Celtic Fury

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Celtic Fury Page 14

by Ria Cantrell

  “Thus said, ye are mine and I am yours, never to be parted. I vow to protect ye’ with my life and to love ye’…till my last breath.” Repeating the words back to him exactly as he had said them to her, she knew they were married. It felt right. She felt more wed by this rite than by the proxy rite she had experienced to Marcus Val Cour.

  They kissed, sealing their troth happily. Brielle was overwhelmed with emotion. Her hardened warrior was softened with love and gentleness. She felt her eyes mist over. She had wed him by the Old Rite. She no longer cared that a proper mourning period for Marcus was not done. He was never a husband to her and Ruiri already was, by his love, his passion and his vows.

  “Ye’ are my wife now, Brielle.”

  “And ye’ are my husband. And know this. There has never been a time in my life that I have felt this safe and this loved.”

  “Ye’ are safe now, sweetheart. And I promise to make ye’ feel my love grow each and every day.”

  Brielle kissed Rory and she said, “Oh, Ruiri, I am so happy. I love ye’ so much.”

  “Thank ye’, my beautiful Brielle, for loving me and for being with me…and for saving me.” Brielle sank down with him, lost in sweet kisses. There they fell to sleep, wrapped in each others’ arms.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Caleb and Morag wondered if the lovers would ever come down for breakfast or if they would hole themselves up all day. Caleb hoped the tempest had past and that they were now sure they needed to be together. He asked Morag what her thoughts were.

  “I think the somehow the sad spell has been broken. I think our Ruiri is whole again, but I feel trouble Caleb. Something dark…outside of Ruiri and Brielle.

  “What is it?” Morag thought for a moment and sighed.

  “I know not, but they are one now. There has been a shift in energies…it is as if they are one soul united. I can feel it and yet, something threatens them from the outside.” As Morag spoke those words, Ruiri and Brielle came into the feast hall, hand in hand. Brielle blushed as she was met with the smiling faces of Caleb and Morag. She swallowed her shyness and went to Caleb and hugged him.

  “Thank you, Caleb, for all you have done.” It was the laird’s turn to be embarrassed.

  “Never ye’ mind, lassie. It is thanks enough to see ye' with my son.” Rory’s arm slid back around her waist. It was easy to see the change in him. He seemed happy and in love. He seemed to have shed that darkness he worked so hard to hide.

  Rory kissed the side of Brielle’s face and said, “Da, Morag, Brielle and I…”

  Morag teased, “Aye, we know, Laddie…many times,” she said laughing, enjoying the blush that continued to stain Brielle’s cheeks.

  Rory grinned and said, “Aye, that too, but we, uhm, well we will wed properly.”

  Caleb smiled and then asked, “Properly, son? What do you mean?”

  “We spoke the vows, Da. The Ancient Rite. We are wed by those sacred vows.”

  That explained the shift Morag felt. Yes, Ruiri was whole. He had committed himself, aye, but he had bound himself with the girl. The ancient rite was a powerful binding. It could not be undone.

  Rory held Brielle and he said, “I know what ye’ are thinking, but I know that Brielle is the one.”

  Morag paced around them, muttering words in ancient Gaelic. Rory drew Brielle close and watched as the old woman sent her blessings and further bound them according to Ancient Rite. She also offered prayers so that Caitlyn would no longer be earth bound. A muscle worked in Rory’s jaw. Brielle knew it was hard for him to let his past go, but his vow to her assured her that he was ready to do just that. She squeezed his hand and clutched his arm.

  He looked down at her and in seeing her love for him, he sighed and nodded.

  “It’s time, lass, I know that now.” She heard his words as if he had spoken them directly to her. Looking up into his eyes, he felt her answer, “I offer ye’ my love to fill all of ye’r emptiness.”

  A look passed on his face and he felt love filling his heart. He felt like it was no longer scary to let love fill his heart. Suddenly, love gave him hope. He stooped down, gathering her into his arms, holding her tightly against his chest. She rested her cheek against his chest, feeling the strong beat of his heart. He murmured that he loved her and she answered that she loved him too. Brielle raised her eyes to his and she waited for him to kiss her. He bent forward, touching his lips to hers. Her arms moved around his neck. Her mouth opened for him, kissing him with all the love she felt.

