Damaged - Jacinta's Story (Destiny Series Book 3)

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Damaged - Jacinta's Story (Destiny Series Book 3) Page 25

by J. L. Perry

  Once I’m showered and dressed I grab the résumés that I printed out the other day and head towards the elevator. Today I’ve decided to dress up a little. After all, I’m trying to find a job, so I need to look professional.

  I am wearing a black pinstriped fitted jacket and a matching pinstriped pencil skirt. Underneath my jacket I have on a white silk button up blouse. My legs are tanned at the moment, so I decide to leave them bare. I slip my feet into my conservative black pumps. They are still pretty high as far as heels are concerned, but they’re comfortable and a lot easier to walk in. Not like those monstrosities that Cass makes me wear when we go clubbing. My long blonde hair is pulled back neatly, into a low bun.

  The first two clinics I visit are worlds apart. The first one is very high-end and prestigious. To me though, it didn’t have a good vibe about it. It was too stuffy, and the receptionist was a stuck up bitch who walked around like she had a pole stuck up her arse. The way she looked me up and down with such distain and judgement, made me want to bitch slap her. She is only a friggin’ receptionist for Christ’s sake.

  Some people!

  The second place is small and a little rundown, but inviting all the same. I instantly feel at home here for some reason. The receptionist is a short, chubby elderly lady, but such a sweetie. I instantly take a liking to her. She introduces herself as Jenny and informs me that her boss is with a patient, but kindly takes my résumé and tells me she’ll hand it to him personally. I leave there with a smile on my face. Hopefully the other two on my list are like the one I just left.

  By the time I’ve driven around the city handing out my résumés, it’s almost lunch time. I consider texting or calling Mason, but decide to head over to his place of employment to surprise him. I hope he doesn’t mind. I’d love to see where he works. After pulling over to the side of the road, I pull out my phone and Google the address.

  The butterflies set in once I park my car in the visitor’s car park. I’m not sure why I’m worried about turning up here unannounced, but I am. What if he isn’t happy to see me?

  Once I’m inside the building, I’m greeted by a middle-aged lady, sitting behind the reception desk. “May I help you?” she asks with a smile. I return the smile as I hesitantly walk towards the desk.

  “Yes, I’m here to see Mason Bradley,” I reply shyly.

  “Do you have an appointment?” When I tell her no, I instantly regret my decision to come here.

  “Ummm…” I say as she waits for me to say something else. “Never mind,” I eventually get out, as I feel my face turn red. “I should have called him first to let him know I was going to drop by,” I turn to walk away.

  “Wait,” she says suddenly. “You wouldn’t happen to be Jacinta by any chance?” When I nod her smile widens. “Hi, my name is Chrissy.” She extends her hand to me. “Mason talks about you a lot. A Lot,” she says as she rolls her eyes. It makes me giggle. I like her. “I’m sure he will be happy to see you. Give me a minute and I’ll buzz him and let him know you are here.” She smiles at me again as she picks up the phone on the desk.

  I look around the reception area while she dials the number. It’s a really nice place—nothing at all like I envisioned. When Mason said he worked at a factory, I don’t know what I expected, it certainly wasn’t this. The place is huge of course, I could tell by the sheer size of the building when I drove in here. It would easily be the size of four or maybe even five football fields.

  The building outside is painted in a light grey colour and there are black trimmings around the windows and the top of the building. It’s nothing spectacular, but really nice and neat for a factory. All the gardens around the perimeter and main entrance are all perfectly landscaped as well.

  Inside though…Wow! The furniture in the reception area is lovely. The colour scheme is black and white with splashes of blue throughout. The place has definitely been decorated by an interior designer, it reeks of money and success. I’m impressed.

  My thoughts are cut short when I hear Chrissy talk. “There is someone down here in reception to see you Mr Bradley,” she says in a professional voice. After a brief pause, she adds, “No they don’t have an appointment, but I’m pretty sure you’d like to see them.” She looks over at me and winks while Mason says something on the other end of the line. “Why don’t you come down to reception and see for yourself?” I smile at her.

