Damaged - Jacinta's Story (Destiny Series Book 3)

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Damaged - Jacinta's Story (Destiny Series Book 3) Page 19

by J. L. Perry

  “You were right Jazzi. She is nice.”

  “She sure is,” I say as I smile at him.

  Blake’s happy to stay outside with my parents, while Mason and I go back in to see Cassie. I’m surprised to find Connor lying in the bed with her. She’s wrapped in his arms. They both look like they have been crying. This whole baby thing must be hard for them both.

  We stay in the room for about half an hour. I know my parents would like to come in and see her. I’m surprised to find Blake sitting on my mum’s lap giggling at something she said.

  “Fuck, what is it with you Maloney women?” Mason whispers in my ear as he drapes his arm over my shoulder. “It’s like you cast some kind of spell on us poor unsuspecting men.” I playfully elbow him in the stomach.

  “We’re just charming, that’s all.”

  “You’re definitely charming Miss. Maloney,” he whispers in that sexy voice of his. “You charmed the pants right off me, remember? Literally.” I giggle as I bump him with my shoulder.

  “That I did Mr. Bradley. That I did.”

  We walk over towards the seats. When I go to sit down Mason pulls me onto his lap, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist. After the day I’ve had I don’t say a word. I need this closeness with him.

  By the time my parents come out of Cass’s room it’s late. “Connor is going to stay here with Cassandra,” my father says. “How about I take you all out for dinner? I don’t think any of us have eaten much today.”

  Of course my mum’s beaming when she notices I’m sitting on Mason’s lap.


  Later that night, when we are back at my parents’ house, my mum informs me that she’s put Mason and Blake in Connor’s old room.

  “I did happen to mention to Mason that he could stay in your room with you if he wants.”

  “Oh my god you didn’t,” I screech.

  “Come on Jacinta. You’re a grown woman. I’m not stupid you know, I’ve noticed the way you have both been looking at each other today. I’m happy you have finally found someone honey. Honestly, I was worried that your father had turned you off men forever. I’m glad that’s not the case.”

  “He does make me happy mum,” I confess. “He told me a few days ago that he loves me.” My mum wraps me in her arms and squeals.

  “I’m so happy for you,” she says with tears in her eyes, “and that little boy of his just adores you.” I smile at her.

  “I adore him too.”

  “When you find a man like that honey, who loves and treats you right, hold onto him with both hands and never let him go.”

  We are both a little teary as we hug. After everything we both went through, all those years ago, it’s nice to think we’ve finally found some happiness.

  We sit and talk for a while longer. It’s really nice to be here with her again. Mason hasn’t come back downstairs, I presume he must have fallen asleep when he laid down with Blake earlier. I kiss my parents goodnight and make my way to my room.

  I’m shocked when I walk into my room and find Mason lying in my bed. “What the hell Mason?” I angrily whisper before quickly closing my bedroom door.

  “Your mum gave me permission to stay in here with you,” he replies with a smirk.

  “I know, she told me.” I narrow my eyes at him. “I didn’t think you’d take her up on the offer.” He gives me a devious sexy smile which makes me want to smile too, but I don’t.

  Who am I kidding, of course he would.

  “Well, you obviously don’t know me as well as I thought,” he chuckles. “Besides, after you disappeared the other night and with everything that went on with Cassandra today, I thought it would be nice to hold you in my arms tonight.”

  He really does know the right things to say. I’d like nothing more than to be in his arms right now. I walk over towards the bed as I remove my dressing gown. I narrow my eyes at him again as his eyes rake over my silk nightie. I’m glad I’d left some clothes here when I moved to Sydney.

  I stand at the side of my bed and look down at Mason. “Well, are you going to move over and let me in?” He gives me a delicious smile as he lifts up the blankets and shuffles over a bit. He slides his hand under my neck and wraps his other hand around my waist, as he draws my body flush with his.

  “Fuck, I have missed holding you in my arms,” he whispers. I’ve missed it too. It’s only been two days since I spent the night with him, it feels good to be back in his arms again.

