Damaged - Jacinta's Story (Destiny Series Book 3)

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Damaged - Jacinta's Story (Destiny Series Book 3) Page 40

by J. L. Perry

  “Can you watch Blake for me tonight?” I say before he even gets a chance to say hello.

  “Hello to you too, fucker,” he says. I chuckle. “Where’s Jacinta?”

  “She’s with me. She’s going to spend the night at my house.”

  “Okay, okay, enough said.” I chuckle. I suppose if I had a sister I wouldn’t want to hear shit like that about her either. “Are you two working things out?”

  “Yeah,” I beam. I’m so fucking happy.

  “I’m glad to hear it. Don’t fuck it up this time, dick.”

  “Not a fucking chance.”

  “Blake’s fine with us. Don’t worry about him. We’ll see you both tomorrow.”

  “Thanks man. I appreciate it.”

  I end the call and help Jacinta off the bike. Seeing her wearing my leather jacket and those fucking boots almost unmans me. I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder again as I make a dash towards the elevators. I can’t wait another fucking minute.

  Once we are in the elevator I place her back down and push her up against the wall. She looks up at me and smiles. “I love you,” I whisper before crashing my mouth into hers.

  We are both desperate now. I can tell by the way she’s kissing me. When the elevator stops on my floor, I grab hold of her and drag her towards my apartment. She giggles. I’m already fishing my keys out of my pocket. I can’t wait another second to have her.

  As soon as we’re inside my apartment, we immediately start shredding each other of our clothes. Jacinta bends down to unzip her sexy as fuck boots. “Leave them on,” I breathe. She smiles at me.

  She lifts her hand and runs it down the side of my face. “I’ve missed you,” she whispers. Her eyes travel down to my chest. I know as soon as they widen she has seen it. Her fingers slide down from my face and over my heart. She looks up at me again and smiles. “When did you have this done?”

  “A week ago. I knew, even if we never got back together, you’d always have my heart.” I had the word “Red” tattooed on my heart, just above Blake’s name.

  I pull her towards me and lift her up. She wraps her legs around me as I step forward and push her body against the back of the door. One quick thrust and I’m inside her. I feel my eyes roll back in my head as I throw my head back and groan. Fucking home. That’s what it feels like being inside her. Fucking home!

  “Fuck, I’ve missed your pussy babe,” I growl. I’ve missed her more but when we are joined together like this, the feelings I feel being inside her, overwhelms me. There’s nothing quite like it. I just want to crawl inside her and never come out.

  I planned on taking my time with her when we got back here. All that was soon forgotten. I needed her, and I needed her fucking now. I’ve got the rest of the night for that. I don’t plan on going to sleep. We have too much lost time to make up for.

  This first time is not going to last long anyway. I’m already on the edge. I’ve been dreaming about this since the night she walked out on me.

  Within a matter of minutes she’s coming undone. She throws her head back and screams as her pussy tightens around my cock. It sends me over the edge too. I thrust into her a few more times. My body is trembling as the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had racks my body.

  “Jesus fucking Christ, I love you Red,” I groan.

  “I love you too,” she says breathlessly. I’m so happy things finally worked out for us in the end. My cock is fucking happy too, I can tell ya.”



  We’ve been at it all night. Neither of us have slept. I don’t mind though. I’ve missed the feelings I get when I’m with him like this. I’ll never be able to get enough of it. After everything that’s happened I feel complete again.

  Mason must have apologised a dozen times throughout the night for putting his fist through the wall. He promised me over and over that he’ll never do anything like that again. He said he doesn’t want to lose me again. I believe him too. I need him in my life. The last few months apart have proved that.

  If any good has come out of our break-up, it’s realising just that. We’re perfect for each other and are meant to be together.

  We’ve just finished another round of amazing sex. I’m sprawled out on his chest, trying to catch my breath. He has one arm draped over my back and the other hand is stroking my hair. His heart is beating rapidly against my ear. I look over at the clock beside his bed. It’s 7:00 a.m. I’m exhausted. I close my eyes.

