Celtic Fury

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Celtic Fury Page 17

by Ria Cantrell

  Brielle could feel the life force beating strongly and she placed a hand over his breast. She said, “Ooh, Ruiri, yer’ heart …I can feel it…”

  He smiled into her face and said, “Aye lassie…ye’ make it pound hard.”

  She kissed him and said, “Oh…and what else do I make hard?”

  He grinned and said, “Brazen witch!” He took her hand and placed it against his thickening cock. As her cool fingers flexed around it, she felt him jerk slightly. He moaned at her touch, saying her name.

  “Ah, yes, Warrior, I thought so. So big and hard indeed. I tried to wait for ye’, but it was so comfortable to be in your big bed, I fell asleep.”

  “I know, lass. There was much to do. I am sorry to have wakened you”

  “I am glad ye’ did. I wanted ye’ to. I have missed ye’.” Her hand squeezed around his shaft as if to emphasize her sentiment.

  He groaned and said, “If ye’ keep that up, lass, I may lose control and dishonor myself.”

  She smiled seductively at him and said, “MMmm, really? I think I should like to see that.” She kissed him deeply. He turned over her; his hand easing over her stomach. His mouth plundered her lips, hungry with desire. The kiss was almost bruising, but Brielle loved it. The stubble on his chin scratched below her lips and she welcomed the sensation, knowing that even in the morning upon his leaving, the memory of that kiss would linger with the sensation of it. Her hands moved across his broad back, feeling his muscles ripple beneath her fingers. She loved the feel of his masculine strength. This delicious, gorgeous man was hers. Her heart now fluttered as she was reminded of that fact. She arched up as she felt his hand lightly trailing over her belly. His touch was so light it almost tickled. With a firmer hand, he stilled her, gently pushing her hip down, as his mouth devoured hers.

  “I want ye so much, Brielle.” She moaned under his touches and said, “Aye, Ruiri. Make love to me now.”

  “Soon, my sweet. I need to taste ye’.” His hand moved lower and he dipped his middle finger between her legs.

  “Ooh lass, ye’ are very wet, again. It makes my mouth water. I must taste ye’.”

  Brielle felt a flutter in her heart at his profession and knowing he wanted to do that for her, made her feel a sense of excitement from even just hearing his words. He kissed down her neck, pausing just long enough to place little bites over the most sensitive spots.

  Even the “kissing” sounds against her skin enticed her as much as the feel of his lips. Then his teeth trailed lower, nipping against her collarbone. He carefully raised each breast to his mouth, drawing on each taut peak, till he felt her drenching that finger he had nestled between her thighs. She writhed against him, thrusting her breast deeper into his hungry mouth. He suckled and swirled his tongue around the now very sensitive tip. His other hand possessively cupped her mound, gently stroking over the now dampened curls.

  He murmured, “Ye’ respond so beautifully to me. I just love that, Brielle.”

  She could only moan, loving how he touched her, loving the rich timber of his voice as he spoke to her and encouraged her passionate responses. Once again, he kissed down her body, passing his lips over her ribs, hip-bone and belly. He felt her arching up, knowing she needed him to taste her. Rory could tell she was enflamed with desire and he wanted to slake her need; just not quite yet. Now was for savoring. He steadied her and began a tender sucking against the delicate flesh under the soft feminine swell of her belly, leaving a small mark there.

  He rubbed his thumb over the spot and said, “There, I have branded ye.”

  She giggled because it had tickled a little and she leaned up on her elbows and looked at the mark. She smiled and said, “I shall have to do that to ye’ as well.”

  He flashed her that impish grin, which dripped of male sexuality and he said, “Hmm, Aye? I look forward to such a brand. Where will the lass be brandin’ me?” Her hand moved between them and stroked his hard length, as she smiled into his face.

  “I think I should like to brand this, Ruiri.”

  “Careful, lass, I may just hold you to that promise. Now where was I…Hmmm yes, I was needing yer’ honeyed flavor on my tongue. Open yer’ legs a wee bit for me.”

  Rory watched blush creep up her chest to her cheeks, but she complied with his request, feeling that she had no restraint any longer. For all her shyness, she really enjoyed it and that fact enchanted Rory. His fingers slid gently into the soft delicate folds and he felt her gasp at his touch.

