Damaged - Jacinta's Story (Destiny Series Book 3)

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Damaged - Jacinta's Story (Destiny Series Book 3) Page 6

by J. L. Perry

  I quickly walk away from the table. I can sense Wolf’s eyes are on me so I add a little more sway into my hips. I smile to myself but don’t dare turn around to witness the effect I must be having on him. Negotiating the slippery, polished floor in my ridiculous heels is bad enough. I know without a doubt, if I turn around, I’d face plant it or do something equally embarrassing. I can be such a klutz and now isn’t the time to prove it.

  I must have spent close to twenty minutes in the bathroom. If I had been able to hide there all night I would have but, I knew I had to go back out. I berate myself for being idiot enough to tell Cassie about what had happened outside the gym. When I confided in her, how hot he was, I had no way of knowing it would come back to bite me on the arse. I just know she is going to zero in on this and try and set me up with him. I can practically guarantee it.

  Shit, shit, shit!

  After giving myself a pep talk, pulling the hem of my dress down as far as I can, without allowing my girls to hang out anymore than they already are, I gather the courage to leave the bathroom. As soon as I open the bathroom door, I see Wolf leaning against the wall. He has one leg folded over the other and his arms crossed over his chest. He’s waiting for me!

  He has a sexy smirk plastered on his handsome face. He knows he’s surprised me. My insides feel like there’s a thousand butterflies fluttering around inside it. As I try to slip past, he grabs my elbow and swings me around. My back is now against the wall and I’m peering up into his luscious chocolate eyes. He places his hands on the wall on either side of my head and leans in towards me. Shit, he has me trapped. If anyone else held me trapped in this way, I would have freaked out. For some reason, with Wolf, I don’t.

  I continue peering up into his smouldering eyes. I’m surprised by how safe I feel. I notice how the chocolate of his eyes matches his hair. God, he’s as sexy as hell! He lowers his face to within a few inches of mine and studies my face intently. It’s as though he’s searching for something. I tremble and my eyes wander to his lips. I have an overwhelming desire to kiss him.

  “You look beautiful tonight,” he whispers breathlessly into my ear. His hot breath flutters over my skin as he speaks. A shiver dances down my spine. He lowers his nose to the side of my neck and inhales. Oh my god, did he just sniff me?

  “I’ve thought about you a lot since the other day.”

  Even his voice is sexy.

  “Are you going to tell me your name now?”

  “No.” His eyebrows raise at my response.

  “Have it your way.” He shrugs, lowers his head and his lips crush against mine.

  I place my hands on his chest. I intend to push him away, but instead my arms slip around his neck. Damn arms have got a mind of their own. He groans into my mouth, his hands slide down my sides and cup my arse. He pulls me hard up against him and deepens the kiss.

  I can feel his erection pressed against my stomach. This would normally freak me out, but instead I’m feeling aroused.

  Time passes quickly, I don’t know how long we stand there devouring each other. It’s the hottest kiss I’ve ever had, the hottest! I had no idea kissing could be so erotic. No one has ever made me feel this way with only a kiss. There’s desperation, it’s like we can’t get enough of each other.

  Yes, I’ve been kissed over the years but I have never felt such urgency, such passion. He’s revealing a side of me I never knew existed.

  “I don’t know what it is about you Red but, I want you so bad,” he whispers against my mouth when we come up for air. “Come home with me?”

  I shock myself when I don’t hesitate. “Okay.” He pulls back and smiles at me. It’s a genuine smile, he’s happy with my answer. My knees weaken, nobody has ever looked at me like that before. He plants a soft kiss on my lips, grabbing hold of my hand. He gives me another beautiful smile as he leads me from the hallway and back into the club.

  As we head towards the main exit, I tug on his hand. “I need to let my friend know I’m leaving,” I scream into his ear. The music is so loud it’s the only way I can make myself heard.

  He gives me a quick kiss on the lips. “Okay,” he nods and leads me back to the table.

  Cass is beaming at us as we return to the table. “Will you be okay if I leave?” I ask. Her smile widens. Bitch! Suddenly I feel insecure about my decision.

  What the hell am I doing?

