Beyond Death (The Afterlife Series Book 1)

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Beyond Death (The Afterlife Series Book 1) Page 20

by Deb McEwan

  Supporting his fragile daughter Graham joined the twins and one glance told the police that the girl wasn’t in any trouble. Mel had had enough drama to last her a lifetime.

  ‘They’re my father and brothers.’ She called as loudly as she could in case there was any doubt.

  The police secured the area within minutes and the twins quickly briefed them on the turn of events. As a jacket was put around Mel who was still shivering, she looked at the officer and then her father.

  ‘I want my Mum.’

  Carol answered on the second ring. ‘She’s safe.’ Was all he said before handing the phone to his daughter.

  They hung up a little later, with Graham promising to get Mel home as soon as he could.

  Carol couldn’t stop crying. She looked heavenward and thanked the Gods of all religions she could think of. Then she said thanks to Jesus, Buddha and Mohammed. Believing she’d covered all bases regarding religion she now concentrated on those still living and thanked the police and her estranged partner, but mostly she thanked Graham’s sons for wanting to help their sister, even though she hadn’t wanted to know them and she had shown nothing but indifference toward their existence. She checked Mel’s room which was in pristine condition. She’d tidied and cleaned it during the night hours when she couldn’t sleep for worry about what was happening to her daughter. Finally, she went to the kitchen to prepare all of Mel’s favourite dishes. Her daughter would know how much she was loved and how her mother had missed her. Carol never wanted to let her out of her sight again, ever.

  The police agreed that further interviews could take place in London and made arrangements for a car to escort them on their return journey back to their home city. The twins made their way back to Jim’s car, telling their father and new sister that they’d see them there.

  ‘That went rather well.’ said Claire surprising her brothers who hadn’t sensed her presence, due to the stress of the rescue. ‘Well done.’

  ‘Thanks, Claire.’ Couldn’t have done it without you.

  ‘You speak to your sister?’ Came their father’s voice and the twins hadn’t noticed that he and Mel had caught up and were directly behind them. There was no way to deny it so the brothers stopped walking and turned to their father, both nodding as they did so.

  ‘I don’t believe in all that stuff myself but I suppose we’re all different, and if it works for you...’ He shrugged and left the rest of the sentence unfinished.

  ‘I was so sorry to hear about your sister,’ said Mel. Keen to say the right thing and make a good impression.

  ‘After all she’s been through, how thoughtful,’ said Claire. ‘I’m off, see you later.’ She laughed as her brothers tried their hardest to ignore her. They didn’t need to for much longer as they sensed when she’d left.

  Chapter 15

  Sandy slipped in and out of consciousness until the pain of being slapped on the face brought her fully back to her senses. Still dazed, she attempted to lift a hand to rub her cheek then realized her hands were tied tightly together behind her back. She was incredibly thirsty but the gag wouldn’t allow her to lick her dry lips. She didn’t know where they were, except that they were in the middle of nowhere and he had a vicious and determined look in his eyes. She shook her head and he must have seen the fear in her eyes as he gave a satisfied smile. Sandy closed her eyes again and attempted to control her breathing, she wasn’t finished yet and her brain searched for possible ways of escape. She tried coughing and pretending to choke but he sat calmly until she stopped. That’s when she realized that he held her responsible for the girl’s freedom, and he intended to make her pay.

  He got out of the car, walked round the front to the passenger’s side, and opened the door leisurely, whistling to himself as if he were on a happy day out with his lover.

  ‘Come on then, out you get.’ He grabbed her arm roughly and flung her to the floor.

  ‘What shall we do with you then?’ Sandy rolled herself into a ball and closed her eyes hoping that it would be over quickly. That was no fun for Big Ed. He kicked her knees, forcing her to straighten them and told her to look at him. When she refused to open her eyes, he shouted. ‘OPEN, YOUR, EYES!’ Each word emphasized and accompanied by a kick.

  Resigned to a painful end whether or not she did as he ordered, Sandy refused to open her eyes and this drove him apoplectic. He shouted and screamed with each blow or kick and she cried out in pure agony, still refusing to open her eyes. He stopped eventually and used his hands to force them open. Seeing only the whites drove him to distraction and Sandy’s last thought was one of satisfaction before she finally slipped into welcome unconsciousness.

  The pain had been agonising, but suddenly it stopped. Sandy had the sensation of hands pulling at her but that stopped too. She felt herself floating, wondering for a second where she was. Then she realised that she didn’t care because the pain had gone, along with Big Ed and she knew she wouldn’t have to suffer another beating from him, ever again.


  Claire was so proud of her brothers and father and her soul swelled with love for them and her new sister. She knew that it would take ages for Mel to get over her ordeal and that it would scar her for life. But Mel and the twins would benefit from knowing each other and Claire was so pleased that she was safe. She was looking forward to seeing how their relationship developed in the future.

  ‘Let’s go and see Gabriella.’ Said Ron and Claire was happy to do so, having said goodbye to the twins.

  ‘I thought because I speak to my brothers, that I would be able to progress and speak to my parents and maybe Jay. Although Gabriella told me the contact with my mother was a one off I didn’t want to believe her.’

