Repercussions (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

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Repercussions (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) Page 1

by Rainey Daye


  Maggie, Jesse, and Alex are enjoying their life together, yet continue to keep their romance a secret from the outside world.

  During a sensual interlude, some private pictures are taken to capture the moment. Somehow these pictures get downloaded by Maggie's ex, Troy, who is willing to be patient in his attempt to win back her affections. Troy decides he must "save" his beloved Mag-pie, even if he doesn't have any clue what he is actually saving her from. His determination to be her knight in shining armor takes a wrong turn as that armor becomes more and more tarnished in his quest.

  As Troy spirals out of control, the lovers each approach his quest in their own fashion. Can Maggie, Jesse, and Alex come together to vanquish him before he learns the truth about their unconventional love?

  Genre: Contemporary Menage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 89,337 words


  Rainey Daye


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2012 by Rainey Daye

  E-book ISBN: 1-61926-461-7

  First E-book Publication: April 2012

  Cover design by Jinger Heaston

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  To my family for their reluctant support and surprising enthusiasm.

  To all my Facebook friends and fans for your support, encouragement, and advice. Again, you know who you are.

  Please check out Rainey Daye on Facebook. I’d love to hear from you!



  Copyright © 2012


  Two months ago

  “Troy, thank you so much for coming over,” Lois Conner said as she opened the front door to his knock.

  “My pleasure, Mrs. Conner,” he said as he stepped inside. “You said you were having some computer problems?”

  “Yes,” she said as she led him to the small office where her home computer sat. “Maggie e-mailed me some pictures, and I can’t seem to be able to open them. Maybe the memory is full or something. I don’t know. It’s just so frustrating. I’ve tried everything and am about to take a hammer to it.”

  “I’ll be more than happy to take a look,” Troy replied with a smile as he sat down at the computer desk.

  His ex-girlfriend’s mom left the room and then returned with a glass of iced tea and some slices of home-baked banana bread. “I’ll just get out of your hair. I know how nervous it makes me to have people hovering over my shoulder when I’m trying to work. Just give a shout if you have any questions or need anything,” she told him as she exited the room, leaving the door open so she could hear him if he called.

  Troy worked on the computer for about an hour, cleaning up files and trying to figure out where the problem was stemming from, when he came across a JPEG file. Noting the size of it, he realized that the computer problems probably originated with it. He wasn’t able to open the file to see what was in it, so he grabbed a blank disk to download the file.

  Once the download was complete, he activated the file via the disk and found himself looking at numerous photos, some that he recognized from the disc that Maggie had created and shown to the townsfolk during her visit home that summer. Some were clearly of her college campus and the city she now lived in. Some were from her six-week visit home, and some were of places he couldn’t identify. There was no rhyme or reason to the order of the photos. He couldn’t identify when they were taken since summer blended into winter and blurred back into autumn or spring at random. Clicking through the pictures, he realized that some of her mom’s computer problems might stem from this wonky file.

  He smiled as he slowly scrolled through the pictures, feeling as if he were connected to Maggie through these photos. He still felt such a connection to her, even though they had formally broken up over a year ago after having tried to give a long-distance relationship a shot, with no success. But his heart wasn’t listening to his brain while he looked through her pictures.

  And then he froze as a picture of a partially clad Maggie appeared. He felt his jaw slacken at the sight of one of her exposed breasts as she reclined for the photographer. He slowly clicked on the next photo and the next as his mouth grew dry. His cock involuntarily hardened as he stared at his former lover in various stages of undress from the waist up as she posed seductively like a siren or in a sex-goddess movie pose from the fifties. He could practically hear her purring for the camera, and he swallowed audibly at the signs of her obvious arousal during this photo shoot.

  The next series of pictures were of her legs with her virginal white peasant skirt twisted up and her white satin panties exposed. And the next took his breath away as he clearly saw her body writhing in orgasm, the expression on her face saying it all.