  Yes, I definitely like her!

  After she hangs up the phone she smiles. “He will be down in a minute.” I have no idea why she didn’t tell him it was me. I have a sneaking suspicion that she wants to see his reaction when he finds out.

  A few minutes later he arrives. My back is to him, but I can immediately tell that he is standing behind me. I don’t know why I can feel his presence like I do, but I can. Before he has a chance to say anything, I turn around. The huge smile that I see on his gorgeous face is such a relief.

  Oh, he is definitely happy to see me!

  “Red,” is all he says as he takes the few steps that are separating us. He engulfs me in his big strong arms and holds me tight for a few seconds. “You look beautiful babe,” he whispers in my ear. He then pulls his head back to look at me. He studies my face and a small frowns appears on his forehead. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes everything is fine. I just came here to see you.” His beautiful smile returns. As well as those sexy dimples, that I love so much.

  He brings his head forward, placing his lips against mine. “I’m so glad you came.” Chrissy clears her throat before we take the kiss any further. He has again, like always, made me forget that we are not alone.

  Mason pulls out of the kiss and clears his throat before looking over my shoulder at Chrissy. “Can you reschedule my one o’clock appointment?” he asks politely, “I’m taking my girl out to lunch.”

  “Sure thing Mr Bradley,” she replies. I can hear the amusement in her voice. I turn my head to look at her and she’s smiling at both of us. It makes me blush again. Mason thanks her and grabs hold of my hand.

  “Come upstairs with me quickly,” he says as he laces his fingers through mine. “I want to introduce you to Rick, my boss, then I’ll take you somewhere nice for lunch.”

  Mason guides me back through the doorway he came out of, and leads me across the factory floor. There is heavy machinery and people everywhere. A few people stop what they’re doing, watching us when we pass. I even get a few whistles and comments which is a bit awkward.

  Mason’s hand tightens around mine. I notice he gives out a few dirty looks to the workers as we go by. One even gets the middle finger from him. A few times I hear him mumble something under his breath, but don’t quite catch what he says.

  When we finally make it to the other side of the warehouse floor, I’m relieved. I hate people gawking at me. Unfortunately, I’m going to have to walk back through there when I leave. Mason guides me over to a set of stairs that lead to a landing. This must be where the offices are.

  He puts his hand out to gesture for me to go first—he’s such a gentleman. I give him a smile and thank him before I start making my way up.

  Mason is following close behind me. I am pretty sure I just a heard a small growl come from him. I turn around to make sure he is okay. When I do I find his eyes glued to me arse. Hmmm…that’s why he wanted me to go first. That pig! I thought he was being a gentleman but, all along he just wanted to check out my arse. Well I shouldn’t really refer to him as a pig, because I’m pretty sure if I was walking behind him I’d be checking out his mighty fine arse too.

  I stop suddenly. Mason’s eyes are so focused on my backside he doesn’t even realise. When he bumps into me I giggle.

  “Sorry babe,” he says as his hands come up to my waist to stop me from tumbling forward.

  “That’s okay.” I raise one of my eyebrows at him. “If your eyes weren’t glued to my arse, maybe you would have noticed that I’d stopped walking.”

  He chuckles when he realises he’s b
een busted.

  “Do you blame me?” he says with a shrug of his shoulder. “Fuck, your arse in that skirt Red…it looks fucking amazing. I want to take you into my office and bend you over my desk.”

  Mason’s hand goes up to the back of his neck in frustration as he tilts his head back and groans. I’m positive he’s picturing me bent over his desk right now. I must confess that the idea is kind of turning me on.

  “Fuck,” he mumbles under his breath as he grabs my hand and practically pulls me up the stairs. “Let me take you to meet my boss so I can get you out of here before I do something inappropriate.” Damn. I thought he was going to take me into his office. Now I know he’s not, I’m feeling a little disappointed.