  As they stood lost in each other, Caleb cleared his throat and said, “Ruiri, the lass needs some breakfast.”

  She smiled and agreed, “I am hungry.”

  “Well, my love, ye have worked up quite an appetite,” Rory teased. She shot him a look and then left Rory’s side to hug Caleb again. He had looked out for her like she was his daughter.

  He mirrored her thoughts by saying, “I am happy to have ye' as part of our clan. Welcome, Daughter.”

  “Thank you for all the love ye' have shown me.”

  “Ye' love my son. I could not ask for a more perfect mate for him.” As they sat down to break their fast, Caleb teased, “Well, I gather ye’ will na’ be headin’ to Edinburgh now, Ruiri?”

  “Bloody hell!” Brielle touched Rory’s arm and said, “Ye' were going to leave?” Sheepishly, he nodded.

  “Aye, love, in a week or so…because I thought I needed to put some distance between us. That was before we…”

  Brielle flushed again, but asked, “And now?”

  “I may still have to attend the Spring Court. It has been a long time since I attended and there is much unrest afoot between Scotland and England. The king oft needs his vassals to swear fealty and to state their intentions. Only, I have no heart for such politics. I am a simple man, who wishes to just be here in the highlands…now with the woman I love.”

  She touched his arm and asked, “Ye' will need to leave me?”

  “T’is a possibility. Perhaps I can hold off till next year.”

  Caleb grinned and said, “Well, ye' could take Brielle and show her court life. I think t’would be a perfect honeyed moon.” Morag shot the laird a warning look.

  “Da, I dunna’ know. Court life is not for sweet lasses like Brielle.” Ignoring the look from Morag, Caleb delved into his breakfast.

  Brielle looked into Rory’s eyes and said sweetly, “I think I would like to go, Ruiri.” He couldn’t help smiling into her pretty face and kissing her lips he said, “Alright, love, if I must go, we will go together.”

  Morag was not happy about Rory’s decision. She still felt that darkness around this couple, but she held her tongue. The couple seemed too happy to tamp down the day with her dire predictions. She would speak to Caleb and privately voice her concerns. Edinburgh was no place for a sweet lass like Brielle. Court was full of intrigue and evilness, but as she looked over at Rory, she knew he would protect Brielle from those things. Still Morag would need to tell her fears to Caleb and perhaps he could persuade them to not go to the Spring Court.

  After breaking their fast, Rory wanted to take Brielle riding. Since seeing her riding yesterday, he could not forget the pure joy that filled her and so he thought it would be fun to have a ride out into the village. The day was brisk but warming steadily as the sun brightened in the sky. Rory made certain she had her fur-lined cloak with her. He just wanted her to have fun. He really wanted her to ride in front of him, so he could touch her, but he wanted her to experience the happiness she had while riding her own horse. He knew she would have loved to ride the Brindle, but he was too unpredictable. Rory decided though, that Brielle should have that horse eventually, so he would encourage her to work with him in order to make him hers.

  Hand in hand, they walked out to the stalls and set out on their day trip. Rory had to admit that he felt lighter than he had in years. By God, he was in love. He wouldn’t have believed his heart would have ever been released from his self-imposed prison. But, as he looked at
Brielle, he knew that was forever changed. She looked more beautiful today than ever, since he had found her. She was again healthy and today her eyes were particularly bright; a warm flush to her skin. He knew it was because she felt loved, as well. She looked happy and her eyes beheld love; love for him. That look made his heart rap in his chest. It still amazed him that her love was for him and him alone. Before lifting her onto her horse, Rory took her into his arms and kissed her. Her mouth opened softly to his; feeling the wonderful warmth as his tongue flitted against hers. She moaned softly and he loved that adorable little sound.

  He stroked her jaw and said, “I could make love to ye' all over again. I want ye' so much, but I thought we should have a little break and enjoy the day.”

  “Ruiri, I want ye', too.” He smiled and asked, “Really?”

  “Aye.” He kissed her again and said, “We will…later, I promise.” Then really softly he whispered, “Ye' are not too sore to ride are ye'?”

  She blushed again and said, “Ruiri!”