  I wake to the sound of a phone ringing in the distance. Mason groans. I can’t move. I open one eye. The clock says 9:00 a.m.

  “Babe that’s my phone,” he says in his sexy raspy morning voice. “I think it’s still in my jeans which are near the front door.” I giggle. It took a while but we eventually made it into the bedroom last night.

  I lift my head up to look at him. I don’t even have the energy to roll off him. He looks over my face and bursts out laughing. What’s so funny? He reaches his hand up and peels something off my cheek. He holds it up for me to see. It’s one of the false eyelashes I was wearing. Fucking Candy.

  “I wanted to wash that shit off you face last night but got distracted,” he chuckles. He moves me off him and lays me down beside him. “Let me go and see who just called and then we can have a shower together.” He leans over and kisses my nose before climbing out of bed.

  “It was Connor,” he says as he comes back into the room. He lays down beside me and dials his number, putting it on speaker so I can hear. “I want to check and make sure Blake’s okay.”

  Connor answers after a few rings. “Hey fucker,” he says. “Blake’s been asking for you.”

  “Sorry man. We were up all night. We only crashed a few hours ago.”

  “Okay, stop. I don’t need to hear anymore.”

  “Hey. It’s been months. We had a lot of catching up to do.” Mason is smirking now. I can tell he’s saying that to piss Connor off.

  “Another fucking word and I’m hanging up.” Mason and I both laugh.

  “Morning,” I say.

  “Hey Jaz. How are you? No wait, don’t answer that.” Mason and I start laughing again. “I’m taking Cass out for breakfast. Do you want us to take Blake with us? We can drop him off in a few hours.”

  “Thanks mate. I’d appreciate it. I’ve still got some things planned for your sist…” The line goes dead. I slap Mason in the chest. “That wasn’t nice,” I giggle.

  He chuckles as he leans forward and kisses my lips. “Come. Let’s shower. I want to wash that crap off your face. I want my old Red back, not that sexy fucking stripper I brought home last night.”

  “Mason,” I squeal as he gets up and pulls me off the bed.

  “I’m installing a fucking pole in the spare room tomorrow. I want that private showing you promised me months ago.”




  We spend all of Sunday together. I swear I smiled all fucking day. I still can’t believe we’re back together again. Jacinta sleeps over again that night. I feel like I’m on top of the world when I wake Monday morning having her wrapped in my arms. I usually hate Mondays but today I woke with a smile on my face. The prospect of leaving her and going to work doesn’t even faze me. She’s agreed to meet for lunch and I know we’re going to be together again when I get home.

  Even that appointment with my father’s lawyers tomorrow can’t bring me down. Sure, I’m dreading it but I’m too fucking happy right now to let it get to me. I have my girl back and everything seems right with the world again.


  I spent the better half of Tuesday morning at work. I’ve been feeling sick to the stomach since I got out of bed. I hope today pays off. Rick told me to have the day off, but I needed to keep busy.

  If it wasn’t for my mum I wouldn’t even be going to this fucking appointment today. I’m not interested in anything to do with my father. I just want some answers regarding my mum. For the past ten years I’v
e been left wondering. I need closure one way or the other.

  I’m on my way to pick up Jacinta now. The appointment with the lawyer is at 11:30 a.m. I’m grateful she’s coming with me. I don’t think I’d be able to do it on my own.

  I pull up at the apartment building, and Red’s standing outside waiting for me. My mood instantly lifts as soon as I see her. She takes my breath away. She’s wearing tight black pants, long black boots and a red top. My Red. It reminds me of the day she ran into me outside the gym. Best fucking day of my life.

  I shut down the bike and remove my helmet. We need to get going but it’s been three hours since I last had her lips on mine. I need my fix first.

  “Hey,” she says as she walks towards me.

  “Hey beautiful,” I reply as I pull her into my arms crashing my lips into hers. When she pulls out of the kiss she smiles at me, raising her hand and stroking it down my face.

