False Perceptions

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False Perceptions Page 20

by Michelle Heard

  Evie appears at my side, just in time to save me from embarrassing myself.

  “Emilie, this is Miss Sebastian,” she says.

  I take the offered glass of wine. “Thank you. It’s nice meeting you, Miss Sebastian.” I lean a little closer to her. “Thanks for the liquid courage.”

  “Drink up, angel-girl. You’re gonna need it.”

  “I am?” Miss Sebastian is off in a swirl of glitter and the highest heels I’ve ever seen. I quickly turn to Evie, “Why am I going to need it?”

  “It’s nothing to worry about. She’s just referring to you meeting everyone.”

  “Emilie,” Gabs says, drawing my attention back to her and Michael. “I would like to finally introduce you to Mike’s son. This is Michael Axel Dave Warren.”

  Placing the glass of wine down on the nearest table, I reach for Michael.

  Staring down at Mike’s son, I whisper, “Hey, little man. I’m so glad that I get to meet you.”

  I sit down on the couch as I smile down at him. “Thank you for lending your daddy to me,” I whisper as I press a kiss to his forehead.

  Hayden sits down next to me, taking hold of Michael’s little hand that’s full of spit from having his fist in his mouth.

  “He’s beautiful,” Hayden says. “Just like his Daddy.”

  “Yeah,” I agree as we stare down at the miracle he left behind.

  “How are you holding up?” Hayden asks.

  “Pretty well. Miss Sebastian brought me a glass of wine.”

  “Miss Sebastian, she’s all flair and sass, but she means well. She and Rhett are glued to the hip so you’ll be seeing a lot of her.”

  “I look forward to it,” I say, hoping that I will get to see a lot of them because that will mean that Hayden will still be mine.



  “Holy crap,” Emilie says as she walks into the bathroom.

  I turn away from the mirror and watch as her eyes hungrily sweep over me.

  “Damn, Hayden, you look hot in a suit.”

  I grin at her as I lean down to place a kiss on her cheek.

  “Thanks, babe. I’ll see you at the church?” I ask to make sure.

  She nods. “Thanks for arranging that Max picks me up.”

  “Of course.” She wraps her arms around my neck and places a quick kiss to my mouth. “Good luck.”

  “Thanks.” I’m nervous as fuck about walking Evie down the aisle.

  “See you soon, Em.”

  I give Emilie another hug before I leave her to get ready. I know Emilie’s been a bit overwhelmed with meeting everyone, and she needs this time alone.

  After checking on Evie and almost getting thrown out of the apartment by Miss Sebastian, I decide to drive to the church to make sure everything is ready before heading back to get Evie.

  I’m surprised to see that Rhett’s car is already parked outside the church.

  Walking down the aisle, I see him replacing three of the chairs in the front row.

  “You’re here early,” I say as I get close.

  “Yeah, I needed to do something before the guests start to arrive.”

  As I stop beside him, I look down at the chairs, and the emotion welling in my chest makes it hard to breathe with a tie on.

  “Fuck, Rhett,” I say, my voice hoarse. “This was thoughtful of you. Thank you.”

  I look down at the dark-chromed chairs Rhett had made. Each one showcases the bird of prey representing Mike, Dave, and Axel.

  Gone, but not forgotten, is written under the image of the bird, followed by their names.

  “I believe they’re here today,” Rhett says as I place my hand on his shoulder.

  I turn to face him. “We haven’t had much time together lately, but I want you to know that I’m proud to have you for a son-in-law.”

  “That means a lot, Sir,” he says. I don’t correct him to call me Hayden. It’s Rhett’s way of showing respect.

  He clears his throat, then continues, “I will do my best to live up to the example you’ve set for me.”

  I smile as we lean in for a quick hug.

  “I better go check on Evie. Will you be okay here on your own?”

  “Yeah, the guys will be here any second.” Just as he utters the words, his friends come rushing into the church.

