanted against hers, his tongue urgent and searching as it slipped between her parted lips. She squirmed against him, feeling the familiar tightness deep in her stomach as her knees began to buckle, a soft moan spilling from her lips.

  Wrapping her hands behind his neck, she drew him close, sliding her fingers through his hair. Linc’s deep groan sent shivers through her body, fire streaming through every limb.

  Drawing her hands to his shirt, she released the buttons, splaying fingers across the hard, warm surface of his chest. Her body hummed with desire as another groan escaped his lips.

  Feeling Linc lift her against his chest, Selena wrapped her legs around him, cradling his face as she kissed his lips.

  Pulling away, he took a long, deep breath, his gaze raking over her face. “You are so beautiful, Selena. So damn beautiful.” He dragged in a ragged breath, taking long strides into her bedroom, lowering her, then lying down beside her. “You are the woman I want. Don’t ever doubt it.” Feathering kisses along her shoulder to her neck, his lips burned a path to her mouth, feeling her shiver against him.

  “Linc, I can’t wait any longer. Please.” It came out as a soft plea, her hands spearing into his hair.

  “Sweetheart, neither can I.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Linc’s fingers twirled a strand of Selena’s hair as she sprawled on top of him. He knew the sun would peek through the windows in a couple hours and he had to head home, back to Caid and his responsibilities.

  The thought of leaving her chilled him as much as not being home when his son ran into his room, his hands loaded with action figures, and climbed onto the bed. A brief ritual, but one Linc looked forward to each morning.

  Letting out a groan, he released the strand of hair, then carefully lifted Selena’s arm off his chest before sliding out from under her. Regret at losing her warmth, her touch, hit him with such force, he almost wished he hadn’t moved. But his new life called like a siren, signaling his need to leave.

  “Where are you going?” Selena’s sleepy voice mumbled as she rolled to her back and sat up, drawing the covers
up under her chin.

  “I believe it’s a little late for you to turn modest around me.” He chuckled, then leaned down, giving her a warm kiss. Breaking it before he took her in his arms, he straightened. “Caid will be awake in a couple hours.”

  “Ah…” She rubbed her eyes, then tossed the covers aside, picking up a V-neck tee from the day before. “I’ll make coffee.”

  He stopped buttoning his shirt, a sensation he couldn’t quite place settling in his chest. “You don’t have to do that.”

  “But I want to.” Her sleepy smile did nothing to cool the desire he felt for this woman. In that moment, Linc knew he had to find a way to keep her in his life. He started to open his mouth when the sounds of a country song indicated an incoming call. Tearing his gaze away from Selena, he grabbed his phone.

  “Caldwell,” he answered when he saw Matt’s face pop up on the screen.

  “We have a situation. It’s not good.” Matt used the code they’d set up for matters of extreme urgency, requiring all the key people to be present. “Shane and I are already here.”

  “I’ll be there in twenty minutes. Call Tina.”

  “Will do.”

  Linc slid the phone in his pocket and walked around the bed, seeing the concern on Selena’s face. “I’ll need to take a raincheck on the coffee.”

  “It’s not Caid, is it?”

  Shaking his head, he stroked a finger down her face, then cupped her cheek, leaning in for a kiss which should have lasted much longer.

  “Something at work. I’ll need to call Nina and have her stay longer with Caid.”

  “I’ll go. She needs a break and I’d like to help.” Her gaze shot to his, realizing she may have overstepped whatever boundaries Linc had set around his son.

  “You wouldn’t mind?”

  Grabbing a pair of jeans, she slipped her legs in, pulling up the zipper. “I’d love to spend time with him, as long as you’re okay with the idea of your girlfriend helping out.”

  Reaching out, Linc snaked an arm around her waist, pulling her close. “I definitely like the idea of my girlfriend hanging out with my son.” He crushed his mouth to hers, sweeping his tongue inside before lessening the pressure, brushing his lips across hers once more, then stepped back.


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