  “How you feeling about the appointment?” she asks. I shrug. “Whatever happens we’ll get through it together, okay?” Together. I like the sound of that. I lean forward and brush my lips against hers. I’m so grateful to have her. I know with her by my side I’ll be able to get through anything.

  I grab the spare helmet out of my side bag and slide it on her head. Once it’s secured I help her onto the back of the bike. She wraps her arms around me tight. I smile to myself before starting up the bike again.



  The lawyer didn’t have any news about Mason’s mother. It was a simple reading of the will. Everything in his father’s estate was left to him. The house, the money, the car, everything. Mason informed the solicitor he wasn’t interested in any of it.

  “What you do or don’t do with your inheritance is entirely up to you,” the lawyer said.

  I held Mason’s hand from the time we arrived up until we left. His hands shook the whole time. I felt for him. As we’re leaving the lawyer hands him an envelope.

  “This is a copy of the will, the deeds to the estate and all the other information you require.” Mason takes it out of his hands. “Do you have keys to the property?” Mason nods. We thank him before we leave.

  After we leave the lawyers office we walk down the street to a café. I’m grateful for that. I don’t really want him getting back on the bike until he calms down.

  I order two coffees and a sandwich for us both. Eating is probably the last thing he wants to do though. “I’m sorry your father didn’t leave you a letter or something, explaining about your mum,” I say when we sit down at the table.

  He shrugs. “I didn’t really expect him too. He’s a fucking coward. He never would have admitted to anything.”

  “Do you think there might be some answers at the house?”


  “After lunch, do you feel like going for a drive over there?”

  “I don’t know. I guess.”



  I never thought I’d come back here. I hate this fucking place. The only good memories I have from living here, are the ones of my mum. After punching in the code to open the large security gates, I drive down the long driveway. It’s ironic to think those gates were installed to protect us. Truth be told my mum and I would have been a lot safer on the other side, not behind them. The house comes into view. This place hasn’t changed a bit.

  I shut off the bike and stare at the house. So many memories flood my mind. I want to turn around and drive away. Get as far away from the godforsaken place as I can. If I want answers though, I’ll have to suck it up and go in. At least I have Jacinta with me. I think I’m gonna need her.

  Eventually I push myself to get off the bike. I look down at Jacinta, my angel, sitting there watching me. “We can come back another day, if it’s too soon,” she says. I want to say okay, but I know if I drive away now I’ll never come back.

  I reach out my hand to her. She smiles at me. Once she’s off the bike I pull her into my arms. “You’re shaking,” she whispers as she wraps her arms around my waist. Yeah, I’m shaking. Going back into this house is fucking hard. I honestly never thought I’d have to set foot in here again.

  “Come on,” I say as I let go and start walking towards the house. “Let’s do this before I change my mind.”

  She catches up to me and laces her fingers through mine. I look down at her and smile. “If it gets too much just say so and we’ll leave.” I squeeze her hand. I’m so fucking grateful to have her with me.

  I know I implied earlier that I still have a key to the house, but I don’t. I threw it away the day I left. There should be a few hidden keys around though. When my father was being a cunt, which was often, he’d lock my mum and I out of the house. She ended up hiding some spare keys here and there, for those occasions. He never knew about them, so I’m guessing they’d still be here.

  We walk up the front stairs. I feel like I’m gonna be sick. I reach up and slide my hand along the fancy wooden corners of the post. Bingo. When I was a kid I had to stand on the rail to reach this one. I’m a lot taller now, and stronger. I wonder if my father was still alive whether he’d have the guts to start something with me. I seriously fucking doubt it. Coward.

  I’m hoping he hasn’t had the locks changed over the years. More than likely not. He knew I’d never come back here. Not by choice anyway.