  Rhett is the last to get married out of his group of friends, but as I’ve gotten to know Carter, Logan, Jaxson, and Marcus, it’s only shown me that they are a tight group. I’m pretty sure they’ll get to Rhett before me if he screws things up with Evie.

  Knowing that Evie will be in good hands is one of the reasons I’ve decided to move to Virginia. Now that I’m retiring, it’s time to start doing something else. I need to keep busy, and the idea of opening a place where men can come to heal from losing a brother has been playing on my mind.

  I’m hoping to convince Max to move out to Virginia so we can work on the project together.

  When I get back to the apartment, I walk inside and freeze as I take in my daughter.

  “You look beautiful, Evie,” I say as she nervously fidgets with the bouquet of baby’s breath flowers in her hands.

  “Were you just at the church,” she asks, her eyes anxiously on me.

  “Give us a moment, ladies,” I tell her group of friends, and wait for them to give us some space to talk privately.

  I place my hands on Evie’s shoulders and smile down at her. “You really look breathtaking, Evie.”

  “Thanks, Daddy,” she says, smiling a little.

  My poor girl is suffering from a severe case of wedding-day-jitters.

  “I just came from the church, and Rhett’s already there. You have nothing to worry about. I wouldn’t let you marry a man who didn’t love you at least half as much as I do.”

  “Oh, Daddy,” she breathes as she starts to blink faster to keep the tears back.

  “I’ll keep the rest of what I want to say until after the vows. Can’t go spoiling your makeup.”

  She lets out a burst of laughter as some of her nerves seem to fade.

  “Are you ready, baby-girl?”

  “Will you still call me that when I have kids of my own?” she asks, a beautiful smile filled with love gracing her face.

  “If I were to live to be a hundred and you were eighty, you’d still be my baby-girl, Evie.”

  Evie takes a few deep breaths to fight the tears off, and before Miss Sebastian, Della, Mia, Leigh, and Willow come out to smack me upside the head for ruining Evie’s makeup, I take a step back.

  “Ladies,” I call, and they all come rushing through the door. They must’ve been standing right behind it cause they’re all blinking away tears.

  I let the girls help Evie out the door and to the car, and taking a deep breath, I close the door to Evie’s new home behind me.

  It’s time to walk my daughter down the aisle.

  When we get to the church, we go in through the back entrance, so that the women can do final touch-ups to Evie’s makeup, hair, and what-the-hell-ever it is women do.

  I watch Evie look down at her dress as the women position it to fall flawlessly around her. She’s wearing a satin dress which fits her personality.

  When she takes a deep breath and looks at me, I know it’s time. I walk closer and taking one last look at my daughter, I press a kiss to her forehead before letting Miss Sebastian help with covering Evie’s face with a lace veil.

  Evie gently lays her hand in the crook of my arm, and I give her one last smile as I cover her hand with my own.

  As the gentle whisper of guitar strings start to fill the air, Evie glances up at me.

  “Should we walk? That’s not the wedding march,” she says, her eyes worried on the doors.

  “I guess Rhett wanted to surprise you,” I reply as I start walking with her towards the aisle.

  As we enter, I see Carter sitting on a chair at Rhett’s side, where he’s playing guitar.

  When Rhett’s voice joins in, Evie s
tarts to tremble next to me, and her soft sobs make me tear up.

  “Walking toward me,

  I can’t wait to hear you say ‘I do.’

  From the moment I saw you,

  I knew you were the one for me.

  Let the world fade,

  As I make this promise to you;

  I will love you most, first thing in the morning,

  when your sleepy eyes are staring up at me.

  I will love you most when we’re fighting,

  because I know we’re fighting for each other.

  I will love you most, last thing at night,


  I’ll be thanking God for today.

  The day I finally get to promise you,

  I’ll love you today and every day.”

  When we stop in front, and the music fades away, the minister asks, “Who gives this woman away?”