  He brushes his lips softly against mine. “I’m glad Cassandra is going to be okay.” I smile at him, but also feel a lump rise to my throat.

  “I am too.” As soon as I speak I feel the tears rise to my eyes. My mind instantly wanders back to everything that happened this morning.

  “Oh babe,” Mason says softly. “It must have been a terrible shock for you.” I nod my head as the first tears fall.

  “I thought she was going to die,” I whisper as a small sob escapes me. Mason holds me tight as the flood gates open up.

  “I felt so helpless.”

  Mason strokes my hair as I explain everything that happened. “I’m sorry you had to go through that babe. Why didn’t you call her parents?” I chuckle sarcastically when he says that.

  “Because Cassie’s parents are arseholes.”

  Mason puts his hand on the side of my face as he gazes into my eyes. He gently presses his lips to mine and gives me a sweet, soft kiss.

  “Thank you for flying down here today,” I say after he breaks our kiss. “I’m so glad you’re here with me now.” He brushes his lips with mine again.

  “I will always be here for you babe. You know how much I love you, that’s never going to change.”

  I put my hand on the side of his face as I put my lips on his. I can’t tell him that I love him too, even though I know I do. Instead, I show him with my lips, just how much he means to me.

  We kiss for over an hour and I’m so turned on, there’s no way in hell I’m going to have sex with him, with my parents asleep down the hall.

  Mason moves his hand from around my waist and slides it down the front of my panties. I put my hand on top of his to stop him.

  “I can’t have sex with you,” I say in horror. “My parents are down the hall, it just doesn’t feel right.” He puts his lips back on mine to stop me from talking.

  “I am not going to have sex with you. Let me do this for you. I want to relieve some of this tension from your body. You’ve had a tough couple of days, you need this.”

  I don’t argue with him. Instead, I let his very skilled hands go to work on my overstrung body. They know just how to work me. His fingers are just as skilful as his mouth. I find myself coming undone in a matter of minutes. Mason puts his lips on mine to swallow my moans.

  Shit, I needed that!

  “I could watch you come all day,” he says with a smile. “You have no idea what it does to me.” I brush my lips against his once more before snuggling into his side.

  “Goodnight beautiful,” he whispers as he kisses the top of my head.

  “Goodnight Mason, and thank you.” I reply before closing my eyes. Even after everything that has happened today, being here wrapped in Mason’s arms makes me fall asleep with a smile on my face.


  We wake the next morning and, after dressing, we make our way downstairs to have breakfast. Blake’s already up and sitting at the table, eating pancakes with my mum. Blake smiles up at us.

  “Grandma Grace made me pancakes,” he says with a mouth full of food.

  “What the hell mum?” I snap. “Seriously, you told him to call you Grandma?” She looks up at me and smiles.

  “Watch your language young lady,” she eventually replies. It doesn’t go unnoticed that she’s totally avoided my question. I look over at Mason for a bit of moral support and find him smiling at my mum. God, what is wrong with these two? I have a sneaking suspicion that my mum is working with Mason, to help push us both together.

  I shake my
head in disbelief. I’m not about to make a scene in front of Blake though. He actually seems happy to call her Grandma. I’m not even sure if Blake has any grandparents.

  I’ve never asked Mason about his mother or father. I’ve never seen them around either, but that doesn’t really mean much. Maybe they live far away or something. I make a mental note to bring it up with him soon, he’s never mentioned anything about his family. All I know is that his childhood was shitty.

  After breakfast, we all go back to the hospital to visit Cass. She’s looking a lot better today. I wish I could say the same for Connor though. He looks like he’s in desperate need of a shower and some sleep. Our parents eventually talk him into going home with them for a few hours. Mason and I stay at the hospital with Cassie.

  Of course, Grandma Grace has to take Blake home with her. She’s friggin’ unbelievable. Blake seems to love all the attention she is showering on him.

  Cass is back to her old self by the time we leave that afternoon. She had Mason and I in stitches with some of the things she was saying throughout the day. It’s good to see my bestie is on the mend. I ask her if she’s had any visits from her parents. Cass said she didn’t want to see them anyway. That alone told me they hadn’t been back.

