Repercussions (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

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Repercussions (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) Page 5

by Rainey Daye

  “Hmmmm,” he murmured as he reached out with his other hand and hefted her breast so he could slip the chest piece under it. “Very interesting.”

  “Oh?” Maggie asked as she raised her eyebrows while unable to stop herself from stroking his bent head.

  “Oh, yes. I’ll have to conduct a more thorough exam in private to confirm my diagnosis, but I’m pretty sure what it will be.”

  “And what is your diagnosis, Doctor?” Maggie asked in a husky voice.

  “Why, that not only are you a slutty nurse, but that you’re horny as hell and are craving a big hot cock right about now.”

  “Amazing!” Maggie exclaimed. “I’d say that’s a spot-on diagnosis. So what’s the treatment?”

  “Well,” he drawled, “since I can’t administer the full cure right now, you’ll simply have to make do with a dose of medicine to help relieve the problem.”

  “And that would be?” Maggie started to say but sucked in her breath before she finished her sentence as Alex deftly slipped his free hand under the table, slid it along her thigh, pulled her legs apart, placed one over his own leg, and gently stroked her through her panties.

  “Alex!” Maggie’s voice hissed in surprise and bliss.

  “Shh,” he crooned in her ear. “No one can see. God, Maggie, you are so wet,” he continued as he worked a finger under the material of her crotch.

  Maggie’s eyes rolled back in her head as her head lolled against his shoulder. She blindly sought his lips with hers and stabbed her tongue deep in his mouth, trying to devour him with her kiss. She didn’t notice when he plucked the Blow Pop out of her cleavage but did feel the difference in sensations when he started to rub it against her vulva.

  Her eyes flew open as she glanced down to watch Alex working it methodically between her legs under the table, twirling it in his fingers so that when he finally pulled it away, it was coated with her own juices. Making eye contact with her, he slowly raised it to his lips, where he rubbed it against them before slowly sucking the Blow Pop into his mouth. Closing his eyes in bliss, he moaned at the wonderful taste of Maggie and sugar and proclaimed it to be delicious. He then leaned back down and kissed her while he returned the Blow Pop between her legs and languidly coated it again.

  Their kiss and sex play was interrupted by Jesse rejoining them at the table. Alex broke off his kiss and offered the Blow Pop to Jess. He held it in his hand while Jess wrapped his lips around it. Jess’s eyes widened appreciatively, and he sucked it hard before allowing it to pop out of his mouth. He then stated, “Maggie flavored, my favorite,” and leaned over and kissed her in turn.

  Maggie leaned into his kiss while Alex continued to stroke her inner thigh. Sanity finally reared its ugly head, and Maggie tried to disengage from her lovers. “We’re in public,” she whispered when they protested her withdrawal.

  “It doesn’t seem to be bothering them,” Alex said, nodding toward a couple at the bar. A woman was facing the bar with her skirt bunched around her waist, and a masked man with his pants around his ankles was slamming into her from behind, in full view of anyone who happened to look that way.

  “Uh, I don’t think so,” Maggie said slowly, swallowing hard.

  “Then let’s go somewhere to take the edge off,” Jess cajoled as he attempted to slip his hand inside her bra, only to have it slapped away as her attention was drawn away from the couple fucking at the bar.

  “It’s dark outside,” Alex seconded as he teasingly brushed his fingers along her crotch. “No one will see us slip in a quickie.”

  “I’m not willing to take that chance. I’m not drunk enough yet,” Maggie added.

  “Good thing I brought refills,” Jess replied with a grin. “Drink up,” he encouraged her as he pushed her Long Island iced tea closer to her.

  Maggie just shook her head at the two of them. “You know you’re going to have your way with me when we get home, so why the rush?” she asked as she reached for her glass.

  “Because it’s more exciting to get away with something in public,” Alex replied.

  “The possibility of getting caught is a real turn-on,” Jess added.

  “It adds to the thrill of the moment,” Alex agreed.

  “So what you’re saying is that the two of you are exhibitionists at heart?” Maggie queried.