  Ron nodded. ‘But you know now don’t you?’

  ‘I wasn’t sure.’

  ‘Claire, what you and your brothers have is some sort of natural and special gift. Be grateful for it. It’s extremely rare.’

  ‘How do you know all this?’

  ‘I have other talents.’ He said mysteriously and left her wondering what they were. He looked away so that she wouldn’t see the twinkle in his eyes. She didn’t even realize she was special and he envied her. It was wrong, he knew and sometimes teasing her a little made him feel better.

  They were surprised to see that Gabriella was already waiting for them and she was pleased when they told her how Mel had been saved.

  ‘You both did very well but it’s a shame the perpetrator escaped.’

  ‘I thought that you would send someone to look after that side of things?’ said Claire and Gabriella explained that she’d had to take two of her assistants to deal with a crisis in Africa.

  ‘Nothing to do with your mother and her friend.’ She explained, knowing exactly how Claire’s mind worked.

  ‘And now I have some news.’ She looked at them both for a while and Claire felt as if she were at a job interview. Ron’s demeanour was far more relaxed. Knowing that Gabriella did everything in her own time, by her rules, he waited patiently for her to continue. They both sensed the subtle change in the atmosphere and Claire knew her news would determine the location of her future.

  ‘Claire. By now you must realise that you have special talents that are few and far between?’

  ‘Yes.’ It was a whisper. Please don’t send me to hell, please don’t send me to hell.

  ‘The Committee have made a decision about your future.’

  Claire closed her eyes. Here it comes.

  ‘And, Ron.’ She smiled at him and Claire interrupted.

  ‘Err Gabriella, we all know where Ron’s going to end up, I thought this was about my future?’

  ‘And that reaction is precisely why I can’t leave you alone with your talents,’ she shushed Claire when she went to interrupt again. ‘Talented, kind and thoughtful, yes. But you are also impatient, impulsive and foolhardy at times, Claire...’


  ‘Shall I come back later?’ That did the trick.

  ‘You know that we face a constant battle against evil? From the evil souls on Earth and those feeble individuals who allow themselves to be led by them. Also from those sent by the master of evil himself. You must have realised by now that we need all the help we can get?’

  She signalled that Ron and Claire could ask questions this time but for once, Claire had nothing to say.

  ‘Well, the Committee want your help, Claire. You are getting stronger all the time and they want you to stay here and to help fight some of that evil by using the natural talents you have.’

  ‘Does that mean I’m not going to hell?’

  ‘You were never going there, young lady.’ Claire couldn’t understand why Gabriella and Ron found this so funny, and she joined in with their laughter not really knowing why.

  Gabriella stopped eventually and turned serious again. ‘If you’re not interested we’ll send you on your merry way. What do you think?’

  ‘What about Ron?’

  ‘Ah. Now we come to Ron. They’ve given you a choice,’ she pointed a long finger at him. ‘If Claire agrees to do this.’ Gabriella knew Claire’s mind before she did, and already knew that she would agree, ‘then you decide whether you want to partner her, or move on to heaven and rest forever in eternity.’

  Ron was undecided. ‘So, if I go to heaven then change my mind, what happens?’

  ‘Some, like myself, are taken from heaven and put to work, Ron. But the choice isn’t ours.’

  He looked at Claire and wondered if she could manage without him.

  ‘If you decide to move on, I have someone else lined up to help Claire. She redeemed herself before her painful death, and is on her way now, though she still has many lessons to learn.’

  ‘So my choice is stay here and try to keep Claire out of trouble? And I’ll still be able to visit my family occasionally?’ Gabriella nodded.

  ‘Or my soul rests in peace for eternity and there are wonders and miracles there beyond my imagination?’

  ‘Got it. And while you’re making up your mind, Ron. I want you, Claire, to go and see how your brothers and sister are getting along.’

  ‘But if Ron decides to go to heaven, he won’t be here when I return.’

  ‘Correct. That’s the way it goes, Claire.’

  ‘But it’ll be like losing one of my family, all over again.’ Ron had become a substitute father figure and she realised she was very fond of him. Claire was devastated that he might not be there on her return and was reluctant to leave. Ron took her hand and pulled her into an embrace.

  ‘Everything will be all right. Don’t worry.’ He stroked her hair like he used to with Libby when she was upset.

  ‘So you’re staying?’

  ‘I didn’t say that. Now do what Gabriella says. Go on, there’s a good girl.’

  Claire reluctantly broke the embrace. Tears in her eyes she floated away, not knowing who or what would be there when she eventually returned.


  Thanks to my husband Allan for his love and support, to my editor Philip McAllister-Jones for his sage advice and reality checks, and my friends for their encouragement. A huge thanks to my friends on ‘Black on White’ who are always available to answer my stupid questions - their advice, patience and guidance has been invaluable.

  Author’s Note

  Thank you for reading this book, I hope you enjoyed it. You may be interested in my two books in the Aliens Guide series ‘An Alien’s Guide to the Human Species’ and ‘Aliens the Sequel: True Colours’ available on Amazon. To find out more about these book or if you’d like to send me feedback, please see my website,

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15


  Author’s Note




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