False Perceptions

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False Perceptions Page 10

by Michelle Heard

  Desperately needing to not talk about Mike’s death, I switch the subject.

  “The nursery. I saw the picture. If you don’t mind, Max and I would like to fix up the room for you.”

  “Really,” Gabs asks as fresh tears spill down her cheeks.

  “We need to,” Max whispers.

  “I’d love that. Mike would’ve wanted it,” she says through her tears.



  I’ve dropped Max off at Gabs, needing a moment alone with Evie.

  I head over to Rhett’s place. I owe the man for taking care of Evie over the past few months that I’ve been recovering and going for counseling. It’s been hard dealing with everything, but it had to be done.

  Losing my brothers still weighs heavy on my heart, and it always will, but the guilt has lessened a bit.

  Knocking on Rhett’s door, I wait for him to open.

  My soon-to-be son-in-law opens the door with a wide smile. Instead of shaking my hand, he reaches in for a manly hug.

  When I scowl at him, he says, “It’s so damn good to see you. We miss you.”

  His honesty catches me off guard. Rhett’s a joker like Dave, not one to get serious. The thought of Dave makes my chest tighten.

  I step into the apartment as Rhett calls to Evie, “Babe, can you come here a second?” He leans into me. “I didn’t tell Evie you were coming over. I thought it would be a nice surprise.”

  “Good call,” I say.

  Evie walks into the living room, her eyes on her phone as she’s typing something on it.

  “This article says people with PTSD avoid talking about their experiences. Do you think that’s why my dad’s avoiding me?” she asks Rhett, not aware that I’m right here.

  Rhett clears his throat. “Evie,” he says to get her attention.

  “Don’t worry. I’ve got this,” I say.

  Evie’s head snaps up, surprise registering on her face as I walk toward her. I take the phone from her hands and toss it on the couch. Wrapping my arms around my daughter, I hug her to my chest.

  “I wasn’t avoiding you, Evie. I just needed time to deal with what happened. You’re my baby girl. I’d never avoid you,” I explain, pissed with myself for not making more of an effort to see Evie.

  She wraps her arms around my waist, burying her face in my shirt.

  “I missed you so much,” she whispers.

  I press a kiss to her wild curls and hold her a moment longer before I pull back.

  “So, tell me,” I say smiling down at her. “Can Rhett cook at all? I’m not in the mood for a dose of food poisoning.”

  Evie’s bright laughter fills the air. “He always burns the bacon.”

  “Son, you burn my bacon, and I’ll have to reconsider giving you my blessing,” I warn him playfully.

  As Rhett walks to the kitchen to start making breakfast, he throws over his shoulder, “Aaaaand that’s why Evie will be making the bacon.”

  Evie hugs me again, and I hold her until she pulls away.

  “I love you, Daddy,” she whispers before she goes to help Rhett with breakfast.

  “I love you.”

  I laugh when Evie snatches the pack of bacon from Rhett.

  Max and I have been working on the nursery. Actually, I’ve been working, and Max has been sitting in the rocking chair we got Gabs, giving me orders.

  “The owl is askew,” Max grumbles.

  “Bro, I’m a second away from kicking your ass. If you don’t like where I’m placing them, then get up off your ass and come help,” I growl, fixing the position of the owl anyway.

  “Nope. I’m good here,” he chuckles.

  I freeze at the sound. Damn, I’ve missed it.

  Not wanting to make Max uncomfortable, I carry on sticking the owls on the wall, pretending I didn’t hear him chuckling.

  When I’m done, I take a step back, inspecting what I’ve done so far.

  “Good job,” Max says, giving his stamp of approval.

  “I’ll go get Gabs.”

  I find her in the laundry room where she’s busy folding all the baby clothes we got while buying the owls and furniture to decorate the nursery. Picking up a booty, I sniff it, loving the smell of the fabric softener she used.

  “The nursery is ready. Let me show you then I’ll give you a hand carrying the clothes to the room.”