  “Maybe,” Alex replied thoughtfully. “Though I think it’s more along the lines of other men being eaten up with jealousy over what we have and they can never hope to have.”

  “So you don’t mind them seeing what you’ve got?” Maggie asked with a raised brow.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, if I went along with your crazy plan and let you do me in public, then there’s always the possibility that someone will get a free show. You don’t mind?”

  Alex and Jess exchanged thoughtful looks as they considered the idea of Maggie’s luscious body being seen by a stranger. She could see that they seemed to carefully weigh their desire to be the envy of other men against other men seeing what they got to enjoy on an almost daily basis. Did they want to flaunt her assets or did they want others to have to guess at the paradise her body offered? Ego versus possessiveness was an uneasy position to be in, and she noticed both men withdraw physically and emotionally while they truly considered it.

  Maggie took this reprieve on her senses to look around the room at the other partygoers, carefully avoiding the couple going at it at the bar. Everyone was having so much fun. Oops! That woman’s breast just popped out of her costume while she was gyrating on the dance floor. Oh! Look at how slowly her date was tucking it back into her bodice. That was kind of hot.

  Thoughtfully, she looked back at Jess and Alex, who were now having a quiet conversation. Was she a closet voyeur? Was she willing to be an exhibitionist if it got her boyfriends off? She readily admitted to herself that they could so easily drive her out of her mind with passion that she lost track of her surroundings while on dates with them. More than once in the past she had been willing to give in and demand more from them in some truly public places. Whether she was drunk on alcohol or lust, the result was the same. She always wanted them and was eager to please. After all, they never left her wanting or disappointed. Frustrated as hell as they teased her and worked her body into a fever pitch, but they always delivered on what their teasing promised.

  Hmmmm. Something to think about, Maggie thought as she got up from the table and swayed toward the dance floor, knowing that Jess and Alex would be right behind her.

  * * * *

  Troy was beginning to think this evening was a bust. Normally he didn’t follow when they left the house together, because he seriously hadn’t considered that they would go on double or triple dates. To his way of thinking, the man picked up the woman for a date, and since no one had ever pulled into the driveway to pick up Maggie, then she obviously wasn’t meeting with whoever had taken the pictures of her. Furthermore, what man would take his female roommate along on a date, especially if he was planning on getting laid? None of this was making any sense to him.

  But when they left together that Saturday night, so close to Halloween, and after seeing all the posters and signs plastered around campus regarding costume parties, Troy decided to follow. A party would be the ideal place to meet up and leave with their respective partners.

  But as they continued to drive farther and farther away from campus and the part of town where the parties were advertised for, Troy began to have serious doubts. And he began to wonder just why they were traveling so far away from home. Curious now, he continued to follow and was vaguely surprised when they pulled into a bar’s parking lot. He had begun to suspect that they were traveling to someone’s house due to the distance involved, but a bar? There were plenty of bars around campus. Why this one? It didn’t look special in any way, shape, or form.

  Deciding that he would have to go in to observe his target, he cursed his lack of foresight in not having a costume handy. So bypassing the parking lot and
not waiting to watch them exit their vehicle to even note what costumes they were wearing, Troy continued driving to the nearest convenience store, where he looked for some type of mask to wear as a disguise so Maggie wouldn’t recognize him. Unfortunately, the only masks that were large enough to cover his head were masks of presidents, so he distastefully purchased that old stand-by, a mask of President Clinton, and returned to the bar.

  Once inside, with mask firmly in place, Troy discovered that the eye holes were off-center for his head, so he had a hard time taking in necessary details. He made a careful circuit of the room but didn’t spot Maggie right away, simply because he was not expecting her to wear such a costume as she had on. In fact, he had actually spotted her on the dance floor and moving around the room a couple of times, and he had gotten the obligatory boner from looking at that hot, luscious body amply displayed by her miniscule costume, but with her eye mask on and hair pulled into high ponytails, he didn’t register that he was feeling lust for his ex-girlfriend until she retired to a table and a blond and brunette man joined her. Although Alex looked different with his slicked-back hair and facial hair, Jess looked the same as he remembered him, even with an eye mask.