  “I’ll be fine. I’m sure one of these studs will see me home safely.” She gives me a cheeky smile and wiggles her eyebrows as she speaks. It makes me smile. I know exactly what she means by that comment.

  Her face turns serious as she turns her attention to Wolf. God, I can’t believe I’m still calling him Wolf. I want to ask his name, but I remember what Cass said earlier. “No real names…got it.”

  “I’ll be asking your friends where you live,” she indicates to the men at the table. “I’m warning you, if you hurt my best friend, I will hunt you down, cut off your balls and shove them down your fucking throat.” One of Wolf’s friends spits a mouthful of beer all over the table, while the rest roar with laughter.

  Wolf glances at me with a smile and drapes his arm over my shoulder. “I promise, I will take good care of her.” Fuck, what I have I gotten myself into? Am I really going through with this? Am I going to leave this club with a stranger, and have sex? Shit, I think I’m going to be sick.

  We say goodnight to everyone. I shudder when I glance over at Mark, he’s glaring at Wolf. Did he really think he had a chance of taking me home and getting into my pants? He must be delusional.

  Wolf laces his fingers through mine as we head for the exit once again. It’s the first time I have allowed a man to hold my hand in this way. I have been reluctant to become too affectionate on past dates. But this feels nice. It feels right.

  We reach the car park and he slows to a stop. “Did you drive here tonight?” He smiles as he speaks. God, he’s handsome. He should be walking a catwalk or featured on a cover of a magazine. That’s how gorgeous he is.

  “My brother dropped us off,” I reply.

  “Great, you can ride with me.” He squeezes my hand and leads me to a shiny, black Harley Davison. Shit! I’ve never ridden on a bike before. I begin to back away.

  “I’m not getting on that.”

  He chuckles. “Come on, Red.” He reaches into a leather bag on the side of his bike and removes an extra helmet. “Where is that confident, fiery girl I met the other day? Surely you’re not scared, are you?”

  The bastard’s giving me that smug smile again. I’m scared shitless but I’m not about to give him the satisfaction of knowing it.

  I narrow my eyes and snatch the helmet from his hands. “Me scared? Never! Bring it on.” He chuckles again.

  “That’s my girl.” He leans down and brushes his lips lightly against mine. Did he just call me his girl? Why do I like the sound of that?

  “The helmet is pretty small,” he says as he helps me put it on. “It should fit, you’re only tiny.” He wriggles the helmet to ensure it fits properly.

  Did he just call me tiny? I suppose compared to him I am. He’s tall like Connor, and solid muscle. I want to feel what it’s like to run my fingers over his ridges. His body’s hot. My knees are trembling as visions of what is to come, bombard my mind. Shit, I’m really going to go through with this.

  He runs his eyes over me. “You’re so cute.” A sexy smile lights up his face before he gently brushes his lips against mine. “Don’t be nervous, Red,” he whispers in my ear. “I promise I will keep you safe.”

  There it is. That word. Safe. For only the second time in my life, a man promises to keep me safe. The other was Connor. I swallow hard to shift the lump in my throat. Tears are close, somehow I manage to hold them back. He has no idea, the effect that one word has on me.

  Being with this stranger, and that’s what he is, does make me feel safe. The knowledge surprises me. It took me months to allow myself to feel this safe with Connor. I can’t believe I trust hi
m enough to not only go home with him but, I’m getting on the back of his bike. It scares the shit out of me. What am I thinking? I’ve never done something so reckless.

  He throws his long leg over the bike, reaches for my hand and helps me get into place behind him. I can’t believe I’m on the back of a motorbike with a total stranger, wearing a mini dress and three inch heels. I pull at the hem of my dress in an attempt to make myself decent.

  Wolf stretches his arms behind him and places his hands on my waist. He pulls me forward so my body is now flush with his. This is going to be one hell of a ride! He lifts my hands and wraps them around his waist. My fingers brush his cock. I feel him twitch.

  “Hold on tight. Whatever you do, don’t let go. If you need me to stop, squeeze my waist and I’ll pull over.” He gently brings my legs up onto the foot pegs. “Try not to let your feet slip. The exhaust pipe gets very hot and I would hate it if you damaged your beautiful legs.”