  God they sucked!

  Mason and I tell Cassie that we are going to fly back to Sydney tonight. Connor’s organised to have the rest of the week off from work. He’s staying in Melbourne with her, until she’s well enough to fly back to Sydney with him.

  My parents brought Connor back to the hospital, later that day. They’re taking Mason, Blake and I out for dinner again, before our flight home.

  Mum got all teary at the airport, so did I. Leaving her again was hard, they’re off to Europe next week for a month anyway.

  “Can I come to your house again Grandma Grace?” Blake asks as he hugs my mother goodbye.

  “You can come and visit whenever you want to sweetie. I’ll come to Sydney and visit you too, when I get back from Europe. I’ll bring you back a present from my holiday.” Blake’s face lights up.

  “Dad, Grandma Grace is going to bring me back a present.”

  Mason kisses and hugs my mum goodbye, before shaking my father’s hand. “Look after our little girl for us,” my mum says to him with a mischievous wink.

  What the hell!

  “It would be my pleasure,” Mason replies as he wraps his arm around my shoulder and kisses the top of my head.

  “You two are so adorable together,” my mum adds with a huge smile on her face. I roll my eyes at her. I know she isn’t going to stop pushing until we are officially a couple.

  “You look a lot like your mother,” Mason says as we walk towards the boarding gate. It’s true, I do. The only difference is our eye colour. Her eyes are a light brown, I unfortunately inherited my father’s blue eyes. That’s the one thing I hate about my looks. There’s a slight difference though, when I look into the mirror I can see kindness in my eyes, not the pure evil I saw in my father’s eyes, all those years ago.




  Once we touch down in Sydney we use Connor’s car to drive back to the apartment. Since he’s staying in Melbourne for the rest of the week with Cass, it’s pointless leaving his car sitting at the airport.

  We arrive at our apartment block in Sydney and head towards the lifts. Red presses the button for her floor, before pressing the number for mine.

  Sorry babe, not happening!

  “I’m not letting you stay in your apartment on your own.” She rolls her eyes at me.

  “I’m a big girl Mason,” she replies with a sigh.

  “I told your parents and your brother I’d look after you, so that’s what I am going to do.” She isn’t happy, I can tell. It kind of pisses me off. She’s trying hard to fight this thing between us. Hopefully after spending the rest of the week together, she’ll realise that we are perfect for each other—because frankly, we are.



  Shit, staying with Mason for a whole week is a bad idea. I’m trying to distance myself from him, but living in his house is going to make that nearly impossible. What choice do I have though?

  “Fine,” I sigh. “I’ll stay over at your place during the night, but I’ll be spending the days at my apartment.” Mason frowns at my response, but it’s quickly replaced by one of his smug smiles. What is he up too? He’s definitely not going to make this easy for me.

  Mason and Blake follow me into my apartment. I need to pack some things for my little sleepover. I’m only going to grab things for tonight and the morning. That way I have the perfect excuse to come back here, just in case Mason has any ulterior motives.

  Mason offers to take the rubbish down to the dumpster while I pack what I need. I quickly empty some of the contents from the fridge, throwing them into a garbage bag before he leaves. Connor and I left in such a hurry the other day, we didn’t have time to do anything. There’s even a few dirty dishes in the sink. I’ll have to wash them before I leave.

  By the time we get to Mason’s apartment it’s late, we’re all tired. He tells me to make myself at home while he bathes Blake. All I want to do is have a shower and climb into bed. I decide to wait for Mason to finish getting Blake ready for bed first.

  I hope Mason doesn’t think that I’m sleeping in his bed tonight, because I’m not. Hopefully, he has a spare bed, if not I’ll be sleeping on the lounge.

  Once Blake’s out of the bath and dressed in his pyjamas, he comes out to the lounge room to kiss me goodnight. “Can you read me a story Jazzi?” he asks sweetly. He has the cutest little voice.

  “Of course I can little man,” I reply with a smile, as I stand up. He reaches out his tiny hand for me to hold, as he leads me back towards his bedroom. Once he’s tucked in nice and snug, I sit down on the side of the bed and read to him. He’s sound asleep before I’m half way through the story. He must’ve been really tired.

