False Perceptions

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False Perceptions Page 6

by Michelle Heard

  As I watch her kiss Senator Swanson, then walk back into the house, I whisper, “You’re welcome, Emilie.”

  I switch off the television and head outside with a huge smile on my face.

  “What are you grinning about?” Dave asks as he takes the six-pack from me.

  “I was thinking how awesome that steak is going to taste once Axel decides he’s done with it,” I reply as I swipe a beer from Mike’s hand seconds after he opens it.

  “The steak will be done when I say it’s done,” Axel grumbles over his shoulder. “Pass me a beer or none of you are getting any.”

  “I’m getting some the second I get my ass home,” Mike chuckles. “Since Gabs got pregnant she’s been jumping me as if there’s no tomorrow.” He grins and wags his eyebrows. “Not that I’m complaining.”

  “Just wait,” Axel warns as he points the tongs at Mike. “It will be you and Mrs. Palmer once that baby is here. You won’t be getting shit.” Axel stops and then smiles wide. “Actually, that’s all you’ll be getting. Diapers and diapers filled with shit.”

  I laugh as I settle down into a chair, sipping on the cold beer in my hand.

  I take a moment to look at each of the guys.

  Holding my beer up, I say, “I’m proud to call you brothers.”

  “Brothers,” they all shout drinking to the spontaneous toast.

  Yeah, tomorrow we leave on another mission, so we’re all taking today to relax before getting ready for action.

  “Listen up,” Commander Foster says. “Operation Apache is a go tonight at twenty hundred hours.”

  “Right,” Dave says, handing each of us a file. “We’re going to the Chiapas Province.”

  Axel lets out a heavy breath through his nose, clearly not happy that we’re going to Mexico.

  “I’ll be taking point,” Dave continues, ignoring Axel’s huff. “Max, you’ll be second with Mike on comms. Hayden, you’re our medic and Axel, you’ll bring up the rear.”

  Max stands as the screen up front lights up.

  “Eduardo Flores.” Max points to Flores’ left cheek. “You’ll be able to identify him by the scar on his left cheek. He’s tier one which means we can’t fuck this up. Flores is wanted for everything from smuggling weapons over the border, to the murder of nine Americans. He’s an evil son of a bitch. He’s evaded capture for over six years. Two nights ago, he was spotted in Chiapas. This is the best lead we’ve had so far so we can’t fuck this up. The mission is simple. We go in, eliminate Flores, and get our asses back stateside.”

  When the next image comes up, Axel sighs again.

  “The area is rocky, but the hills should provide us with plenty of cover. We’ll be dropped here, two hours away from the location. Let’s gear up, guys.”

  As the Black Hawk carries us to our destination, Mike comes to sit next to me. He digs a piece of paper out of his pocket and spreads it open on his thigh.

  “Gabs wants this for the nursery. Do you think we can get it set up for her?”

  I look at the picture of a baby’s room decorated with owls.

  “Owls?” I ask, wanting to hear him say it.

  He grins, gently caressing his fingertips over the picture.

  “Yeah, Gabs said she has a thing for owls.”

  “I bet she does,” I tease him. Mike hated when we gave him the nickname Owl, so I think it’s a really nice thing of Gabs to do. “It’s totally doable.”

  “She’ll love that.” He stares at the picture for a second longer before he folds it carefully, tucking it back in his pocket. “We can get on it as soon as we’re back home.”

  I watch as Mike slips his wedding band off and over the band of his watch, before placing both in the same pocket where the picture is.

  “One minute,” Commander Foster calls out.

  The five of us check our rifles one last time before standing up.

  “Thirty seconds.”

  They lower a rope, and Dave grabs hold of it.

  “Go. Go. Go,” Foster shouts and one by one we slide down the rope.

  As soon as my feet touch the ground, I crouch down and run a few steps to my right as the five of us form a circle.

  The Black Hawk takes off, leaving behind a swirl of dust.

  Crouching, we wait for the night to settle around us.

  “Hunter-base. Comms check,” Mike whispers.