  “It’s done? That was fast. It only took you a few weeks,” she says as she follows me back to the room.

  I hear the disappointment in her voice, and I’d like to believe it’s because she likes having us around. We’ve been taking our time because we didn’t want to rush anything. The nursery has to be perfect.

  She’s almost due to give birth, and I have to admit, I’m nervous about meeting Mike’s kid.

  It’s been cathartic getting the nursery ready and being in Mike’s house.

  As Gabs walks into the room, her hands fly to her mouth.

  “You guys, it’s perfect,” she gasps. “I love it.”

  She gives us each a hug and kiss on the cheek, then spins around the room as she takes it all in. We painted the walls light gray so it wouldn’t make the room look too dark. The changing table, crib and rocking chair we just sanded down then gave it a coating of clear wood stain. I’ve put up a few shelves where Gabs can display teddy bears if she wants. Right now, there’s only a fluffy owl sitting proudly on the shelf above the changing table.

  She freezes when she sees the pictures we’ve put up on the opposite wall. There’s one from their wedding day, and another of us as a group, which we took while on a mission. We were just messing around that day. It’s the only photo we’re all smiling in. There’s also one where Mike is looking down at Gabs, who’s smiling at the camera. The love in his eyes can be felt right through the photo.

  “I hope you don’t mind,” I say when Gabs is quiet for too long.

  She shakes her head slowly as she walks to the pictures. Brushing her fingers over Mike’s face, she whispers, “It belongs here. He needs to grow up knowing who his father was.”

  “He?” Max asks.

  “Yeah,” she says as she turns around, her hand lightly caressing the baby bump. “We’re having a boy.”

  “We’re having a boy,” Max whispers as the emotion washes over his face.

  “Congrats, Gabs,” I say, giving her a hug. “Have you thought of a name?”

  “Michael,” she whispers. “Michael Axel Dave Warren.”

  I’m not surprised. It would’ve been wrong to name him anything else.

  “Good choice,” I agree. “Mike would’ve loved that. They all would’ve.”

  I’m not surprised when I get called in. I’ve been cleared for duty.

  As I sit across from Commander Foster, the word retirement is on an endless loop in my mind.

  “How’s Max?” he asks.

  “Good. He’s recovering. They’re going to do reconstructive surgery on his tongue.”

  “Good to hear.” Forster’s eyes lock with mine. “Are you ready to head out again?”

  There it is. The million-dollar question.

  “I think it’s time I retire. I’m forty-five.”

  Damn, just saying it out loud makes me feel old.

  Foster nods, then clears his throat.

  “I have one last favor to ask you.”

  Fuck. He can’t seriously expect me to go on a mission with a new team?

  He must see the question on my face, because he quickly says, “It’s a one-man op. Emilie Swanson refuses protection. If we can find her so can anyone who wants to use her against Senator Swanson. At most, the mission will be for six months.”

  Emilie Swanson. The last successful op we had as a team.

  “What’s the mission?” I ask because even though I want to retire, I’d blame myself if something were to happen to her.

  “Undercover protection,” Foster reply as he leans back in his chair. “It will be easy.”

  “You want me to babys
it a socialite? Why undercover?” I ask, not sure I’m hearing him right. I thought this would be a track-down and haul-her-ass back kind of mission.

  “She’s important, Hayden. If Senator Swanson is going to win this election, he can’t be worrying about the safety of his daughter. He’s one of us. He deserves our support.” He lets out a sigh. “She’s refusing protection from Senator Swanson. You have to go undercover, so she doesn’t know you’ve been sent by her father.”

  He’s right, at least it would be easy. Go and protect the woman we all saved as a team. I can do this. It will be uncomplicated.

  “Fine. But when the mission is completed, you’ll sign off on my retirement without asking any more favors?”

  “It’s a done deal,” he agrees.

  He stands up and hands me a file with all the intel I’ll need on Emilie Swanson.

  Fucking babysitting job. Max is going to have a field day rubbing that in my face.

