Favor: The Kresova Vampire Harems: Lyra

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Favor: The Kresova Vampire Harems: Lyra Page 11

by Graceley Knox

  I take the offered items from the blacksmith, thanking him profusely. We head back to where we’d first arrived, Maximus and Seamus chatting and catching up. I hold the bag gingerly in my hands, afraid to drop it and ruin our chances.

  “Are you okay?” Damon asks, leaning into me.

  “Yeah, I’m good. I just don’t want to drop it or something.”

  “Give me the blades, I’ll keep those safe.”

  I hand them off, happy to not be juggling them anymore. I can’t believe we’ve finally got something that can weaken that crazy bitch. And I hold it all in the palm of my hand. No pressure or anything. My thoughts scatter as I make a mental list of what comes next. We’ll need to head home without updating Aurora just in case anyone is watching or listening. We can’t tip them off. If only I could be a fly on the wall when Morana feels the rings power leaving her. I hope she cries. We stop in front of the tree line, circling around and saying our farewells.

  “Well, please do come back, we’d love to have you all once this business is all over and done with.” Maximus shakes hands with Damon and Seamus, dipping his head to Moira and Maeve, before bowing to me. “Until we meet again, Dria.”

  Chapter 15

  We’d loaded up the rest of our stuff once we’d crossed back over the line, rushing back to London so we could get back to Ireland and be done with this business.

  We’d stopped at World’s End Pub so Seamus could give his staff instructions for while he was away. He’d packed a bag, grabbing a few essentials, and we’d sped away towards Heathrow.

  I let out a breath the minute we’re up in the air, safely on our way back to the security my castle offers with our small force of Kresova, werewolves, and now I guess, one Fae. Hours of travel later, we crash land on the front steps, rushing inside to share the good news.

  “Hey, you’re back!” Reina calls from her spot on the sofa, playing some video game. She arches a brow. “And you’ve brought a new friend.”

  “Yes, Reina, meet Seamus. He’s my second consort.” I walk toward the back of the house. “Do you know where Aurora is?”

  “Aurora!” Reina shouts at the top of her lungs and I wince as the sound pierces my ears.

  “You rang?” Aurora drawls from the top of the stairs, her tone amused.

  “Lyra’s back. She’s got a new male friend, and she looks all jumpy, so she probably has news.”

  I scowl at Reina for calling me jumpy, but don’t comment on it. “Aurora, hello. Where is Morana’s ring?”

  Aurora rushes down the staircase, shouting for her men, and skids to a halt in front of me, pulling a chain out from under her shirt. “It’s right here. I haven’t let it out of my sight.”

  “Thank god.” I grab her hand. “We did it. We got what we need to destroy the ring.”

  “Carver! Lucian! Marius! Come down here please!” Aurora bellows, and her men are surrounding her within seconds.

  “Lyra’s back. She did it.” She smiles at them, but they’re all frowning, staring at something over my shoulder.

  I follow their gaze, tensing for the argument ahead.

  “There appears to be a Fae in your foyer, Lyra.” Carver drawls.

  “Yes, guys, meet Seamus. Seamus, Aurora’s consorts, Lucian, Carver, and Marius.” Seamus waves, but keeps his distance.

  “Why is he here?” Lucian asks.

  “He’s my second consort.” I hold up a hand before they can hit me with a million questions. “Yes, I know, it’s not what the prophecy said. And also, Damon is my first consort. It would appear fate has decided to switch things up. So play nice with each other or I’ll beat the shit out of all of you.”

  “Good with me.” Marius steps around me, holding out his hand to Seamus as he approaches him. “Welcome to the family, man.”

  “Thanks, mate. Happy to be here.” They all chat, sticking to friendly subjects and I turn my attention to Aurora.

  “Come on, let’s go.” I grab her hand, dragging her behind me. “You too, Reina. This way.”

  “Go where exactly?” Aurora asks.

  “To destroy this fucking thing.” I hold the chain with the ring in the air, shaking my fist.

  “How exactly are we going to do that?” Aurora asks, skipping to keep up with my fast pace as I lead her towards the forge in the back of the house. Thank god when they’d built this place, they’d closely mimicked the original design. Outdated and unnecessary features and all.

  “We’ve got blades made from a Fae forge. We can finally slice it into little bits.”


  We both fall silent as Aurora preps the rest of what we’ll need to remove the binding spell. A white candle, the black stone bowl, and water from a spring.

  I open the bag with the embers from the Fae forge and dump them into the bricks. “Please let this work.” I stoke the embers until a small flame flickers over them. I stick the tip of one of the blades into the orange coals until the weapon glows from the heat.

  “Are you ready?” Aurora asks me and I nod, handing her the dagger, excitement bubbling through me.