  And then there was a man’s hand in the picture, stroking her intimately between her legs, and then she was fully exposed before the camera, her skin flushed with passion, clearly caught up in the intimacy of this strange photo shoot.
  “Jesus, Maggie, what have you gotten yourself involved in?” Troy whispered as he finally deleted the file completely from her mom’s computer and slipped the disk into his pocket.

  Chapter 1

  Troy looked around the affluent neighborhood as he slowly drove down the street. Many of the houses sat well back from the road, and a few even had huge iron gates blocking the drives. He shook his head slowly, saddened at the lengths his former girlfriend felt she had to go to in her attempt to meet her share of the rent in order to live in such splendor. He still wasn’t sure exactly what his plan of action would be, but he felt it wise to get the lay of the land, thus his careful perusal of the neighborhood Maggie now lived in.

  Four years ago, both he and Maggie had gone away to different colleges, he on a full baseball scholarship and Maggie with a few minor financial scholarships based on her GPA. And even though they were divided by almost the entire country, they had really tried to make a long-distance relationship work. Not once had he stepped out on her, even though he found himself a much-sought-after commodity on his new stomping grounds during his sophomore year when he found himself in the starting line up more and more.

  Once they reunited in their small rural hometown that summer, they came to the reluctant conclusion that, although they were just as compatible sexually as always, their individual experiences during the past couple of years and the direction their lives had each taken had turned them into virtual strangers. Of course they had held off on reaching that conclusion for a couple months since they both had some mighty itches that they both wanted to scratch.

  So, after two months of mindless sex, they both came to the conclusion that a relationship that was going to survive needed something more than they currently had together, and they decided that they should explore other options.

  Once Troy had returned to campus that fall, he discovered that there was something to be said for serial dating. Okay, to be honest, “dating” wasn’t the proper word for what he had done with his newfound freedom. He had fucked every good-looking woman who flirted him up. He lost count that first semester, but he knew he was never with the same woman twice. The sexual freedom he had experienced was like a narcotic. He couldn’t get enough. And he was never satisfied.

  That probably should have tipped him off, but it took awhile for that particular breakthrough to work its way through his endorphin-drenched mind. And when it finally penetrated, Troy was amazed to discover that what he wanted was a girlfriend. He wanted someone that he was sexually compatible with but also someone to actually do stuff with. He wanted to date someone, not just screw them. He wanted to laugh and have fun and do silly things together or just sit quietly with no need for words.

  But all his dates were unsuccessful. He couldn’t figure it out. Mindless sex had been great, and there were so many hot women to choose from. But he found that their hotness factor didn’t necessarily translate well into a great personality. So he widened his criteria and tried to date based on personality and not appearance, but he found out, to his shame, that he was shallow. Or, to put it in perspective, he reaffirmed that men are visual creatures. He might genuinely enjoy spending time with an unattractive woman, but he didn’t experience any desire for her. And since he wanted a girlfriend as opposed to a girl friend, he found himself forced to reevaluate his needs and desires.

  Never had he been so miserable as he faced some harsh truths about himself. He was the golden boy back home, but here on this college campus, so far away from his former life, he realized that all the qualities he searched for in a potential girlfriend had been embodied by his former girlfriend Maggie. She was smart, witty, easygoing, charming, and sexy as hell. But he had come to see her as a small-town girl whereas he was a big-time college student. In his ego, he had forgotten that Maggie had also gone away to college, an even bigger college than he was attending. He had not seen her personal growth. In truth, he hadn’t wanted to. His ego was too large from all the so-called fame and accolades he had received on the college baseball field. And it had been fed by the townsfolk when he had returned home that first summer. He had been blinded by it and willingly bathed in the acclaim. He had soaked it all up and strutted around town while rutting with Maggie every chance he got after almost ten months of abstinence.