  He looked at her and said, “So beautiful…like petals of a flower.” He lowered his head and kissed just above where his fingers had opened her.

  She could feel his breath fan against her and she suddenly wanted more. Sensing her need, he gently touched her with a slow rotating massage, but then he touched her with his tongue. She cried out, telling him how good it felt and her voice faded to soft moans of pleasure. Rory loved to pleasure her and as her sweet wet heat touched his tongue, he also moaned. He loved to taste her. He loved the slightly tangy flavor of her on his tongue. As his onslaught continued, her hips began to move slowly. Oh, the way he touched her, she thought. Pleasure spiraled and pooled inside her. The more he stroked her with his tongue and fingers, the more she soaked him with her sensual juices.

  He watched her and listened to her sweet moans as her fingers dug into the bedding, as if she needed to hold onto to something. His tongue entered her, with little deep stabs and she almost came off of the bed at that contact. He licked and touched her, alternating his fingers with his tongue until he felt she was at the height of her sensitivity. Gently, because he knew she was hypersensitive at this point, he eased his finger deep inside her. All the while, his tongue swirled over her swollen little clit. Her fingers clasped at his shoulders and she came in a powerful orgasm. He watched her arch back, raising her hips, head thrown back, and eyes closed. Her lovely face expressed her release. While she was still experiencing the waves of her climax, he moved over her, lifting her hips up and drawing her legs over his shoulders. His cock throbbed in anticipation of being inside her. He kissed her leg and he slid inside her slowly, watching the union of their bodies as her body encased his thick erection. Her eyes flew open to meet his gaze.

  He said, “I love ye’, Brielle.” Feeling him deeply inside of her was intense especially since she was still experiencing aftershocks from her orgasm.

  ”I love ye’, too, my beautiful Ruiri.”

  He stroked her leg and a shiver went through her at his touch. It was difficult for her to move with him while she was in that position, but he could feel her trying to lift her bum to meet his thrusts. Rory felt her clench around him deliciously with each thrust. Her little sounds of pleasure encouraged him.

  She said, “When ye’ are inside me, Ruiri, I feel complete. I love how ye’ fill me. Ohhh, Ruiri, sooo thick and full.”

  “Oh yes, Lovely? Do ye’?” She moaned, “Mmmmmm” and he answered, “Mmmmm” as well.

  “Ye’ fire my blood. Ye’ are so hot and tight around me, Brielle.”

  Brielle could feel the way he pulsed within her. He stretched inside her and she sheathed him with velvety warmth. He loved to watch her as she enveloped him. Her eyes met his and even in the dimness of the room, she could see their intensity. And more intense was the love that shone from his gaze. Love for her! Brielle’s hands eased over his chest. She loved the feel of his strong chest beneath her touch. Brielle saw emotions war in his expression. She arched up to him, trying to move with him to cause him pleasurable sensations, as well. With her legs over his shoulders, she could feel that he was very deep within her. She clenched tightly around him; causing him to moan.

  She whispered, “I want to make ye’ come, Ruiri.”

  Her uninhibited profession took him to the edge of his control. He stretched his neck back and holding her legs against his chest, he moaned loudly; filling her with his seed.

  It happened quicker than he had expected and he moaned, “Brielle, my God. I love y
e’ so much. Ye’ excite me so easily; so completely.” At his profession and climax, she tensed beneath him, feeling the waves of pleasure crashing over her too, for a second time in a matter of minutes.

  He loved to watch her in her pleasure. He was happy she could again so quickly after the last one. Coming down from his own climax, he gently lowered her legs and began to withdraw from her.

  He touched her face and said, “When I leave yer’ body, I no longer feel complete. Ye’ make me whole Brielle.”

  “Ah, my Ruiri…I am only whole with ye’ as well.” She gathered him into her arms, and he sank happily into them.

  “Rest now in my arms, my beloved warrior.” Rory still felt his heart pounding from having made love with her, but as he felt her hands stroking down his back and shoulders, he began to calm; his heart rate returning to normal. He kissed her and said, “Ye make me whole. I am a better man from yer’ love.”