  I stare at the ring, submerged in water. She repeats the spell, three times, and then removes the ring, placing it on the anvil. I watch, entranced as she lowers the blade to the ring, metal scrapes against metal and a line forms on the surface of the ring, but it doesn’t slice through it like it should.

  My shoulders slump. “That should have worked.” I look around for Seamus. “Why didn’t that work?”

  “I’m not sure, love. It left a mark, which is a good sign.”

  “Tell me what the witch said had to be done to destroy the ring again?” Aurora asks.

  “Only a weapon crafted from a Fae forge can truly destroy the ring.”

  “Aye, and the blacksmith mentioned the flames. That’s why we brought back the embers with us.”

  I slap my palm against my forehead. “That’s it! We have to put the ring in the flames and then we can stab it with the weapons.” I swipe the ring from the anvil, pausing when Aurora shouts at me.

  “Wait! Are you sure that will destroy it?”

  “Can you think of anything else?” I hold the ring in my fist above the flames.

  “Anyone? Just to make sure?” Aurora twists around, looking at everyone surrounding us. “Nothing? Okay, do it.”

  I loosen my fingers, letting the circle of metal fall into the forge. At first, nothing happens and defeat tightens my chest. But slowly, the metal starts to glow and I slap at Aurora’s arm in disbelief.

  “I think something is happening.”

  “What should we do next?” Aurora directs the question at Seamus and he peeks over the bricks into the forge.

  “Try cutting it with one of the blades now.”

  “Do you want to do the honors, Lyra?” Aurora hands the blade to me, handle first.

  I take it from her, not bothering with words. Please, please, please let this work.

  I lower the blade into the flames, letting it heat up again. Once it’s glowing a similar shade to the ring, I take a deep breath, unsure if I should try to slice it forcefully, poke at it, or jab it straight into it.

  “You know what? Fuck it.” I stab at the metal, and it melts like butter under the blade. I pull back, watching as a thick silver liquid pours from the ring on either side of the cut the knife left.

  “What the hell is that?” Aurora asks, disgust apparent in her question.

  “That my dears, is Fae blood. Royal Fae blood to be precise.”

  “And they didn’t think they should recover this ring from Morana after she stole it?” I shake my head at their idiotic decision.

  “I can’t answer that, love.” Seamus grips my shoulder, pushing me a little so I move back and forth. “But you did it, you destroyed the ring.”

  “We did.” I smile up at him and then blow a kiss at Damon over his shoulder before I turn back to watch the fire slowly melt the ring into a pile of goo.

  The silver substance evaporates with lit
tle pops and fizzles and I watch, satisfaction thrumming through every fiber of my being.

  I can only hope that Morana’s strength will dissipate just as quickly.

  Continue Reading Lyra’s Story in Fury! Out August 14th, 2018!

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you so much for taking the time to read Favor. We hope you enjoyed reading about Lyra!

  Currently we have NINE books total planned, in the Kresova Vampire Harems. Three for each Dria Queen!

  If you enjoyed Favor, please consider leaving a review on Amazon or Goodreads. We love any and all feedback and every review counts!

  If you’d like to be notified of upcoming releases, giveaways, and more, sign up for our newsletter, here!

  Stay Wicked,

  Graceley & Dee

  Also By Graceley Knox & D.D. Miers

  The Kresova Vampire Harems: Aurora




  The Kresova Vampire Harems: Lyra

  1. Favor

  2. Fury (Coming August 14, 2018)

  The Girl, Vampire Series

  1. Girl, Bitten

  2. Girl, Forsaken

  3. Girl, Immortal (Coming July 24, 2018)

  How to Be A Necromancer

  1. Grave Promise

  2. Grave Debt

  By Graceley Knox

  The Wicked Kingdoms Series:

  1. Mark of Truth

  2. Crown of Betrayal

  3. Throne of Secrets

  4. Castle of Illusions (coming Summer 2018)

  The Dragon Stone Saga:

  1.Kiss of Frost

  2.Up in Smoke (Coming Soon)

  3.Shake the Ground (Coming Soon)

  By D.D. Miers

  The Relic Keeper Series

  1.Dark Summoner

  2.Dark Illusions (Coming Soon!)

  3.Dark Secrets (Coming Soon!)

  4.Dark Destiny (Coming Soon!)


  City of Shadows: The Dark Fae Hollows

  Wicked: The Isa Fae

  About the Authors

  USA Today bestselling authors, Graceley Knox and D.D. Miers may be long-lost sisters, but their moms continue to deny it. They are most definitely the co-writers of the Kresova Vampire Harem series, as well as a multitude of other upcoming projects they can't wait to share with readers.

  Together they tend to share the same brain, finish each other's thoughts, laugh way too hard at inappropriate comments, drink enough coffee to qualify for an intervention, and talk about their fur babies. When they're not chatting, which is always, they can be found all over social media hanging out with their author friends and readers!

  Visit them at www.knoxandmiers.com

  Sign up for their Newsletter here!




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