The Lost Planet Series: Boxed Set: Books 1-5

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The Lost Planet Series: Boxed Set: Books 1-5 Page 10

by K. Webster

  “You like mating with me,” I observe, my voice hoarse.

  “I do,” she agrees. “So much.”

  “You like being the commander in bed.” I pinch her nipple between two of my claws, pulling her closer to me. “Will you allow me to taste your sweet tongue, Madam Commander?”

  She moans and nods, her movements becoming frantic as she seeks my mouth with hers. Pleasure is zinging through my every nerve ending. I could do this with my little alien every second of every solar. I should promote Hadrian and spend the rest of my existence doing exactly this. I’d die a happy mort.

  Her weak teeth bite my bottom lip before she spears her tongue back inside my mouth. I’m impressed at the way she moves her hips. As though she knows exactly what will feel good to me. Wise and clever, this one.

  “I’m going to fill you up with my seed,” I warn. “Soon. Are you ready to let me take care of you?”

  “Not yet,” she whimpers. “So close.”

  I rub her quickly between her thighs. “Lose yourself, mortania. I will catch you.”

  She stiffens and cries out, her cunt squeezing me. I can tell she’s found her release and it allows me to do the same. A loud, claiming growl rips from me as my cock pumps into her. My seed will take one solar, I’m sure of it. Our bodies worked together this time. I realize now that the times before were incomplete in comparison.

  Right now, we may as well be one.

  Her body relaxes, the toxica taking effect, and I am ready to collect her just as I promised. I slide her off my emptied cock and pull her against my chest. Stroking her hair, I whisper how beautiful and strong and clever she is. Tears—tears I’d love to lick—soak my chest, but this time they don’t feel sad.

  And just as promised, the toxica isn’t as paralyzing as the time before. She’s able to move her hand and lifts it just barely. Knowing what she seeks, I slide my own beneath hers. Her fingers curl in between mine, linking us together.

  “Rest, my little alien. I have you now.”

  I have you forever.

  “There’s no knobs or levers,” she whines as she slaps at the wall of the cleansing tube. “Worst shower ever.”

  I chuckle and reach past her to push in one of the panels. Warmed water blasts from the ceiling earning a high-pitched screech from my alien. She attempts to burrow her nog against my naked chest to hide from the powerful spray.

  “You guys take cleaning so freaking seriously!” She tilts her head up to look at me, pouting. It makes her plump lips more tempting than usual. “I wish I had a bath tub,” she muses aloud. Her body keeps rubbing against mine and I’m having trouble staying focused on cleansing us.

  “What’s a bath tub?” I ask huskily. My cock is throbbing between us.

  She grips my aching length and bites on her bottom lip. “You fill it with hot water and soak. It gives you more time to play.” Her brown eyes darken wickedly and her cheeks turn slightly pink.

  “We have plenty of time to play,” I say, my palms finding her round rump and squeezing.

  “It’s not the same,” she grumbles but slides her hands to the back of my neck. She gets the soft look in her eyes that pleads for me to take her. I could never deny my sweet alien a thing. “It’s more relaxing.”

  Lifting her, I press her back to the wall and position my cock against her opening. “Close your eyes, Aria. Relax. I’ll do all the work so you won’t fuss over not having this bath tub.”

  She grumbles but it turns into a moan as I slide her down my length until she’s fully seated. With the water soaking us, she’s more slippery and everywhere we rub against each other feels incredible. My mouth seeks hers and I kiss her while I mate with her. It would seem my tongue is made to actively explore her mouth. It belongs there.

  I retract my claws and seek out her pleasure button—her clit as she calls it—and rub her until her cunt is clenching around me. Her nog bangs against the panel behind her but she seems to enjoy every panel of my ministrations. Soon, I’m groaning and filling her with my seed. The toxica hits her system, rendering her useless. I hold my little alien, murmuring gentle words to her, until her body begins to move again. Once we’ve both settled from our pleasure and she’s no longer dead weight in my arms, I pull away slightly to look at her.