  “Hunter-zero-one, this is Hunter-base. I copy you,” the reply comes.

  “Let’s get this over with,” Axel grumbles. “I hate being here. This place is fucking cursed.”

  It’s no secret that Axel hates Mexico. During his early days as a SEAL, he lost a teammate here. Can’t say I blame the guy for hating Mexico. It’s not easy recovering from losing a brother in the field.

  The night is muggy as we start to walk toward the location. We make it in under two hours, and Mike does another radio check.

  I lie down next to Dave as we scope the area.

  “Fuck,” Dave whispers. “This guy has a fucking army.”

  I count more than a dozen men out front, sitting around fires. There are many more situated in various spots around the compound. Dave’s right. We’re outnumbered easily four to one. That’s definitely going to be a problem.

  “Told you this place was cursed,” Axel grumbles as his eyes sweep over the compound, a deep worry frown on his brow.

  “There’s no such thing as curses,” I say, trying to get Axel into the right frame of mind for this op.

  Dave looks over at Max. “What do you think?”

  Max shakes his head, a grim look on his face. “We’ve got two choices. Either we pack up and leave, or we take him out and make a run for it. Chances are good that his army will catch up with us in a few miles.”

  “We have a job to do,” I remind them, as I search the compound for any sign of the target.

  “Yeah, but the QRF are hours away,” Mike puts in his two cents.

  Commander Foster has a quick reaction force on standby should the shit hit the fan.

  “I say we call it a day,” Axel says, looking edgy as fuck.

  I look at Dave. “It’s your call. You’re the team leader. What do you want to do?”

  Dave lets out a heavy breath. “I don’t want to be that guy who fails on a mission because plan A is going to shit.”

  “What’s plan B then? Eliminate the target and run, hoping the fuckers don’t catch up to us before we make it into the jungle?”

  Dave grinds his teeth, knowing that plan B would put all our lives in danger.

  Just then I spot our target coming out onto a balcony.

  “Target just exited a room on the west wing, second floor. Standing on the balcony lighting a cigar. Now’s our chance.”

  “You sure it’s him?” Dave asks as he takes a look for himself.

  “Scar on his left cheek,” I confirm.

  “Yeah, that’s Eduardo Flores,” Max also agrees.

  “Am I calling in confirmation of target or a failed op?” Mike asks.

  We go silent, and all eyes turn to Dave.

  “We all have to agree,” Dave says. “I won’t go with plan B if you’re not all in it.”

  “I’m in,” Max whispers.

  “Let’s just get this shit over with,” Mike huffs.

  “You’re the boss,” I say. “Whatever you decide I’ll back.”

  We all look at Axel who’s shaking his head. “My gut is screaming at me to get the fuck out of here.”

  “Say the word, and we pack up,” Dave says.

  There are a few seconds of intense silence as we wait for Axel to decide the fate of the op.

  “Not happy about this shit, but I’m in,” Axel growls.

  Dave glances at Mike, “Mission is a go.”

  “Hunter-base, the target has been confirmed,” Mike reports.

  “Hunter-zero-one, I copy. You’re good to go,” Command gives the final approval.

  “Owl and Buzzard, fall back to the furthest point. Eagle, settle in t
he middle. I’m with Hawk while he takes the shot,” Dave orders.

  Mike, Axel and I cautiously retreat. I take cover behind a barrier of rocks, lining up my rifle. I sweep my surroundings repeatedly as I wait for Dave and Max.

  Silence fills the air, making the night seem darker than it is.

  “Tango down,” Max breathes into his comms.

  “Move!” Dave hisses, and then I watch as the two of them come running towards me. As soon as Dave sprints past me he shouts, “Go. Go. Go!”

  I keep my eyes forward as I retreat, never turning my back on the direction the tangos will be coming from.



  We slowly inch away from the compound, moving from rocks to trees for cover.

  We stop at a position which gives ample cover so Mike can call in our progress.

  With Mike positioned slightly to the right of me, Max, Axel, and Dave spread out. We all keep our eyes open and ears to the ground.