  “Your Sig?” Max chuckles as he watches me pack. “You need a gun to take on a woman?”

  “Asshole,” I growl.

  He has not stopped with the jokes since he found out I was going undercover.

  “You’ll be fine staying with Gabs?” I ask again. I don’t like leaving Max behind. Not one bit. It doesn’t feel right.

  “Yeah, her cooking is better than yours,” he jokes.

  “Yeah, whatever,” I chuckle. When I’m done packing, I look at him. “Take care of Gabs.”

  “You know I will,” he whispers.

  “Check in on Evie for me.”

  “Done, Brother,” he says, locking eyes with me.

  We stare at each other for a moment.

  “Get going,” he says. “I’ll be fine.”

  “You better.” I throw my bag over my shoulder and walk over to Max. Placing my hand on his shoulder, I squeeze it.

  “Be seeing you,” he says.

  “Take care, Brother,” I reply, unable to repeat the words he said.

  “Are you sure you’re ready?” Evie asks again.

  This is my last stop before I get on Dave’s Harley and hit the road.

  “Yeah, I’ve been cleared, Evie.”

  “That’s not what I’m asking, Daddy,” she says, frowning at me.

  “I’m ready. It’s an easy mission.” I can’t tell her where I’m going, for how long, or why. After what happened on the last mission, there’s a new fear in her eyes.

  I place my hands on her shoulders. “Nothing’s going to go wrong. I’m just going to babysit someone. There’s nothing for you to worry about. I’ll call you regularly. It won’t be like other ops where I have to go silent.”

  “You’ll call?” she asks, and the relief in her voice makes me smile.

  “I’ll call,” I reassure her.

  Giving my daughter one last hug, I whisper, “I love you, and I’ll be back for the wedding.”

  “You better be back for my wedding,” she laughs. “You’re walking me down the aisle.”

  “Looking forward to it.” Pressing a kiss to the top of her head, I say again, “I love you, Evie.”

  “I love you, Daddy. Be safe.”

  I smile at her, taking one last look at her beautiful face before letting her go.

  “Take care of my daughter, Rhett,” I say as I shake his hand.

  “Always, Sir,” he replies, then goes to put his arm around Evie.

  I get on Dave’s bike and steering it east, I wish my brothers were with me on this final mission.



  Standing in front of Emilie’s house, I have to force the scowl from my face.

  During the week I’ve been watching her, she hasn’t left the property once. Her only company has been a horse and dog.

  Commander Foster has set it up so I can screen her calls and that’s how I know Senator Swanson is the only one who calls her.

  For a socialite she sure is quiet. It’s definitely not what I expected.

  I’m not sure what I was getting myself in for accepting this mission.

  “Okay, time to put on your game face, Hayden.” I walk up the drive, and when I reach the front door, I knock, even though I know she won’t answer.

  She’s around back, up on a ladder clearing out the gutters, but this is all about the act of pretending that it’s the first time I’ve set foot on her property.

  I’ve spent every night canvassing this property to the point of knowing it like the back of my hand.

  The dog comes running around the corner.

  “Right on time, boy,” I whisper as I crouch. I pat his head, giving his right ear a good scratch. I’ve been bonding with the dog during the nights. Not much of a guard dog, that’s for sure.

  “Can I help you?” Emilie asks as she stands by the corner of the house, not coming closer.

  Her hair is pulled back in a ponytail, and the oversized shirt she’s wearing hides most of her body. Black leggings and sneakers round off her outfit. Her face is clear of any makeup.

  I have to admit; this woman keeps surprising me. Not once have I seen her dolled up. She’s definitely no socialite.

  Slowly, I rise to my full height and keeping my distance, so I don’t scare her, I say, “I’ve heard you’re fixing up the place. I was wondering if you needed help?”

  I haven’t heard shit, but she doesn’t need to know that.

  “Oh… uhm,” she hesitates.

  Cautiously, I take a few steps closer, giving her time to adjust to my presence.