  Targets acquired.

  Troy maneuvered into a position so he could observe those who joined them, hoping to identify the dirtbag photographer so he could beat the crap out of him and demand all the pictures he had taken of his sweet, innocent Maggie. But no one stood out to him. No man seemed to act unduly familiar with her. Those who pressed their advances on Maggie were either gently or sternly rebuffed, depending on just how forward the advances were. In fact, her roommates were serving as her protectors and even manhandled a couple of truly obnoxious admirers.

  What the hell was going on? Where were their girlfriends? Why weren’t Alex and Jesse off having a good time with them? Hadn’t all three of them confirmed on their visit home this past summer that both Alex and Jesse were in serious relationships and that Maggie was on friendly terms with their respective girlfriends? So why weren’t they there? Why hadn’t the men picked up their dates for the evening? Why were the three roommates wearing theme costumes? If they were going to go that route, shouldn’t they have matched up their costumes with their significant others? None of this was making any sense, and he wasn’t even that drunk yet.

  Disgusted, Troy ordered another mixed drink since he had eschewed his usual brewski in favor of mixed drinks so that he could partake from a straw rather than have to lift his mask and run the risk of being spotted by Maggie, and pondered the situation.

  Troy further attempted to blend in by mingling, so he simply sat down at an occupied table fairly close to his targets so that he could watch the comings and goings from their table unimpeded. He fumed each time Maggie moved onto the dance floor, which meant that her body was displayed. He would much rather she remain seated in the darkened corner.

  Sweat frequently obscured his vision. Instead of removing the mask, he would attempt to work a cocktail napkin underneath. This activity cut into his surreptitious monitoring of Maggie, and he frequently lost track of her. But since she always returned to the table after a couple of songs, Troy did not worry unduly, especially since one or both roommates always seemed to accompany her when she left the table.

  Joining in the general conversation at the table he now occupied, Troy was feeling pleasantly buzzed from the alcohol and the heat generated from so many packed bodies. He felt himself beginning to relax and sprang for the next round of drinks. He even allowed himself to be cajoled onto the dance floor by a woman at the table and didn’t resist when she blatantly fondled him while they were dancing. In a drunken haze, he allowed her to take his hand and lead him out the back door, where she quickly unfastened his belt buckle and thrust her hand down his pants.

  Groaning at the feel of her warm hand firmly encircling his engorged cock, Troy rocked into her hand and reached out to fondle her breast. When she dropped to her knees before him, Troy leaned his head against the building and lost himself to her expert mouth and tongue. It had been so long since his last blow job! He didn’t even attempt to warn her that he was about to come, and with a growl, he ejaculated into her eager mouth, holding her head firmly in place until he had finished with a moan and a whole-body shudder.

  After she pulled away, Troy zipped up his pants, said, “Thanks, I needed that,” and returned to the bar, leaving the woman fuming behind him.

  Once back inside, Troy kicked himself for being all kinds of a fool. How could he want Maggie back so desperately yet allow a stranger to blow him behind a bar? He wasn’t worthy of Maggie, not if he could so easily slip back into the routine of mindless sex with strangers. And it was obvious after his months of careful observation that Maggie was doing nothing untoward and was living the life of a virtual nun, tonight’s costume notwithstanding.

  Drunkenly deciding that he had made a mistake in his initial assumption about Maggie, Troy began to leave the bar when he glanced one last time toward the table where she was sitting. To his shock and horror, he saw Alex intimately bent over her with his stethoscope pressed to her chest. He watched as Alex fondled her breast and Maggie lovingly stroked his head. Their open-mouthed kiss turned his mouth dry, and his cock jerked back awake. He carefully moved closer for a better view from the side and gasped when he noticed Alex intimately stroking her under the table with his hand, followed by that damn lollipop she had stuck in her cleavage!

  Oh, my fucking God! Troy could not believe what he was seeing. He had to force himself to turn away. And when he did, he noticed Jesse approaching the table with three drinks in hand. He watched in fascinated horror as Jess joined them without evincing the least surprise at their behavior. And then his jaw dropped as Alex offered Jess the lollipop he had been rubbing intimately along her pussy and he sucked it eagerly. But when he kissed Maggie just as passionately as Alex had while Alex continued to stroke her, Troy’s head began to spin and he actually felt his mind start to fracture. He was drunk, that was it. He was passed out at a table somewhere and was having a very realistic nightmare.

