Time to Hide

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Time to Hide Page 2

by John Gilstrap

  Hines was trembling, his face red and hot. “Deputy Sweet, I want you to get in your cruiser and clear this scene immediately.”

  She stood her ground. “No, I don’t believe I’ll do that,” she said. “I believe I’ll stick around here as a witness.”

  The sheriff’s eyes narrowed. “That wasn’t a request, Deputy. I’m ordering you to clear this scene.”

  “And I’m telling you, I’m not going anywhere as long as you’re this angry. If you want me to call the state police for backup, I can do that, too.”

  Sheriff Hines pivoted to face her full-on, his posture mimicking hers. “Are you disobeying a direct order, Deputy Sweet?”

  Behind the sheriff, Peter caught his breath and worked himself back up to his knees, where he could watch the exchange between the cops. Jeremy’s countenance had frozen itself into a giant O.

  “I look at it as reasonable intervention to prevent the commission of a felony.” Darla’s racing heart made her words tremble in her throat.

  Hines cocked his head. “A felony.” Apparently, the words didn’t taste quite right to him.

  Darla stood a little taller. “Yes, sir, a felony. You’re beating helpless, unarmed juveniles. That is a felony in this state.”

  “In Essex, we call it discipline,” Hines said. He seemed amused by the conversation.

  “Hit him again, and we’ll see.” To emphasize her point, she thumbed the button on her radio mike. “Unit six-oh-four to Central.”

  Hines’s expression turned to one of concern. “Just what do you think you’re doing?”

  Her radio popped. “Go ahead, six-oh-four.”

  Darla arched her eyebrows. “You tell me, Sheriff. You tell me if I’m calling for backup to have you arrested.”

  “Central to six-oh-four, go ahead.”

  The color of the sheriff’s face intensified to something north of red, but still south of purple. He pressed his lips so tightly together that they nearly disappeared. “You’re on dangerous ground, Deputy. This is a family matter.”

  Darla looked to the beaten boy on the ground. “This feel like a family matter to you, Peter?”

  The boy smiled. “No, ma’am, it doesn’t.”

  “Six-oh-four, do you have traffic?” The dispatcher’s voice had a distinct edge on it now.

  She thumbed the mike, and as she did, Hines jumped a little. “Ah, Central, stand by for a second.” Then, to Hines: “Tell me what to do, boss.”

  Sheriff Hines faced the boys again. “You broke the law,” he said.

  Peter Banks winced as he straightened, but then smiled. He knew he’d won. “Cheer up, Sheriff. I’m sure it won’t be my last time. You’ll get another chance.”

  Sheriff Hines looked ready to kill the kid. He whirled to face Darla. “I suppose you want to just let him go with a warning.”

  “No, sir,” Darla said. “I think that we should arrest them and prosecute them for possession of a controlled substance. I called you because of the presence of your son, and I thought a little deference might be in order.”

  The sheriff churned it all through his mind. A confirmed hothead, he was nobody’s fool. He understood the corner he was in. When he took a step closer to his son, Darla moved to stay between them. “Do you know what you’ve done, Jeremy?” he growled.

  His son stared at the ground.

  “Answer me, boy.”


  “Do you know how this makes me look? Do you understand what it can do to your future? A drug charge? Jesus.”

  “Won’t make you look any too good either, will it, Sheriff?” Peter said.

  Darla wanted to kill him herself.

  Peter continued, “Chief lawman of a little burg like this can’t even keep his own son in line. For years and years, people’d be talking in the diner about how that Hines kid, boy, he really could’ve been something. Shame he lost that scholarship.”

  Sheriff Hines glowered at the Banks boy. “You’re going to jail,” he said.

  “Not today, I’m not. Not without Jeremy coming with me. See? I choose my friends carefully, Sheriff.”

  Hines vibrated with anger. He wanted to do violence to something—someone—but that wasn’t going to happen. Not today.

  “Central to six-oh-four. Sweet cheeks, do you have traffic for me or not?”

  Darla looked at the sheriff, waiting for a cue.

  “Take those cuffs off,” he said. “Let them go.”

