The Stone of Elsira

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The Stone of Elsira Page 2

by Scott Kennedy

  “Your mask will help you masquerade in the slums, but when you enter the mine, it won't help you anymore. The military guards don't allow any unauthorised personnel in the mines. You’ve got to be stealthy.” Creek indicated the location of the mine that would lead Zupher out of Adlok.

  “Good luck kid, I hope your quest will bring aid to the rebellion.”

  Zupher passed through the door and entered the slums. To Zupher's surprise the slums were cleaner than he had expected. Most of the houses in the slums were compact and arranged in compounds. The slums had far less colour than the other districts. It appears that the Royal Council had forbidden the residents here to custom-paint their houses or plant their own gardens. Knowing how tyrannical and immoral the Council was, Zupher suspected the reason for this was for psychological torment. The slums were also clearly devoid of electronic technology. Zupher didn't see any televisions, sound speakers or any of the residents holding a cellphone.

  'They probably don't even have any electricity here at all. Just to think that my own dad, a Council member, oversees this foul treatment of mainly innocent people,' Zupher thought, disgusted.

  Zupher approached the entrance to the mine. Two guards stood guard. The guards were chatting and didn't seem to be paying much attention to their environment. Zupher sneaked around the left flank closer to one of the guards. 'These shoes are excellent; their muffle capability is very high. A little diversion should do the trick for these two,' Zupher thought.

  Zupher threw a small firecracker that had been left in his grandfather's chest one-hundred-and-eighty degrees across the heads of the two guards into a mining truck nearby.

  “Hey! What's going on? Redgy, you stay put, I'm going to find out what’s going on.”

  One of the guards ran to the mining truck and started searching the area. The other guard’s focus was fully on him.

  “Now's my chance.”

  Zupher sneaked past the oblivious, distracted guard and entered the mine.

  The mine appeared to be nearly empty. Zupher just heard what seemed to be two or three pickaxes at work. Zupher walked further down into the mine and made a right turn and passed into an isolated section of the main mine. He started searching for the false cupboard that his grandfather had said he'd installed to hide the secret passageway. The area was poorly lit so it took Zupher a couple of minutes to locate it. 'There you go. Just as grandfather had described, an antique model similar to the one in his home.’

  Zupher passed through the false door and made his way, still keeping as silent as possible. The last thing he needed now was a riot of guards to bust him up right at the final stage of his escape.

  The secret passage was oddly linear but as his Grandfather had reassured, it did indeed lead out of Adlok. Zupher climbed a ladder at the end of the passageway and popped his head out of a small trapdoor.

  The first beams of light that hit his face felt like the first he had ever experienced. It was almost like the light from the sun had assumed a different form. The air was crisp and fresh, free from any pollution. This was raw freedom!

  Zupher emerged fully from the trapdoor and had a look around. He was a safe distance away from any guards. Whoever had originally constructed the secret passage from the mines clearly knew what they were doing. The exit of the secret passage was strategically surrounded by a couple of large bushes.

  Zupher removed his mask and started making his way southwards to the Great Forest. A

  wave of anxiety suddenly hit him. 'What if the rumours of demons in the forest are true? What if I don't have enough strength to survive?'

  Zupher stopped in his tracks, and was about to turn back, but then he had a vision; it was of his grandfather murdered.

  'No! Grandfather didn’t die for nothing. I didn't receive his journal by coincidence and he truly believed in me. I know more than most of all the propaganda and lies that the Council push on the masses. They just want people to fear their own will and freedom. This is my will and this is my destiny!’ Zupher let out a war cry and ran into the Great Forest.