  “Ye’ just needed someone to show ye’ she believed in ye’, Ruiri. I am that woman.”

  Ruiri felt her love as she held him. She stroked his shoulders and whispered, “Sleep now, my love.” As he nuzzled her breast with his cheek he said, “I dunna’ wish to waste precious minutes sleeping when I can gaze upon ye’ and touch and kiss ye’.”

  “Nay, ye’ must. Morning is quickly approaching and ye’ need to find sleep, Warrior.” Rory drew her in tightly and laying his head against her shoulder, he felt sated and calm. He drifted off to sleep basked in the afterglow from having loved her. He thought he would not dream this night, being so exhausted and spent. Soon, though, a dream wove around him.

  -The mists swirled around his legs. He stood with his legs braced apart, holding his sword before him, prepared to fight.

  “Ruiri…” the wind whispered his name.

  “Caitlyn, but I thought…I thought ye’ would be free now…”

  “Protect her. She is yer’ salvation. She is yer’ future and yer’ destiny. She will bring ye’ babes, and fill yer’ life…but ye’ must protect her at all costs.”

  “I am sorry, Caitlyn. . .”

  “Nay. Ye’ must love her now. It is as it should be. Remember the binding. T’is a powerful bond. Dunna’ doubt her love; not even for one moment, else the binding may be undone. The binding canna’ be undone…must ne’re be undone…”

  “I will na’ doubt her.”

  “Ye’ will be put to the test, but she will not betray ye’, my beloved Ruiri. Dunna’ doubt her,” Caitlyn repeated. The mists swirled thicker. He almost couldn’t see her. He called out to her, “Caitlyn, wait…I…”

  “Ruiri, ye’ must protect her. Dunna’ let them harm her…she is yer’ life.”

  “Caitlyn, I need to tell ye’…”

  “I know, my love. The love comes with me, Ruiri. Now it is time to love her. Protect her. Remember the binding…dunna’ forget the binding.”

  Rory stood in the clearing, mist dissipated around him. He felt the unearthly chill of it.

  “Danger!” The winds whispered. ~

  Brielle felt Rory jerk in his sleep. Her arms tightened about him, hoping the dream was not dragging him to horrific realms. He opened his eyes and she kissed him.

  “Are ye’ alright, Ruiri?”

  “Aye, Lass, t’was just a dream.” Emotions warred within him as he thought on that dream. He thought Caitlyn would now be released, but somehow she still lingered between the living and the world of dreams. What was she warning him about? Was it the raids?

  Seeing Rory lost in thought, Brielle touched his face and urged, “Well, try to go back to sleep for a little while longer.”

  “Love, I cannot. T’is time for me to go.”

  Rory moved out of bed and readied himself to join his brothers to find the raiders. He dressed in his plaid and leine. Brielle watched him crisscross his scabbard over his chest, resting between his shoulders. She had never seen him in his war attire and to say he was imposing was an understatement. He had braided two strands of his hair, one on each side of handsome face. War Braids! Brielle shuddered. Rory was now every bit the lethal warrior she knew him to be; as the legends claimed him to be.

  This was the Wolf of the Highlands. No wonder he was able to strike fear into the hearts of men. He was all power and strength and he was deadly, but oh, he was so very beautiful even in his warrior visage. Still, he was the most handsome man she had ever beheld; lethal killer or not. God help the man who faced him today.

  Brielle hurriedly dressed so that she could see him off. He was meeting his brothers and their men in the main hall for a quick breakfast and then they were off. He hooked his arm around Brielle. He smiled down at her; his heart swelling with pride and love. She had donned one of his plaids in the fashion of the women of his clan. She was his woman! And that thought offered him solace. Finally he had a reason to come home. Finally he had a reason to dream about the future. He swallowed hard, his larynx pushing downward as he fought the impact of that emotion.

  His voice was husky when he said, “Ye’ are so beautiful Brielle. Thank you…” he kissed her and she blushed.

  “I look a mess,” she said raking her fingers through her tousled locks.

  “Nay, ye’ are delicious. Thank ye’ for donning my colors.”

  A small smile played on her lips.

  “I was hoping ye’ wouldna’ mind, me being Campbell and all.” He kissed her strongly and he said, “Ye’ are MacCollum now. It is absolutely right for ye’ to wear those colors.”