  “I don’t want you taking out your anger on Jeremy when he gets home,” Darla said. “I’ll be checking up, Sheriff, and I swear to God—”

  “Know when to accept victory and back off, Deputy,” Hines said.

  * * *

  Brad’s surprise destination turned out to be the Ritz Carlton Hotel, located in Mason’s Corner on the western edge of Braddock County. A meaningless crossroads just thirty years ago, Mason’s Corner was now the Mecca of high-tech development in Northern Virginia, employing over 100,000 workers. Complete with its own traffic gridlock and distinctive skyline, this unincorporated city was center field for the computer technology game on the East Coast. In a few years, if things kept growing the way they had, Mason’s Corner would make Silicon Valley look like a low-rent district.

  The hotel was an opulent appendage to the Galleria at Mason’s Corner, which itself appeared to be a freeze-dried version of Rodeo Drive, where Saks Fifth Avenue was the low-end store.

  “This is beautiful,” Nicki breathed.

  “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet,” Brad said with a wink.

  Brad whipped the turn into the circular driveway, and the doorman walked with casual efficiency to Nicki’s door and opened it. “Welcome to the Ritz Carlton,” he said. “Do you need help with your luggage?”

  Brad answered before Nicki had a chance. “That’s okay. I think we’ll just leave it in the trunk for a while.” He pulled a ten-dollar bill out of his pocket and handed it to attendant. “I love this car,” he said. “Please take good care of it.”

  The attendant’s reaction made him think that it was the best tip of the day.

  The doorman spun the revolving door for them, and then they were inside. Nicki gasped. “Oh. My. God.”

  “Close your mouth,” Brad whispered. “You look like you’ve never been in a hotel before.”

  “I haven’t. Not like this, anyway.” The lush carpet looked like something out of a royal palace, boasting subdued splashes of burgundy and blue and green. In combination with the spectacular leather furniture and the polished mahogany walls, the lobby bore the ambience of a rich gentlemen’s club.

  Brad gestured to one of the wine-colored leather chairs. “Have a seat. I need to work out some stuff with the front desk.”

  “I can’t go with you?”

  “I’d rather you not,” he said.

  Nicki’s eyes said she wanted more details, but Brad walked away.

  A man and a woman gave matching smiles in their matching gray suits as Brad approached. Neither was much older than he. “Hi,” Brad said. “You have a reservation for Mr. Campanella? I believe it was made this morning.”

  The woman—Sam, according to her name tag—started typing in her computer while Patrick looked on. “Yes, I have it right here,” she said. “You’re part of the ASLO conference?”

  Brad smiled. “Yes ma’am, that’s right.”

  “Very good, I just need to see your credit card.”

  Brad winced. “Um, I think you need to read the rest of the record. My father made the reservation, and he doesn’t like me to have a credit card.”

  Sam scrolled down through the record. “Okay,” she said, “according to this, you’re approved for room and miscellaneous expenses, but it also says something about a code word and asking for identification?”

  Brad smiled sheepishly and reached for his wallet. “I don’t believe he embarrasses me like this. One little misstep, and I have to be humiliated for the rest of my life. Rumpelstiltskin is the code word, by the way.” He leve
raged his Nevada driver’s license out of his wallet. Thanks to some fast work at Kinko’s, it identified him as Bradley Campanella. It was a calculated risk to include the identification in the ruse, but it worked well to put people at ease as they violated long-standing company policy.

  From the brief glance that Sam gave the license, he might just as well have put Santa Claus’s picture on it. Her fingers flew on the keyboard, and she read some more. Brad didn’t like what he saw pass in front of her eyes, but he was in too deep to show paranoia now. He’d learned over the years that if you just kept your face passive and friendly, you could get away with anything.

  “Okay, Mr. Campanella,” Sam said at last, “how many keys do you need?”

  “Two, please.”

  Sam pulled two plastic cards out of a slot at the front of her desk and did some more computer work to turn them into keys. Brad took the opportunity to scan the room. He didn’t know squat about art, but the huge oil canvasses on the walls all looked like originals. Very expensive ones at that.