  Chapter 3

  The Great Forest

  The Great Forest was by far the most extreme environment Zupher had exposed himself to thus far. The most similar setting to this that he’d been to was Adlok's nature reserve, which had plenty of water fountains and stores to buy food from. The Great Forest has none of such. This was raw nature and Zupher had to maintain a strong will and determination to make it through. The serenading of birds was something he had never experienced before, to this degree. It brought him such joy and pleasure hearing sounds that could never be heard in Adlok. Zupher's grandfather mentioned to him in his journal that if any threatening predator were to approach, it would be most wise to ignite a firecracker or flare. Zupher kept both a firecracker and a flare in his left pocket and also wore the mask that was given to him by Creek; this time, however, on the back of his head. This is said to discourage ambush predators from attacking from behind as they rarely attack in the sight of their victim’s face.

  Fifteen minutes into his journey the plants got much thicker and dense. Rain started to pick up as well. Zupher did not stop, because he knew that in doing so, he would consequently have to camp for the night. His grandfather promised him that the Great Forest could be transcended in a full day, provided that Zupher covered as much distance as possible during daylight. After four hours of non-stop forest traversing, having to hack occasionally through shrubs, Zupher saw a Waterfall pond ahead of him.

  'I'm sure an hour’s break here won't do any harm, plus I am in dire need of a wash.'

  Zupher undressed and jumped into the lake. The water was pure and crystal clear. Zupher had never experienced natural, untampered water. It felt to him as if he was having a spiritual cleanse. After a few more minutes he got out and lay in the sun. After drying up, he put his clothes back on and proceeded to leave.

  Just as Zupher was in the process of leaving the parameter of the lake, he heard a noise in the distant bushes. The first thing that came to mind was that there was some sort of animal hiding in his midst. Zupher threw a firecracker in the direction of the noise. The firecracker thumped down on the ground and exploded. A shout followed a few seconds later. A shout from a person. Zupher walked closer to investigate but suddenly, just before he reached the bush, a young woman jumped out with a sphere aimed directly at Zupher's heart.

  “So it was you who threw that firecracker. I wasn't expecting to encounter a person this far out in the forest. You are lucky that the firecracker didn't burn me or I would have likely driven this sphere right through your heart!”

  Zupher analysed the young woman standing before him; she seemed to be about his age and was strikingly beautiful. Zupher was momentarily lost for words.

  “So, what brings you here? Which village are you from?” The young woman's apparent hostility seemed to have diminished.

  Zupher looked straight into the hazel eyes of the mysterious stranger before him.

  “My name is Zupher Cordak, I am from Adlok. I am on a quest to join the Arcane Society.”

  “Adlok? I thought that was a lost city. My name is Muriel Saether, pleased to meet you.”

  Muriel presented her hand for a handshake; Zupher shook it.

  'Her skin is like a pearl, and radiant like the sun,' Zupher thought while shaking her hand.

  “Well you could say it is lost, with regards to the direction it is going politically.” Zupher eyed Muriel and then gently let go of her hand.

  “My grandfather, Aerin, was approached by a member of the Arcane Society. Prior to this no one, outside of Adlok's rulers, the Royal Council, knew for sure that there were any other humans outside Adlok. I know it sounds ridiculous, but the Royal Council has done everything in their power since they came onto the scene to indoctrinate, sedate and control the masses to their liking.”

  Muriel turned to face the waterfall and was silent for a few seconds.

  “Our village witch says that Adlok, Grimlok a
nd Havenridge were once marvellous cities, until dark forces plagued them. She tells me that village folk were far less abundant in those days, but after dark forces took control of the cities many sought to escape and seek refuge in the outer villages. The Arcane Society was apparently headquartered in Adlok before it was forced to relocate outside the city.”

  Zupher looked at Muriel, astonished and asked, “Is your family originally from a city?”

  “My mom was originally from Havenridge but my dad has always been a villager,” said Muriel and paused, seemingly eager to change the topic. “Do you even know where to find the Arcane Society?” Zupher responded, “The member from the Society who approached my grandfather told him to turn to his magical senses to find them.”

  Muriel motioned towards the edge of the pond and signalled to Zupher to come and sit next to her.

  “So you feel you have magical senses?”