  Jesus fucking Christ! The things I’d like to do to her right now. She always looks fucking beautiful, but in the skirt…Shit! My cock is aching for her.

  Fuck, I need to get her out of here and into a public place as soon as possible. Otherwise, I’m gonna do something completely inappropriate for the work place. Which kind of sucks, because just having her here with me makes me happy.

  I’m stoked she came to see me and that I get to show her off. Everybody I work with knows all about her. Well they should because since meeting her, she’s all I fucking talk about.

  The guys I work with are kind of like family to me. Well most of them are. I’m seriously rethinking that after the way they just acted when they laid eyes on my girl. Sure, she’s a fucking babe, so I can’t really blame them but, she’s my fucking babe and seeing their eyes on her nearly did my head in. I’m not usually a violent or jealous man, but a few minutes ago I wanted to fucking punch someone.

  Fuck, what has she done to me?

  Once the introductions are done I get her out of here as fast as I can. We even leave through the emergency exit so I don’t have to take her across the workshop floor again. Having her here dressed in that sexy tight skirt is way too tempting. I want to take her into my office and do really bad things to her.

  As hard as it is to control myself I’m not going to do that. Knowing the way she is when we’re intimate, has me thinking that she’d probably be up for it, but I respect her too much to take that chance.

  I end up taking her to a fancy restaurant down the road from my office. We often take our clients here when we have lunch meetings. I drive Jacinta’s car because I don’t want her getting on the back of my bike dressed like that. I won’t mind the view of her skirt riding up but, I don’t want any other fucker getting an eye full of what’s mine.

  Lunch goes way too fast. I love being with her like this. In a way it’s kind of like our first real date. I’m ashamed to think I haven’t actually taken her out on one yet. Usually, the only time we are alone is when Blake is in bed. As much as I love being with him, it’s nice to have this one-on-one time with her.

  When Connor and Cassandra get back from Melbourne I’m going to see if they’ll watch Blake for a night so I can take her out on a proper date. I don’t usually do that romantic shit. With her though, I want that. I want to make her happy. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to see her smile. Love really does fuck you up in the head.

  If someone told me a few months ago that I’d be this pussy whipped, I probably would have laughed in their face or punched them. But, when it comes to her, I’m all in. I want it all. Every fucking bit!

  The whole time we’re eating I find myself staring at her. She’s so beautiful. I love seeing her so happy and carefree. She’s constantly fighting her demons on the inside but, looking at her right now you’d never know it.

  When my gaze moves down to her lips I feel my cock twitch. Fuck. Why did I have to look at her lips? I’ve been trying hard to behave myself since I saw her in the foyer at my work. Jesus, the things I’m going to do to her when I get home tonight. Again, fuck. Just thinking about that now has me hard as a rock. Why does she have such a powerful hold on me—and my cock, for that matter?

  That fucking magical pussy of hers, strikes again!

  It’s more than that though. I just fucking love her. So damn much. I can’t explain it or put it into words. It’s just there, in my heart. It’s consuming me. I never want to be without her. Jacinta and Blake are my life now. My air. The reason I look forward to getting up every morning. Who knew that my life could change so dramatically in just a few short months? Honestly though, I couldn’t be happier.

  Unfortunately, it’s time to leave the restaurant and head back to the office. I’ve dragged it out as long as I can. I’m not ready to leave her. I’d like nothing more than to have her come back and hangout with me for the rest of the afternoon. But, I also know there’s no way I’d get any work done if she did. I have a contract I need to finish off by the end of the day. So, taking Red back to work with me isn’t a smart move. Besides, she is picking Blake up from school in just over an hour. My plans for her and that sexy little outfit will have to wait until tonight.

  I grab hold of her hand and thread my fingers through hers as we walk outside. It looks so tiny in mine. When she smiles up at me, her beauty again takes my breath away. It makes my heart race.