  “Here you go,” Sam said, handing him the key. “Are you familiar with our hotel?”

  “Actually, no, I’m not.”

  “Okay, then, well, you’re in room 9000. I think you’ll like it very much. If not, please let us know and we’ll make sure that everything suits you. Whatever you need, charge it to the room. Can I have someone carry luggage for you?”

  Brad pushed away from the counter. “No, we’re fine, thanks.”

  “There’s another note in your file about the Couture Shoppe?”

  It took him a second, but then he remembered. “Oh, yes, of course.”

  Hailey read from her computer screen as she told him, “Pamela is waiting for your phone call, and she’s very excited about what she’s found.”

  Brad beamed. “Excellent. I’ll tell you what. If it’s not too much trouble, could you go ahead and call her and have her meet us in the room in say, ten minutes?”

  Sam was already reaching for the telephone. “Of course,” she said. “Enjoy your stay at the Ritz Carlton.”

  Brad walked back toward Nicki, who was nearly dozing in her chair. “Okay, we’re set. Are you all right?”

  “I’m just tired,” she said. “We’ve got a room?”

  Brad fanned the two keys like so many playing cards. “The top floor,” he said. “The Governor’s Suite.”

  Nicki gasped and hissed, “Brad, you can’t steal a hotel room.”

  He helped her out of her chair. “Who says I’m stealing? Just ask the folks at the front desk. My father is giving us this trip as a present.”

  March 16

  Georgen tossed my cell three times this week. He still scares me.

  I finally met Mrs. Johnson today. The way she smiled and squealed when she saw me, you’d have thought that I was really her son. She said that she’d heard a lot about me through Derek. She knew all about the robbery that got me here, and she said that she was going to talk to Derek’s lawyer about appealing my case. I told her not to bother, but she said she’s going to anyway.

  The visiting area is just like you see in the movies. No physical contact. We talk through a telephone and look at each other through the thick glass. Mrs. Johnson told me all about a bunch of people I’ve never heard of. Cousin This and Uncle That, and about a family reunion. It was a look at the outside. It was good, but I’m not sure I ever want to do it again. I can’t deal with hope right now.

  Chapter Two

  The elevator car dinged as it glided to a halt, and the doors slid open to reveal even more opulence, every bit as posh as the lobby. A rich leather sofa greeted them on the opposite wall, and above it, Nicki could see their reflections in an enormous gilded mirror. The nap of the carpet nearly tripped her, and Brad struck like a snake to catch her.

  “Be careful,” he said. “Looks like they haven’t mowed the rug in a while.”

  Clearly this was the special floor, the one designed for visiting dignitaries and movie stars. The hallways were wider than she’d seen in other hotels, and the doorways were widely separated. Brad led the way, scowling as he watched the room numbers pass.

  “What number are you looking for?” Nicki asked.

  “I told you. We’re looking for the Governor’s Suite. Room 9000.”

  It was at the far end of the hallway, the door staring straight back at them. “Governor’s Suite” was etched in black letters on gleaming brass, the plaque mounted just above an ornate brass knocker. With his grin growing wider by the second, Brad slid the plastic key into the slot, and when the red light turned green, he pushed it open. “Welcome to your new hangout.”

  They both gasped at the splendor of the place. The gleaming walnut door swung in to reveal what Nicki imagined a Park Avenue apartment might look like. “Oh, my God,” she said. Words were useless here.

  A hardwood foyer gave way to a living room—easily twice the size of the one in Nicki’s house on Berwick Place. The dining room table—yes, the dining room table, in the actual dining room—was set for six people, though it easily could have accommodated four more, and that led to a kind of mini-kitchen, with a fridge, a microwave, and a bar. Directly across from the front door, the living room curtains stretched the full twelve feet from the floor to the ceiling, and through them, she could see a glittering view of Mason’s Corner.

  “You like it?” Brad asked.

  “We’re going to jail,” Nicki said, stifling a laugh. “And then we’re going to hell.”

  “Where we’ll find all of our friends,” Brad said. “Come on, let’s look around.”