  “I can get used to these showers as long as you’re in them with me,” she murmurs, a smile tilting her lips on one side.

  I lift my fingers to her face and run my fingertips along her soft flesh of her cheek. Normally, I keep my claws out all the time because they’re a useful tool. But with my little alien, I enjoy touching her tenderly.

  “Tell me something no one else knows about you,” she whispers. “Anything, no matter how small.”

  It takes me a moment to think and while I do, I wash her. When I finally think of something, I stroke my fingers through her messy wet hair and smile.

  “I like jackaws.”


  “They fly around near the windows and sing. It’s beautiful.” I purse my lips and blow, mimicking the sound they make.

  She lets out a content sigh and then her voice does something more beautiful than any jackaw. The sound is similar to theirs but it’s accompanied with words. I stare at her, enraptured. Each word that rings from her fills me to the brim. I don’t want her to stop. Eventually, she does, but the bright smile is worth it.

  “Singing acapella was one of my talents. Several chick flicks I was cast in called for it. I didn’t realize how much I missed singing.” Her eyes become glassy with tears. The good kind. My heart sings, too.

  “I don’t know what any of what you said means. My translator unit is worthless,” I grumble but not angrily.

  She giggles. “Maybe I should sing some more. I liked the expression on your face.”

  “You better do it again,” I say with a grin. “Just to be sure.”

  It’s been seven solars since Aria took me to bed on her own terms. I’m realizing that it’s better that way. Pleasurable for the both of us. She now laughs freely with me and there is a bounce in her step. I love how fond she is of Oz and Avrell and Hadrian. I’ve even seen Draven smile a time or two, which is unheard of.

  Aria is life.

  Like a little seedling in Galen’s lab.

  She grows and grows each solar, and all we can do is watch her in wonder.

  Soon, it is my hope, she will bear my young.

  Until then, I want to do something special for her. She babbles a lot now and tells me about such things called movies. Her favorites are what she deems “classics”. I listen and take notes. I’m unable to remember the names of them all, but I do pay attention to what the heroes of her tales do for their heroines. It feels silly, but the giddiness in her voice as she retells the stories assures me that she won’t see me as silly if I replicate them.

  And that is exactly what I am doing.

  Replicating them.

  I’ve chosen the parts that light her eyes up the most and created a plan. Much like a mission into The Graveyard that must be executed properly and requires the assistance of all my morts, I throw every ounce of energy into pulling off the most successful mission I can.

  Hadrian calls it: Operation Rogstud.

  He can call it whatever the rekk he wants, but all I care about is making her happy.

  “Try this,” Galen says as he offers me a hard, smooth yellow stone.

  “It doesn’t seem appealing,” I grunt.

  Nevertheless, I pop the “candy” into my mouth. Sweetness bursts onto my tongue and I widen my eyes. “It is good.” My mate will be pleased.

  He grins, baring his double fangs at me. “Well, when Aria started describing the sugary sweet she called butterscotch, it reminded me of a root I came across. The goldenroot has a rich, smooth flavor. I’ve yet to find a use for it for us, but it’s high in vitamins. When she’s carrying your young, it will benefit the young one’s growth and development.”

  “I shall feed them to her every second of every
solar,” I vow.

  He laughs. “I’ve only made twelve. I didn’t want to make too many in case they weren’t to her liking. The little alien has different tastes than we do. I wanted to be sure.”

  His pride in helping make my mate happy warms me. I owe him for this. “Thank you, Galen. I’ll take the rest as a gift for her. I will make sure she knows of the hard work you put into them for her, and the nutritional value.”

  With a bounce in his step, he flits around his laboratory collecting things. He’s made a soft leathery pouch that’s adorned with a black braided drawstring woven into the top. The strands of silver tell me the braid came from his own nog. What a thoughtful gift.

  I graciously accept the offering of goldenroot candies and give him a nod before heading out. Hadrian makes a loud racket in the nutrition bay as he works to prepare a meal for Aria and me. All of my morts have their various tasks, and I am grateful. My next step is to visit Calix.