  My hands are shaking as I put the key in the lock. Yep, just as I thought, he never changed the locks. I push the door open. Jacinta and I stand there for a few minutes. I need time to will my body to move. I know what’s going to greet me as soon as I walk in. That dreadful fucking staircase. The one my father pushed my mum down. Fuck.

  Images of her twisted and bleeding body lying at the bottom of the stairs flood my mind. Jacinta is still clutching onto me, so I use my free hand to rub my face as I try my damned hardest to push those images out of my head.

  “Do you want to leave?” she asks. I look down at her. She has concern on her face. She’s worried about me. Despite everything, I smile. She makes me fucking smile. Yeah she’s definitely my fucking sunshine.

  “No. I’ve come this far.” I exhale and push through the doorway. With her by my side I can do this. I can do fucking anything.



  This is hard for Mason. I can only imagine what he’s feeling right now. Going back to my childhood home is something I don’t think I’d ever be able to do. Driving past it would be too much let alone going inside.

  We only make it a few metres when he stops dead in his tracks. He’s staring at a rug that’s placed at the bottom of the grand staircase. His childhood home is a mansion. His parents much have been really well off. It’s nothing like the house I grew up in.

  He moves his foot out and flicks the rug to the side. I’m not sure what he’s doing. When I look up at him the entire colour has drained from his face. I follow his line of sight downwards. His eyes are fixed on a large roundish kind of stain in the timber floor.

  My hand flies to my mouth. Jesus, is this where his mother was killed? I wrap my arms around his waist and squeeze him tight. He looks down at me, there are tears in his eyes. Oh god, the poor thing. My heart is breaking for him.

  He wraps his arms around me and closes his eyes. He rests his face on top of my head and inhales. Now’s not the time for sniffing me, but if it brings him comfort then that’s fine, I guess.

  “Come,” he eventually says as he grabs hold of my hand and drags me down the hall. “Let’s get what we came for so we can get the fuck out of here. If there’s anything in this house, I know exactly where it’ll be.”

  We stop in front of two large wooden doors. He reaches for the handle. It’s locked. “Fucking typical,” I hear him mumble under his breath.

  “Step back babe,” he says as he guides me backwards with his hand. He steps in front of the doors again and lifts his foot. “BANG.” Mason kicks it with so much force that one of the doors comes off its hinges and crashes to the gro

  He doesn’t even flinch. He walks over the broken door and into the room. I follow. It’s a study. He stops and looks around. By the look on his face I get the impressions he’s never been in this room before.

  He walks around looking at everything. It’s a grand room. Large, expensive Mahogany furniture everywhere. Beautiful paintings adorn the walls. Mason walks over to a small side table, picking up a crystal decanter filled with scotch I presume. He raises his hand and throws it against the wall. It smashes into tiny pieces. Fuck. I hate this side of him.

  I turn on my heels and walk towards the study door. “Jesus Jacinta,” he says as he closes the distance between us and pulls me into his arms. “I’m so sorry babe. I just hate him so fucking much for what he’s done.”

  I wrap my arms around his waist. Under the circumstances, I understand why he did it. “That’s okay,” I whisper. “Next time just give me some warning.”

  “There won’t be a next time,” he says as he pulls away from me and cups my face. “Are you okay?” I smile at him. “I’m really sorry.” He brushes his lips against mine.

  “Do you want some help looking?” I ask. He looks around the room again. His eyes settle on the desk. He lets go of me and stalks over to it. After pulling out one of the drawers he places it on top of the desk. Rifling through, he finds nothing. I make my way towards him. He pulls out another drawer. This time he finds a leather bound folder. His hands are shaking as he opens it.

  I look down. The first thing I see is a photo. It’s of a woman and she’s beautiful. A small sob escapes Mason as he holds it to his chest. It must be his mother. I step closer and wrap him in my arms.

  “Is that your mum?” I ask. He closes his eyes and nods his head. I notice a tear roll down his cheek. “I think you’ve been through enough today. Why don’t you bring the folder with us? We can come back another day, or hire an investigator to search the rest of the house.”


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