  The bedroom was as grand as the living room, with a towering canopy bed and a fireplace that lit by remote control. Beyond that lay the bathroom, a symphony of rose-colored marble and solid brass fixtures. As she looked at the deep Jacuzzi tub, it was all Nicki could do to keep from pushing Brad out of the room.

  “It’s all too much,” she said. “I can’t imagine what all of this must cost.”

  “Keep worrying like that and you’re gonna give yourself a health problem.”

  She laughed. Why could he say things like that to her and not offend her? She was dying, for God’s sake, but Brad could talk about it as if it were just any other annoying detail in an otherwise normal life.

  Nicki jumped when the doorbell rang. “Who’s that?”

  Brad’s eyes grew even wider with mischief. “Wait till you see. This is the best part yet.”

  Nicki started laughing before she knew why. She let him take her hand and lead her back out to the living room. “What are you doing?”

  When he reached the foyer, he stopped. “Oh, yeah, don’t act surprised if they call me Mr. Campanella.”


  Brad beamed. “Yeah. And you might try to remember that we’re here to attend the annual meeting of the ASLO.”


  “The American Society of Law Enforcement Officials.”

  The doorbell rang again.

  “The American Society of what?”

  He laughed. “Don’t worry about it. It was the only prom I could find.”

  Brad hurried to the door and pulled it open, revealing a forty-something woman and her assistant, wrangling a rack full of clothes.

  Nicki’s jaw dropped.

  Brad caught the look of amazement and beamed. “Well, you can’t go to a fancy dance dressed like that,” he said.

  * * *

  Pamela and Simone brought only the best from the shop downstairs. Versace, Donna Karan, Nicole Miller, you name it. It was all evening wear, and all of it was size two, just as it was supposed to be. Obviously, Brad had been paying attention. They worked on her the way stylists work on a movie star, showing her one outfit even as she was trying on another.

  Brad had asked to stay and watch the show, but that idea was dead on arrival. He was biding his time out in the living room, where he’d found a baseball game to watch.

  In less than an hour, it was all done. She was the proud ow
ner of a princess’s wardrobe. When it came time for Pamela and Simone to leave, Brad called from the living room that it was his turn, that she had to stay in the bedroom for a while longer. Ten minutes later, she heard him bid good-bye to the visitors.

  Over the years, Nicki had learned the art of looking at clothes in the mirror. If she did it right, she could see only the clothes, and nothing of herself. She thought of it as a survival skill—the talent that kept her from acting on that occasional suicidal urge. When she explained it to her shrink, the best analogy she’d been able to construct was to refer to one of those clear plastic mannequins you saw in store windows. You knew that something had to be holding the clothes up, but unless you really made an effort, the mannequins themselves remained invisible.

  Intuitively, Nicki knew that the fat wasn’t there, yet emotionally, if she allowed herself to look, it was all that she’d be able to see. Tonight, as she gazed at her reflection in the mirror, she saw a lovely gown and a terrific pair of shoes. And a necklace. It was a beautiful thing, floating there above the low neckline of the dress. It was a spectacular outfit, wasted on someone as uselessly unattractive as she.

  The knock on the door startled her. “Nicki, are you ready?”

  She went to the door, grateful to have an excuse to break away from the mirror. As she reached for the knob, she had a brief stab of panic. What would Brad say when he saw her? All of this, she knew, had as much to do with a fantasy of his as it did a fantasy of hers. What would happen if she so wildly missed the mark that he lost interest?

  “Can I come in?” Brad asked through the door.

  “No,” she said, “I’m coming out. Are you ready?”

  “When you are.”

  Steeling herself against the disappointment she knew she’d see in his face, Nicki turned the knob and pulled the door open. What she saw made her gasp: The Brad from the bus station had transformed into James Bond. He wore a jet-black tuxedo with black satin tie and cummerbund, with gold studs decorating the front panel of his crisply starched white shirt. And, as always, he wore that smile. He positively glimmered.

  “You’re gorgeous,” he said. “The gown is perfect on you.”


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