  I find him in his lab scratching at the back of his nog as he stares at what he’s working on. My chest squeezes as I enter. “Is that it?” I ask in astonishment.

  He turns to me, his eyes in offensive slits for a moment before they return to normal. I can see that he is on edge, and I feel guilty for tasking him with something so difficult.

  “It’s not right, I don’t think,” he complains.

  I walk up to it and run my fingers over the material. “It’s almost as though she’s standing right before me,” I marvel. “The shape of her breasts…” I trail off when a low growl rumbles through me. “How do you know the shape of them?”

  His ears flatten against his skull and his eyes return to slits. “I did not touch your mate.”

  “You just stared at her long enough to memorize her shape?” I hiss.

  “I do not want your mate,” he snarls back. It’s almost as though he has more to say. He refrains though. “There is another in the cryochamber who is about her size and shape. I took the measurements from the records there.” He turns back to the outfit he has sewn together. “Perhaps I will make more for when the others wake.”

  It does not bother me that he measured the other aliens.

  It would bother me if he touched my alien.

  “I hope she will love it,” I say, my voice calm again.

  “It’s the same material as our minnasuits. The things she runs around in each solar are not conducive to warding off unwanted bacteria. With this new suit, I will feel safer that she’s not a walking, talking, disease-carrying female.”

  I snort in amusement as he carefully unbuttons the back. Once he’s removed the suit from its hanger, he hands it to me. I’m pleased that it will allow me to see the outline of her curves at any time during a solar. The others will see her curves too but that is something I must live with. They know it is forbidden to even think about touching what’s mine.

  Once I bid him goodbye, I make my way down to Oz’s, where I know she’ll be working. I find her inside but instead of working, she’s showing him more of her “dancing”, as she calls it. Oz is a quick learner and a patient teacher. I’m grateful for him.

  “Madam Commander,” I tease, making my presence known.

  Her brown eyes lift to mine and the smile on her pretty face falls. It is not from sadness, though. Longing glimmers in her gaze. She missed me. I sure as rekk missed her too.

  “Time to eat?” she asks as she walks over to me.

  I gather her tiny body into my arms and press my lips to hers. Sometimes she prefers her kisses with no tongue. At first, I was adamant we keep the tongue as part of our routine, but then I learned that she likes to do the no-tongue kisses when she is being playful or feels content. Often, the kisses with tongue lead to her bare and spread before me.

  I most certainly prefer the tongue kisses.

  “What’s this?” she asks.

  Grinning, I pull away from her to hand her the new suit. “I had a suit made for you. This solar, I am giving you a date.”

  She blinks at me and then her eyes become glossy with tears.

  At first, I am worried she loathes the idea and maybe I misunderstood everything she spoke of. I glance at Oz and he seems equally upset. We’ve all worked so hard.

  But then she throws herself at me and kisses me with her sweet, delicious tongue. I’m growling and ripping holes in her useless clothing with my claws when she pulls away.

  “Thank you for the dress,” she says. “I hope it fits. It’s so beautiful.”


  Ahh, that is what she calls them.

  “Calix made it for you.”

  Meant to be worn indoors only, he reminded me. Just as she described them to me before, this dress is meant to just look pretty. If she were ever to leave the facility—which she rekking won’t—she’d need a proper minnasuit and zu-gear over that.

  Her bottom lip wobbles. “That is so sweet. Let me try it on.” She rushes into a closet. While we wait for her, Oz brings me the box he had stowed away. I graciously accept it and wait for her to come back out.

  “I don’t know,” she calls out from behind the door. “It’s awfully daring.”

  My heart aches. “You do not like it, my mate?”

  “Oh, I love it,” she says. “It’s so regal. But…”

  “Come,” I insist, my impatience making it come out like a barked order.

  The door creaks open and she steps forward.

  Oz makes a choking sound, and I can’t take my eyes off her. The midnight-blue material of the minnasuit fits her like a second skin. Just past her hips, the material flares out rather than fitting on her legs. Her small feet are hidden.