  I sigh. So sweet, he doesn’t want my legs damaged. He doesn’t realise, I’m already damaged. My scars are on the inside though, so he can’t see them.

  He allows his fingers to drift along the outside of my leg as he moves his hands back to the handlebars. “Ready?”

  “I’m not sure but I think so.” I’m shivering. His gentle touches are throwing my mind and body into chaos.

  He misinterpreted my shivering, he assumed it was fear. “Don’t be scared Red, I won’t let anything happen to you.” My heart melts. His genuine concern touches me.

  He starts the bike and the engine rumbles to life. It’s deafening even with the helmet protecting my ears. He negotiates the car park slowly but once we hit the street he guns it. Crap. I’m pushed back in the seat and, instinctively, my hands grip tighter around his waist. Holy shit! I know I’m squeezing him too tight, but hey, I’m shitting myself. He slows and pulls to the side of the road.

  When the bike had shuddered to a stop, he turned. An expression of concern marred his handsome face. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Why did you stop?”

  “You squeezed me, I thought something was wrong.”

  “I didn’t. You said hold on tight, so when you sped up, I did.”

  He chuckles. “You’re adorable,” he says before turning around, restarting the motor and pulling back onto the road.

  The ride back to his house is fun. I actually enjoyed being on the back of the bike. Go figure. I think I might actually like to learn how to ride one now. It’s a pity I won’t see Wolf again after tonight. I might have asked him to teach me.

  I assume we have arrived at his home when we ride through a massive set of front gates and continue up a long driveway. He must have pressed a button on his key ring because a garage door begins to open automatically. The house is enormous. It’s a mansion, it’s what a movie star would live in.

  The door slides closed and darkness enfolds us. The carefree feelings I experienced on the ride home vanish and the nerves begin. Shit, it’s too late to turn back now. Losing my virginity is something I so desperately want, but to know it’s about to happen, scares the crap out of me.

  What scares me the most is not knowing what to expect. I’ve heard all kinds of horror stories about the first time, as my friends have willingly shared their experiences over the years.

  Wolf shut down the engine, flicked down the stand and stepped off. He flipped a switch and the garage burst into light. I don’t move, I’m frozen in place, too scared to move. He caresses my body with his eyes. They widen as he lowers them past my waist.

  His hand flies to the back of his neck, he closes his eyes and throws his head back. “Fuck,” he growls.

  God, he sounds sexy when he growls like that.

  I lower my eyes to see what has caused his reaction. My dress has risen up and you can clearly see my white lace panties. The reason for his reaction is now clear. Crap.

  I reach down and tug on my dress. Before I can blink, he’s back on the bike. He’s facing me now. His fingers dance along the outside of my legs and up to my waist. My body shivers. I love the way his hands feel on me. His intense gaze sends my heart into a flutter. His strong hands circle my waist and, within seconds, I’m lowered onto his lap. Holy crap, I’m straddling a man on a bike!

  Where the hell do I put my legs? I can’t leave them dangling over the side of the bike so, I wrap them around his waist. A deep, sensuous growl escapes from somewhere deep in his chest. He cups my arse in his hands and pulls me closer. I’m pressed against his erection. God, that feels good. The pressure between my thighs is not like anything I’ve had before. I push against him harder, my panties are soaked from my arousal.

  “Fuck,” he groans.

  He places light kisses on my neck. It feels amazing. He cups my face in one of his hands, lowers his head and captures my lips in the softest kiss. It’s sweet. It doesn’t have the urgency of the kiss we’d had at the club. I’ve never been kissed like this before. It melts another piece of my heart. If I’m not careful I could find myself developing feelings for this guy, but I’m not ready for an involvement, I may never be.

  Our kiss deepens and begins to turn wild; it’s more like the one we’d had earlier. My nerves settle, I’m so turned on. His hand slips up to the back of my neck, he kisses me harder. Someone is moaning. Shit, I hope that noise didn’t come from me.

  He slides his other hand from my waist and cups my breast.

  “Fuck, you have great tits.”