  “I was passing through and thought this would be a nice place to stay for a while,” I say, not giving her much information, but enough to set her at ease a little. “Having something to do would be a nice way of passing the time.”

  “You’re on vacation?” she asks.

  “No, I’m retired, ma’am,” I reply, trying to stick as close to the truth as possible. That way I won’t lie myself into a corner.

  “Retired? What did you do before?”

  Great, I’ve got her attention.

  “Navy,” I say, keeping it short.

  “Oh.” The guarded look falls from her face, and I see a flicker of something I can’t quite place.

  I take another few steps closer, still keeping the slow pace which brings me into touching distance of her.

  She takes a step back, her eyes finally meeting mine.

  “You’ve just retired, why would you want to work?” she asks.

  My lips curve a little. I would’ve been pissed if she had said yes immediately. The fact that she’s keeping her guard up is a good thing.

  “Like I said, ma’am, I’m just looking for something to pass the time.”

  The corner of her mouth twitches, as if she was considering a smile for a second.

  “Have we met?” she asks, catching me off guard.

  “Not that I know of, ma’am.”

  Shit. I go over everything we’ve said in my mind, but nothing stands out. Emilie never saw my face, and she was so traumatized, I can’t think that she’ll remember my voice after six months.

  “My mistake,” she says. “Do you have any references I can call to verify that you’re retired from the Navy?”

  I suppress the smile. “Sure. Do you have a pen and paper?”

  She hesitates for a moment, then says, “I’ll give you my number. Can you message me the information?”

  “Sure.” I pull my phone from my pocket and pretend to add her number as she rambles it off.

  “Great, I’ll let you know after I’ve verified your details. Please add your name, and where you’re currently staying in the message.”

  “Will do,” I say as I take a step back. “Have a great day, ma’am.”

  “You too,” she replies while she keeps watching me as I walk back down the drive to where I left the Harley.

  It feels like I’ve just fallen asleep when my phone starts to ring.

  “Hayden,” I say as I rub a hand over my face.

  “I just got Gabs to the hosp
ital.” Max’s speech slurs so much with the excitement in his voice that it takes me a second to realize what he just said.

  “She’s in labor?” I ask to make sure.

  “Yeah. Gabs asked me to be there when Michael comes.”

  It’s not excitement but nerves I’m hearing.

  “I’ll stay on the phone with you,” I say, knowing he won’t ask but that it is what he needs. Besides, I want to be there for the birth of Michael. I hate that I can’t be there in person.

  “Thanks.” Max lets out a breath. “I’m going in, Brother.” He makes it sound like he’s about to face an entire army of hostiles on his own.

  “You’ve got to chill, Max. Gabs needs you to be focused and calm,” I say, but then I hear Gabs groaning and being calm goes right out the window. “Get her fucking painkillers,” I snap.

  “I did!” Max grumbles. “You’re on speaker.”

  “Gabs? Babe, are you okay?” I ask really fucking wishing I could be there in person.

  “Get it out of me!” she screams.

  “Where’s the doctor?” I bark.

  “The doctor is currently with another patient,” a familiar voice says.

  “Miss. Sebastian?” I ask to make sure it’s her.

  “Yes, darling, it’s me. Your lady friend is in good hands. I’ve done this before.”

  I let out a sigh of relief and slump back onto the bed. Miss Sebastian is a very close friend of Rhett and Evie’s. She’s a bit on the weird side, although you can’t help but love her in spite of it. Back when the team was getting to know Evie, my team and Evie’s group of friends got together a couple of times. Although Miss Sebastian was born male, with Rhett’s help, she had gender reassignment surgery done, and that’s one of the reasons she now goes by Miss Sebastian.

  Gabs groans again, yanking my attention back to her.

  “Max, are you holding Gabs’ hand?”

  “Ah… no,” he replies, sounding unsure.

  “Well, take her damn hand,” I snap.

  “Lucky fucking bastard gets to give instructions over the damn phone,” he mumbles so low I almost miss it. Then louder he says, “Hold my hand, babe.”


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