  But again, he had been deluding himself. If he were brutally honest with himself, it wasn’t that he and Maggie had necessarily grown apart that led to their harmonious breakup. It was more along the lines that the hometown girls were practically throwing themselves on him. Either Maggie turned a blind eye to their flirting, even in her presence, or she really was small-town and naïve. They had been untouchable as high-school sweethearts. Everyone knew that Maggie belonged to him and vice versa. But that untouchable status in regards to him had changed upon his first visit home from school that very first year. And so he had found himself laying the groundwork for future visits home once he and Maggie decided to part as friends rather than try to maintain a long-distance relationship.

  So why wasn’t he happy? He had had mindless sex with some truly talented and knowledgeable women the following fall. Wasn’t he too young to be looking for a relationship? Wasn’t he supposed to sow his wild oats in college? Wasn’t he entitled to be stupid and make bad choices? Or was it true that you could never truly take the small town out of the boy? He had been raised to respect women. He had been raised with the idea that you only married once, so make sure you married your best friend and lover. Damn it, though! He was too young to be thinking about long-term relationships and commitment. He was driving himself crazy.

  His mental unrest had proved disastrous come baseball season. He was having a hard time concentrating during practice. His teammates decided he needed to unwind, so they dragged him out to all-night keggers. He found himself waking up either curled around a toilet with his flushed face pressed against the cool tile or porcelain, or in a woman’s bed with no knowledge of who she was or how he had gotten there.

  Although he had been a sensation his sophomore year and started in almost every game, his junior year saw that he really was only a shooting star that had quickly burned itself out. The coach benched him from the starting lineup by the third game. His partying became even harder as he tried to make a name for himself any way that he could. At that point he didn’t care if the name was good or bad.

  A drunk-driving citation was the wake-up call that Troy needed. His seven-game suspension gave him the distance and perspective that he needed. Several visits to a guidance counselor on campus helped him become able to identify that he was self-destructing due to a massive ego. So Troy became celibate and sober and concentrated on improving his game and his grades. A long talk with the coach resulted in him being reinstated on a probationary basis. He ended the season as a starter once again and found himself determined to take control of his life.

  The guidance counselor had helped him identify many of the root causes to his near self-destruction. And with that in mind, he spoke to his coach and the school board and decided that it was in everyone’s best interest if he take the fall semester off so he could get his head screwed on straight so that he would be at the top of his game come baseball season during his senior year. His scholarship would not be jeopardized as long as he came back strong and proved himself on the field.

  So at the end of the school year, Troy went back home with his tail tucked firmly between his legs. He practiced diligently with his former high school coaches. He forgot about all the groundwork he had laid the previous summer and instead did online coursework in the evenings so his semester off would not have too great an effect on his studies.

  And he kept all his troubles this past year a secret from everyone. Perhaps he was a slave to his ego and always would be. But he liked to think that he simply didn’t want to disappoint those who were so proud of him, whether they were family or friends. His triumphant return to the field in the spring would prove his decision to be a sound one. And he believed his e
go was once again in check.

  But all that changed when Maggie came home at the beginning of July and he realized that it was her that he had been missing all along. The stability of being in a relationship with her had kept him grounded while his junior year was more along the lines of him being a kite buffeted by hurricane force winds. He had been too busy during baseball season to think about girls, apart from an occasional date with no emotional attachment. It wasn’t until he heard that Maggie was coming home in July that he once again began thinking about his emotional life. He was convinced that if he were to survive, he needed his best friend and lover back in his life. He had been willing to sit back and wait her out, knowing that a long-distance relationship wasn’t the answer and that they could reconnect once again after they finally graduated. Surely she would return home full-time then and he could concentrate on wooing her.

  Those pictures changed things, though. So in order to get her back, he had to get her out of what was surely a bad situation. It was obvious to him that Maggie was just as directionless as he had been this past year. And like him, she was making bad choices. He had no idea if the pictures were taken by a lover or if she was trying to make extra money to afford to stay in the luxurious quasi-mansion she now lived in by posing for an unsavory photographer, but he was determined to find out and rescue her one way or another!


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