  Zupher sat down next to her and felt relaxed.

  “Grandfather did teach me how to meditate, along with the significance of meditation. At first I had my doubts, but after a few times of trying, I definitely realised its grandeur.”

  “Our village witch regularly meditates. Sometimes I join her in meditation; her hut is so peaceful and devoid of negative energy,” said Muriel looking up to the heavens and smiling. Zupher could feel a warm benevolent energy radiating from her.

  “What does meditation mean to you?” Muriel asked, her gaze now fixed on Zupher.

  “Meditation is a sacred act. It is a true faith in oneself. It is fixed, concentrated awareness of one thing. Meditation increases one's resonance and enhances one's consciousness.”

  Zupher looked deeply into Muriel's eyes and felt a sensation he had never felt before. It was one of deep rapture.

  “What a beautiful description, I am in complete agreement. You know, I have thought about joining the Arcane Society myself, however, at the moment my priority lies with duties for my village. I came out here to collect a rare medicinal plant that only grows in this section of the forest.”

  Zupher looked down at the sparkling water in front of him.

  “You didn't see me when I was, ya know...”

  Zupher blushed.

  “No, I didn't know of you until you threw that firecracker,” Muriel shot a stern look at Zupher.

  Zupher winked and smiled.

  “That is an awfully large sphere you have there. Is there any reason in particular that it is so large?”

  “Rumour has it that there is a werewolf that lurks around in this forest. There is no definite evidence of its existence; however, a few people from my village have claimed to have spotted it. Recently two people also mysteriously disappeared in the forest, so I am not taking any chances if the rumours turn out to be true.”

  Muriel stood up and Zupher soon followed.

  “You seem to be pretty confident with that sphere so I’m sure you'll be able to handle a threat like that!” Zupher gave Muriel a reassuring nod.

  “So tell me, do you more or less know where the Arcane Society’s sanctuary is located?”

  “They say it is located in a cave, South West of my village. The area to look for is swamp-like. Legend has it that only someone with magical sight can locate the precise entrance to the sanctuary.”

  “Is it dangerous around there?” Zupher asked, with an air of apprehension in his voice.

  “No one from my village ventures down there. We have heard though, from other villages, that there are potential hazards. You know, you should come with me back to my village. You can rest and talk to the village witch; I'm sure she can offer valuable advice on your quest.”

  Zupher leant over to hug Muriel, in gratitude.

  “Thank you so much, that sounds like an excellent idea!”

  “Great, now follow me, it should take us a few hours to get there, hope you can match my pace!”

  Chapter 4

  Aurea Elderwood

  By the time Zupher reached the end of the Great Forest, it was dusk and he was exhausted. Muriel though, on the other hand, hardly seemed to have broken a sweat.

  “Come now Zupher, we’re almost there!” Muriel said, grinning as she looked back at him.

  “You do this often, don't you?”

  “Usually once a month. I generally strive to keep fit. I consider one perk of such trips to be a great challenge of exercise.”

  Zupher and Muriel climbed a short hill. Wonderful vibrant light-green grass with all kinds of pollinating insects surrounded them. Once they reached the top Zupher could see Muriel's village in the distance.

  “I take it that is your village?” Zupher asked, panting.

  “Yes indeed, lovely isn't it. I reckon it is the nicest village of all the others I've visited. I mean, just look at the scenery!”

  Zupher looked at the surrounding environment of Muriel's village. The vivid light-green grass from the hill they just crossed retained its growth near the village.

  “That massive tree in the centre is especially striking to me,” Zupher said, walking alongside Muriel.

  “We call it the 'Aurea Elderwood'. According to our village witch, it is one of the most ancient trees in the realm. It is also said to have mystical powers. Many people have sought to communicate with it.”