  She felt his arm around her and as they entered the hall it was a bustle with activity. Many of the clansmen had mustered for the fray. Caleb and his brothers were seated when they entered the hall. They rose to greet Rory. She had met most of the brothers on and off, but never had Brielle seen them all together. Dear God, they were an imposing lot. Each one was handsome in his own way. Each one was lethal, including Caleb. Brielle was again reminded of their deadliness. She said a silent prayer that they would return safely. Caleb looked at Brielle and leaning close to her he said, “Ye’ honor my son by wearin’ his plaid. Thank you. T’will give him the will to return home to ye’…. Yer’ prayers will be answered.”

  Dear God, can all the MacCollums read my mind? He winked at her and said, “Nay, just the ones that love ye’.”

  Brielle looked into the Laird’s eyes, astonished, but as she met his kind gaze, she knew. These men were tied to the ancient world. There were things they knew that others did not. Instead of filling her with fear and dread, that realization comforted her. Many of her people had these ancient ties. Her brothers had forsaken those ways for selfish evil long ago. The Old Ways appealed to her. She supposed she had her own aptitude for it, having that special way with the beasties. Brielle came out of her reverie. The men were finishing their meal and were starting to gather in the bailey to arm and ride. Morning was hastening quickly, soon to carry her love away from her.

  Caleb and Shawn were not joining the forces. Shawn’s wife was about to give birth to their second child any day and Caleb was needed to oversee the matters of the keep and village. Brielle could see the longing in his eyes. She knew he wanted to be part of the force to set the raiders to rights, but sometimes a laird of a clan had to face matters at home.

  Rory took Brielle in his arms and kissed her deeply.

  “Wait for me, my love. I willna’ be over long.”

  It was hard to find her voice she suddenly was so filled with emotion but she whispered, “Please be safe.” She was trying not to cry. Touching her face with the back of his fingers, Rory said, “These MacDougals are no match for me. Dunna’ worry.” Kissing her again, he said, “I love ye’.”

  “I love ye’ too, Ruiri.”

  He winked at her and strapped his sword to his back and added dirks to his belt. He leapt onto his horse and joined the top ranks of men riding. Brielle took Caleb’s arm and leaned into him. She put her head against his big shoulder.

  He said, “There, there girl. He will be back afore ye’ know it. He now ha
s a reason to return. Ye’ have made him so happy, lass.” Brielle nodded, quietly. She sniffled back the tears that were so very close to the surface.

  “We have only just found each other.”

  “I know, Lassie.” Caleb took the girl’s arm and led her back into the keep.

  She swiped at the tears and said, “I am sorry. I know ye’ wished ye' could join them.”

  “I am an old man, Brielle, I am best left here.”

  “Bah! Ye' are not aged at all. Ye' stand straight and ye’ are as strong as yer’ sons, if not more so.”

  Caleb cracked a smile and said, “Ye' are a sweet angel to fan an old man’s ego, but as Laird, sometimes my duties keep me home.”

  She hugged him and said, “Still I think the MacDougal would run with their tales between their legs if ye' had joined the ranks of MacCollum this day.”

  Caleb kissed the side of Brielle’s face. “Thank ye’, lass.” He had grown so fond of this unlikely mate for his son. He hoped Rory would want to stay on once they were officially wed. He just adored this girl and enjoyed what she brought to their home.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Nearly a week had passed and Brielle realized Rory was not going to return in time for their formal wedding. With as much of a smile as she could paint on her face, she approached Caleb, not wanting to alarm him or burden him with her heavy heart. She asked, “Might I beg a word with you?”

  “Of course, Lass. What’s troubling ye’?” With a trembling smile, and head bowed she took a deep breath.

  “Oh, yer’ worried about Ruiri.”

  “Aye, of course, but I think he is safe, else I would feel it in my heart. T’is just that…tomorrow we were, well it was to be …”

  Caleb wanted to slap himself. He had been so consumed with the events of the keep and the village that he had clean forgot about the wedding. Shawn’s wife had given birth to their son and there was so much a’ foot with all the other sons gone, the wedding slipped to something that was still to be planned.


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