  She laughs, and her breasts that are pushed up, looking quite tempting as they threaten to spill from the top, quiver with her movements. I’m rekking mesmerized. Oz sounds like he’s struggling to breathe.

  “I take it you like it?” she says and preens. Playfully, she spins around in a circle and the material magically swishes around her.

  “Mortania, you are the best thing my eyes have ever seen,” I utter, my voice husky.

  “I second that,” Oz agrees.

  I shoot him a sharp look that has him backing away a step. My ears flatten against my skull and I bare my fangs.

  “Cool it, buddy,” she sasses as she makes it over to me. “I only have eyes for one male here.”

  I grip her hip and then run my palm over the material along her ribs. “Mine,” I growl.

  She laughs again, the sound the happiest I’ve ever heard her. “Yours. You’re such a caveman.”

  “I’m ready for this date, and then I want to peel this suit from your body, little alien. I want to lick every inch of you, especially between your thighs—”

  “Breccan!” She looks over at Oz, who wears a sheepish grin. “We have company.”

  I want to growl and rage at him to get the rekk out of here but he’s helped me so much. Honoring his hard work, I hold out my palm to her. “Jareth and Oz made this for you.”

  She takes the pieces of flattened zuta-metal that clink together and strung on a thin rope, and holds it up. “They made me a necklace?”

  Oz saunters over to us, pride in his every step. “Yes,” he agrees. “As you will see, we pounded out the shiniest zuta-metal we own. Breccan mentioned the ‘jewelry’ you were so fond of. We worked hard to imitate the design. I hope you’ll find it to your liking.”

  She pulls away from me to hug him. I want to drag her back into my arms but I know my little alien hates when I “get all crazy”, as she says. She’s softer to me if I let her make her own decisions. And right now, she is deciding to hug Oz. A friendly hug, I might add. When we hug, she likes to grab my bottom and squeeze.

  “Thank you,” she breathes. “Will you help me put it on?”

  He beams, his double fangs on full display, as though she has gifted him the highest honor. I watch in amusement as he ties it around her neck. The biggest piece of zuta-metal hangs down and hides the line her breasts have created by being s
queezed together. I decide that I like this zuta-metal necklace because my morts won’t see a part of her that I am desperate to lick.

  She turns to show him, and he smiles so hard I wonder if it hurts. My sweet little alien is so good for my men. One solar soon, I will make sure they have their own aliens. In due time. I’m hesitant to wake them because we still don’t know enough about them. Not to mention, there isn’t enough to go around. And choosing happiness for one while denying another isn’t on my high list of things I’m eager to do.

  “It’s time,” I tell her and hold out my hand.

  She grasps it and links our fingers together. When it’s quiet and we’re alone, this is one of her favorite things to do. I like the way her pink fingers look beside my pale white ones. How we fit together in some unique way.

  “This is too kind,” she says as we walk down the corridor. “I’m just so happy.”

  I puff out my chest and grin. “That was the intention. That is my intention with everything I do…to make you happy.”

  I guide her to the nutrition bay. Hadrian, just as I asked, dragged my table from my room and put it in the middle of this room. I pull out her chair and help her to sit—just like the men from her movies. She lets out a pleased sigh that fills me with hope.

  Hadrian, from somewhere hidden, kills the lights. The small dome on the table lights up. I’m not sure if this is close to her candlelight dinner but by the teary way she runs her fingers over the dome and sniffles, I feel as though maybe it does invoke some memories from home. My chest is tight with anxiety but so far, she has loved every one of my gestures.

  Hadrian appears, carrying two plates of food. He places them down in front of each of us.

  “Rekk,” he curses, his eyes glued to my mate’s chest.

  I growl, causing Aria to giggle. Her breasts jiggle and earn more of Hadrian’s attention.

  “Uh, that’s a nice…zuta-metal mess on your neck,” he says, attempting to save himself from a throttling.

  “Oh, Hadrian,” she says in amusement, “it’s a necklace. And thank you.”


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