  We have to walk down a small alleyway to get back to the car, which is parked behind the restaurant. We’ve only taken a few steps, and I already have her pinned up against the wall. I need to feel her lips on mine. Desperately.

  She lets out a small gasp but my lips are on hers before she even has the chance to protest. Thankfully, she doesn’t push me away. Instead she wraps her arms around my neck and deepens the kiss. I always get lost in her kisses. Fuck. I want to take her right here, right now.

  I enjoy the feel of her soft, luscious lips on mine for a few more minutes before I reluctantly pull away.




  When he pushes me up against the wall, I must admit I was shocked, I wasn’t expecting it. My first thought was ‘shit we’re in a public place where everyone can see us’. That thought vanished as soon as his beautiful lips were on mine. I was lost. Kissing him is definitely one of my favourite things to do. There’s nothing I don’t like doing where he’s concerned. Except leaving him. I hate that. Spending the last few hours with him have been wonderful.

  As soon as I wrap my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss he growls into my mouth as his hand moves down to my waist, pulling me in tight against him. I can already feel he’s aroused. God, I wish we weren’t in a public place. I want him and I want him bad.

  A few minutes later when he pulls out of the kiss, he rests his head on mine with a sigh, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed. I could kiss him all day without ever coming up for air. He is my air. It’s like all I need to survive.

  “Fuck, you are going to cop it when I get home tonight babe,” he says with a chuckle as he shakes his head. He looks at me strangely. “What are you doing to me Red?” he breathes.

  My hand moves up to caress his face because I can’t answer that question. Whatever it is I’m doing to him, he’s doing the exact same thing to me. I’m head over heels in love with him. Every single part of me loves this man. Right down to my soul. It surprises me that I feel no fear whatsoever about that either. It’s a wonderful feeling. For the first time ever I feel free of my fears, and alive—totally alive.

  I can’t help the smile that graces my face when I think that. This man has done something to me that I never thought possible. He’s healing me. Being with him makes me feel normal and not damaged. Damaged is something I’ve always felt. Now, not so much. I’m suddenly feeling overwhelmed by it all.

  “I love you,” I whisper as I pull him down and brush my lips against his.

  “I love you too babe, so fucking much.” He cocoons me in his big strong arms again. When I rest the side of my face against his chest, he tightens his embrace.

  “I wish I didn’t have to go back to work,” he says with a sigh. “Spending the last few hours with you has been amazin

  “I know,” is all I can say. I just want to hold him like this forever, never letting him go. Unfortunately, that’s not possible. He needs to get back to work and I have to pick Blake up from school shortly.

  “Don’t cook anything tonight, I want to take you and Blake out for dinner.”


  Eventually we let each other go, making our way back to my car. This time I offer to drive since I’ll be just dropping him off. He walks around to the driver’s side of the car and opens the door before handing me the keys. I love how caring he is towards me.

  We arrive back at his building and I pull up out front. Mason leans over cupping my face in his hands and pulling my lips to his. I’m sure it was meant to be a small kiss, but before you know it we’re right into the hot and heavy stuff again. It’s like we can’t get enough of each other. It’s crazy really but that’s exactly how it feels. It’s like we’re wild animals sometimes. If anyone was watching us now they would probably tell us to get a room.

  He moves his hand down my body resting it on my knee. His hand than snakes its way back up my leg and under my skirt. After all this hot and heavy kissing I’m throbbing between the legs. I spread my legs allowing him access, this makes him growl into my mouth. His fingers slide my panties to the side and delve into my folds. “Oh God…yes,” I moan as I push my hips forward.

  “Fuck, you’re so wet for me babe. What I wouldn’t give to be buried in this magnificent pussy of yours right now,” he says as he enters me with two fingers. I buck against them. “Yes, that’s it babe, fuck my fingers,” he groans. I moan into his mouth as I open my legs wider. I’m so caught up in him and what he’s doing I’ve completely forgotten that I’m parked in front of his building.


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