  Zupher and Muriel were now walking inside the village limits. It wasn't nearly as technologically advanced as Adlok. There were no cars, tall buildings, or artificial lights. However, although being classical, the village was still impressive. The houses were made from fine woods, the roads were neatly gravelled and the people seemed to be way more happier than Adlok's denizens. There was a longhouse within the central proximity of the village that was elaborately decorated with intricate paintings and animal hides.

  “We'll go back to my place so that you can get some rest. I have a spare room that you can sleep in.”

  “You live alone?”

  “Yeah, my parents died when I was really young. Until last month it had been my brother and I. He went missing mysteriously,” Muriel said, her tone much lower than usual.

  “Do you have any idea what might of happened?”

  “No one really knows much. He basically headed west to sit by a cliff. He'd usually do that whenever there was something he needed to ponder on or reflect. Last month when he did this, he just didn't come back.” Zupher looked at Muriel and could empathise with her pain.

  “It will be okay. We will find him someday.”

  Zupher walked with Muriel into her house.

  You can sleep in my brother’s room. It is the first room to your right once you walk up the stairs. I'm going to go and rest now. I'll see you in the morning.”

  Muriel gave Zupher a hug and retired into her room.

  Zupher woke up the following morning and headed downstairs. He saw Muriel cooking some eggs in her kitchen.

  “Hey Zupher. I hope you slept well. Please, take a seat, breakfast will be ready soon!”

  Zupher walked to the dining table and took a seat. He looked at Muriel. She was dressed in a short yellow blouse and had athletic shorts on. Her silky light-brown hair was wavy and elegant. He found it hard to redirect his gaze from her. After another five minutes Muriel came to the dining table with some breakfast and joined Zupher.

  “So I reckon that we should head over to the village witch, Elsje, after breakfast. Is that cool with you?” Muriel said, smiling.

  Zupher and Muriel finished breakfast and headed towards Elsje's hut. Muriel knocked on the door.

  “Elsje, it is me. I have those herbs that you requested.”

  The old wooden door was opened slowly by a grey-haired old woman. She was dressed in black with the exception of a few purple markings on her dress.

  “Muriel, darling great to see you. Thanks so much for your trouble. These herbs will add the final touch to the healing potion I've been working on. I'll teach you the method of making it later on tonight. Please, do come in, I see you have brought a handsome young lad with you.”

/>   Zupher followed Muriel into Elsje's hut.

  “Good morning milady. My name is Zupher Cordak. I met Muriel at a lake in the Great Forest.”

  “Ah, that must mean you hold some talents. Making it to that part of the forest is one thing, gaining the favour of Muriel is another!” Elsje let out a friendly laugh and headed towards a small bonfire in the centre of her hut.

  “Take a seat guys, I sense we have a few things to talk about.”

  Elsje sat down on the ground in a meditative stance. Zupher was surprised at the level of flexibility she had at her age.

  “So tell me Zupher, what is your story? What brings you here?”

  Zupher's focus was directed at the bonfire.

  “I left my corrupt home city Adlok on a quest. A quest to join the Arcane Society.”

  Elsje closed her eyes.

  “I was once a member of the Arcane Society myself,” said Elsje.

  Muriel's eyes widened, clearly surprised.

  “I was a member for over forty years. I came back here, to my home village five years ago. Reason being that I was getting a little too old to perform my duties at the society.”

  “How come you haven't told me about this?” Muriel asked, sounding quite perplexed.

  “I just didn't feel the time was right. I knew that if I had told you earlier you would have definitely asked me about details of the society in an effort to join. When I opened the door and saw you with Zupher, I immediately sensed a change in the æther; a sense that encouraged me to speak about my former affiliation.”

  Muriel remained silent.

  “Joining the Arcane Society is no easy feat. They require you to perform an admission task that is relevant to your preferred magical talents. You only get one chance at passing; fail and you can never join the society for good.”

  Zupher redirected his focus from the bonfire to Elsje. Elsje seemed to sense Zupher's sight change.

  “Do you know what your magical talents are?”

  “Stealth and illusion. I've always known myself to be a swift trickster.”


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