  “Are ye'?”

  “No, I am not sore at all, though the stallion I rode last night was quite the giant…”

  “Quite the cheeky lass.”

  “Well, I still can’t believe ye' fit…ye' know…inside me.”

  “Aye, but I did fit, rather nicely I might add. Actually it was perfect.” Brielle kissed him and said, “I loved how it felt…being with ye’. It was perfect. More than I had dared to imagine.”

  “Good, Sweetheart. I am happy it felt good to ye’.”

  “Mmmm,” she purred. “I loved it. And I love ye’, Rory MacCollum.”

  “Well, I love ye too, Brielle MacCollum nee Campbell.” She flung her arms around him and kissed him fiercely.

  “Ye'…called me Brielle MacCollum.”

  “Aye, Lass. Ye' are my wife by the Old Rite. I aim to make it so by the church as well.”

  “I know…I just like the sound of it.” His hand stroked through her hair and he kissed her again. He lifted her up onto her horse and they rode out to the village. The day was bright and crisp and they thoroughly enjoyed themselves, shopping for wares and meeting the town folk. Rory introduced Brielle to many people. He wanted her to meet as many of his clan as he could find. He watched her shyness give way to a natural warmth as his people welcomed her and accepted her. His heart was filled with pride as she conversed easily with people she met. He saw her blossoming before his eyes as she found acceptance, which pealed away the doubts her bothers had caused in her. She seemed to grow more beautiful before his very eyes and all who met them could see how smitten Rory was with this pretty girl.

  Rory excused himself briefly from Brielle to speak to a couple from his clan. She watched as they exchanged some sort of business and Rory returned to her. Brielle loved the smile on his face and thought she had never seen him so happy. She wondered, though what had transpired. Perhaps it was clan affairs, so she did not question him.

  Most of the people they met were happy to learn of the troth between the Laird’s son and this beautiful young woman. Rory’s clansmen were aware of his past and they rejoiced in the new love he had found. That is, all except one. When Maggie had learned of the news, she had to get a look at the girl who had won the heart of the dark Highland Wolf. She never imagined herself to be the wife of Rory; she had lain with her fair share of men, but Rory was by far her favorite. She wasn’t particularly spiteful, but she was piqued at this turn of events. That explained the restlessness he had shown the last time she shared his bed. He had been in love with someone else. What would the woman look like who could tame her wild Wolf? Could it be true that she was a Campbell? Rory hated the Campbells. They all hated the Campbells. How could he bed one of those horrible creatures?

  Maggie hurried out to the square where she had heard Rory was and stopped dead in her tracks. She had never seen Rory look so happy. It hit her like a punch. She guessed in all the time she had known him he had been troubled. In fact, she liked him that way. It always made for a more exciting ride. Here he was smiling and laughing. And the girl, ach. . . she was a beauty. By her blush, Maggie guessed, she had been an untried virgin. Well, certainly, Rory would come back to her when he tired of this innocent chit. Oh he would marry her, aye,…but Maggie would always be good for the exciting illicit things she knew he best liked to do between the bedding…or against walls for that matter. Well, she had gotten her glimpse. That was enough to suffice. Turning from the quaint little spectacle, Maggie stormed back to the tavern, but not before Rory and Brielle saw her.

  Brielle saw Rory’s smile instantly disappear. She knew. That girl had been one of Rory’s lovers. Her eyes rose to his and he bent his head and sighed. The woman was older than she was, and she could see she made her living working in the tavern. Despite that summation, Brielle could see the woman was pretty. Brielle could also see that Rory seemed ashamed. She didn’t want his new-found happiness to be ruined. She raised her palm to Rory’s jaw and she gently touched him.

  “I knew ye' were not a celibate man before me, Ruiri. The past is the past.”

  “Brielle, I . . .”

  “But I willna’ be sharin’ ye' with her now.” Rory took her hand and kissed that palm.

  “I will not visit her again. Ye' have my word.” Sliding her arms around his waist, she rested her cheek to his chest.

  “Yer’ word is a good enough promise to me.” Rory’s heart thudded hard beneath that gentle cheek.