  “Hunter-base, target has been eliminated. Hunter-zero-one retreating to pick up point,” Mike whispers.

  “Hunter-zero-one, pick up will be waiting,” Command replies.

  None of us breaks the silence which follows Mike’s call. The air around us starts to grow thick and heavy, making every muscle in my body tense.

  “They’re coming,” Axel whispers into his radio.

  “Yeah, I can feel it too,” Max agrees.

  I scan the area, moving the sight of my rifle from tree to tree as I search for any movement.

  Silence drops like a heavy blanket over us as even the surrounding nature holds its breath.

  Mike moves slowly as he comes to crouch next to me, his eyes peering into the darkness.

  “NVG,” Dave commands. “We’re about to make contact.”

  A crack of a twig shatters the silence, and we all zoom in on the spot. Just then a hostile slowly creeps around a tree. Max doesn’t hesitate as he takes the shot. The tango’s head whips back as he takes a bullet to the right side of his head then drops dead to the ground.

  Two heartbeats.

  That’s all it takes for hell to rain down on us.

  We return fire, the sound of our silent shots drowned out by the heavy gunfire from the enemy.

  “Owl, radio command!” Dave shouts. “Hawk, Buzzard, fall back.”

  Max and Axel start to retreat, while shooting, never turning their backs on the hostiles. Max finds shelter behind a tree as Axel ducks behind some low-lying logs.

  “Hunter-base,” Mike tries to call our dire situation in, all the while not missing a beat to gun down a tango. “We’re taking heavy fire. Request QRT.”

  “Hunter-zero-one, can you repeat that?” Command asks at the worst possible moment.

  The enemy starts piling in from the right, and a quick glance to my left shows a way out.

  “Left is clear!” My words get drowned out by the gunfire raining down on us.

  We have to get to the jungle. I slide down to where Mike is and grab his shoulder.

  “Radio again,” I yell as chunks of rocks fly around us from the rapid-fire we’re taking.

  I quickly reload my rifle, calculating that I only have ten clips left. My ammo is going way too fast for my comfort. At this rate, we’ll all run out long before we’re picked up.

  Mike grabs the radio, but before he can call our position in, he takes a bullet to his right shoulder. Another round of fire takes out the radio.

  “Fuck!” I spit the word as I grab hold of Mike, helping him as we retreat backward, leaving the radio behind in pieces.

  There are too many of them. Where one drops another three fucking pop up. As the thought rises unnervingly in me, I force it to the back of my mind. I can’t think like that. Not here. Not now.

  We have to keep moving. It’s only a matter of time before the cavalry gets here.

  Mike curses a blue streak as another bullet slams into his leg. As he falls to one knee, he continues to return fire. I grab the strap of Mike’s pack and start to drag him along with me as I fall back.

  “Fall back,” I shout at the others.

  Max gives Dave and Axel cover, shouting, “Go, I’ve got your six.”

  As Axel slides to the left of me, a hostile comes through the trees on his side. We both turn to shoot. Dirt flies up around us as the tango returns fire. The fucker falls on Axel, and they start to wrestle, each trying to get the upper hand on shooting the other one first. I nail the fucker in the back, and as Axel kicks him off, he quickly reloads his rifle.

  Max runs past us yelling, “Move it. There are too many.”

  I yank Mike up as I keep firing around us. I wait for Axel to move first while drawing the fire away from him. Knowing the guys are behind me, I don’t even bother to look where I’m going. I keep my sole focus on the hostiles coming from the front.

  “Jump!” Max yells, and I quickly look behind me to see what the hell he’s talking about.

  We’re inches away from where the rocky hillside drops steeply to the darkness below. I watch Max and Axel jump and move to shove Mike over. I keep my back to the cliff, knowing it’s a shitty move to jump like that, but there’s no way I can turn my back on the enemy.

  Dave jumps, dragging Mike along with him.

  Knowing my brothers are safe for now, I keep firing on the enemy, so the guys have a few seconds to haul ass.

  Just as I’m about to jump, a bullet slams into my right side, pushing me over.