  I kiss his sweet little cheek and then place the book on the bedside table. As I turn to leave the room, I’m surprised to see Mason leaning against the door frame watching me.

  “You’re so good with him,” he says, smiling. I just return the smile, I’m not sure what to say to that. Blake’s such a sweet kid and so easy to love.

  “Do you want to watch a movie?” Mason asks.

  “I’m tired. I just want to shower and climb into bed.”

  “Sure babe,” he says as he extends his hand to me. When he leads me towards his bedroom, I stop in my tracks.

  “I’m not sleeping in your bed tonight Mason.” Don’t get me wrong, I’d like nothing more than to be snuggled up in bed with him right now. If we are going to remain friends though, I have to resist the temptation.

  “Come on Red,” he says with a sigh. “I promise to keep my hands to myself, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  “Don’t you have a spare room I can use?”

  “Yes. There’s no bed in there yet. I haven’t got around to it setting up.” Damn!

  `“Well I’ll just sleep on the lounge then.” I lower my head as I speak. His eyes are boring into me but I can’t bring myself to look at him. I don’t want to hurt him or give him false hope. Plus, I’m a sucker for his big chocolate eyes. If I look at him I’ll probably cave.



  Fuck, she’s stubborn. All I want is her in my bed. Is that too much to ask? As hard as it will be to keep my hands to myself, I’ll do it if that’s what she wants. I just need her near me. I’ll take whatever she’s prepared to offer.

  She’s turned me into a fucking pussy, no doubt about it. Once upon a time I wasn’t into all this cuddling bullshit, but I find myself wanting to do that with her.

  I’m staring at her now, waiting for her to look up at me. It’s obvious she’s struggling with her decision to distance herself from me, she can’t even look me in the eye. I wish she’d stop fighting me at every fucking turn. C
an’t she see how perfect we are together?

  She thinks she’s broken. She’s so much stronger than she gives herself credit for. Sure, her childhood was fucked up, I know that. News flash, so was mine, and Blake’s too for that matter. Those reasons alone make us the ideal couple. We’re good for each other. Why can’t she fucking see that?

  In the end I give up. Making her do something she isn’t ready for is the last thing I want. After spending the past two days together, I thought she was warming to the idea of us being together. Then she goes and does something like this. “BAM” we’re back to square fucking one.

  Sometimes, I get the impression she has deep feelings for me and my hopes rise, then she goes all cold and distant and the doubts creep back in.

  Fuck, this whole thing is starting to give me a headache.

  “Okay,” I eventually say in a defeated tone, “If that’s what you want, then I’ll sleep on the lounge, you can have my bed.” She is our guest after all. Tomorrow I’ll begrudgingly set up the spare bed for her.

  “I’m not letting you sleep on the lounge. This is your house, I’m happy to sleep out there.”

  “Look Red,” I say exasperated. “If you won’t share my bed with me then I’m sleeping on the lounge. End of fucking story.” I hear her gasp at my clipped tone. I’m tired and not in the mood for this shit. I just want to sleep next to her. Is that really too much to ask? I rub the back of my neck in frustration as I look down at her. At least she’s making eye contact with me now.

  “I’m going to grab some clean clothes out of the drawer, then I’ll leave you to it,” I say in a much calmer voice, as I move past her. “I’ll shower in Blake’s bathroom.” She doesn’t say anything as I walk over to my dresser and grab something clean to put on. As I make my way back out of the room though, she grabs my arm.

  “Maybe I should just stay at my place tonight. The last thing I want to do is put you out.”

  Fuck me!

  I rub my spare hand over my face as I try to remain calm. The last thing I want to do is fight with her. Sure, I am hurt and a little frustrated, but mostly I’m tired and not in the mood for this back and forth bullshit. I’ve bared my fucking soul to this woman over the past week. She’s the only female, apart from my mother and Betty that I have ever confessed my love to. That’s a huge step for me. This lovey-dovey shit is usually not my thing, so when she treats me like this, it kind of feels like a slap in the face.


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