  Any other woman would have surely flown into a fit if she had come face to face with her husband's mistress, but not this one. Again, he was assailed with the overwhelming renewal brought on by her trust and forgiveness. For that alone, he would never break his word. He also realized that quite suddenly, he no longer had a taste for those types of women. They suited him when his heart was closed, but it was so open and full of love now, he knew he would only be able to be with this one woman. He could only love this one woman from now on. He shrugged off the thought about how wolves mated for life. He was not that monster…and with the help of this woman, that monster would never surface again. With her soft touch and understanding, Rory found himself wanting her more and more with each passing minute, but he knew they would have to wait. They had to make plans for their formal wedding.

  He took her hand and they made their way to the little Kirk located in the village. Father Duncan was delighted to help them with their plans. He had known Rory since he was a child and knew it was more than about time he settled down and started to raise a family of his own. Father Duncan wanted them to wait three weeks for the proper posting of banns, but Rory protested, telling him they had already wed by the sacred ancient rites. Familiar with Highland ways, the priest knew that the past and present were linked. While some priests would balk at the old pagan ways, Duncan was less worried about such things. He agreed to perform the wedding in a week’s time. Satisfied with those arrangements, the couple left the Kirk. Rory purchased some bread, cheese and a flagon of mead. He said, “Come, my Beautiful Brielle, I have a little surprise for ye’. T’is only a short ride from this place.”

  The day was lengthening toward evening, so Brielle thought they would be turning to go back home. However, when they left the village and rode through a copse of trees, Brielle realized they were not quite returning to the keep just yet. The dappled sunlight peeked through the forest cover and Brielle breathed in the fresh scents of the ancient oaks and pines. The sudden shade made it a little cooler, so Brielle put her hood up and tightened her cloak about her. Rory led her to a hidden little crofter’s cottage, set back amid the trees, and he knew she would be warm soon enough. She was not certain why they were stopping here at this place, but she thought it may have had something to do with Rory's little secret exchange prior in the day.

  Rory secured the horses and took her hand, leading her inside. Surprisingly, it had been kept clean and polished, but it was obviously not lived in.

  “What is this place, Ruiri?”

  With a littl
e grin, he said, “I asked a couple of the town’s folk to come and clean the cottage and to freshen the bedding. I thought mayhap we could have a little lunch, get warm and maybe enjoy a little nap.” Ah, that was indeed the business he had been discussing when he had excused himself for a time.

  “Hmm, a nap, ye’ll be wishin’ to take, is it?”

  Smiling down into her sweet eyes, Rory said, “Aye, after I thoroughly have my way with you.”

  She laughed at his honesty but quickly felt the desire rise up inside of her. Feeling his arms slide around her, she ran her hand through his hair and said, “Sounds positively wonderful.” He kissed her hair and said, “Shall we start with lunch?”

  Kissing his chest through his leine, she said, “Well, I dunna’ know. That nap sounds very inviting I think…still I am rather hungry.” She raised her eyes to his and he saw the smoldering passion there.

  He said, “I am hungry…too. Just not exactly for food at the moment.” He traced her lips with one finger and when she opened her mouth and sucked on that finger seductively, he gulped. It was a completely seductive thing to do. She was learning naturally and he knew he had helped her unleash the sensual woman inside herself. She was a sensual woman and Rory was glad that side of her was being release. He was happy that he was the one to release it, for she bestowed her passion on him. It made him positively hard as a rock!

  Brielle didn’t feel shy with him. In fact, she actually wanted to have a chance to play at seduction with Rory. She allowed him to remove her cloak and he unlaced the back of her gown slightly, but then she took his hands and kissed them, saying, “This is mine, Ruiri.”

  He understood. His heart was hammering at the prospect of her taking control of the situation. She looked up at him and ran her hands over his shoulders, unpinning his plaid. She carefully undid the folds of his kilt, tossing his belt to the floor. Again he swallowed hard. Her eyes never left his as her hands skimmed up the sides of his hips. He gasped, feeling her hands, cool against his bare buttocks and he felt her nails graze his tender flesh there. His cock rose full and she glanced down at it. Looking back up at him, with a sexy smile on her lips, she allowed her gown to slip off her shoulders. Her breasts peeked enticingly from the top of her gown.


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