  I’m in a world of pain as my body and head slam into every fucking rock on the way down. I crash into a tree, coming to a sudden stop and for a moment I have to fight passing out as my vision blurs.


  Slowly, I turn my head to the sound. Max is all messed up. He must’ve fallen face first. Pieces of bloody skin hang from the left side of his face.

  “You okay?” I ask as I roll over onto my back.

  “Fucking peachy.” He’s slurring so badly I can hardly make out the words. “You?”

  “Not sure.” I breathe the words out as I struggle to drag myself closer to some cover.

  I watch as Dave stands up, his movements stiff, and just then, Hayden slams into him.

  “Lucky bastard,” Axel groans. “I should’ve thought of that.”

  Hayden yanks Dave up along with him, quickly moving to press their backs to some rocks.

  “Thanks for breaking my fall,” Hayden says, ducking when Dave takes a playful swing at him.

  Using my left arm, I drag myself closer to Hayden. He grabs hold of the back of my shirt, pulling me into his side so I can lean against him.

  “Everyone good?” Dave asks.

  “I got shot in the fucking ass. Who the fuck does that?” Axel grumbles as he shoves dirt into the wound.

  “I lost my pack on the way down,” Hayden says, grabbing a handful of dirt and shoving it into his side. “Pack your wounds tightly.”

  “Motherfucker.” I turn my head to Max and watch as he keeps spitting out blood. He grabs a small piece of wood and bites down on it.

  “Fuck, Max,” I breathe as I try to sit up a little more. The guy is in seriously bad shape.

  “You think QRF are on their way?” Axel asks as he takes a look at Max seeing as I can’t do shit. Glancing down at the leg that got shot up, it’s only then that I see the piece of bone that has pierced through the fabric of my pants. It’s the only part of my body that’s warm. The rest of me is cold as fuck and pulsing with pain.

  “Shit, Max bit off half his tongue. Guys, we need to get the fuck out of dodge,” Axel says just as the fuckers blasts an RPG into the trees to the left of us.

  A feeling I’ve never felt before sinks like lead into my gut. No matter how brutal the mission, I’ve always known with dead certainty that I’d make it out. I always knew I’d see Gabs again.

  I struggle as I dig my watch and wedding ring out of my pocket.

  “Hayden,” I wheeze, and it’s then that
I realize why I have that feeling. I’ve taken a round to the chest. It’s getting hard to breathe.

  Hayden grabs my shoulders and crouching in front of me, he yanks me into a sitting position so he can take a look at the wound.

  “Leave it,” I grind out as I shove the watch and ring into his bloody hand.

  His eyes snap up to mine, and I watch as anger starts to burn in them.

  “Don’t you fucking dare, Michael. You’re a fucking Navy SEAL.”

  I drag in a short breath, and it makes a whistling sound as it goes down my throat.

  “Promise me,” I whisper.

  “No, you’re going to fucking raise that kid yourself. Get your ass up, reload your gun, and fight.”

  “Promise,” I grind the word out as a fresh round of gunfire starts to rain down around us. Bullets ping off the rocks nearby, and I force my right arm to move, placing my hand on the back of Hayden’s. “Please.”

  Hayden shakes his head as a tear mixes with the dust and blood, leaving a trail down his right cheek. He takes the watch and ring and shoves it in his pocket.

  “I promise I’ll take care of Gabs and your kid.” Grabbing hold of me, Hayden hauls me over his shoulder as he opens fire on the enemy slowly working their way down to where we are.

  As he turns to run, I see a fucker up top with a grenade launcher.


  My shout echoes for a moment before the blast hits.

  Pain shreds me to pieces as I slam hard into the ground.


  I love you, Gabriele.


  God, watch over my wife and child.


  The Lord is my shepherd; I will not be afraid.



  I slam into a fallen tree, but the force carrying me forward lifts me into the air, and as I hit the ground, a crack shudders through my body. Gritting my teeth through the pain, I roll onto my back, ready to return fire. A cloud of dust hangs in the air, giving us a second of cover.


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