  I moan in response and rub myself shamelessly against him while we kiss. My body seems to have developed a mind of its own and I find myself rubbing my crotch against him. The feeling is euphoria and I don’t ever want it to stop. I didn’t know my body could feel so amazing.

  I start to rock faster against him. I need something more but I’m not sure what. The feelings cascading over me are confusing, indescribable, but I like them. It’s like I’m climbing, higher and higher towards something, but I have no idea what.

  Wolf’s fingers slide my panties aside and delve deep into my folds. I gasp and press myself into them. I want them deeper. He is touching something inside that causes my heart to beat faster. I need more.

  “Let it go,” he encourages.

  Suddenly, something inside me explodes. I’m flying, stars flash before my eyes. I throw my head back and allow the strange feelings to take over my body. Wave after wave of pure ecstasy wash over me. Wow!

  I don’t want this to end. I feel like I’ve died and gone to heaven. I’m moaning loudly now. I seem to have lost all control. At this moment in time, I don’t care. I float back to earth and Wolf is staring at me. His expression is strange.

  “That was so fucking hot,” he breathes.

  I feel heat rising into my cheeks. I know I’m blushing.

  “How can you do something so sexy one minute and blush the next?”

  I drop my head as embarrassment sweeps through my body. I can’t believe I acted like that. “I’m sorry,” I whisper.

  He places his fingers under my chin and urges my head up. Our eyes lock. He searches my eyes, studying my face intently. It’s as though he’s trying to see what I’m thinking.

  “Don’t ever be sorry for what just happened,” he whispers. “Watching you come apart like that was beautiful. Christ, I nearly lost my load watching you.”

  My eyes widen as realization hits. I’d just had an orgasm. Wow, my first orgasm. Finally, I know what all the fuss is about. I’m beginning to understand why Cass is such a hussy.

  “I can’t believe I just had my first orgasm.” I feel a huge smile spread across my face as I say it. Shit, I didn’t mean to say that out loud. I clap my hand over my mouth and blush deeply again.

  Wolf’s head snaps up. His eyes darken with shock. “Are you telling me you’ve never had an orgasm before?”

  I keep my head down. Shit, me and my big mouth. What the hell is wrong with me? I can’t believe I blurted that out. I sigh. A lone tear trickles over my cheek. I’m so lame.

  “Please tell me you’ve had sex before,” he begs. I shake my head as more tears escape.

  He rubs the back of his neck. “Fuck.”

  He doesn’t need to say anything else. The look on his face says it all.

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper. I feel overwhelmed. I bury my head in my hands and sob. He wraps his arms around me and rubs my back.

  “Shit, please don’t cry,” he sounds panicked.

  “I’m such a loser.” I cry harder.

  He gently urges my head up. “You’re not a loser, sweetheart.” His voice is gentle and kind. He pulls back so he can look at my face and gently wipes my tears away with his thumb.

  “I’ll be twenty-one next week and I’m still a virgin. If that doesn’t scream loser, I don’t know what does. I’m pathetic.” I lower my head in shame.

  “Red, look at me,” he urges. I raise my eyes to his. “You are not a loser and you are definitely not pathetic. You just haven’t met the right person yet. I think it’s nice you’ve waited so long. I’m proud of you, most girls give it up far too easy.”

  He lifts me from the bike. “Come on inside and get cleaned up, then I’ll take you home.”

  What! I start to panic. I don’t want to go home. I want this to happen. I’ve come this far—I need to see it I through. If I don’t, I’m not sure I’ll ever get the courage to come this far again.

  “I don’t want to go home yet. I want to stay here with you.” God, I sound so desperate. I never thought I’d have to beg someone to have sex with me.

  He stares at me thoughtfully. “I’m not having sex with you. Your first time should be special.”

  He drags his fingers through his hair. He’s so sexy.

  “Fuck, I should never have brought you back here. I can’t believe I was about to fuck you on the back of my bike. For Christ’s sake, Red, I can’t do this.” He is pacing the garage now.

  Tears stream down my cheeks again. I want this to happen. I need this to happen. “Please, I’m ready for this. You have no idea how ready. I’m like twenty-one year’s ready. If I have to beg you, I will. Please don’t make me beg.”


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