  Letting out a slow breath, I turn to Evie. I lift her veil back and looking down at her tearful eyes, I say, “I’m not giving you away.” I step to the side and taking Evie’s hand, I hold it out to Rhett. “But I am willing to share her with you.”

  Rhett smiles as he takes Evie’s hand. “Thank you, Sir.”

  I turn around, and my eyes meet Emilie’s. For the second time, I lose my ability to breathe as I take the seat beside her.

  “You look beautiful, Em,” I whisper quickly. I take her hand and link our fingers as I quickly glance down at the seats on my right for Dave, Mike, and Axel.

  Looking up, my eyes meet Max’s where he’s sitting next to the seat in memory of Axel. We give each other a chin lift as the minister starts the formalities.

  After we’re done taking photos, and we finally get to the reception, I relax next to Emilie.

  While Carter gives a toast, followed by Mia, I glance to my left where Rhett had a table decorated in memory of Dave, Mike, and Axel with the same three chairs from the church sat around it. Three statues of a falcon, a buzzard, and an Owl caught in flight are perched in the middle of the table.

  As the opening dance song starts to play, Rhett leads Evie to the dance floor.

  After giving them some time on their own, I stand and hold out my hand to Emilie.

  She smiles as she lets me lead her to the floor, and as I take her in my arms, I notice that Mia, being Rhett’s sister, joins us on the floor with her husband, Logan, seeing as Rhett doesn’t have parents to represent his side.

  I draw Emilie close until it’s time to switch partners. I take Evie from Rhett as he turns to Mia for the rest of the dance. Logan laughs as he dances with Emilie, and it warms my heart that she fits right in with everyone.



  Standing up from the table, Hayden takes my hand and leads me outside.

  The night is a bit cool, and he slips off his jacket, holding it behind me so I can put it on.

  “I hate covering up that dress, but I need some privacy so I can dance with you for the next song,” he says, as he pulls me into his arms.

  We sway as the opening chords to I won’t let go flows from inside.

  Hayden’s arms tighten around me as he presses his forehead to mine, and says, “I’ll always stand by you, Em. I’m never letting you go.”

  I wrap my arms around his neck and press my mouth to his. I pour everything into the kiss, my past, my present, but especially every dream I have for the future.

  Pulling back, I say, “You’ve given me the most precious gift that life has to offer, Hayden. You have shown me how to believe in another person.”

  “I love you, Emilie,” he says, and his words make my heart overflow with happiness.

  “I love you, Eagle,” I say just as his mouth brushes over mine.

  Pulling back, I look deep into his eyes.

  “You had my heart the second I laid eyes on you. You had my trust with every step you ran that night. You had my love when you crouched behind me, offering me your body as a shield. You had all of me when you told me I was safe.”

  “You had me with a smile,” he says. “I’d run forever for you, Emilie.”

  Seeing the promise in his eyes, I know it’s one promise that won’t be broken.

  Waking up next to Hayden is not something I’ll ever take for granted. He pulls me closer, and we snuggle as a new day begins.

  “I’m going to sell this apartment,” he says.

  I turn onto my stomach and resting my chin on his chest, I look up at him.

  “Are you coming back with me?” I ask, hope dancing through my heart.

  “Yes, babe. I just need to tie up a few loose ends here then we can go home.”


  Relief washes over me, hearing that Hayden will be returning with me to our little slice of heaven. I won’t even deny the fact that I was worried.

  “Anywhere with you would be home,” I say.

  He brushes his fingers through my hair and down my back.

  “I wanted to talk to you about an idea I have. I’d like to open a place for soldiers who have lost a teammate. I want to give them a place where they can mourn and heal. Like you gave me.”

  I push up and sit with my legs crossed as excitement starts to bubble in me.

  “That’s an amazing idea. We have all those acres that’s just standing there. We could build a few cottages.”

  Hayden chuckles as he sits up to press a kiss to my lips.