  Stumbling away, Troy groped his way to the bar and ordered another drink, a double this time. Make it two. And then he turned to the closest female at the bar and asked her if she wanted to fuck. When she raised a brow in surprise, Troy took her hand and placed in directly over his once-again raging hard-on. The woman squeezed it reflexively and swallowed hard before she simply nodded. Placing his hands on her waist, Troy pushed her against the bar, her back to him, and lifted her skirt while he hastily unbuttoned his jeans and then drove himself deep inside her with no preamble.

  He ignored the clicking of camera phones snapping pictures of the two of them and simply lost himself to mindless fucking. He reached around the stranger and placed his hand firmly on her groin so he could pull her tight to him as he pounded away. His fingers dug in, and she cried out, spurring Troy to increase his thrusts and the pressure of his fingers. He was vaguely aware of her climax before his own overtook him.

  Pulling away from her, he pulled his pants back up and glanced back over to Maggie’s table. The three of them were gone, prompting Troy to conclude that he had imagined everything. Looking back toward the woman he had just fucked, he found her looking at him speculatively. Deciding what the hell, she had a damn-fine pussy, Troy asked her if she wanted to go somewhere so they could get properly naked. Smiling, the woman agreed and preceded Troy out the bar and to her car since she correctly concluded that Troy was too drunk to drive but just drunk enough to fuck like a stevedore.

  Chapter 7

  Maggie continued to bump and grind against her lovers on the dance floor, so fucking wet that she was this close to initiating an orgy with them in a public venue. They were pressed so closely together as they gyrated that she couldn’t differentiate between who was stroking or fondling which part of her body. And as they twirled her around and they each claimed her mouth for deep, drugging kisses, she was getting desperate for some relief.r />
  “Let’s get out of here,” Maggie gasped when she came up for air after a particularly carnal kiss.

  “Do you know how long it’ll take to get home from here?” Alex groaned as he ground his hard-on against her ass and dug his fingers into her hips.

  “I don’t care. I want to fuck you now,” Maggie gasped. “Get me out of here so I can!”

  Jess and Alex exchanged meaningful glances and had a silent conversation wherein they debated and discarded ideas of where and how the three of them could get some relief. Finally, Jess suggested the motel next door, and the three of them hurried out the door, only stopping long enough for Alex to retrieve the doctor’s bag with their money from under their table and their coats from the coat-check girl.

  Leaving their car in the parking lot, they hurried across the lot and to the motel where the clerk simply eyed them knowingly and quickly processed the credit card that Alex handed over. “Check out is at noon,” the clerk said as he passed over two electronic keys and told them they could take the elevator in the lobby up to their room on the third floor.

  As they waited for the elevator they saw other fellow partygoers enter the lobby. There was another couple dressed up as Superman and Wonder Woman also waiting for the elevator, and the five of them rode together sans luggage to their respective floors, the superheroes melded together by the lips the entire way while Jess pressed his cock tightly against Maggie’s ass and she and Alex made out.

  Once inside their room, they discovered that the clerk had wisely given them a room with a king-size bed without having to be asked. Alex fumbled the Do Not Disturb sign on the door handle before kicking the door shut behind them, ignoring the sound of the sign promptly falling to the ground.

  Once inside the room, the three became suddenly fused together as they staggered toward the bed and the nirvana that awaited them. Pieces from their costumes were strewn in their wake until the three of them tumbled onto the bed in a naked jumble of flailing limbs. Maggie found herself whimpering “now, now, now” and cried out in relief when a cock went slamming home inside her. She shuddered around it and opened her eyes but was unable to identify the owner of the blessed organ since both were entwined so tightly with her. Since it didn’t matter to her which of her lovers had claimed her first, Maggie simply reached out blindly so that she could stroke the mouthwatering flesh of her lovers.


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