  “Let’s hope Max feels the same way you do. I’m going to meet with him in an hour and run the idea by him.”

  “I’m sure he’ll love it.”

  “What are your plans for today?” he asks.

  I glance around his room. “I can start packing everything for you?”

  “You sure? That would be great. I won’t be gone too long. I’ll get some boxes and Chinese on my way home?”

  “Sounds like a plan.” I smile and quickly steal a last kiss before I get up so I can get ready for the day ahead.


  After Max came to pick me up, with Michael in the back seat, we drive out to the cemetery.

  When we arrive, I wait for Max to get Michael out of his car seat before the three of us walk to the graves.

  As we stop in front of our three brothers, and with Michael’s baby talk filling the air, I look down at each gravestone.

  “Heroes don’t wear capes, Michael,” Max says as he looks down at Mike’s son. “Your father and uncles are true heroes.”

  I smile at Max and ruffle Michael’s hair.

  “Yeah, they sure are.”

  After sharing a moment of silence, I clear my throat. “I was talking to Emilie, and we’re thinking of building a few cottages on the property. Just setting up an area for soldiers who have lost a teammate, where they can heal. I want you to be a part of it.”

  Max turns to me, his eyebrows raising with interest. “That’s a damn good idea. I was wondering what to do now that I’ve retired. I’ll first have to talk to Gabs about it, though. I can’t leave her here.”

  “Of course. Talk it out with Gabs and let me know what you decide. No pressure. If you decide to move to Virginia, then we can talk more about the project.”

  I’ve been wondering about Gabs and Max, but not wanting to interfere, I’ve held off on asking Max about their relationship.

  Spending time with each other here by the graves was something we both needed. It feels like we’ve found closure, but also a way to continue on our journey through life until we see our brothers again.

  “I’ll be seeing you,” I say as I look at my brothers’ final resting places.



  Waking up, I reach out only to find the spot next to me empty.

  With a sigh, I pull the covers over my head, wishing I could fall asleep and wake up once this day is over.

  I hate birthdays, and I dread what today has in store for me. I didn’t tell Hayden when my birthday was, and not wanting him to ask if something is wrong, I drag myself out of bed.
br />   After getting ready, I walk to the kitchen. I find a steaming mug of coffee, with a note next to it waiting for me.

  Drink me, then go outside.

  I smile as I pick up the mug, and walking to the window, I savor the hot liquid while staring outside.

  There’s no sign of Hayden. He’s usually busy in the barn. Since Max and Gabs agreed to move out here, Hayden has been working hard on getting the loft ready so we can move in there. It will only be temporary until the first cottage is built, and we can move into it. It’s only right that Max, Gabs, Michael, and Max’s mom take the house. Hayden and I don’t need all the space.

  Finishing the last of the coffee, I place the mug in the sink. As soon as I walk outside, Peanut comes sniffing at my feet.

  “Morning,” I say, giving him a scratch behind his ears.

  When I look up, a burst of laughter bubbles up my throat. Jelly is standing by the stairs with a pack of Twizzlers between her teeth.

  “Say Happy Birthday, Jelly,” Hayden says as he walks up next to her.

  Jelly trots forward, and I hold out my hand, surprised when she actually drops the pack in my hand.

  “Thank you,” I say, stroking her hair. I open the pack and hold a piece of candy out to her. “How long did it take you to teach her that?”

  Jelly quickly takes the candy and trots off to eat her prize.

  “A hell of a long time,” Hayden chuckles as he climbs the stairs to me. “Happy Birthday, Em.” He kisses me until I’m breathless, leaving me with a huge grin.

  “I was hoping to get away with no one knowing about my birthday,” I say.

  “I know, and that’s not happening. Grab whatever you need, because I’m taking you out.”

  I go back inside and grab a jacket. I won’t be needing anything else. Hayden locks up behind us.

  When we’re in the truck and heading down the road, I ask, “Where are we going?”


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